


哪位大神帮忙为我准备一段雅思口语描述 题目是描述一个有趣的老人。

哪位大神帮忙为我准备一段雅思口语描述 题目是描述一个有趣的老人。

楼主自己筛选吧 望采纳

I enjoy talking with my grandma a lot because she’sdifferent from many old people.

Now, she’s in her seventies. She’swise, patient, and caring. Whenever I face

difficulties in life, I would go toher for advice and help. She’s a good listener and

she is always patient when she listensto me. She’s also a good story teller. She

would always tell me something that happened in the past,and her life. I enjoyed

listening to the stories very much. Ithink these stories are much better than the ones

written by famous writers because they’re real lifestories. I can learn a lot from


My grandma is also a book lover. Whenever I visit her,she’s always reading in her

living room. There’re many books on the book shelves.Sometimes I feel my

grandma’s home is like a *** all library. Because of theinfluence from my grandma,

I started reading since I was a little girl. Sometimes, Iwould discuss the books I

read with her because she has read so many books and shecan always give me a

different perspective to view the books.

I’m glad that I have such a good grandma that I couldtalk with all the time. I think

if we could be friends with the old people around us, wecan learn a lot from their

rich life experience.


a veritable national treasure




you should say

who they are

how you knew them

what they usually do together

and explain how you feel about their marriage


I have a lot of friends, and most of them are still young. However, there is a couple, they both are my friends because we studied Chinese in the same class, and they got married four years ago. They are a very nice couple because they love and respect each other very much. Surprisingly, they both have active and dynamic characters. In my opinion, I think there is something very strange which is very hard to explain happening beeen them, for example, they always have the same ideas, opinion, and hobby. They especially like the same food and sport. Moreover, they never make decision without asking his/her partner opinion even a very *** all thing. In addition, when we have party, birthdays or weddings, they never participate separately. They always go by couple, in case a hu *** and or wife can not go, the other will stay at home with his/her partner. As a result, they absolutely trust in each other. The hu *** and always reserves the best for his wife, and his wife treats him respectfully. That is why I rarely see they have argument even a tiny argument. I admire them very much; however, I usually tease them about their romantic and lovely marriage. They told me that the most important factor which is keeping their happy marriage is they always respect the partner ideas, opinion, and thinking. Now they have a daughter, and their happiness increases excessively. Their daughter resembles both father and mother closely, and she is so lovely as well. If I were them I would be very happy and proud of the marriage, I would try my best to preserve my marriage because that is the most precious thing in my life. In my opinion, I think it is not easy to find an appropriate partner as we want like this couple. Not only I adore their marriage but all of my friends have the same attitude.



A happy marriage is a cocktail of open munication, honesty, hard work, and a whole lotta love. But what does that look like in real life? Five wives open up about what a happy marriage means to them, because they're living it!

1. "A happy marriage is being happy with what you've got, rather than expecting your marriage to be a certain way," says one married woman. "Being content and grateful for what you have, instead of constantly trying to live up to some unrealistic standard set by movies and romance novels, is real happiness."

2. "In a happy marriage, o people share things equally," says another married woman. "It doesn't sound romantic, but I'm honestly happy because my hu *** and does the dishes and the laundry as often as I do. We cook together, we run errands together. I don't feel burdened, and I don't feel taken for granted."

3. "We talk about everything, and I think that's what a happy marriage is," says one wife. "I've had relationships in which I felt like I had to keep secrets from my partner, but I can tell my hu *** and anything. I like that I can be open about my feelings, and know that we'll work through whatever it is together."

4. "This is my second marriage and it's happy, unlike the first, because we are totally honest with one another," says another woman. "Whether we aren't thrilled with what's happening in the bedroom or we're concerned over money, we spit it all out and then work it out."

5. "I think a happy marriage is about fiveness," says another married woman. "No one is perfect and if you can just let go of the little things and move on from the bigger things, like arguments, with a fiving rather than begrudging heart, you're in really good shape."


I met my best friend while I was at university. He was in the same class. At first, he scolded me for leaning back on my chair but, after a while, we began to bee good friends. I used to meet him regularly at an Inter café. He went there regularly. We would spend hours there together. He would always lend a hand to me because I didn’t know much about puters at that time.

