







• Do you like (to learn about) history?

• What historical event do you find most interesting?

• Do you think history is important?

• Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?

• Do you think you (= one) can (really) learn history from films and/or TV programs?

• Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?

• Can you name a person from history who you would like to learn more about?

• Why would you like to learn more about him/her?

Social network

• What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?

• Are you a social person?

• What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

• Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?

• What kinds of chatting app or software do Chinese people like to use?


• Do you like swimming?

• Is it difficult to learn how to swim?

• Where do Chinese like to go swimming?

• What’s the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?

Being in a hurry

• When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

• Do you like to finish things quickly?

• What kinds of things will you never do in a hurry?

• Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?


• When was the last time you worked with a team?

• Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?

• What’s the most important thing for teamwork?

• Do you like to be a leader?




Describe a success in your life.

You should say:

When and where this happened

Who you were with What you did

and how you felt about the success.


• How to measure a person’s success?

• Do you think the way people gain success has changed?

• How do you define success?

• How to reward successful people?

• What's the most difficult thing you have ever done?

• What qualities does a person need to have to be successful?

• Do you feel terrible when you fail to do something?

Is failure a necessary thing in people's life?



Describe a person whose job is important to the society You should say:

Who this person is

What job does he or she have

How you know this person

and explain why his/her job is important to the society


• What jobs are well-paid in China?

• What jobs are poorly-paid in your country?

• Do people who have different levels of income feel happy about how much they earn?

• Do you think students who just graduate should have the same income as old people?

• What should schools do to help students survive In society well? Why do people sometimes become bored with their job?

• What do you think employers (or supervisors) can do to help motivate their employees to perform better at work, besides giving them a pay raise?



Describe a place you visited but only for a short period of time

You should say:

where you went;

who you went with;

what you did during the trip;

and how you felt about this place


• What do you do before you start your journey?

• Do you prefer traveling on your own or with your friends?

• How do you usually plan your trips?

• Do you like long journeys?

• Do you always like to visit a place you have been to again?



Describe an electronic machine you want to buy

You should say:

• What it is.

• When you know this machine.

• What specific features you want.

Relevant Questions:

• How does technology change our life?

• Do you think teachers will be replaced by technology in the future?

• What kinds of technology impress you most?

• What other electronic machines do you have at home and why?

Why do old people like to live in a traditional way?

Do you think children can be benefited from the technology?


雅思口语考试 Part 2 Describe a historical event/an important event in history. 有模板的发给我一个呀

雅思口语Part 2答题技巧


当考生在面对话题无从下手时,可以利用 ”WH Questions”来引导思路的拓展,包括 “what, when, where, who(whom), why, how (how exactly, how often, how long, how much, how many)”。

例如,Describe a restaurant or cafe you like. 首先须明确what(the Bookworm),when(some five years ago), where (down the south of Chengdu),who(foreigners for most of time);其次是整个描述的重点why(comfortable, pleasant, intimate ),how exactly (detailed description of being comfortable, pleasant, and intimate),how often(once a month…),how much(30-40 yuan on average per person),how many(3 in Whole China)。



在Part 2话题描述中,如果仅有描述,仍会让整个陈述略显有些平淡,建议考生在描述的同时加上相应的例子,这样可以大大增加描述内容的丰富性和生动性。但是, 在Part 2里例子,并不一定要非常正式的举例,如“For example”;口语化的一些表达方式会更自然一些,如“such as,like”。比如,”Describe a special shop”,除了描述这个shop里有一些special goods外,若再具体举例说明有哪些特殊商品可以更能增强生动性。In the shop, you can always find some special and interesting stuff, such as hand-made floating lantern, photo books, tiny china pot, and Nepali jewelries and things like that。


Part 2话题属于细节描述题,在适当的时候如果能够使用数据来进一步支撑描述,可以增强话题描述的真实性和说服力。但是,建议考生在使用数据的时候不要太过夸张数字,而且频率不应过多,使用一次数据就可以了。另外,与雅思写作有别的是,在写作中引用数据时最好有个出处或来源,但在回答口语Part 2问题时,这个出处可以省略,否则会导致回答内容是背诵的嫌疑,降低真实性,这就与我们的初衷背道相驰了。







Describe a historical period that you are interested in

You should say:

What the historical period is

How you know it

What happened during that period

Why you find it interesting

Speaking of a period of history that I fond of,I would like to talk something about the Middle age. Life in the Middle Ages was completely different than we see it today. Some reflections of life of that period are found in cinemas but most of them are unrealistic. They are filled with fantasies. The real life in the Middle Ages was filled with classifications and the feudal system dominated the entire society. And most importantly, people were superstitious to a great extent. This is a very smart candidate task card and I am happy to have it in my share.

In some terms, living in the Middle Ages was beneficial. Life was not so much complicated as it is found today. People used to live near nature. And there were fewer traffic congestions in the streets. Though the streets remained crowded round the day, there were no troubles among the pedestrians and people used to live in their own way. Minding the own business was the key task. The other important benefit was that they did not think so much about the career or about the other silly issues that matter most in the present day.

But there were some drawbacks as well. The classification was the most important obstacle of this age. People were classified into various groups and the noblemen used to dominate the poorer section of the society. The scope of entertainment was limited and the lower parts of the society had no or little access to such activities. The daily life in this age was the subject of wealth and power.

I would like to have lived in that period of time. In fact, a fascination works in me about that age. I have seen numerous events in movies and got addicted to the age. So, I want to travel in the streets with a dimmed lantern with me and enjoy the views around.


Life began even before history was recorded. Human civilization has changed during the course of time and experienced different ages. This cue card question asks to describe how life was in particular period of history and here are some other hints to start the answer.

1. Life in the Stone Age was tough for humans. They did not have modern tools to live on. Hunting was the key profession of people. They used stones to hunt animals to be served as foods. The age is also pided into several periods and it is thought that socialization began at this age.

2. The invention of mathematics was the best achievement in Bronze Age. The Age is named so due to the rise of bronze tools. People of this age started using bronze-made tools in their everyday life. This is a major age in human history.

3. Application of iron-made materials began in the Iron Age. This is an important age in the expansion of human history. People in this age started using iron massively as this metal was far durable than the other types of tools and instruments in their life. Most of the technological advancement took place in this age.

4. The civilization of ancient Egypt plays an important role in human history. The duration of this civilization was between 3000 to 300 BCE beside the Nile. The age is remarkable for the technological, military, cultural and religious advancement. Pharaohs controlled the states and now we have their relics in pyramids.

5. A large part of the world was under the domination of Roman empire during the 1st century. Christianity appeared in this century and it gave birth to many other political and religious events. Expansion of literature was a remarkable achievement in this age.


