





食-话题,如中国传统食物与西方食物的对比介绍,吃饭地点的选择问题,时下受欢迎的饭店的类型,也会更加关注与健康类话题,如:how to lead a healthy life ?




人物类侧重于对几类人的提及,famous person, old person, children






为了帮助大家备考雅思的口语部分,本文整理了 雅思口语必考话题和思路解析:描述一个旅行供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!


Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near future

You should say:

Where this place is

Who you would like to go with

What would you do there and explain why you would like to go there


描述一个最近的旅行,考生可以结合亲身 经验 进行描述。可以把之前的旅游经历转化为准备要去的旅行。陈述一下景点的特点,以及具体的方位和为什么要去的原因。可以适当添加临行前的小插曲,增加内容的丰富性。

雅思口语必考话题 范文 :

I recently plan to go to Los Angeles with my friends. There are lots of beautiful beaches and rich North American culture on the west coast of the United States.

First of all, I love shopping. There are many shopping malls and high street fashion in Los Angeles such as supreme. Second, I am big fan of American movies. There are famous Hollywood in Los Angeles. I will experience how the American movie is made. Third, I love Disney so much. There are a variety of interesting projects at Disneyland in Los Angeles such as jumping machines, roller coaster and so on.

These attractions make me so exciting, and I looking forward to going to Los Angeles as soon as possible. This trip in Los Angeles can not only expand my views, but also train my English.

我最近计划和好朋友一起去洛杉矶。洛杉矶位于美国的西海岸,拥有美丽的海滩和丰富的北美 文化 。






3. 故事 线:一家人开车出发去九寨沟,临时改变计划和结识的驴友结伴而行。一路风光无限,气氛融洽。世界那么大就是要去看看。

Last year,before the summer vocation my parents decided to go travelling to Sichuan during my summer vocation. We all wanted to go to JiuZhaigou very much, which was famous for the beautiful autumn scenery. Hot pot would be definitely the first thing we ate in Sichuan, I guess nobody could resist the temptation of it. Someone told me Sichuan ,especially the capital city Chengdu was full of beautiful and interesting ladies ,I would like to find out whether that was true or not. We all looked forward to the journey.

However, before we set off , we had a long discussion ,you even could call it “battle” about how we should go to Sichuan . Mum believed package tour would be easier, the travel agency would be responsible for everything, transportation, ticket, hotel, and our luggage. Dad hold another opinion ,he persisted in self-driving, he didn’t like guided tour, because there were so many reports about tour guide forcing the tourists to purchase recently, he thought this behavior from tour guide would destroy our holiday, mum couldn't deny this, so she surrendered. Actually I was happy that mum gave up.

We drove to hunan province first, went to the well-known mountain zhangjiajie. We planned to stay there for 2 days, but in the hotel we lived, we met another family who was also in a self-driving tour. Mum loved that family, so we changed our plan. We were there for 4 days in the end, then we went to Sichuan together.

When seeing beautiful scenery, we always parked our car beside the road, took photos, had a rest. We totally threw ourselves behind our plan which had been changed again and again, but everybody was happy, nobody minded we had to make a new plan all the time. At that moment, mum had to accept that self-driving was the best decision we made. We had experienced the best journey.




guided tour

threw ourselves behind our plan

高分句型:Hot pot would be definitely the first thing we ate in Sichuan, I guess nobody could resist the temptation of it.

We totally threw ourselves behind our plan which had been changed again and again, but everybody was happy, nobody minded we had to make a new plan all the time.

Describe a car journey you went on

You should say:

where you went

when and why you went there

what landscapes you saw

and explain why this was such an unforgettable trip

【雅思口语Part 23话题】特别的旅行


Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future. You should say:

Where this place is

Who you would like to go with

What you would do there

And explain why this would be a special trip.



时态上也要注意,因为是a special trip you would like to go on in the future,所以注意一般将来时的正确用法。

另外还可能用到虚拟语气,要注意if条件句后动词要变成过去式的形式,主句是would/could的形式,如if I got a chance to visit Spain, I would watch a live Flamenco dance show.


enchanting natural beauty 迷人的自然风光

breathtaking view 令人惊叹的风景

exotic culture 异国风情

thrilling 令人兴奋的

tourist attraction 旅游景点

itinerary 行程

highlight of the trip 旅行中最精彩的部分

gateway 通道

丨Sample Answer

There are many places in the world that I have been dreaming to travel to. The one I’m really eager to visit is definitely Spain. I knew this country from my cousin who is currently studying in Madrid, Spain. With great beaches, fun nightlife, many cultural regions and historic sites, Spain makes a great destination for a family trip since it can meet the demands of any kind of vacationers.

