

雅思口语话题题库2023 -雅思口语话题题库及答案(2023/更新)

谁有2023 年2月14日雅思大作文真题参考范文?求解

2023 年2月14日




New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


本题中有三个关键词,即new technologies,children,spend their free time,要求讨论“新技术改变了孩子们玩耍的方式,这是好还是坏?”在构思本题的时候,雅思口语话题题库2023 我们首先需要说清楚的是:哪些新技术?怎么样改变了孩子们玩耍的方式?然后讨论这种改变是好还是坏。当然,我们也要提醒自己,本题的重点是讨论“这种改变是好还是坏?”







The widespread use of new technologies such as the Internet,computers,and smart phones has fundamentally changed the way children spend their free time.In the past,most children wouldengage in outdoor activities such as hiking,playing hide-and-seek,flying kites,to name only a few.Those who enjoyed reading for pleasure would stay indoors and read print books such as classical novels,children’s stories,and comic books.The situation is quite different now.The great majority of children today spend their spare time online,playing video games,listening to music,and browsing around in the social media of all kinds.In my view,this new development has more downside risks.






(4)engage in从事

(5)to name only a few仅举几个例子;诸如此类;等等

(6)the great majority of...绝大多数的......

(7)browse around四处闲看

(8)downside risks不利的风险


Though it does make children’s life more interesting,and help them obtain information in a faster and more convenient way,the Internet also makes children easily addicted to it.The violent gun-fighting games,for example,appeal to children so much that some of them will spend hours and hours playing them.The cost is really high.The children’s performance at school becomes worse and worse,and their health also suffers.A recent study indicates that globally,the Internet games are responsible for 70%middle school students who are shortsighted.




(2)be addicted to...沉迷于......

(3)appeal to...吸引


(5)be responsible for...为......负责;导致......


Worse still,too much time spent facing the computer or smart phone may result in children’s isolation from the actual world.In the traditional games,children could learn the skills to work with others,lead a team,and create new things.All these skills are helpful for children to maintain their interpersonal relations when they grow up.But children can never develop these important skills by hiding behind the virtual Internet world without interactions with real people.




(2)result in...导致


(4)interpersonal relations人际关系



To conclude,new technologies have changed the way children spend their free time from outdoor activities to passive indoor Internet surfing.This may be beneficial to a certain extent,but generally it isa change for the worse.





(3)to a certain extent在某种程度上

(4)a change for the worse一个糟糕的变化


The widespread use of new technologies such as the Internet,computers,and smart phones has fundamentally changed the way children spend their free time.In the past,most children would engage in outdoor activities such as hiking,playing hide-and-seek,flying kites,to name only a few.Those who enjoyed reading for pleasure would stay indoors and read print books such as classical novels,children’s stories,and comic books.The situation is quite different now.The great majority of children today spend their spare time online,playing video games,listening to music,and browsing around in the social media of all kinds.In my view,this new development has more downside risks.

Though it does make children’s life more interesting,and help them obtain information in a faster and more convenient way,the Internet also makes children easily addicted to it.The violent gun-fighting games,for example,appeal to children so much that some of them will spend hours and hours playing them.The cost is really high.The children’s performance at school becomes worse and worse,and their health also suffers.A recent study indicates that globally,the Internet games are responsible for 70%middle school students who are shortsighted.

Worse still,too much time spent facing the computer or smart phone may result in children’s isolation from the actual world.In the traditional games,children could learn the skills to work with others,lead a team,and create new things.All these skills are helpful for children to maintain their interpersonal relations when they grow up.But children can never develop these important skills by hiding behind the virtual Internet world without interactions with real people.

To conclude,new technologies have changed the way children spend their free time from outdoor activities to passive indoor Internet surfing.This may be beneficial to a certain extent,but generally it is a change for the worse.

(322 words)


1.The widespread use of new technologies such as the Internet,computers,and smart phones has fundamentally changed the way children spend their free time.


2.The great majority of children today spend their spare time online,playing video games,listening to music,and browsing around in the social media of all kinds.


3.Though it does make children’s life more interesting,and help them obtain information in a faster and more convenient way,the Internet also makes children easily addicted to it.


4.A recent study indicates that globally,the Internet games are responsible for 70%middle school students who are shortsighted.


5.Children can never develop these important skills by hiding behind the virtual Internet world without interactions with real people.



