



我大大的推荐这家.好.,ABC先下在线口语不错滴,外教很有耐心所以我上课时会多读多说多练多问多听,这些是我的切身体验和感受,你如果觉得也适合你的话可以来试试..01年1月1日雅思听力机经题目:SECTION 1V111S1 V1101S1 V1111S1 V110S1 V1011S1 V100S1 V101S1 V10S1 V1010S1 V101S1 V100S1 V1O0S1 V1O0S1 V10S1V101S1 V101S1 V101S1 V101S1V1010S1 V100S1 V1011S1 V11100S1 V1110S1 V1110S1 V1101S1 V1100S1 V1100S1 V1100S1 V1101S1 V1101S1 V11010S1 V1100S1 V1101S1 V1101S1 V1101S1 V11010S1 V1011S1 V10111S1 V1010S1 V10110S1 V10110S1 V1010S1 V10101S1 V100S1 V10011S1 V100S1 V1001S1 V1001S1 V1001S1 V10010S1 V1001S1 V100S1 V1001S1 V1000S1 V100S1 V1001S1 V1000S1 V10010S1 V01S1 V01S1 V01S1 V01S1 V011S1 V01S1 V010S1(G) V011S1 V0110S1 V010S1 V01S1 V01S1 V001S1 V011S1 V010S1 V01S1 V01S1 V011S1 VS1 V011S1 V011S1 V0110S1 V010S1 V010S1 V010S1 V00S1 V001S1 V00S1 V00S1 V001S1 V00S1 V00S1 V00S1 V00S1 V00S1 V001S1 V001S1 V0S1 V1S1





• Will the rain change your mood?

• How rainy days affect people’s life?

• Do you often take raincoats or umbrellas with you?

• Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?

Rainy days

• Do people like raining?

• Do you often take raincoats or umbrellas with you?

• Does it rain much in China? (Where? When?)

• Is there any part of China where it doesn't rain much?

• When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?

• In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?

• Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your


• Have you ever taken any training?

• What skills have you learned? Why?


Describe someone who is a good parent

Describe an advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked)

Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy

Describe a traditional product in your country

Describe a public park or garden

Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions.

You should say:

when you received

who gave you the suggestions

what you did and explain why the suggestions were positive/how you felt

From a parent’s perspective2023雅思口语预测, is it useful to give children positive feedback?

What are the advantages of giving people positive feedback?

What would happen if parents overly encourage their children?

Who needs more encouragement2023雅思口语预测, boys or girls?

Do you think parents should reward their children if they achieve something?


Do most Chinese people live in an apartment or house?

Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?

Do Chinese people like to rent a place to live?

Would you live in a foreign country in the future?

How does the modern home design (both inside outside appearance) in your country differ from that of the past?

ln your country2023雅思口语预测, what type of home do most people live in?









3、武汉ielts考试中心 房间15

P1 rainyday dictionary best time to study

P2 positive experience

p3 old and yong generations

4、湖北大学room13.part1 学校专业做饭 part2喜欢的运动 part3 中国政府出台的提倡全民健身政策

5、湖北大学RM4,207 part1 name.study.street market.


part3 how to make friends?will you make friends with someone that share nothing common with you?why people make friends on internet?



7、首经贸,RM4,part2问的good law in China,part3有问到警察这个职业好不好,为什么

8、湖北大学,RM12 part1 喜欢去公园还是花园 公园该怎么改建 part2 学一门除英语以外的一门语言,如何学习的 part3 什么人学英语 英语课堂如何改进 中文有什么改变

9、湖大RM5,白人,和蔼,1work/animal/wild animal;2park/garden;3green area/food quality between city and townvillage


11、湖北大学RM5 part1 fullname cooking dictionary part2 other culture part3 the way to learn other culture, past and now,other culture in film

12、湖北大学r4,居住地 家乡 喜欢的食物 拍照p2家庭聚会 p3婚姻观 目测常规题

13、太原理工r m 3 回忆 part1 study map what do u do on weekend? What do you want to change in a week?

Part2 a time when your equipment has a problem

Part3 How do you repair broken equipment.? Other equipment people used in the past.

14、太原理工大学 room02 p1 clothes,language,hometown等

p2 an intellengent person 最后问我希望这个人当你男朋友不...深戳他笑点

p3 如何培养孩子的智力,家长在教育中扮演怎样的角色,男女老师的教学差异,寓教于乐的教学方法,如何培养对艺术的兴趣。

15、湖大,R8白人小伙,很大方,热情 p1,major,rain



16、湖大rm12 P1 学习 / 工作 学习的地方 博物馆 / 艺术馆

P2 一个外国的电影

p3 各种关于电影的话题 比如 中国容易看外国电影嘛、哪个国家的电影受欢迎、看电影有利于英语的学习嘛

17、东南大学room421,part1:work or study、drive car、maps、


part 3:wild animal ,goverment duty等等

18、东南328,P1,家乡,有什么不满意的地方,电视节目,学科,P2,喜剧演员(in your country),P3,关于film actor的问题,是不是赚的太多的之类的,

19、北外rm09 part1 work or study,major,subject一系列问题,study in the morning or afternoon

part2 positive experience in your teenager years,

part3关于teenager和old people的好多问题

20、交大room4 part1:name living study or work在哪里上学为什么在那里上



21、天津11:05。rm12胖胖的白人大伯,神打断,一直打断从未停止,p1:cook music p2: a present you received when you are a child p3: different people like different presents.

22、北外rm02。P1开学第一天,为什么选这个学校,注意力集中,为什么有人爱住在亲戚家或者朋友家。P2一个远离家的地方 p3关于hotel的好多问题。你认为hotel最重要的是什么,那些高档酒店重要么,

23、深圳赛格VIP4 part1 work or study/major/favourite animal/animal in the zoo

part2 sports that you play or watch part3 popular sports in China/people do the sports now and in the past

24、天津考场room4 第一部分 家乡 你喜不喜欢,会不会常住 。问喜不喜欢雨,你觉得哪下雨比较多。 第二部分 你这个城市的建筑 第三部分 有什么老的建筑在你的国家,你觉得老的建筑与新建筑的比较

25、问了一些关于中国人对于 家的理解 年轻人是否需要和老年人相处 之类的。时态错了很多 希望其他童鞋注意。长沙 rm9

26、石家庄R3,1住哪,对那的人了解么,用地图么,谁教你,纸的还是电子,喜欢street market么,想去国外的street market么为什么,为什么人们喜欢去street market 2手机 3为什么人们喜欢发短信,微信和短信的区别,为什么用微信还发短信,谁用手机多

27、贵大,room01,11.35考,part1,study or work ,clothes pattern 在学校你穿什么衣服,你小时候的你怎么打扮的,part2 你忘记做一件事,when and why。part3关于记忆的。什么样的人比较容易忘记做事?记性不好对工作有什么影响等等

28、深圳赛格VIP8 P1live,school,clothesP2,a sport you like to do P3各种运动,以及政府还是私人投资运动员哪个好

29、深圳赛格v7 p1 living place bithday 问了好多…… p2 interesting animal p3 TVprogram对珍惜动物的好处,zoo好还是不好,学校要教孩子保护动物么 ,孩子照顾动物有什么好处,政府怎么保护稀有动物,公众怎么保护动物