In terms of what I would do there, as a foodie, the first thing I would do after getting there is certainly trying the delightful Spanish cuisine. My cousin has recommended me a couple of authentic Spanish dishes, such as paella, gazpacho. My mouth is actually starting to water just thinking of it. Another must-do thing in Spain is sightseeing around the country. You know, this country boasts rich culture and enchanting natural beauty. There are a variety of museums, exotic architecture and alluring beaches which are definitely worth a visit.

The reason why I regard the trip to Spain a special one is that it could provide me with a chance to know more about Flamenco dance which you know is a traditional Spanish dance. I first got to know this type of dance on TV. This type of dance was so unique that it caught my eyes immediately. It involves

fierce foot stomping, hand clapping and intricate hand, arm and body movements. It is highly expressive, which separates Flamenco from any other type of dance in the world. If I got a chance to visit Spain, I could watch a live Flamenco dance show and discover something more about this passionate dance. I believe it must be a thrilling experience.

In addition to this, if I paid a visit to Spain, I could meet my cousin. You know, we haven’t seen each other for quite a while, basically since she went to Spain two years ago. So I really miss her a lot. Also, there are many interesting things in my life that I’m eager to share with her. I can’t wait to see her!


巧答雅思口语地点类话题。雅思口语考试第二部分话题卡描述难倒了大批学生,有的学生甚至完全不知道其流程是什么,在考试时间相对比较紧的情况下完全不知道应该要说什么和如何有效地拓展话题,导致失分非常严重。第二部分一共考四个话题:people, place, object 和 event.


education, entertainment, economy 以及environment.


Describe a country you would like to visit(not your own country).


按照4E,第一步首先描述这个国家的 教育 ,大家看到教育应该如条件反射地想到这个国家的以下设备设施:university, library, museum. 然后开始进行拓展:well, there are a bunch of universities in Japan, such as Tokyo University. If there is any chance, I would like to study there and make local friends. In addition, the museums are well-known around the world and I will visit the local museum and learn some history in Japan. 说到教育大家要具体到某个机构,接下来就是加个人色彩,即如果有机会去的话,我会如何如何。这样也很好地讲自己融入到这个地点当中,不会显得很枯燥乏味。

第二步就是娱乐。这个部分学生说得比较流利而且思路很广。娱乐这一块我们也可以找一些通用的万能的例子,例如食物:In addition, I’m really a big fan of the Japanese cuisine, such as sushi, wasabi and sashimi. I will taste the local food there and they are tasty and wholesome. 其实娱乐还有很多例子,比如the country is a shopping paradise; my favourite star is Japanese; I’m totally into cartoons in Japan...大家可以找每个国家的一些共性的东西,另外还有这个国家的一些特色, 相信这个部分学生不会没有话讲的。

第三步就是经济。这一部分学生觉得很难,除了说这个国家经济发达没有话了。其实说到经济大家可以自然想到这个国家有很多摩天大楼,并且有很多著名的企业,然后说自己一直很向往将来可以进这些公司工作等等。比如还是以日本为例:the economy is Japan is boosting fast. A lot of skyscrapers are settled in the city center and there are tons of enterprises in Japan, for example, sony, toshiba and nikon. I’m fond of the electronic devices of sony and I always dream to work in such company after graduation. What’s more, Japanese young people are hard-working and ambitious. I want to make local friends there.

最后一步就是环境了。环境最容易拓展的就是这个国家旅游很发达,很多著名的旅游景点。有学生又提问:这个国家的景点名称我完全不知道怎么说哎,这个要紧吗?当然不重要,如果一个景点都不知道,我们完全可以用park, garden and lake代替,因为这些东西所有国家都有。当然如果知道最好提及一下。For example, the Fuji Mountain is a stunning toursit attraction in Japan and I will visit there; what’s more, ther are a lot of national parks and gardens in Japan.


这个技巧大家还可以用到很多题目当中,比如describe a city in a foreign country, describe a seaside place. 甚至包括 物品类 题目当中的Describe a TV program, 即描述旅游类的电视节目,自然说到某个旅游胜地或者国家。所以口语第二部分没有那么的困难或者说需要花费很多时间来准备。

雅思口语必考话题和思路解析:描述一个旅行相关 文章 :

1. 雅思英语|雅思口语抽象类的话题怎样说才显得具体?

