


托福考试词汇量一览表 托福怎样才能拿高分

不论是托福考试,还是雅思考试,对于词汇的要求都是非常高的,所以为了将考试考好,必须要做好词汇的积累。下面来跟着看看托福考试词汇量一览表 托福怎样才能拿高分?





另外,听力务必多练,这是托福高低分至关重要的一步; ,毕竟口语中还有4道题要听听力作答, 写作部分2道题中的第一题也是需要听听力之后才能进行写作的,重要性可想而知。






一般来说,掌握8000托福词汇,考试基本上没有太大的问题,但对于中国人来说,在口语和写作方面相对较弱, 所以在此建议学霸们,尽可能的掌握10000词汇量,这才比较保险,另外托福阅读想要超过25甚至达27、28就会很轻松了。





anthropologist 人类学家

paleoanthropologist 古人类学家

ecological anthropologist 生态人类学家

psychological anthropologist 心理人类学家

origin 起源

hominid 人(科)

homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的

tribe 部落

archeologist 考古学家

excavation 挖掘

excavate (unearth) 挖掘

ruins 遗迹,废墟

remains 遗迹,遗骸

artifact 手工艺品

relic 遗物,文物

antique 古物,古董

antiquity 古代,古老

Stone Age 石器时代

Bronze Age (青)铜器时代

Iron Age 铁器时代

Paleolithic 旧石器时代的







realism [ˈriəlizəm] n 现实主义

impressionism [ɪmˈpreʃənɪz(ə)m] n.印象主义

impressionistic style [ɪm,preʃə'nɪstɪk] 印象派风格

sculptor n.雕塑家

decoration n. 装饰品

stained glass [steɪnd `glæs ]n.彩色玻璃

weaving[ˈwiː.vɪŋ] n.织动,编织

brushstroke [brʌʃ] [strəuk] n.一笔,绘画技巧

texture [ˈtekstʃə] n.质地,纹理

pigment ['pɪgm(ə)nt] 颜色,色素(常考)

