



cappuccino:a drink consisting of a shot of espresso with steamed milk and foam



espresso:a strong coffee brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through fine coffee grounds



latté:an espresso drink, but with more milk than a cappucino



mocha:a variant of a latté with chocolate added



américano:espresso diluted with hot water



macchiato:espresso with a dollop of hot, foamed milk



环球青藤友情提示:以上就是[ 雅思口语备考之咖啡的英语学问? ]问题解答,希望能够帮助到大家!


I most want to go to France, visits the Louvre in Paris, the Versailles Palace. Goes to renowned Gete to construct the Notre Dame Cathedral again to have a look, to go to the left bank the cafe to drink a cup of milk coffee, listens to praise fragrant. The Eiffel Tower is the essential scenic spot, there you may the bird's eye view entire Paris. Has the time words to go to Pengpidu to have a look at the prior art.



在雅思口语考试中,Part 2为话题描述部分,是让大多数考生都望而生畏的部分。这部分的考试基本上是由考生一个人陈述完成,考官在这个部分大多是扮演一个聆听者的角色,基本上和考生没有太多对话交流,所以很容易造成考生的紧张。

Where元素:学会灵活运用方位词汇。作为 Where这个元素,其实可以提前做好充分准备,只要懂得灵活运用表示方位词汇就好,考生只要根据不同话题套用固定句型就可以了。


was established/ built/ finished in 一个年代就好。在说When时,还可以结合How often you

visit this place? 一起回答。


you can see?和 what you can do?两方面考虑。说一个建筑里能看见什么,无非是它造型,大小,装潢(interior

design, 是不是exquisite, 有没有一些glass curtain walls, 和chandelier,

墙上可能还挂着很多的oil paintings)和布局(layout), 几层楼,, 然后可以列举一系列甜点名称;并着重介绍某个best


Why元素:综合所有优点进行头脑风暴。Why?为什么喜欢是要重点交代一点,这时可以综合所有你曾经去过的咖啡店优点来个头脑风暴。 也许你喜欢原因可能是这个咖啡店的饮料,或是早餐, 也许店家是位制作咖啡的专家:因为每杯手工调制的咖啡上都会有很漂亮……都是喜欢的原因。


PART 1 日常场景话题


PART 2 常见核心类话题:

经历类话题 (过往经历、切身感受):过往经历可以是自己的,也可以是别人的,要注意用过去的时态;而切身感受要注意结合自己亲身经历的感受来回答,

人物类话题 (老人、小孩、名人):人物类话题通常要考的就是有特殊身份的人或者普通人。有特殊身份的人的话,童鞋们可以准备名人。名人大家就注意准备一些名人事例及名言。普通人的话,根据年龄来分,就准备老人和小孩这两类,要注意准备这两个话题的语料库。

地点类话题 (室内、室外):地点类话题无非就是室内和室外。室内的话,主要考服务和装修的细节。比如:咖啡馆、图书馆、旅馆等。室外的通常考风景之类的,比如:你喜欢的一个花园、家乡的一个美丽的地方等。

物品类话题 (书、电影、电子产品):物品类话题是考得最多的,爱预科的老师说也是分类最多最繁杂的。例如:书、电影、电子产品的等。这部分可能需要你花很多的时间和精力来准备。


PART 3 社会相关话题比较多




Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger

You should say

Who this person was

What the conversation was about

Why you had this conversation

And how you felt about itYou should say:

Who this person is

What kind of job this person does

How you knew him or her

And explain why this person is good at his or her job.

Describe someone you would like to study or work with You should say:

Who this person is

How long you have known this person

What you have done together

And explain why you would like to work/ study with this personDescribe a time you borrowed something from others.

You should say:

What the situation was

What you borrowed

Whom you borrowed it from

And explain why you borrowed it.Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare

You should say:

What it was

Who you gave it to

How you prepared it

And explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it

Describe something lost by others but found by you.