2. 雅思口语Part23预测之范文和解题思路:想去地方

3. 雅思口语的应试技巧和答题思路总结

4. 盘点雅思英语口语的最新话题

5. 雅思口语的答题逻辑是什么样的?

6. 雅思口语|思路拓展:尝试水上运动

7. 雅思英语口语Part 1中最难的十话题

8. 雅思英语口语Part 3易忽视的3个细节

9. 雅思口语答案参考:保护环境的人

10. 雅思口语关于事件描述常用的单词有哪些?


雅思口语答题参考:special gift

1. special gift:

Describe the best present/gift you have received :

i. Who send it? What is the gift? What is it for?

ii. When did you receive it?

iii. Detail information about the present.

Last year , my wife celebrated my birthday at home. She bought a electronic

dictionary as birthday gift. I like the electronic dictionary very much. It's

blue and quite small. It fits into my pocket. I remember at that time, my wife said to me :"she decided to immigrate to Canada with me. In future, we must study

very hard .And she hoped that the electronic dictionary could help me to improve my English." On that day, I was very happy because my wife agreed to immigrate to

Canada finally. Also, with the help of the electronic dictionary , I made such

rapid progress that before long I began to write articles in English.

1) In China, when will people send the present?

Oh, attend the party, such as Wedding Party, Birthday Party. During Spring

Festival, people give presents each other, including clothes, books, flowers and foods.

2) Compare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to the present

that people now are receiving, what's the difference between them?

( try to compare the gift you received in your teenage with the gift

children received now )

Oh, I think the gift was monotonic before. For example, I often received a

notebook as gift. But now, there are various gifts to choose from. Such as

flowers, wine, food, clothes etc.

3) Just image the gift in the future children will receive.

In the future, I think more and more children will receive intellectual

gifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.

4) Just image the gift in the future people will receive.

In the future, oh, in most case, people will give flowers each other. I think flowers will be

the most popular present.



What is the interesting building in your country?

What is it located?

What is it used for?

Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

I think the interesting building is the Great Wall. It runs across north

China like a huge dragon. It was used to enemies. Soldiers used to keep watch on

the Great Wall. When the enemy came , fires were lit to warn other soldiers.

I think the Great Wall is the most interesting building. Because it is one

of the wonders of the world and it was one of the few man-made objects on earth

that could be seen by the astronauts who landed on the moon. Also, the Great Wall

has become a symbol of both China's proud history and its present strength.

1) Are there some old buildings in your hometown? Where and Describe it?

Wenfeng Tower, built in 1420, is located in the southern of Anyang City.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, people came to the tower to worship the God

of Heaven and pray for a good harvest. Nowadays, it serves as a museum of history

. Murals of Wenfeng Tower give visitors a feel for the great artistic

achievements of ancient Chinese civilization. In a word, I think the Wenfeng Tower is the most interesting building, and it is the oldest building in my hometown.

2) Compare the differences between the constructions in your city with them in

20 years ago? Describe the building styles in detail?

The traditional buildings are made of the red brick and always have curved

eaves. Thousands of buildings look the same. But now, various buildings with

different colors and styles have been going up in my hometown. In addition, room

is equipped with kitchen and bathroom. This is very convenient.

3) What are people's attitudes to old building today and that of our later

generation? Should we protect them? Why?

People, including our later generation, advocate that government should protect old buildings .Because old buildings represent the great artistic

achievements of ancient Chinese civilization.

4) What role do you think the old and modern buildings play in the society?

Oh, modern buildings are for us to live and work, while old buildings are for us to visit and research.

5) Compare the differences between house and apartment?

In China, there is a big yard beside house, where we can plant some flowers

and trees etc. But house is more expensive. Apartment is convenient and cheap but small.

2008年雅思口语新话题卡解析(一):Music Hall

Describe a theatre or music hall that you have seen or been t0

You should say:

where it is

what kind of music is performed there

why people go there

and explain your impressions of this place



where it is (简单交代)

what kind of music is performed there (简单交代)

why people go there (简单交代)

and explain your impressions of this place (重点描述)

When I was in Shanghai last spring, I had some extra time one day and went to the Shanghai Concert Hall. It was time very well spent.

Built in 1930, the 78-year-old building is located on the central of downtown and is a typical classical architecture in a European style. The theater’s classical European architecture makes it one of the most famous architectural and cultural heritages sites in Shanghai. Music performed here is usually 'classical' music, although there are exceptions.