He’s a humble guy, never shows off his knowledge, even though he can. He’s sincere and doesn’t mind mildly scolding you or even himself in all the same sentence. . He is usually very sociable, but sometimes he can also be a bit shy. He is good at soer and volleyball and used to be on the school team. He’s quite muscular and his hair is frizzy. He has very droopy eyes, like a puppy and a very wide mouth.

I think the main reason we are such good friends is because we have a lot in mon and we both have the same kind of humour. We also always support each other whenever we need help. I think we are such good friends because we don’t feel we ever have to pretend around each other, and we are really helpful to one another. I will miss this guy a lot if I go overseas but since he is always at the inter café, I can email him, and he’s probably right there to receive it!





I have a great father and he is my idol. I had very little memory of him as a chid because he was a truck dirver and wasn't home very often. But I would bee the happiest boy every time he came home and brought souvenirs from places around the country.

But he had an aident about 5 years ago and got his collar bone fractured. He was in the hospital for 2 months. Mom was very anxious and depressed during that time. But my father showed mom and me a lot of optimi *** and cheered us up every day by telling jokes. That 2 months was the darkest time ever in my life. But rainbows always e after the thunder storms, don't they?

My father recovered and quit his job as a driver. We are living happily as a family now. Although he doesn't make as much money now, I know family is the most important thing and we should cherish it, being rich or poor.












雅思口语话题 p2描述一个成功的小公司



The first pany that es to my mind is the Three Squirels, a pany selling nut fruit online. It was not known to many until o years ago when its sales reached the 1 within 1 year of its establishment. Actually there are a lot of panies that sell nut fuit, usually in local markets. But this pany differentiates itself from those many ones by adopting several clever strategies. First it finds a cute name for it, " the Three Squirrels". When people read the name, they will think of the lovely animals, and the the products is perfectly relevant to the name. Second, the pany does everything that makes eating nut fruit an easier thing. They put little useful tools inside the food bag so that customers can open the nut more easily without hurting themselves. They also put wet tissue paper insdie so that customers can wipe their hands later. In fact there are a lot they have done, and obviously they have done all the stuff with the sole purpose of serving the customer, making them happy. That is why such a *** all pany should ahieve so much within such a short time.





雅思口语经常谈论的话题都是生活中常见的话题,平时多注意积累, 总结 出属于自己的答题思路和套路,才能在口语考场上游刃自如哦!接下来就跟我一起来看看雅思口语话题描述一首有趣的歌曲吧!



Describe an interesting song you like.

You should say:

What it is

Which country the song comes from

What story the song tells

And explain why you think it is interesting.


I would like to describe a song called "Hey Jude", which was firstly sung by the English rock band the Beatles. Actually it's a song McCartney wrote to cheer up a 5-year old boy Julian, during his parents' divorce. The song was first released in August 1968 as the first single from one of the Beatles' records. The song reached the top of both British and American charts. Then, it became an uplifting ballad that's inspired the masses for decades.

I was also touched by the song the first time I heard it in my high school. I especially like the lyrics, which carry an encouraging message, like when he sings "make a sad song and make it better". It taught us to be positive and optimistic when things aren't going well. The lyrics and the tune always spark a bit of romance in my heart. I tended to listen to this song when I came across all kinds of frustration and failures in my life. It's really a wake-up call for me and could drag me out of tough situations. Nowadays, I can't help singing along with the song once it plays. It also had been covered by a series of singers worldwide. Interestingly, it was sung by 80,000 people in the stadium during the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic Games. The scene was spectacular, hard to describe in words!


1.cheer up 等于 encourage, 表示鼓励某人,大家要注意在考场上,可以尽量多地使用这样的 短语 表达(雅思口语)

2.release,我们一般说歌曲发行时要用到这个动词,first single 表示第一首单曲(雅思口语)

3. 这里的 chart 表示音乐排行榜,比如我们知道的 Spotify 或者是 Billboard(雅思口语)

4.reach the top of the chart 表示横扫榜单,当然还有一个同义替换词,chart buster(雅思口语)

5.uplifting ballad 指的是鼓舞人心的歌谣,我们要学会用这个词来替换 song(雅思口语)

6.carry an encouraging message 表示传递一种正能量,当我们描述电影或者是歌曲传递一种特殊的情绪时,要学会用 carry 这个动词(雅思口语)

7.spark a bit of romance 表示唤起内心的浪漫感觉,spark 作为动词,表示激起或者唤起(雅思口语)

雅思口语Part 2新题预测:一首有趣的歌

You should say:

What it is

Which country the song comes from

What story the song tells

And explain why you think it is interesting.