在词汇方面我推荐《剑桥中级词汇》和《剑桥高级词汇》这两本书雅思口语话题题库2023 ,是世界上最畅销英语词汇学习参考书。里面是根据不同的日常生活场景来划分词汇的雅思口语话题题库2023 ,例如有餐饮场景的,购物场景的,还有相关学习场景的,每一课后面都附有强化练习,帮助巩固词汇记忆。






雅思考试, 全称为国际英语测试系统(International English Language Testing System)简称(IELTS),是著名的国际性英语标准化水平测试之一。雅思考试于1989年设立,由英国文化教育协会、剑桥大学考试委员会和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP)共同管理。

雅思考试坚持 “沟通为本”的理念,在全球首创从听、说、读、写四方面进行英语能力全面考核的国际考试,能够立体综合地精准测评考生的英语语言运用能力。



双语学习报2023 -2023 学年度上学期n深版七年级综合复习版(第31-40期)答案

9月参加雅思考试的勇士们 首要面对的一大难题就是:




包括 Part1、Part2、Part3




1. 新题—— 全新题,出现频次一般较高,重中之重!

2. 旧题回库—— 去年或者是考过的题,回归到了题库,那就意味着9~12月会继续考,后期备考学生们要留意了。

3. 重点老题—— 为各大考场出现频次极高的题,要重点准备~

9~12月雅思口语完整题库 新题+保留旧题















(1)Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?

(2)How long have you had your current haircut?

(3)How often do you have a haircut?

(4)Do you like having your hair cut?

(5)What’s your last haircut?


(1)Do you wear jeans?

(2)How often do you wear jeans?

(3)Do you like wearing jeans, why?

(4)Why do you think jeans are popular?

(5)Do you spend a lot on jeans?


(1)Do you like your own voice?

(2)Has your voice ever changed?

(3)Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?


(1)When do you need to be focused?

(2)What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?

(3)What do you do to help you concentrate?

(4)Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?


(1)Do you walk a lot?

(2)Do you walk more often than in the past?

(3)Do you think people will take a walk more often or not?


(1)What languages can you speak?

(2)Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language?

(3)Will you learn other languages in the future?


1.科技产品 Describe an important technological product you bought You should say: What it is How you use it Why you bought it And explain why you think it is important

(1)What do you think is the most important equipment in the workplace?

(2)Which technological product do you think is most useful at home?

(3)Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in schools in the future?

(4)Do you think some technological products make people lazier? Why?

2.人工智能 Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence You should say: What it is What it is used for How it is used And explain what you think of it

(1)How will artificial intelligence affect our lives?

(2)Will artificial intelligence have emotions in the future?

3.去过的城市 Describe a city you once went to with your family You should say: What the city was Why you went there What the city was like And explain how you felt about it

(1)What kind of city do you like?

(2)What are the advantages of living in a city?

(3)Why do many people nowadays prefer living in the suburbs?

4.教老年人 Describe a time when you taught an older person something new You should say: When it happened Who you taught Why you taught this person And explain how you felt about it

(1)Do you think old people know more things than young people?

(2)Is it easy for old people to use new technology?

(3)Why do some old people refuse to use new technology?

(4)What are the advantages and disadvantages for old people to use smart-phones?

5.开车旅行 Describe a journey that you went on by car You should say: When was is Where you went Who you were with And how you felt about the journey

(1)Do you think cars are a daily necessity?

(2)What will cars look like in the future?

(3)Is driving a skill that everybody must learn?

(4)What are the downsides of having a car?




打call 打call 打call







也就是众所周知的剑桥真题,考雅思必备。剑桥一般每年从真题中选出四套,出成一本真题册,2023 年出到了第14本,建议从最近的一本往之前的真题做。一般不推荐做剑1到剑3,因为题型跟现在的雅思考试有所不同,从剑4开始题型就跟现在的一样了。












    近年来,关于动物保护的问题逐渐为人们所担忧,对此,你有什么看法呢?下面我给大家带来关于动物的雅思 作文 及解析。


Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


这次的题目是少见的 动物类 ,但是同学们要将题目着眼于是否保护动物,而不要太纠结于too much, 否则可能会很难下笔或者缺乏思路。

范文 为不同意观点。主旨:虽然动物们是生态系统中很重要的组成部分,但是其他的社会问题更值得我们关注比如贫困与失业。


In recent years, animal protection has become an issue of concern. People take different attitudes towards the increasing attention and expenditure on wildlife conservation. Some people suggest that the spending should be redirected to helping other fields in society. I agree with the view that the investment in wildlife protection is not worthwhile.


