



1. 剑桥雅思4-7 (必备的)

剩下的就是个人一点建议 作文:雅思8分作文


阅读:阅读真经1-3(只要读文章即可 不一要做题)






2. 可以考虑报班 但是切记 补习班不会有质的飞跃 只是给你一个学习的方法 方向 会讲一些技巧 千万不要把希望寄托在上面

3 词汇量的话 最好有6级的词汇 但是到阅读中会有很多生词 难的单词 但是 雅思考的是英语能力 阅读的速度 不是单词量 要注重阅读方法

4 学习方法还是自己悟吧 别人再好的也不一定适合你 建议提前3-4个月准备雅思 每天学习在4个小时以上 当然 看你什么基础了 先把四级过了吧

7分不好拿 如果有7分 大学成绩再非常优秀 英国前10的学校 没问题!
















一)、小作文:数据图表可能性75%(类型可能为bar chart或pie chart),地图流程图可能性25%


1、Some people said the government shouldn't put money on building theatres or sports stadiums but should spend more money on medical care and education. Do you agree or not agree?

2、It is known to all that the technological and scientific advances have made greater changes to the range and quality of our food. Some people regard it as an improvement while others believe that the change is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

3、Some people think it is more important for govement to spend public money on promoting healhy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on treatment of people who are already ill,to what extent do you agree of desagree?

4、Some think that these environmental problems are too big for indivduals to be solved,while others think that individuals can't solve these environmental problems unless they make some action.

5、Some people think that strong tradition can civilize a country and the government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors and drama companies. Do you agree or disagree with the opinion? What should the government do?

6、Studies suggest that children spend more time on watching TV than they did in the past and spend less on doing active or creative things.Why do you think this is the case? Suggest some ideas to solve the problem

7、Many jobs in the home nowadays can be done by machines,Has it brought more advantage than disadvantage?

8、Some people think it's necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use.Others,however,think it's not right to do that,Discuss both of these views and give gou own opinion.


2011年5,6,7,8月雅思口语预测---转王陆老师博客! (2011-5-17 09:38)





2 Drawing (超级重要的题目啊)

Do you like drawing?

What are the benefits of drawing?

What are the benefits of drawing for adults?

Do you think the art is important to life?

Can you give an example of arts you learn?

What kind of art do you like?

What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?

What kind of art are you good at?

3 鸟类 Birds


To tell you the truth, I don’t like them very much. They are too noisy.


Yes. In my hometown, there are sparrows, swallows, and some seabirds. I can’t name them. They can catch fish for fishermen.


In China, magpies mean good luck. When you see a magpie, it means something good will happen.


It depends. Old people like birds, and you can see them take the birds in the morning.


I have seen many because I went to a bird forest in my hometown, and there are hundreds of birds there like, wild ducks (野鸭), cranes(仙鹤)and some rare birds.


Sparrows can be seen everywhere. They are common, and they can live in both hot and cold places.


It’s popular, but not so popular like keeping dogs as pets. My grandfather keeps birds. He has got some singing birds. They look lovely.

我们应不应该保护鸟 什么措施

All animals should be protected, and birds are one of them. We should punish those who kill birds. Besides, we should protect the environment to give better living place to them.

Illegal to take their eggs

Illegal to keep them as a pet

Illegal to cage them

Illegal to eat native birds

Outdoor activities 户外运动











what are the lucky numbers in China?

do you think that it is easy to remember names or numbers?

what is your method of remembering numbers?


How do you get the news?

What kind of news are you interested in?

Is it the same for the old and young?

Is it important to know the news?


Hometown Music Shopping Sport Film Reading TV vs Radio Email

Do you often write emails?

What are the advantages of writing emails?

What types of emails do you write, business or personal?

What’s the difference between letters and emails?

What kind of letter is hard to write?


How do you spend your holiday?

Do you think people need holidays?

When did you spend your last holiday?

What did you do during your last holiday?

What do you like to do during the holidays?

What do you dislike to do during the holidays?

Do you think that you have enough holidays?


What’s your favorite color?

Do you like the same colors now as you did when you were younger?

What can you learn about a person from the colors they like?

Do any colors have a special meaning in your culture?

What color would you choose if you had time to decorate your home?