雅思口语Part 2 范文 :Both Of Us

主题:Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift


I really love music and over the years there are lot many songs that have come up to inspire me and help me to get out of the rut that I am living in. But, the one song that I really fell in love and have enjoyed over the years is, “Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift”.

The song is about the people who are trying to fulfill their dreams. It talks off their struggle, their emotions and how they feel when the world rejects them. The singer says that he is there for all of the people who are trying to fulfill their dreams. It is about how it is not about just lifting yourself from rut but also the people near you.

I love this song because in some ways it helps me to stay focused and move on towards my dreams. It is very motivating and the background music is amazing. I remember hearing this song on a loop when the days are tough and I am not able to do anything. Because it is on these days that I can fully relate with this song.

Most of the people hear to it, most probably the ones who are bothered about something or are trying hard to achieve something in their lives. It is that powerful, that strong, that you can actually feel powered hearing it.




2、手表:西方国家的人很看重“手表”,无论我在外交部,大使馆给国家领导人做翻译,还是跟外教一起聊英语教学,都发现他们很喜欢带表,他们称带表的人为“a man of time”(有时间观念的人),所以同学们考试时一定要带表。

3、颜色:颜色会使一个人的感觉变动,而如果全部同学都是穿白色或浅色的衣服,而你穿了黑色,那你就会给人耳目一新的感觉。在所有我接触过的考官,都喜欢一种颜色,那就是绿色,那是代表“love ,hope ,life and energy",并且澳大利亚的国色是绿色。我推荐大家穿绿色,蓝色和黄色。这样会让所有的外国考官都会喜欢。

4、结束:当考官最后说了一句:that's all。一般同学们都会说:thanks, goodbye. 这样的印象分也是很差的,一般第三部分的分数是等你出了门,考官才会写下去,所以最后的一句话往往是加分的。同学们牢记好三句话:thanks very much for your time ,and I enjoy taking with you . Have a good day ,__(加上考官的名字,并且握手)。 雅思口语的三部分,同学们都知道第一部分最简单,第二部分动用自己的 想象力 去描述,第三部分最难,但最关键的是第一部分,也就是从你进门那一刻开始。下面我与大家分享下外交级的礼仪,如何让考官非常喜欢你。下面的“T”代表考官,“S”代表你。 T:Come in please.(在门口叫你) S:thank you 后,轻声关门,马上走到考官前说:my name is _ x.(一定要说中文名,不能说英文名),然后马上请问对方的名字:how do you like me to address you ,sir?(这句话是外交级的语言,对方肯定会告诉你名字),假设考官说的是Ken, 你马上微笑的回答:Oh, Ken, (惊讶的表情),nice name, glad to meet you.(伸出手,要有力) 。 T:说完后考官肯定说thanks, 然后说sit down ,please. S:同学们不要马上坐下,因为当时考官还是站着的,你要说:you please.(你先请) 。


其一,面对很多话题,同学们只能说出寥寥数语,而且绝大多数同学所说的内容基本雷同。如a famous animal in China,中国学生的标准答案就是panda,而且关于panda,同学们除了说出It has white body and black eyes或者It's cute之外,几乎没有区别于其他同学的内容。

其二,在面对相当数量的话题时,同学们感到无话可说。例如a wedding you have attended,很多同学称自己没有参加过任何婚礼,导致在考场上语塞。

首先,同学们明白一个事实,那就是:雅思口语中未必一定要说真话。因为通常,真话是我们根本就不了解这个话题,就算能说出来,恐怕和其他学生也差不多,是一个既无趣又单调的答案。这样一个答案,在雅思考试中肯定不能获得理想的分数。所以,只要答案是合情合理,前后不矛盾,我们就可以使用。总之,在谈话中,我们要做的只是一个忠实的story teller。


