
























口语:思润雅思2023 年雅思口语题库汇总,雅思哥APP

思润口语教师根据雅思每场考试总结出Part1共30个话题,part2和part3共16个话题,同时更新了2023 年第四季度的口语预测,建议考鸭们把考前两个月的考试话题都准备一下,抽中的几率还是非常大的。





















--- 话题1 领导人

A good leader is always working hard like a horse.^好的领导应该像马一样辛勤工作。

As the CEO of this company, he is under much pressure.^作为公司的首席执行官,他面临很大压力。

I like those leaders who are friendly and easy-going among his employees.^我喜欢那些对员工友善、随和的领导。

Good leaders are close to their employees.^和员工关系密切的领导才是好领导。

Rules and regulations are the best way to standardize a company.^制定规章制度是规范公司的最好方法。

Since he is the leader, he is supposed to take the lead.^既然他是领导,他就应一马当先。

If I were a leader, I would be on equal terms with my employees.^如果我是领导.我会公平对待我的员工。

A professional leader is always ready to take challenges and risks.^内行的领导随时准备着迎接挑战和冒险。

He is responsible to make important decisions and budgets for the company.^他负责为公司做出重要决定和进行财政预算。

He is an expert on finance and good at interpreting the government policies.^他是金融方面的专家,擅长理解政府的政策。

A sales manager is supposed to sell service and products to potential customers.^销售经理应该为潜在顾客提供服务和商品。

She is playing a role of a manager and a role of a mother at the same time.^她现在同时扮演着经理和母亲的角色。

--- 话题2 书籍

A good book should not only have an interesting plot, but also a significant theme.^一本好书不仅要有有趣的情节,更要有有意义的主题。

Books are beyond my interest.^我对书兴趣不大。

Recently I have been reading a book written by Mark Twain.^最近我在读一本马克-吐温写的书。

I often poke along in secondhand bookstores in search of interesting used books.^我经常流连(闲逛)一些二手书店寻找有趣的旧书。

I prefer romantic stories to realistic novels.^我喜欢浪漫故事胜过现实小说。

Nowadays the market is full of slipshod books churned out in a few days.^现在市场上充斥着几天内粗制滥造的烂书。

Novels on great heroes are popular in China.^关于英雄题材的小说在中国很流行。

People have different tastes for books.^人们对于书籍有不同的品味。

You can find all kinds of books on the Internet for free.^你可以在互联网上免费找到各种书籍。

I read romantic novels in my spare time for pleasure.^闲暇时我以读浪漫小说为乐。

We should resist pirated books to protect the interests of the authors.^我们应当抵制盗版书籍来保护作者的利益。

In order to borrow books from the school library, I applied for a reading card.^我申请了一张读书卡,以便从学校图书馆借书。

--- 话题3 衣服

I always wore hand-me-downs when I was a little girl.^当我还是个小姑娘的时候.我经常穿旧衣服。

I like baggy pants because they are comfortable.^我喜欢穿宽大的裤子,因为穿起来舒服。

I do not like skintight clothes.^我不喜欢紧身衣。

I admire the fashionable clothes on fashion magazines, but I won't wear them.^我欣赏时尚杂志上的时装.但是我不会穿它们。

Clothes demonstrated on fashion shows are not intended for everyday use.^时装秀上演示的服装并不是为了日常使用。

Different occasions require you to wear different clothes.^不同的场合你应该穿着不同的衣服。

You should wear formal clothes on important occasions to be polite.^在重要的场合你应该穿正式服装以示礼貌。

Young people are keen for fashion.^年轻人热衷于时尚。

Nowadays people have more choices for clothes than ten years ago.^现在的人较10年前在服装上有了更多的选择。

China is a great manufacturer and exporter of clothes.^中国是一个大的服装生产国和出口国。

Clothes made of cotton are healthier than those made of synthetic materials.^棉质的衣服比合成材料做的衣服更有益于健康。

Old people are more conservative about what to wear.^老年人在穿衣上更保守。

--- 话题4 计算机

Our life is made more convenient because of the invention of computers.^我们的生活因为电脑的出现而更加方便。

Computer provides people with different sorts of entertainment,such as listening to music and watching films.^电脑给人们提供了不同的娱乐方式,如听音乐和看电影。

It is said that radiation of the computer screen is harmful to our health.^据说电脑屏幕的辐射对我们的健康有害。

Many young people indulge themselves in surfing on the Internet and neglect their studies.^许多年轻人沉迷于上网(网上冲浪)而忽视了他们的学习。

Pregnant women should not sit in front of a computer for too long.^怀孕的妇女不能在电脑前坐过长的时间。

I'm a computer novice.^我是菜鸟(电脑新手)。

For me, computer is a means of study and entertainment.^对我来说.电脑是学习和娱乐的一种方式。

Computer viruses can cause a lot of damage.^电脑病毒能够带来许多危害。

Many young people are obsessed with playing computer games and neglect their studies.^许多年轻人沉迷于电脑游戏而忽视学习。