You should say:

When it happened;

What you picked up;

How you did with the lost thing;

And how did you feel about it.Describe a time you felt tired but had to keep awake

You should say

Why you felt tired

Why you had to keep awake

What you had to do to keep awake

and explain how you felt about the experienceDescribe a school you went to in your childhood

Where it was

What it was like

What you learned there

And how you felt about it






Describe an intelligent person you know. 一个有智慧的人

Describe a person you enjoy talking with. 喜欢跟他说话的人

Describe a comic actor/cartoon characterwho is popular in your country.一个喜剧演员或卡通人物

Describe a famous person from yourcountry.名人

Describe an interesting person yourecently met.有趣的人

Describe a person who taught you auseful skill (for example, cooking, riding a bike).教你你能的人

Describe a groupyou are a part of.参加的团队


Describe a film that you disliked. 不喜欢的电影

Describe a book that you enjoyed reading. 喜欢的书

Describe a magazineyou like. 喜欢的杂志

Describe something special that you savedmoney to buy. 攒钱买的东西

Describe a present (a gift) you receivedwhen you were a child. 小时候收到的礼物

Describe an antique or some other oldthing that your family has kept for a long time. 古董或老物件

Describe an interesting wild animal fromyour country (you like best). 野生动物

Describe an unforgettable advertisement(that you saw or heard or liked). 难忘的广告

Describe a course you learned at school,university or evening class. 大学课程

Describe a subject that you want to giveinformation to others. 介绍科目

Describe a popular product (food,handcraft or car)made in your country(that you would like to buy).国产商品,如食物,手工艺品,或汽车

Describe a useful website that youhave visited.有用的网站

Describe a work of art you haveseen (e.g., a painting or statue/sculpture).艺术作品

Describe something (except phoneand computer)that you can’t live without.生活必需品

Describe a piece of clothes thatyou wore at a special occasion.特别场合的衣服

Describe a rule in school you agreeor disagree.校规

Describe a photo someone took of you.照片

Describe a law in your country.有用的法律

Describe a subject you didn’t enjoyin high school.不喜欢的科目

Describe a job you would do in thefuture.今后想做的工作

Describe something( a TV program ora film ) that made you laugh a lot.有趣的电视节目或电影


Describe a place you visited to learnanother culture. 学到其他文化的地方

Describe a park/garden you visitedand liked/that impressed you. 公园或花园

Describe a restaurant you like (to goto)/that impresses you. 餐厅

Describe a historic building thatyou visited. 历史建筑

Describe a place(not in yourcountry) that you would like to visit. 你想去的国外的地方

Describe a time when you moved intoa new house or new school.乔迁新居或去新的学校

Describe a street where you like togo shopping.购物街

Describe a café you often you go to.咖啡厅

Describe a library.图书馆

Describe a place where you haveworked or studied.曾经工作或学习的地方

Describe a seaside place you wantto visit.想访问的海边


Describe a type of sport you like to do. 喜欢的运动

Describe a time when you forgot something.忘掉的事情

Describe a situation (or a time) when youhelped someone. 帮助他人

Describe an occasion you met a friend whoyou hadn't seen for a long time. 见到久未谋面的朋友

Describe an event that changed your lifein a good/positive way. 积极的改变

Describe a special meal that youwould like to have.特殊的用餐

Describe a successful familybusiness you know.成功的家庭生意

Describe an interestingconversation you had with a stranger.与陌生人的有趣的对话

Describe an important decision youtook a long time to make.重要的决定

Describe a recent event that made you feel happy.最近开心的事

Describe a trip you took by publictransport.乘坐公共交通旅行

Describe a sport event you have watched on TV or enjoy doing.体育赛事

Describe a holiday.假期

Describe a time when you want to share withanother person.想要分享的是事情

Describe a time when some equipment break down.坏掉的设备

Describe your busiest time.忙碌的时间