Do you know your neighbors?

Do you think it is important to have good relationship with neighbors?

Do you prefer young people to be your neighbor or old people?

What problems will people have with their neighbors?


What do different flowers mean?

On what occasions do Chinese people send flowers to each other?

When did you last send flowers?


Do you like to wear watches?

Do you think that time flies?

What do you think of the importance of time?

What is the best time of a day?

What was the first day like in your university?/job?

When did you use your mobile phone for the first time?


Do you want to go out alone or in a group?

How often do you meet your friends?

What do you do when you are with friends?


Do you like to travel by air?

How often do you travel by air?

Do you think that people would travel more by air in the future?


Did you go the museum when you were young?

When did you last go to the museum?

Is there any famous museum in your country?

Many museums sell things to the visitors. Do you think it is right?


Do you like to live close to sea?

Why do people go to the sea?


Do you like traveling?

How often do you go traveling?


What do Chinese like to collect?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of collections?

What did you like to collect when you were young?


On what occasions do Chinese dance?

What are the differences between modern dance and traditional dance?

Living place

Do you live in a flat or a house?

What is there on the wall of your home?

What can be seen outside the windows of your place?

Do you like your living environment?

Is it good or bad for children?

Is there anything for improvement?


Do you like buying clothes?

What kind of clothes do you like?

What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes?

Do you often wear formal or informal clothes?

Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?


What do people plant in park?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of parks?

What do people do in the park?


Do you like taking photos?

On what kind of situations do you take photos?

Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?


What kind of food do you like?

Which is most important to you, breakfast, lunch or supper?

Do you think we should have more meals or have much at one meal?

What did you like to eat when you were young?

Do you still eat it now?

What would you give to your children in the future?

Do you like cooking?

Who does the cooking in your family?

What does he or she like to cook?

Would you cook more in the future?


What weather do you like?

What is the weather like today?

Do you think that weather may affect people’s mood?


How many languages do you speak?

Did you learn other languages?

Do you think it’s necessary to learn other languages?


Do people in your country celebrate birthdays? How?

Do you think it is important for people to celebrate them?

How did you celebrate your last birthday?

Is the birthday more important for old people or young people?


Do you like to attend the parties of friends or families?

What is the difference between formal and informal party?

What do you wear to a party?

Do Chinese people often hold parties?

On what occasions do Chinese people have parties?


Is weekend important to people?

What do people do on weekend?

Do you think people should be asked to work on weekends?

Do you think people should get more money if they work on weekends?

Which day do you like more on weekend?

What do you often do on that day?

part 2 重点要新准备的题目

1. your personality。(雅思王口语120页)2. a conversation on the phone (可以用116,117,生日和婚礼的内容)3. a friend who tends to be a leader (有领导潜质的朋友),介绍120的性格就行,说成是领导的能力之一。4. a building in your school or university (雅思王口语142页,P3问题在189页)5. a series educational TV program (与92页鸟和93动物内容结合)6. What would you do if you have one day from work or study (结合27张核心卡片中92, 93, 95,96,97, 107都可以)7. a successful thing you did (结合动物保护,生日,组织婚礼都可以)8.记忆中的歌曲(可以结合动物来谈)9. 你在新闻中了解到的人(都可以结合27个卡片)


part2 你喜欢在哪上学是综合性大学还是专业性大学(university or college) 他们在哪儿他们应该长得怎么样 里面的配置应该怎么样(facilities)

pate3 你认为乡村的学校和城市里的学校有什么不同;学校在未来需要改进么为什么;小孩子家里应该有电脑么;学校应该是有大的体育馆好还是有大的图书馆好

a leisure center


ideal house

a vehicle you would like to buy (这道题要注意,介绍自己想买的车的原因,在妙语连珠的书中有答案)

favorite photo

a company you know about (一定要准备small but successful的公司)

your favorite room in your childhood

a museum

your lifestyle (介绍自己的生活方式)

happy event in your childhood (小时候的高兴事)

unusual experience (一次不寻常经历,介绍旅游,迟到的意外都行的)

special family event

a foreign food you would like to try

a change you would like to make to improve your fitness or health

a peaceful place (这个与有噪音的地方是正好相反的)

an adventurous person (一个冒险的人)



