



关于”我们应该怎么看待身边不同的文化“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:What should we think about the different cultures around us。以下是关于我们应该怎么看待身边不同的文化的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What should we think about the different cultures around us

Starting from the money we were born with, some people began to despise it, some people crushed it, but I said: it is practical, it is the foundation of everything, whether it is good, Hu's money itself is not wrong, the wrong view is everyone's mentality, everyone uses it to mean: some people use it to crime, but some people use it to build "love" Jews from urination Given powerful functions, but they can learn more tolerance, just like money: neither let value nor make it serve them. There is a good saying: "money is not omnipotent, but you can't do anything without money". The reality is cruel.

We can't escape it. But it is wise and stupid to choose people who can't choose "money is the source of all evils". What we should do is more reasonable Sex is a more pragmatic point of view.

Don't be confused by money and money. Only in this way can service truly become the of money.




To what extent do you think the advantages of a multicultural society outweigh its disadvantages? Simultaneous interpreting the advantages and disadvantages of a multicultural society living in a multicultural society with different traditions and viewpoints, people share ideas and opinions when people communicate, so everyone learns a new way of looking at the world, even a small matter or a thing, so in a multicultural society, the development of intelce has led to a more open person. When people work together to develop communication, it promotes respect and tolerance between different cultures, and people begin to feel comfortable living and communicating with people from different countries or different views. A multicultural society also makes people less racist and leads to a non discriminatory society.

As we can see, having a more peaceful environment, all these are the advantages of a multicultural society. However, there are still disadvantages in living in a multicultural society, because sometimes people think that this will lead to the destruction of the definition of each culture, people They think that they are beginning to lose their identity, so a multicultural society has its advantages and disadvantages, but there are also many advantages. We can say that living in a multicultural society is the best way to develop cultural exchanges, which promotes a peaceful environment and multiculturalism.




今天环球青藤为各位雅思考生带来如何应对雅思口语地方文化题? 大家好,我是环球青藤的王炎龙老师。很开心我们又见面了,这次我将和大家一起分享雅思口语当中一道有趣的Part2,描述一个地方的文化(culture)。听到culture这个词大家可能会觉得比较难,因为文化这个概念太广泛太空洞,实在无法清晰地描述。其实不然,范围越大的东西我们思考的视觉就越开阔。文化包含方方面面,咱们只要选择其中一点讲清楚便可。而直观简单的文化其实可以理解成一个地方的生活习惯,比如西方人见面时喜欢拥抱,韩国人见面时喜欢鞠躬,印度人喜欢拿手抓饭,日本人吃拉面时喜欢发出声音...... 我们可以说的太多太多啦。 我先带大家看一下题目: Describe a place you went to and learned another culture You should say: where you went what you learned how you learned it and explain how you felt about this culture 我们在Part2当中自我白要达到2分钟,所以这4个小问题每一个我们都要能拓展到30秒钟左右。 好了,咱们就要开始一段有趣的文化之旅了,大家跟上我哦 今天,我们将举一个日本人吃拉面时喜欢发出声音的例子把这道题目轻松解决。 ONE POSSIBLE VERSION: 1.Today, I’d like to descrieb(这样开头的话会让考官觉得你很正式和有礼貌) a place I went to and learned another culture. Well, I went to Japan three years ago with my friends. (个问题的任务还没有结束哦,因为我们要说30秒左右,所以我们要把我们去的这个地方简单介绍一下)You know, Japan is a civilized country with a long history. It’s our neighbor and we have a lot in common. We both eat rice and use chopsticks. And I’m pretty interested in the Japanese history,culture and cuisine. 2.Hmm. In Japan, I learned that, the Japanese people like to slurp when they are earting noodles. I think it is considered as a rude behavior in some other countries, including China. But in Japan, people make the loud sounds when they are eating because they think the noodles are extremely delicious. And you can slurp as loud as you want.( 回答第二个问题时我们就要将这种文化/生活习惯清晰地解释给考官听。Slurp:吃饭时嘴里发出声音) 3.About how I learned this culture. Well, since I am a big fan of the Japanese food, after we checked in the hotel, I surfed the internet and tried to find the best noodle restaurant in Tokyo. Then I found it. My friends and I went there immediately. After we walked into the restaurant, we were shocked by the exotic table manners.(第三个问题问的是如何学会的,咱们可以讲一个小故事。Exotic:异域的) 4.As for how I felt about this culture. Hmm, at first, I couldn’t accept itb at all cos I thought it was too rude and even a little disgusting. Then I lost myself in the delicious noodles and slurped together with the Japanese. Now, I think the Japanese people are very interesting. They have their own way to express how much they love the noodles and I respect that.(第四个问题是要求我们谈谈感受,我们可以说说这前后的变化,这样就可以轻松的将答案拓展开来啦)。 同学们可以通过以上的解题思路试一试自己的故事: 1.介绍某个地方 2.一个与众不同的生活习惯 3.旅游时经历习得 4.感受从无法接受到接受。 哈哈哈,说了这么多,大家是不是在这个寒冷的阴雨天里也想来一碗热腾腾的日式豚骨拉面啊?我们一起slurp吧! 以上是今天的如何应对雅思口语地方文化题的全部应对方法,环球青藤希望各位在考试中能够冷静分析,切不可慌乱,能够在雅思考试中取得。如需了解更多雅思培训的相关信息,欢迎拨打环球青藤的免费咨询热线400-060-9663进行咨询,或者点击环球青藤网站页面的“在线咨询”与环球青藤名师直接对话。