facial [ˈfeiʃəl] adj. 面部的,表面的

gesture [‘dʒestʃə] n.造型

rank 分等级

appeal v.对……有吸引力

documentary [ˌdɔkjuˈmentəri]n.纪录片

portray [pɔ:ˈtrei] vt.描绘,扮演

clown [klaun] n. 小 丑

authentic [ɔ:ˈθentik] adj. 真正的

vocal music 声乐

solo 独奏

rhythm ['riðəm] n.节奏

dwelling [‘dwelɪŋ] n.住处,居住空间

timber [‘timbə] n.木材

genre [ˈʒɔnrə]n.文体

autobiography [ɔːtəbaɪ'ɒgrəfɪ] n. 人物传记


infinite [ˈɪnfɪnɪt]无限的

cosmic [‘kɔzmik] adj.宇宙的

space debris [ˈdeɪbrɪˈdɛbrɪ] 太空垃圾

meteor [ˈmiːtɪə]流星

meteoroid [ˈmiːtɪəˌrɔɪd]流星

illuminate [i’lju:mineit] v.照亮,使明亮

spin [spɪn]v.旋转

rotate [rəu’teit] v.自转

revolve [ri’vɔlv] v.公转

paradox [ˈpærədɔks]n.悖论

navigation [ˌnæviˈgeiʃən]n. 航 海


elongated [‘i:lɔŋ’ɡeitid] adj.被拉长的

ultra-violet n.紫外线

visible light n.可见光

solar energy 太阳能

tidal energy 潮汐能

energy conservation 保护能源

greenhouse effect 温室效应

ozone layer (ozonosphere) 臭氧层

deforest 滥伐森林

drought 干旱

decompose [ˌdi:kəmˈpəuz]v. 分 解

synthesize ['sinθisaiz] v.合成;综合


mammal ['mæməl]n. [脊椎] 哺乳动物

primates [ˈpraɪmɪts]灵长目动物

endangered species 濒危动物

nerve system [nə:v] n.神经系统

circulatory ['sɝkjələtɔri]system 循环系统

renewing n.更新

metabolism [məˈtæbəlizəm]n.新陈代谢

hormone [ˈhɔ:məun]n.激素,荷尔蒙

insulin [‘insjulin] n.胰岛素

secretion [siˈkri:ʃən]n.分泌,分泌物

vessel [‘vesəl] n.血管

beak [bi:k] n.喙

wing [wiŋ]n.翅膀

feather [ˈfeðə] n. 羽毛

tail [teil] n.尾

burrow [ˈbʌrəu]n.洞穴

nest [nest] n.巢

mate [meit]n.交配

stimulus [ˈstimjuləs]n.刺激

forage [‘fɔridʒ] v.觅食


domesticate [dəˈmɛstɪˌket]v.驯养

reproduce[ˌri:prəˈdju:s] v.繁殖

camouflage [ˈkæməflɑ:ʒ]vt.伪装

shield [ʃi:ld] v.防御,保护

harsh[hɑ:ʃə] a.(环境)恶劣的

hibernation [ˌhaibəˈneiʃən]n.冬眠

echolocation [ˌekəuləu'keiʃən]n. 回声定位



nectar ['nektə]n.花蜜


nomad [ˈnəumæd]n.游牧民

ruins [ˈruːɪn]遗迹,废墟

remains [rɪ'meɪnz] 遗骸

shelter [ˈʃeltə] n.庇护所

ritual [‘ritʃuəl] n.(宗教)仪式

originate [əˈrɪdʒɪˌneɪt]起源于

inhabit [inˈhæbit]vt.居住于


subjective [səbˈdʒektiv]adj.主观的

objective [ɔbˈdʒektiv]adj.客观的

cognition [kɔɡˈniʃən]n.认识

questionnaire [ˌkwestʃəˈneə]n.问卷

motivation [,məuti'veiʃən]n. 动机

intention [in’tenʃən] n.意图

self-reliance [‘self-ri’lains] n. 自立

majority [məˈdʒɒrɪtɪ]n.多数人

minority [maɪˈnɒrɪtɪmɪ-]n.少数人


out of business 歇业,破产

annual budget [ˈænjuəl] [ˈbʌdʒit]n.年度预算

mortgage [ˈmɔ:gidʒ]n./vt.抵押

commodity [kəˈmɔditi]n.商品


第一组:coincide with 和 contribute to

coincide with 同时发生

【释义】:If one event coincides with another, they happen at the same time.

【例句】:Although his mental illness had coincided withhis war service it had not been caused by it.

contribute to 导致,有助于

【释义】:If you contribute to something, you say or do things to help to make it successful.

【例句】:The report says design faults in both the vessels contributed to the tragedy.

第二组: all but 和 break down

All but 几乎是

【释义】:You use all but to say that something is almost the case.

【例句】:The cases have stirred deep racial tensions, but the reactions of the white majority were all but silent.

break down 分解

【释义】:When a substance breaks down or when something breaks it down, a biological or chemical process causes it to separate into the substances which make it up.

第三组:get credit for 和 take up

get credit for 因...而受到好评

【释义】: If you get credit for something, you receive acknowledgment or praise for some accomplishment.

【例句】:Soldiers on the frontline fought and died, but it is politicians back home who got credit for winning the war.

he social sciences are less likely than other intellectual enterprises to get credit for their accomplishments.


take up 承担,开始做

【释义】:If you take up an activity or a subject, you become interested in it and spend time doing it, either as a hobby or as acareer.

【例句】:I am not particularly willing to take up a competitive sport because that will increase the .

第四组: lay off 和 fall into disrepute

lay off 解雇

【释义】:If workers are laid off,they are told by their employers to leave their job, usually because there is no more work for them to do.

【例句】:Only firms with fewer than 100 workers can lay off employees without consultation.

fall into disrepute 名声扫地

【释义】:If something is brought into disrepute or falls into disrepute, it loses its good reputation, because it is connected with activities that people do not approve of.

【例句】:The whole trans-genetic industry fell into disrepute because of the research scandal.

第五组: little more than 和 in conjunction with

little more than 只不过

【释义】:You use little more than to show something is only to a small degree.

【例句】:In fact, cost of cancer research is little more than 1 percent of the world's annual military spending.

in conjunction with 连同,与......共同联合

【释义】:If one thing is done or used in conjunction with another, the two things are done or used together.

【例句】:The water protection project will be done inconjunction with the Environment Agency.

第六组:hold in check 和 be rooted in

hold in check 抑制

【释义】:If you hold something in check, you keep something or someone under control, usually to stop them becoming too large or too powerful.