Animals, as a key component of the whole food chain, have a profound impact on the sustainability of an ecosystem. As we known, every kind of animals plays an important role in natural balance. For instance, the demise of any species will lead to the growth or decline of other species. In some extreme cases, some species may at the verge of extinction such as Dodo bird. If people did not take actions to protect wildlife as soon as possible, we humans would be affected in the end.


However, there are more issues that we need to focus in our society rather than protecting animals. In current social context, the primary task is still to improve living standards since there are many people living under the poverty line. Only when people are in a good living condition, can they pay attention to other social problems. Besides, technology and education are another two aspects of governments to concern. These two industries accelerate the development of society, which will provide a better protection for wildlife in turn.

然而,我们需要关注更多的问题,而不是保护动物。在当前的社会环境下,首要任务仍然是提高生活水平,因为有许多人生活在贫困线以下。只有当人们处于良好的生活状态时,他们才会注意到其他社会问题。此外,科技和 教育 是政府关注的另两个方面。这两个产业加速了社会的发展,这将为野生动物提供更好的保护。

In conclusion, although the animal is a significant part of ecosystem, it is better for governments to invest more finance and resources in other social problems.



Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.

You should say:

what animal it was

where you saw it

what happened when you saw it

and explain why you thought it was interesting.



3. 故事 线:关于有趣的动物,我想告诉你关于锦鲤在中国很受欢迎,日本和其他亚洲国家。据我所知,锦鲤鱼是鲤鱼的色彩变化。一些主要颜色是白色、黑色、红色、黄色和奶油色,所以它们看起来特别奇妙。


As for the interesting animal, I’d like to tell you about the koi fish which is very popular in China, Japan and other Asian countries. As far as I know, the koi fish is colourful variation of the common carp. Some of the major colours are white, black, red, yellow and cream, so they look particularly fantastic.

The koi are hearty fish. They can thrive in cold, fresh waters. And they are opportunistic fish, which means they eat a wide range of food, including insects, fish eggs, juvenile fish of other species and a diverse range of plants. What surprise me most is that the koi fish can live up to 70-year-old, as long as human.

Chinese people feed the koi fish for more than 1000 years. In China, they symbolise bringing good fortune and wealth, that is probably the reason why some many Chinese people like to keep them as pets at home in the tanks or ponds, especially the businessmen. Besides, I once saw a great number of koi fish in the lake of Olympic Forest Park in Beijing, being fed by children and old people. They are very aggressive as they would struggle in water to get the food. Besides, they are quite human-friendly, they even are not afraid of being touched by people in the water.


growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe that animals should be treated in the same way humans are and have similar rights, whereas others think that it is more important to use them as we desire for food and medical research. This essay will discuss both points of view.


With regard to the exploitation of animals, people believe it is acceptable for several reasons. Firstly, they think that humans are the most important beings on the planet, and everything must be done to ensure human survival. If this means experimenting on animals so that we can fight and find cures for diseases, then this takes priority over animal suffering. Furthermore, it is believed by some that animals do not feel pain or loss as humans do, so if we have to kill animals for food or other uses, then this is morally acceptable.


1. vivisection 活体解剖

2. perform. experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验

3. test animals 用于实验的动物

4. be subjected to experiments 被迫接受试验

5. animal rights 动物权利

6. clinical research 临床研究

7. cruel 残忍的

8. extremist 极端主义者

9. medical research 医学研究

10. origin of species 物种起源

11. alternative method 替代的 方法

12. biological diversity 生物多样性

13. natural balance 自然平衡

14. equilibrium of ecosystem 生态平衡

15. coexistence 共存

16. endangered animals 濒危动物

17. diversity of species 物种多样性

18. shameless 令人羞愧的

19. barbaric 野蛮的

20. live and let live 活着就是与万物共存

21. meaningless 没有意义的

22. dominant species 优势物种

23. laboratory 实验室

24. vaccine 疫苗

25. infringement 践踏

26. right to live 生存权

27. torture 折磨

28. anti-science 反科学的

29. life-threatening diseases 危及生命的疾病

30. scientific gains 科学成果

关于动物的雅思作文及解析相关 文章 :

1. 雅思考试大作文范文 环境与动物保护类

2. 雅思大作文范文 环境与动物保护类

3. 雅思作文|小作文7种题型与大作文12种题型分类讲解

4. 雅思英语高分作文赏析

5. 雅思写作范文:2023 0708雅思大作文解析和范文

6. 雅思作文范文3篇

7. 雅思大作文写作7分范文鉴赏

8. 2023 年雅思写作大作文预测及参考范文

9. 雅思作文:2023 1111雅思大作文题目解析和范文

10. 雅思书信类写作范文赏析


雅思口语话题题库2023 了方便广大考生更好的复习雅思口语话题题库2023 ,新东方在线雅思频道为大家准备了有关雅思考试 作文 话题:年轻人的内容,以供各位考生考试复习参考,希望对考生复习有所帮助。



Some people think that young people should follow traditions of their society, and others think that young people should be free to behave as individuals.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.