多元 文化 文化雅思的存在是一个既定事实文化雅思文化雅思你对多元文化的看法是什么呢?雅思写作可能会考到这个话题,下面文化雅思我给大家带来雅思 作文 话题 范文 及分析文化雅思:多元文化 。


雅思写作题目:There is a mixture of people from different cultures and ethnic groups in a country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?








In many metropolises around the world, especially in English speaking countries, it is not surprising to see people from different ethnics or cultures living and working together. How this comes into existence and what influence this exerts on our society will be discussed as follow?


Such co-existence of races in many major cities can largely be attributed to modern transportation and telecommunication technologies, to be specific, airplanes, computer and the internet. This advancement increases mobility of human and promotes communication and interaction between people without limitation of space and time. The earliest and most obvious representation lies in the globalization of trade and business which expand beyond the national border and facilitate people involved to immigrate permanently or live overseas temporarily. Some countries like USA or Australia have tradition of immigration and they welcome distinctive cultures and ethnics or at least they tolerate differences well. In these places, multi-culture is the embodiment of a high level of civilization.


Of course melting pots have caused some concerns or problems. Races with different religions sometimes collide due to misunderstanding of other cultures. The dominant culture may have the tendency of assimilating or marginalizing other minor ethnics, leading to the young immigrated generation being confused with their cultural and political identity. Multiculturalism aimed at establishing an egalitarian society is deemed by some people to be over simplistic and idealistic.


However, this trend of globalization seems impossible to reverse and trying to deny it would not be as wise as to keep pace with it. Cultural diversity is believed to stimulate open-mind of people and the creativity and innovation of a society due to accommodation and communication of different ideas, therefore enhancing productivity and prosperity of a society in both economic and cultural terms. Looking back human history, brilliant ancient civilizations always featured a high level of inclusiveness of exotic cultures and religions.


To conclude this essay, the integration of cultures and ethnics in many areas in the world reflects the desire of human beings for widening their horizon and exploring the unknown world and this in turn accelerates more contact between distinctive cultures and ethnic groups. Human society would be more dependent on each other and realizing this sooner would be helpful for us to adapt to the current trend.




Multi-cultural societies, in which there is a mixture of different ethnic peoples, bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(考题重现:2006.08.25 )。

核心词汇:multi-cultural society, mixture of different ethnic peoples.

文章 结构: 辩论 型片面式话题。


It is widely acknowledged that in many places worldwide, different races live in the same place with the same nationality.This method of grouping peoples benefits in many aspects; however, it also brings about some conflicts racially. Personally, it is not a choice but a must to create and maintain a multi-cultural society for mu ti-racial nations.

Admittedly, to ensure the security of the community, it is effective to divide different groups of peoples into different regions in the same city, which does reduce the conflicts of races to some extent. However, with the isolation of distinctive groups, it is much easier for the races whose beliefs are opposite to the others to ignite hostility against the others.