【例句】:The minister's campaign to hold inflation in check showed modest signs of success in April.

be rooted in 来源于

【释义】:If you say a particular quality is rooted in something, that quality has an origin or base from that thing.

【例句】:Many psychological problems of adults are actually rooted in their childhood experiences.

第七组: in terms of 和 have no sense of

in terms of 从......角度来说

【释义】:If you talk about something in terms of something or in particular terms, you are specifying which aspect of it you are discussing or from what point of view you are considering it.

【例句】:General Electric made great contribution to America in terms ofenvironment protection.

have no sense of 对......没有意识;没有概念

【释义】:If you have no sense of something, you have no recognition or perception either through the senses or through the intellect.

【例句】:Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the reproach of conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its promptings before he acted.


第八组 :have yet to 和 make no attempt to

have yet to还没有

【释义】:If you say that you have yet to do something, you mean that you have never done it, especially when this is surprising or bad.

【例句】:He has been nominated three times for the Oscarbut has yet to win.

make no attempt to 不去尝试

【释义】:If you make no attempt to do something, you don't try to do it.

【例句】:The scientists make no attempt to improve the standard fuel cell, which is not much different today from when it was invented 150 years ago.

注 :make an attempt to 即“尝试做”






impertinent adj.无关,鲁莽,不相干

impenitent adj.不悔悟的 n.不悔悟的人

nonchalant adj.冷淡的,满不在乎的

immobile adj.静止的 n.稳定

breeze n.微风

frost n.霜

seep v.渗漏

plummet v.骤然跌落

fine shadow n.细微的差别

black gold n.石油

black diamond n.煤

as...go n.和...相比

skull n.头骨

cranial adj.头盖的

earthquake n.地震

seismic adj.地震的

succint/concise/terse adj.简洁的

furnace n.暖气

mundane adj.ordinary

overlook v.neglect


canal n.运河

core n.地核

crater n火山口

crust n.地壳

cycle n.天体的循环

dam n.水坝

debris n.碎片,岩屑

deformation n.变形

diversity n.多样性

edge n.边缘,边界

erosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀

eruption n.爆发,火山灰

former n.形成者,模型

frontier n.边界,新开发的地带

funnel n.漏斗

glacier n.冰川

interval n.时间间隔

lodge n.小屋

mantle n.地幔

margin n.(湖,池等的)边缘

offshore adj.海面上的,远离岸的

orbit n.轨道

range n.山脉,多山的地区

mountain range

mountain chain

knot n.山脉的交结点

summit,top,crest,peak n.山顶

ravine n.峡谷

canyon n.峡谷

gorge n.峡谷

crevice n.断裂

precipice n.悬崖

cliff n.悬崖

receptacle n.接受器,容器,储存器

remnant n.残余物

ridge n.脊背

sediment n.沉淀物

slope n.?*** ?