转--(取其优)全力保卫优良的传统价值,如此相传社会的 文化 遗产。


IELTS Example Essay

Every generation, young and old, should be allowed freedom to deal with the breaking down of certain patterns and standards being handed down from the past. As individuals, young people are particularly keen to the need to end whatever tradition they think is unreasonable for the society. All rebellious minds think alike--tradition is a guide for the past but not a jailer for the future.

Too often young men and women are enthusiastic about the evolution of beliefs and practices of their society, and their behaviors tend to challenge a number of elements of tradition. For that matter, mental independence is required because without an amount of freedom, tradition would be only an explanation for acting in conformity without thinking independently.

Accordingly, young people ought not to be forced to express their new feelings in a mummified form, otherwise the evolution in tradition could not happen. The point is that not just because something is traditional, so there is reason enough to do it. It is good, however, for young people to continue a worthwhile tradition, and it is also good not to be captive of an unreasonable tradition which is not worth having. Although social bondage persists, it makes a difference if young people are permitted to think and act in such a way as different from that of a conservative mind in which the word 'tradition' means a shortcut to thinking or an excuse for acting.

Probably a society can only successfully function with traditional values--diverse customs, thoughts, lifestyles, religion, music, dance, arts and languages, among other things of culture. Young people had better learn that modern traditions are built on the past just as the past was built on the times that went before it. Traditions bring continuity to one's existence in a society, even though this sort of continuity is precisely what has been increasingly lost through modernity.

Thus, it behooves young individuals to preserve their traditions of value by safeguarding against the negative influence from various factors such as industrialization, globalization, and assimilation or marginalization of special cultural groups. It certainly makes patriotic sense that young people's love for traditions worth continuing always strengthens the well-being of the society and never weakens all that is meant to identify themselves with their country. Good tradition being a good guide, young people, however rebellious, should not be entirely negative about the past with all its enduring heritages and necessary evils.

In conclusion, since a modern society is not supposed to be a dead community, young people may behave freely in treating tradition as the living faith of the dead and not as the dead faith of the living. They should not believe in traditions simply because many beliefs and practices have been handed down for many generations, but should instead observe and analyze anything that agrees with reason and is conductive to the good and benefit of the society. It takes a lot of history to make a tradition, so the best of which must be accepted and lived up to, from generation to generation.

雅思大作文 范文 :年轻人频繁换工作

2023 年6月30日雅思写作大作文题目:An increasing number of people are changing their careers during their working time. What causes this trend and is it a positive or negative development for society?

6月30日的雅思大作文与本月7日的雅思大作文题目一样,主题都是年轻人频繁更换工作的原因及优劣势。这是一个大家都非常熟悉的话题,类似的话题曾经在2010年6月19日、2023年4月5日、2023 年9月16日出现过。

在过去,更换一次工作是很难的,多数人都是在一个岗位上工作到退休,但现在刚 毕业 几年的年轻人如果没有换几次工作都会觉得自己吃亏了。那么,这到底是什么原因造成的呢?对于这种原因分析的题目,唐老师建议大家还是从三个层次(即物质层次、心理层次和社会层次)去思考,就容易把思路梳理得比较有条理。就年轻人更换工作而言







Not long ago, most people would choose to stay on the same job for the entire life, but today young people prefer to try different things and hop from one job to another.



(1) 本段直接进入话题,用过去和现在的对比来提出下文讨论的现象:年轻人不停更换工作。

(2) stay on the same job 坚持做同一份工作

(3) hop from one job to another 从一份工作跳到另一份工作


In my view, there mainly are three reasons why young people are doing so. At the most basic level, young people find that frequent job changing can often bring them the pay rise they expect. My friend Edward is a perfect example. As a program designer, he has worked for three different companies in the past five years, and now he earns almost five times as much as he did in the first company. This would not have been possible if he had not been mobile enough. The second reason is that by doing different jobs or careers, young people can increase their work experience and eventually become more versatile. This may give them a competitive edge, especially in today’s job market where an all-round employee is always preferred. Finally, changing jobs frequently nowadays has been made possible by the booming service industry and rapidly developing information technology and transport.