Establishing a multi-cultural society has at least three benefits: First and foremost, it promotes understanding between races.Living in the same place and experiencing the same lifestyle make peoples remit others' aggressive behaviour daily.Secondly, it is colorful for people to live under the circumstance of multi-cultural society. With various kinds of cultures, people may and will enjoy the mixed culture consisting of peoples from all kinds of traditions. Taking New York City for example, it is always said that the Big Apple is a “Melting Pot” of all cultures. Lastly, the barriers or the gap between two different peoples are nothing but stereotypes.Without living in the same community, it is impossible for anyone to eliminate discrimination amongst peoples.

In conclusion, it is better to create and maintain a multi-cultural society with multi-racial communities.Only in this way can people enjoy the high levels of civilization from all peoples.





2023 年4月2日雅思大作文范文选读:关于多元文化利弊


Multicultural societies, where people of different ethnic groups live together, can bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



It is believed that multicultural environments bring many advantages for many people, since the variety of races, cultures and traditions will make the country become unique and attractive. Although, multicultural societies have some negative issues, but I do believe that the positive sides are greater than the negative ones.

On the one hand, countries that have multicultural communities have some similar problems. Firstly, it is common that discrimination would have been the main issue. Some groups of people feel that their races are the most superior one; therefore they would underestimate certain kinds of races. Secondly, there is always a debate about religious activities, as some groups might have extreme faith in their religions and would annoyed other believes. One of the classic examples would be about the debate of religion in Israel between the Jewish and the Palestinian, which have caused so many casualties.

Despite of all the drawbacks, multiculturalisms will bring many advantages for the government and the people, if they are well managed. Multicultural societies makes the city become alive and fascinating, as some sides of city shown Asiatic cultures, while on the other side it show Western civilizations. This situation makes the city become unique, and would attract tourists from many parts of the world. As a result, it will boost the tourism industry, create a lot of employments and generate income tax for the governments. There are many multicultural cities that are well known, such as Sydney, Toronto and Singapore and they are considered as advanced cities, due to the proper management of its local government.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that multicultural environment has its own advantages and disadvantages. In my point of view, I do believe that multicultural societies have more benefits than its drawbacks, if they are managed properly by the government.





主体段2: 5句。论述了多元文化的benefits。组成上:主题句+观点1+观点2+观点3+例子。

总阶段:2句。 总结 。重申整个立场,多元文化必然有其利弊,但只要政府运作得当,坚信是利大于弊。整个立场很稳固。

2023 年雅思写作大作文范文:多元文化在不同的民族和文化背景下,随着经济和文化的全球化继续成为主流,在这个新时代中并不少见。这是一种必然的趋势,我认为应该更加乐观。

It is not uncommon in the new era that people with different nationalities and cultural background mingle together, as the globalization of economy and culture continue to become mainstream. This is an inevitable trend and I deem that it should be embraced with more optimism.

The interaction between citizens of diverse cultural backgrounds is likely to add more spice to the modern life. People coming from various countries lead quite distinct lifestyles due to different living habits and cultural heritage. The diversity of culture can bring continuous feeling of freshness and a novel, exotic experience to those who have no former access to the other cultures. Take New York for example, it is a noted metropolis renowned for its multitude of cultural complex and a bunch of cultural genres, which are the fusion of different ethnic groups’ beliefs and cultural outlooks. The residents in New York can hardly feel bored with the monotonous life because they are more accessible to a cultural melted pot.

Besides, a multicultural society is more tolerant. It is true that the openness of one country is closely related to how diverse the culture is for the reason that mutual understanding and empathy are the foundation of peaceful co-existence. Thus, the dissent is inclined to be set aside in order to gain more consensus and the society will become more open to the less dominant cultures.

As for the dark sides of multicultural trend is rather limited but still worth mentioning. One most conspicuous drawback might be the threat to the local culture, especially when other foreign cultures are too aggressive and dominant. But this problem can still be handled if some precautious measures are carried out.

To conclude, the exchange of different cultures is the unavoidable tendency and both individuals and the society as a

whole can be beneficiaries.

雅思作文:关于多元文化 社会话题

Multi-cultural societies, which are a mixture of different ethnic people, bring more benefitsthan drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?