The acoustics are so fantastic that many world-famous artists have been attracted to perform in this hall, including violinists maestro Isaac Stern, Salvatore Accardo, Choliang Lin and cellists Yoyo Ma; pianists Alieda de Larrocha, FU Chong, YING Chunzhong as well as the Philadelphia Chamber Orchestra and many others have given high appraisals after giving their successful concerts here.

I was very impressed by the atmosphere and intimacy of the hall. The sound is clear, full-bodied, and clean for every vocal part and the mix is perfect. Even without microphones, every one of the nearly 2,000 members in the audience could hear the speech given by conductor. With its stunning architecture, advanced facilities and modern management, the center will be the crowning jewel of Shanghai's many performing venues. Not to be missed!!!


Where it is

The Shanghai Concert Hall is located in a park between People's Square and the shopping street of Huaihai Lu - when I first came to Shanghai, I lived just around the corner.

What kind of music is performed there

Built in 1930 and originally called the Nanking Theatre, this concert hall holds regular concert mainly from international music troupes.

Why people go there

The project cost 150 million yuan (18.1 million US dollars) and is the largest among similar endeavors made by the east China metropolis.

Many widely known musical celebrities such as conductor Tang Muhai and Zhang Guohai started their careers here.

It echoes from the ghosts of many many many great artists who performed there

And explain your impressions of this place

The concert hall is decorated with marble pillars, Roman chandeliers and other architectural designs.

Sixteen huge marble pillars are seen when audiences step into the lobby, and the front hall is deliberately ornamented with elegant patterns of slightly solemnized color, which is very much in harmony with the music played inside.

Most notably, there's a large television jumbotron on a nearby building. It plays commercials, and there's speakers lying about to play the commercial's sound at night. Kind of annoying, really.


Describe an interesting magazine.

You should say:

what the magazine specializes in①

what information it contains②

who you think reads this magazine③

and explain why you think this magazine is interesting④

解答思路:将①②③作为④的原因,把整个话题卡串联起来,使其make sense. 最后总结,可以谈一下读杂志为自己带来什么好处,如何使自己受益。

My favourite magazine is called " FalkLands".

I'm a university student who has been in love with history (especially ancient history) for years, and when I discovered this magazine, I was in heaven. It's a weekly magazine. Since I began reading it two years ago, I never missed a single issue.

It's a comprehensive magazine published in the U.S. it has been translated into several versions. I prefer to read the original version. It owns millions of readers around the world. Everything is covered in it, just like an encyclopedia; colonial America, ancient Egypt, you name it, it's probably in here. The photography is breathtaking, and the information is superb. I've spent more than one night up late, just reading through everything. It's quite a good magazine - though I'm just speaking from my own perspective. It might not be entirely accurate, but I'm not complaining.

It enlarges my general knowledge and broadens my horizon. I enjoy the feeling of curling up in the sofa with a magazine. Although surfing the Internet is the faster way to get information, you cannot feel the sense of touching paper.

Trust me. Is it a magazine for pretty much everyone! Go and get it if you like any bit of history, Egyptian or Mayan or American.


What the name of the magazine

I often read a magazine named as National Geographics.

Reading magazines and newspapers is my favorite leisure activities. I often read a magazine named as …

what the magazine specializes in①

It's a fashion magazine about dressing and make-ups

It's one of the most popular magazines in the world, offering updated local and international news and other information on entertainment, technology and something like this.

what information it contains②

It presents newsworthy events.

It is exclusively about world affairs.

Just like an encyclopedia, it contains such fields as …

explain why you think this magazine is interesting④

The magazine presents in-depth reports and objective articles.

The magazine boasts abundant information. It never disappoints you when you finish reading it.

The layout and design of the magazine is neat.

The glossy cover makes it stand out of other magazines.

The most attractive thing of the magazine is the well-shot pictures. Some show the charm of magic nature; some pictures themselves tell stories.

It offers me useful information and good entertainment as well.

Reading the magazine also arouses my interest in learning English.

Reading is more imaginative than watching TV or surfing the Internet. I keep the habit of reading magazine for at least half an hour each day. It brings me serenity in mind.

2008年雅思口语新话题卡解析(三):A Garden

Describe a garden that you visited and that you liked

You should say:

where it is ①

what scenery it has ②

what people do there ③

and explain why you liked it ④

①: 简单交代地理位置即可。

②: 风景描述。可以是公园里的花草树木,建筑物。

③: 功能介绍。人们在公园里进行的活动。如:晨练,踏青,散步休闲等等。

④: 重点描述所描述的公园带给你的感受。可运用我课上讲到的技巧: 外在感觉+内心感受相辅相成进行升华。而其中以内心的感受为主,争取能够给考官讲述出一副生动的画面。

Alryt, I wanna talk about the Ampere Garden by this chance. It is located at the central part of Changping District on the north bank of the ancient Canal.