本着这样一个原则,我们就可以着手准备素材了。在这里谈几个准备的 方法 。


其次,如果确实对于某个话题感到无话可说。我们可以借助现在最为发达的网络平台来寻找答案。例如在准备describe a park这道题目的时候,南京同学往往会将目标锁定在Xuan Wuhu lake park上,所以我们会听到许多同学描述完全相同的事物,如There's a zoo indside of it, and there're different kinds of animal in it, such as…这样的描述确实难以令考官产生兴趣。那么如果我们借助网络来搜索答案,又可以得到什么结果呢?在Google或者维基 百科 (Wikipedia)中,我们输入关键词 Disneyland, California, 就能得到全部的关于加州迪斯尼的资料。从这个公园产生的背景,到这个公园各个部分的简介。比如关于其中一个叫做 Redwood Greek Challenge Trail的景点,我们得到了以下信息:

Redwood Creek Challenge Trail (opened February 8, 2001) : A play area for kids, featuring a Mount Shasta wilderness-like setting and suspension and wire bridges. It also features rock climbing and a Brother Bear scene cave. It is also designed for adventurous adults.


Well, I don't have a certain favorite attraction in particular, but if I have to say, I'd probably say it is Redwood Creek Challenge Trail. Actually, it's a play area for kids but it also attracts a young adult like me for its design. It is a mount shape background with a exciting suspension and wire bridge, and also a cute brother bear cave which even fascinates a lot of adults.

不难看出,上面一段口语答案和关于Xuan Wuhu Lake Park的描述,无论从评分的哪个角度,都是关于Disneyland的这一段获胜。

不过在网络搜索的过程中,切记三个原则,第一,搜索的关键词要具体不要抽象,如果搜索describe a park,就不如搜索一个具体的公园Disneyland得到的信息多;第二,得到了文字信息之后,一定要在资料的基础上进行改编,因为得到的资料是书面语,我们要将它修改成口语稿才能使用;第三,一定要反复对着镜子练习自己的说话方式,把这些 句子 熟练掌握,内化为自己的观点,并能把它自然地说出来,而不是“背”出来,如果考官发现是在背诵而不是叙述,肯定会给你一个很低的分数。

雅思口语话题描述一首有趣的歌曲相关 文章 :

1. 盘点雅思英语口语的最新话题

2. 雅思口语|说说喜欢的综艺节目

3. 雅思英语口语Part 1中最难的十话题

4. 雅思口语关于事件描述常用的单词有哪些?

5. 雅思英语|雅思口语抽象类的话题怎样说才显得具体?

6. 以一首歌为话题的作文4篇

7. 雅思英语口语Part3常见话题关键词和句型

8. 雅思口语 人物外貌的8分描述




Describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money

You should say:

What day it was

Where you went

What you did

Who you were with


1. 怎么认识的?

2. 不花钱的话,周年纪念是怎么庆祝的?

3. 后来为什么分了?

当然,这只是个框架。在我们叙述故事的过程中,需要各种各样的细节来让这个故事变得完整。下面我们来看一下下面的sample answer.

Sample answer:

Well, the special day I am going to share with you is my first anniversary with my ex-girlfriend, when I was in the final year of my senior high school. Wow, now as I think about it, it was eight years ago. Time really does fly, doesn’t it? Anyway, we were living in the boarding school and everybody else was working their neck off, you know, to prepare for the college-entrance examination. The school teachers were worse than cops, keeping an eye on every student and literally banging on our heads the moment we slacked a bit. So my girlfriend and I didn’t really have chance to spend time together as a couple. But I was well aware of what would be waiting for me if I failed to celebrate the anniversary with her. So, on that very morning, we got up really early and snuck out of campus when the guards at the gate were changing duty. Yup, it’s precisely like what you see in movies, only better. Then, I took her to a large expanse of grassland, about twenty minutes’ walk from the campus. The place was ghostly quiet, one could hardly spot anyone else within a 2-mile radius. But that makes it a perfect place for couples on a date. As a student, because of the tight budget, I couldn’t take her to a fancy restaurant or Disneyland, where she always fancied. So to make it up to her, I decided to make this most memorable birthday for her by being the most romantic guy in the world. I took out all the love letters I previously wrote to her but kept neatly in an envelope and read it out loud to her in a way that sounded like a romantic poet.

Well, that lasted for a couple of hours, coz honestly, there is a whole pile of letters and she listened intently and never tried to interrupt me.

As night descended, we laid down on the grassland, cuddling her in my arms, staring at the starry night, talking a lot about our future together.

If you are wondering how we managed to sneak back to campus without being noticed, well, we didn’t. Of course the teachers found out and I was almost killed by my head teacher. But to be honest, at that moment, I felt it’s all worth it.