雅思口语话题题库2023 我看来,年轻人之所以这样做,主要有三个原因。在最基本的层面上,年轻人发现频繁换工作往往会给他们带来期望的加薪。我的朋友爱德华就是个完美的例子。作为一名程序设计师,他在过去五年里为三家不同的公司工作过,现在他的收入几乎是第一家公司的五倍。如果他不是如此频繁地变动,那是不可能的。第二个原因是,通过做不同的工作或职业,年轻人可以增加他们的工作 经验 ,并最终变得更多才多艺。这可能会给他们一个竞争优势,特别是在当今的就业市场上,一个全面的员工总是被青睐的。最后,由于蓬勃发展的服务业和迅速发展的信息技术和运输,如今频繁更换工作已经成为可能。


(1) 本段论述年轻人不停更换工作的三个原因,分别为物质原因(能挣更高工资,举例论证)、心理原因(增加工作经验+结果分析),社会原因(服务业、信息技术和交通的发展)。

(2) at the most basic level 在最基本的层面上

(3) versatile 全能的

(4) give sb. a competitive edge 给某人竞争优势

(5) booming 蓬勃发展的


Needless to say, job-hopping may be a bad thing if it is not well-considered. Shifting from job to job may prove to be a waste of time and opportunity since this may easily make a person Jack of all trades and master of none. As we know, the person who can provide the most professional service for the company enjoys the best opportunity of promotion. However, if a person does not find the job he is doing interesting or fulfilling, then his change job could be a win-win strategy both for the companies and employees. For the companies, “new bloods” often mean stronger labor force and vitality of the staff. For the employees, a new job means a new opportunity.




(2)jack of all trades and master of none 什么都会但什么都不专的人

(3)fulfilling 有成就感的


In light of the above discussion, I would conclude that no change of jobs is wasteful as long as it is carefully considered. Holding on to a job that we do not like is a crime against our precious life.




(2)in light of 依据

(3)hold on to... 牢牢抱住;坚持

雅思大作文真题 | 年轻人适合在政府担任要职吗?


Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


有些人认为是可以的,有些人认为不可以,题目要求我们讨论双方观点,并给出你自己的观点。本题是2010年7月10日的原题再现(是不是太久远了?),另外,2023 年1月1日的考题(年轻人是否适合在机构担任领导?)也与本题非常接近。







As we can see on television, the important positions in the government are often held by gray-haired menand women. While it is assumed by many that the elderly people are more experienced and capable, I would say that some important government positions should also be open to young people.




(2) gray-haired man 头发花白的人

(3) assume 假设,认为

(4) capable 有能力的


Undoubtedly, experience is of utmost importancefor many government positions. These positions have to deal with a great number of people every day and crisis may emergeany time. For example, a foreign affairs minister has to make quick responsesto the problems that may come from all over the world every minute. Without the rich experience collected from his long-time service in this field, it would be unlikely for him to fulfill his duties. Young people, therefore, are not really suitable for this type of government positions.




(2) of utmost importance 极其重要 (= extremely important)

(3) emerge 出现

(4) response 反应


However, young people should be given the opportunity to hold those government positions which call formore passion than experience. Young people who are more open-minded and receptiveto new idea than the elderly, are more likely to solve problems in an innovative way, and to put theiroriginalideas into action, which may lead to unexpected benefits. As far as I understand, the national ministry of education as well as the primary schools and middle schools should be led by young people who are more inspiringand innovating.

然而,应该给年轻人机会担任那些需要更多激情而非经验的政府职位。年轻人比老年人更开放,更接受新想法,因此更有可能以创新的方式解决问题,并把自己新颖的想法付诸行动,这可能会带来意想不到的好处。在我看来,国家部 教育 以及中小学应该由更具启发性和创新性的年轻人来领导。



(2) call for 要求

(3) receptive 包容的

(4) innovative 革新的

(5) original 新颖的

(6) inspiring 启发性的


It is, therefore, difficult to draw a general conclusion about whether young people should hold important government positions. For some positions which are more experience-based, the elderly people are more suitable candidates, yet for other positions which require more passionate spirit than experience, young people can perhaps do a better job than their elderly counterparts.




(2) candidate 候选人

(3) ounterpart 相对应的人(物)



Young people who are still at school often feel just as much stress as working adults. What are some of the causes of this stress, and how does it affect individual students?

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