It is an exquisitely beautiful garden indeed. More than 50 species of trees shrubs are represented, This garden is at its best in late May and June, when the trees flowers are green and in full bloom. Ooooops! The color comes from both the profusion of flowers and from colorful foliage. Autumn brings dramatic colors of changing leaves, while the winter season allows the visitor to see exquisite examples of bark, berries, and woody textures.

It’s peaceful in the morning, you can see seniors doing exercise and kids frolicking around. When the dark falls, you can see couples chatting under the trees, sitting on the grassland or walking on the bank of the lake. Actually, it is a good place for everyone.

There, all is naught but order and beauty, luxury, calm and voluptuousness. Imagine yourself to be standing there in mid-garden, this extraordinary beauty all around you. Imagine or see the colors, the shapes, the spaces, the feel of this garden, the textures, the smells, the sounds of this exquisite garden. Wood, stone and brick combine seamlessly with plants to create an elegant garden that is just right for relaxation contemplation. ... this garden is more beautiful than any one I've ever seen in my life, I swear!


where it is ①

This garden is located on the corner of TE Street.

This little beauty is our only city garden that can get away with just a four foot picket fence due to the watchful eye of its close knit neighborhood. The garden sits on a terraced hillside between Irving and Myrtle Streets.

This garden is in the park adjacent to the Palace Museum and boasts a wide range of local and exotic plants

what scenery it has ②

This garden is a birder's paradise.

An interesting feature of this garden is a 430 meter-long covered walkway which winds through the entire complex and links the different buildings.

There are many beautiful plants in this garden, the beautiful flowers, the vast grassland and plenty of old trees.

what people do there ③

Also, it is an attractive place for children, cos there are many fantastic entertainment facilities, such as roller coaster, tennis playground and rock climbing.

This small garden is filled with ponds, pavilions, rocks and walls inscribed with classical Chinese poetry. There are also some enchanting teahouses where visitors can rest and enjoy the beauty of the park.

and explain why you liked it ④

This is an intimate space, full of light and shadows, ideal for living, dreaming and sharing laughter.

From the arbour to the bed of moss, our senses are awakened and gratified, as we watch the wind caressing the tall grasses, inhale the heady scent of the lavender and taste the sweet juice of sun-ripened grapes.

2008年雅思口语新话题卡解析(四):Interesting Animal

You should say:

what animal it is①

where it lives (or, you have seen it)②

what it looks like③

and explain your feelings about this animal.④

The Beauty ---- Mandarin ducks

I happened to meet the Mandarin Ducks over the years in the wild area of Ampere Garden, in ponds along the big drainage. And, I'm 100% sure they were not normal Ducks. It was 'in the wild' and free to fly off whenever it wanted to!

The male mandarin duck is way more colorful, his breast is purple with two vertical white bars and the flanks ruddy, with two orange “sails” at the back. The female is similar to female Wood Duck, all dark green brown. Male Mandarin ducks are considered by many to be the most beautifully colored of all waterfowl.

In China, the mandarin duck is associated as a Chinese weddings symbol, because it symbolizes wedded bliss and fidelity. A Chinese proverb for loving couples uses the Mandarin Duck as a metaphor: “Two mandarin ducks playing in water”. Mandarin ducks are always depicted in a pair – it is said that if the ducks were separated, they would pine for each other and die of loneliness. Dying of loneliness for love might only be a romantic myth and a cheerful reflection of people's attitude to reality.

Anyway, I love these lovely creatures; I wish I could raise one.

2008年雅思口语话题卡解析(五):new or exciting thing

Describe a new or exciting thing that you did recently.

You should say:

* what it was ①

* when you did it②

* who you did it with③

and explain why this activity was new or exciting for you.④


Skydiving jump

Skydiving jump. It was the first adventurous activity ever in my life.

We made it last summer. It was a nice sunny day when we went to skydive. We took a 6 hour course and were ready to subdue the sky I went for it with my class mates. I was a little afraid before my first skydiving jump, but my class mates encouraged and convinced me to do it.

Crickey!!!! It was fantastic! I can’t express all the feelings of free flight. It was the combination of happy, frightened, excited, and satisfied. All of these feelings happened at the same time. I could see the Earth below me as I flew like a bird with my parachute. I remember I was flying my body with my friends and was building different formations in the sky. Unfortunately I finally landed in the tree, but it was a smooth landing. I wasn’t hurt at all.