Don’t ask me why we broke up, let’s just say our destinies are not bound together. We will just leave it at that, shall we?

这就是这个题目的一个sample answer. 可能很多学生一看到这个故事感觉好长啊,说不完. 其实这里想要跟大家分享的这个故事并不需要说全部说完。这是我在编这个故事的时候,脑子里所浮现的画面,能让我觉得值得说的内容。我尽量用简单的语言去把这个故事完整的表述出来,但是每个学生看完这个故事的触点可能不同,那么大家完全可以把这个故事的内容当成一个原始素材,只要挑出你觉得好的,能够感人的,值得说的内容去组织起来就可以了。那么,这个故事里又有哪些细节呢?这里我们逐句进行分析。分析完了之后,考生们也就清楚到底哪些内容重要,哪些内容不重要了。

1. Well, the special day I am going to share with you is my first anniversary with my ex-girlfriend, when I was in the final year of my senior high school.


2. Wow, now as I think about it, it was eight years ago. Time really does fly, doesn’t it?


3. Anyway, we were living in the boarding school and everybody else was working their neck off, you know, to prepare for the college-entrance examination. The school teachers were worse than cops, keeping an eye on every student and literally banging on our heads the moment we slacked a bit. So my girlfriend and I didn’t really have chance to spend time together as a couple.


4. But I was well aware of what would be waiting for me if I failed to celebrate the birthday with her.


5. So, on that very morning, we got up really early and snuck out of campus when the guards at the gate were changing duty. Yup, it’s precisely like what you see in movies, only better. Then, I took her to a large expanse of grassland, about twenty minutes’ walk from the campus. The place was ghostly quiet有意思的事雅思口语; one could hardly spot anyone else within a 2-mile radius. But that makes it a perfect place for couples on a date.

这里就是进入正题,描述这一天是怎么开始的。标黑部分都是细节描述,不仅增加故事的真实性,而且让考官脑子里能呈现出衣服比较清晰的图片,让考官身临其境一样,跟着故事的主线走。其中,Yup, it’s precisely like what you see in movies, only better.这句话联系电影,因为前面偷跑出来的情节有点假,那就不如直接说,比电影还好。

6. As a student, because of the tight budget, I couldn’t take her to a fancy restaurant or Disneyland, where she always fancied. So to make it up to her, I decided to make this most memorable birthday for her by being the most romantic guy in the world. I took out all the love letters I previously wrote to her but kept neatly in an envelope and read it out loud to her in a way that sounded like a romantic poet. Well, that lasted for a couple of hours, coz honestly, there is a whole pile of letters and she listened intently and never tried to interrupt me. As night descended, we laid down on the grassland, cuddling her in my arms, staring at the starry night, talking a lot about our future together.

这是比较关键的内容:先说钱的问题,因为这是题目要求的一部分,然后就是朗读情书。这部分细节建议考生最好不要省略,因为这是最关键的一部分。 其中Well, that lasted for a couple of hours, coz honestly, there is a whole pile of letters 这句话也是添加幽默成分,来形容自己情书写的真的很多。毕竟是anniversary, 需要一点爱的主题在故事中。

7. If you are wondering how we managed to sneak back to campus without being noticed, well, we didn’t. Of course the teachers found out and I was almost killed by my head teacher. But to be honest, at that moment, I felt it’s all worth it.


8. Don’t ask me why we broke up, let’s just say our destinies are not bound together. We will just leave it at that, shall we?

最后结尾部分。毕竟是前女友,总归要有一个closure. 这里烤鸭们可以自己编后面发生了什么,因为什么原因分手的。但是如果没有更好理由的话,建议就这么说。最后一句说完后,再好奇的考官,出于基本礼貌,也不会追问这个问题了。

这就是如何通过细节来展开一个故事,让故事有血有肉,非常生动。整篇范文里没有任何难词- 就算真的有,换成考生们认识的词,也不会对整个故事有任何影响。而且最为重要的是,这真的是一个脱离雅思考试,脱离题目的一个即使用中文跟朋友分享也是比较值得一听,有所感慨的故事,不是吗?这就是最后跟大家说的讲故事的标准。如果你的故事用中文说,都特别有意思,特别值得听,那么英文的实现,或者说针对雅思口语第二部分来说,只是一个简单的翻译工作罢了。