Computer can be a two-edged sword.^电脑是一把双刃剑。

Computer is a problem while it brings convenience to people.^电脑给人们带来方便的同时也带来问题。

Computer has received more and more social attention from all walks of life.^电脑得到了社会各个阶层越来越多的关注。


出处: bilibili

雅思口语 求高手给素材



As a member of the judiciary who desires to improve relations among

counsel and between the Bench and the Bar, I pledge as follows:

To be courteous, respectful and civil to the attorneys, parties, and

witnesses who appear before the court;

To exercise my authority to ensure that all the attorneys, parties, and

witnesses conduct themselves in a civil manner;

To refrain from any conduct or statement which discriminates on the basis

of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or other personal

characteristic of attorneys, parties, or witnesses;

To instruct all court personnel to act civilly toward attorneys, parties,

and witnesses;

To refrain from the use of abusive, demeaning or humiliating language and

opinions in oral or written communication with attorneys, parties, and


To be punctual in covering all hearings, meetings, and conferences;

To give full consideration to the papers and arguments presented by


To make a reasonable effort to decide promptly all matters presented for


To be aware of the time restraints and pressures imposed upon attorneys by

the exigencies of litigation practice, while nevertheless endeavoring to

resolve disputes efficiently;

To make every effort to adhere to the statutes and court rules which are

intended to establish uniformity among all of the courts;

To consider the legitimate calendaring conflicts of attorneys, parties,

and witnesses in the administration of those matters before the court;

To avoid conduct which would give an appearance of favoritism to any

particular counsel or party;

To be mindful that the court is the servant of the people and its purpose

is the administration of justice.

















Fewer than one in twenty of those admitted to practice law is a federal, state, county, or municipal court judge. Except for some inferior courts, judges are generally required to be admitted to practice but do not practice while on the bench. There is so little uniformity that it is difficult to generalize further than to point out three salient characteristics that relate to the ranks from which judges are drawn, to the method of their selection, and to their tenure.

Judges are drawn from the practicing bar and less frequently from government service or the teaching profession. There is in the United States no career judiciary like that found in many other countries and there is no prescribed route for the young law graduate who aspires to be a judge, no apprenticeship that must be served, no service that must be entered. The outstanding young law graduates who act for a year or two as law clerks to the most distinguished judges of the federal and state courts have only the reward of the experience to take with them into practice and not the promise of a judicial career. While it is not uncommon for a vacancy on a higher court to be filled by a judge from a lower court, even this cannot be said to be the rule. The legal profession is not entirely unaware of the advantages of a career judiciary, but it is generally thought that they are outweighed by the experience and independence which American lawyers bring to the bench. Many of the outstanding judges of the country�s highest courts have had no prior judicial experience. Criticism has centered instead on the prevalent method of selection of judges.

State court judges are usually elected, commonly by popular vote, but occassionally by the legislature. Popular election has been the subject of much disapproval, including that of the American Bar Association, on the ground that the public lacks interest in and information on candidates for judicial office and that therefore the outcome is too often controlled by leaders of political parties. The situation has been somewhat improved since many local bar associations have undertaken to evaluate the qualifications of candidates and to support or oppose them on this basis.

Since 1937, the American Bar Association has advocated the substitution of a system under which the governor appoints judges from a list submitted by a special nominating board and the judge then periodically stands unopposed for reelection by popular vote on the basis of his or her record. Such a system is now in effect, for at least some judges, in a substantial minority of states. In a small group of states, judges are appointed by the governor subject to legislative confirmation.

This is also the method of selection of federal judges, who are appointed by the President subject to confirmation by the Senate. Even under the appointive system the selection of judges is not immune from political influence and appointees are usually of the President�s or governor�s own party. But names of candidates for the federal judiciary are submitted to a committee of the American Bar Association and appointment is usually made only with its approval. The office of chief judge or chief justice is usually filled in the same manner as other judicial offices, although in some states it is filled from among the members of the court by rotation, by seniority of service, or by vote of the judges. The Chief Justice of the United States is appointed by the President, subject to Senate confirmation.

The third characteristic is that judges commonly serve for a term of years rather than for life. For courts of general jurisdiction it is typically four, six, or eight years, and for appellate courts, six, eight, or ten years. Happily, even where selection is by popular election, it is customary to return to office for sitting judges whose service has been satisfactory. In a few state courts and in the federal courts the judges sit for life. Whether on the bench for a term of years or for life, a judge may be removed from office only for gross misconduct and only by formal proceedings. Instances of removal have been rare indeed and only a handful of federal judges have been removed by formal proceedings. The independence of the judiciary is also encouraged by the rule that a judge incurs no civil liability for judicial acts, even if guilty of fraud and corruption. The American Bar Association�s Code of Judicial Conduct has been widely adopted as a standard to which judges are expected to adhere. Salaries for the higher judicial offices are usually good although less than the income of a successful private practitioner, the prestige of these offices is high, and the bench has been able to attract many of the country�s ablest legal minds. The great names in American law are in large part the names of its great judges.



备考雅思需要雅思口语资料的资料有这些:《雅思王听力真题语料库》《IELTS 无词阅读法》《雅思写作真经总纲》《雅思口语多米诺》。



2、阅读《IELTS 无词阅读法》