That was a good lasting memory and all I can think about now is when I would be able to skydive again.

Part 3:

New Exciting Activities

Some people think that it’s good to experience new things, such as exploring new places. Do you agree?

Yes without a doubt. Life is boring if you never encounter or try new things. People will never know what's really out there unless you explore. I went to Egypt last summer, which was a totally new place to me. The civilization of Egypt did broaden my horizon.

What qualities does one need in order to be an explorer?

To be an explorer, one should be brave, cautious, friendly and open-minded. The ability to pick up local customs and language easily is also important.

Do you think young people can handle new experiences and new activities better than old people?

I will say Yes, for the most parts. Seniors usually prefer comfort and to dwell in what they have built for themselves, including daily routine. That’s what we called: falling into a rut. Young people like to keep on trying and learning new things as they can adapt well.

2008年雅思口语话题卡解析(六):Traditional Event

Describe an important traditional event in your hometown.

You should say:

what this event is.

when it happens.

who participates in this event, what they do.

and explain how you feel about this event.

What this event is

Well, one of the important traditional events in my hometown is Temple Fair, which is now a mass gathering of entertainment and commerce.

When it happens

The Temple Fair in my hometown has a very long history, probably dating from Ming and Qing dynasties. And now it usually occurs from the first to the seventh day of the first month on the lunar calendar.

Who participates in this event and what they do

The Fair attracts a lot of people. Some are going to sell something, most of which are traditional arts and crafts, while others just go there for fun. There will be feature dragon and lion dances, waist drum dancing, as well as other folk performances, and even some staged traditional wedding ceremonies. Besides, you can taste numerous kinds of local snacks and dishes. Acrobatics and other performers are on hand to keep the crowds entertained throughout the day.

and explain how you feel about this event.

For me, I like the Temple Fairs because there are so many games to play, food to eat and performances to appreciate. But what’s more important, it is definitely a cultural experience, and allows one to see Chinese cultures from a very detailed perspective.





1.Do you think the government is doing enough to prevent road accidents?

2. As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport?

3.How do you see yourself in ten years" time?

4.Have you ever thought to have your own business?

5.What business do you hope to have?

6.Do you know about any policies about opening a business abroad?

7.What are your plans for your future?

8.Why do you think there are more and more people leaving to immigrate to other co untries?

9. Is it good for China that so many people are going to other countries?

10.Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to ABc?

11.What will you do if you are ill abroad?

12.Do you know what to do in case of emergency?

13.What will do if you cannot ind a job in ABC?

14.Why do you want to immigrate to ABC?

15. What will you do after the IELTS test?

16.What will do if you fail the IELTS test?

17.What"s your dream job?

18. How long have you been learning English?

19.What troubles you most at the moment?

20.Does your family support your decision on going ABC?What help do they offer?




考官会向考生进行自我简介,并核对考生的身份。之后,考官会就考生熟悉的话题(如朋友、兴趣习惯或者食物) 进行询问。为保证题目的一致性,这些问题都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的。





考察能力: 考生(在没有任何其它提示的情况下)就一个特定的话题进行较长时间的陈述的能力,考察考生是否能恰当地运用语言、是否能连贯地组织自己的观点。考生有可能需要联系自己的经历来完成这部分内容。




考察能力: 考生表达和论述看法、分析、讨论以及深入思考问题的能力。





My father isfrom a working-class background.^我父亲是工人阶级出身。

My father workshard to support the family.^父亲辛勤工作来养家。

My father is thebackbone of my family.^我父亲是家庭的主心骨。

My family is atwo-career family with both my parents working.^我父母都工作雅思口语话题文案,所以我家是“双职工”家庭。

The decisionpower of family affairs is in the hand of my mother.^重大家庭事务的决策权在我妈妈的手中。

I have no say infamily affairs.^在家庭事务中我没有发言权。

My mother queensit over the whole family.^我妈妈掌管整个家庭。

We have a familygathering every month.^我们每月举行一次家庭聚会。

Children learntheir first lesson from their parents.^父母是孩子最早的老师。

Whenever I feelfrustrated or sad, I turn to my family for comfort.^每当我感到挫折或伤心时雅思口语话题文案,我就会回家寻求安慰。

A harmoniousfamily is important for the growth of children.^和谐的家庭对孩子的成长很重要。

Family is thebasic unit of society.^家庭是社会的基本组成部分。


