


求雅思口语Part3 Object –a toy话题:Why it is always boys, who prefer the violent toys? What is yo

1. 结构提示

Speaking of …, I do also notice the condition described by you that boys are often keen on violent toys. In my opinion, it’s actually an understandable situation that however needs to be watched out for the boundaries.

To begin with, we sometimes absurdly regard fighting and violence as masculine behaviours.

In addition, some children take soldiers as their examples or idols.

In conclusion, it’s generally ok for boys to play with violent toys in order to cultivate their courage and uprightness. However, the instructions and guidance by their parents are strongly recommended.

2. 要点提示

Masculine behaviours/courage and uprightness

Instructions and guidance are necessary



1.首先快速提高单词量。"巧妇难为无米之炊"。口语考试要想拿到5分以上, 至少要准备3000词汇。

2.英语基本听力没有问题。自我评价的标准之一是: 英语听力入门第一册。每一课中Part 1 和Part 2 在没有老师指导的情况下做下来正确率在80% 以上。很多同学私下里背了100多个答案,但到了考场,发现除了开头的几个简单的问题,越来越听不懂。只好不断要求考官重复问题。口语成绩大打折扣。


正规的口语训练至少要包含100--150 个概括性题目,由此衍生出250 左右至更多的常备题目。


我收集到的:3月5日口语权威预测(天后刘薇 )

Part 1

1. study or work

Do you study or work?

What’s your major? Why do you like it?

What was your favoritesubject when you were in the middle school? Why?

2. flat or house

Do you live in a flat or house?

What is your flat like?

What can one see from your window?

What are on the walls of your room?

3. garden

Do Chinese people have privategardens?

What do people usually plant in the gardens?

4. bike and swim

Do you ride a bike?

What are the advantages of riding a bike?

Do you swim?

Where do you usually swim?

How did you learn swim?

5. music and films

What music do you like best? Why?

Where do you usually listen to music?

What type of film do you like best?

Do you prefer watching films at cinemas or at home?

When/where do you watch films?

6. shopping

Do you like shopping?

When/where do you usually go shopping?

7. birthday

How do you often celebrateyour birthday?

8. sport and relax

What sport do you like best?

How often do you do it?

What can sport bring to people’s life?

9. computer and internet

What do you usually use computers do?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?

10. hometown and weather

Say something about you hometown.

Is there any interesting place in your hometown?

What’s special about your hometown?

Does it usually rain in your hometown?

11. handwriting

Do you prefer writing by hand or the computer?

Part 2

1. a family member

2. an old man还有小孩这种常规话题都要准备

3. a person who you helped before

4. a person who is good at cooking

5. a library

6. a house belonging to somebody else

7. a part of your hometown

8. a city 套接 a tourism attraction/a place with a lot of water

9. a toy

10. a book

11. clothes in special situation

12. a thing you’d like to buy in the future

13. a sport event

14. an importance advice 按照我上课说的,套接important decision/人生的重要阶段stage/成功的经历/人生中的重要改变

15. newspaper/magazine

16. a piece of interesting news getting from the TV

17. TV program

18. an advertisement

19. a law

20. an organization

21. favorite season

22. a long journey

23. a call/a speech

24. an educational



When I was a child, I received a Barbie doll as a gift from my father's friend. He bought the toy from the States.

I played with this Barbie doll almost every day. I begged my grandma to make clothes for her and dressed her like a princess or a super star. She was my favorite toy for a long time. I always put her besides my pillow.

I felt super happy when I received this Barbie doll. The doll had long hair, big eyes, and beautiful skirt. When I was a child, Barbie doll was very expensive and my parents couldn't afford to buy it, so Barbie doll had been a dream gift for me. To some extent, receiving the doll was a dream coming true. I saw it as a valuable gift and tried to keep it in a good shape. I also felt thankful for my father's friend who brought this happiness to me.




1、describe a piece of electronic equipment you have (except computers).

2、describe a vehicle you’d like to own.

3、describe an old piece of furniture.

4、describe a handicraft/something that you was made by yourself.

5、describe a letter you got.

6、describe a thing you lost.

7、describe a gift you have received.

8、describe a photo that attracts you.

9、describe a toy in your childhood.

10、describe a piece of work of art.


1、转述题目the thing which I would like to describe is …