tectonics n.构造学

topography n.地形学,地貌学

tunnel n.隧道,地道

apply v.应用

cluster v.丛生,群聚

collide v.碰撞

compact v.压紧,固结

concentrate v.集中

conduct v.传导

demolish v.破坏,粉碎

diffuse v.传播,扩散

dispose v.处理,处置

distribute v.散布,分布

drill v.钻孔,钻通

eliminate v.排除

erode v.侵蚀

evaporate v.蒸发

extract v.开采,提炼

hem v.给...镶边,包围

hypothesize v.假设

insulate v.隔离

melt v.融化

precipitate v.使蒸汽凝结而下降

reclaim v.开垦,垦殖

acclaim v.欢呼

proclaim v.宣布,显示出

remove v.移动

slide v.使滑动

smelt v.冶炼

smother v.覆盖

speculate v.推测

subdue v.征服

tear v.撕

thaw v.解冻

thrust v.插入,延伸

trample v.踩踏

vault v.使构成拱顶

alien adj.不同的

arid adj.干旱的

barren adj.贫瘠的

chilly adj.寒冷的

compressed adj.扁平的

conflicting adj.相冲突的,不一致的

converging adj.收缩的

dormant adj.静止的

favored adj.有利的

forbidding adj.可怕的,难接近的

horizontal adj.水平的

inaccessible adj.难接近的

incandescent adj.白炽的

infertile adj.贫瘠的

intoxicate v.使陶醉

poisonous adj.有毒的

potential adj.潜在的

preferred adj.首选的

prevailing adj.占优势的

toxic adj.有毒的

uncharted adj.海图尚未标明的,未知的

uniform adj.相同的,一致的

unreachable adj.无法达到的

venomous adj.有毒的

vertical adj.垂直的


amateur n.业余爱好者

ambience n.周围环境

ancestry n.祖先

auditorium n.观众席

bequest n.遗产

boon n.实惠,福利

bound n.程度,范围

category n.种类

clan n.氏族

costume n.装束,服装

despoiler n.掠夺者

divergence n.分歧

enactment n.制定

figurehead n.装饰船头的雕像

folk n.人们,民族

frenzy n.狂怒

genre n.流派

heyday n.全盛期

icon n.图标,偶像

imitation n.仿造物

impetus n.推动力

incongruity n.不协调

infancy n.幼年

manifestation n.显示,***运动

mock n.仿制品

myth n.神话

ornamentation n.装饰品

predecessor n.前辈

predictability n.可预言

prestige n.威信

realm n.领域

revival n.复兴

rite n.仪式

ritual n.典礼

sanction n.批准,同意

satire n.讽刺文字

score n.得分,乐谱

solo n.独奏曲

statue n.雕像

stature n.身高

supremacy n.霸权

suspicion n.猜疑

timidity n.胆怯

tune n.曲调



antanna 天线

synchronous(adj.) synchronize(v.) 同步

revolution 革命/旋转,绕转

disparage 贬抑,藐视

barrel 桶

sail 帆

wing 翼

paddle 桨

hoop 铁环

flap 垂下物

meteorologically 气象学

meteorologist 气象学家

precipitation 降水 (几种形式: rain 下雨 hail 冰雹 sleet 雨夹


chlorophyll 叶绿素

amino acids 氨基酸

protein 蛋白质

nitrogen 氮

photosynthetic(adj.) photosynthesis(n.) 光合作用


botanist 植物学家

lichen 地衣,苔藓

fungus(pl. fungi ) 菌类

algae(pl. alga) 海藻

bacterium(pl.bacteria) 细菌

organism 有机物

rodent 啮齿类动物

primate 灵长类动物

mammal 哺乳类动物

reptile 爬行类动物

predator 捕食者

prey 被捕食者

acquatic 水生的

artery 动脉

vein 静脉

fingernail 指甲

scale 鳞片

claw 爪子

horn 角

nourish 滋养,供给....营养

clam 蚌

crab 虾

beaver 狸

pond 池塘

puddle 水坑

snail 蜗牛

shrimp 虾

hormone 荷尔蒙

intestine 肠

corn 谷物

squash 南瓜

bean 豆类植物



hive 蜂巢

moss 苔藓

hibernate 冬眠

penguin 企鹅

reef 礁

coral 珊瑚

beak 鸟嘴

enzymes 酵母

larvae 幼虫

tadpole 蝌蚪

caterpillar 毛虫

grasshopper 蚱蜢

toad 蟾蜍

herbicide 除草剂

secretion(n.) secrete(v.) 分泌

pancreas 胰腺

odor 气味(还有aroma fragrance scent smell 大概意思相同,都有"气味"的意思,幸亏不是GRE,hehe)

roe 鱼卵

caviar 鱼子酱

raccoon 浣熊

gland 腺体

cricket 蟋蟀


gossip 闲谈

rumor 传闻,谣言

comic a.使人发笑的 a comic song b.喜剧的 a comic opera

poetic 诗意的,诗的

narrative 叙事的

irony 讽刺

vignette 小品文

sermon 训诫,说道

astute 精明的,狡黠的

observation 观察,观测/评论

prospector 探矿者

beacon 烽火/灯塔,灯标

prodigious 惊人的,奇妙的

protagonist 主人公

despise 鄙视

opera 歌剧

symphony 交响乐

chamber music 室内音乐

oratorio 清唱剧

soloist 独唱者

vogue 时尚,流行

choral society 合唱团

wane 变小,减少

libel 诽谤

pretentious 自命不凡的

contemporary artistic development 当代艺术发展

vibranay 活跃

metropolis 大都市

linger 徘徊

relic 遗迹,废墟

discern 看出,识别

mirage 海市蜃楼

prolific 多产

humanitarian 人道主义者

philanthropist 慈善家

repertoire 戏目

dialect 方言

mural 壁画

sanctuany 神殿

anthen 国歌

constellation 星座

