

关于雅思口语2023 年的信息

2023 年9月12日北京外国语大学雅思口语考试安排

接英国文化教育协会通知雅思口语2023 年,报考2023 年9月12日北京外国语大学、西安交通大学、中国海洋大学、新疆财经大学、黑龙江大学雅思考试的所有考生的口语考试将安排在 2023 年9月9日(星期三) 或者 2023 年9月10日(星期四) 进行,口试场地保持不变。

请在笔试日期前十天登录雅思考试报名网站查询您的口试安排,打印准考证并准时参加考试。如果您有任何疑问,欢迎致电教育部考试中心雅思全国呼叫热线010-8234 5671。

第一步 登录雅思考试中心报名网站 选择 中文版。

第二步 在导航栏中有新考生注册,报名流程,IELTS信息,英语学习,联系雅思口语2023 年我们选项。选择IELTS信息 点击。

   第三步 鼠标点击后,会有多项可选择内容,我们点击考位查询。

第四步 点击考位查询后页面上会出现国内的七大考区38个考点。选择自己想去的考点(可以报名任意考点,不是只能报名自己的所在城市或省份)。

   第五步 例如:我选择了东北区-大连-辽宁师范大学考点。将会出现大连考点目前还没有考试的时间(已经过期的考试时间不显示);考试报名状态(显示有名额或者名额已报满);考试类别(有A/G考试或者只有A类考试);报名及转考、退考截止日期。实际上查询雅思考试是否有名额?关键是第五步的考试报名状态。如果显示有名额,想要参加雅思考试的同学可以注册,交费,选择考位就可以。如果显示名额已报满,是指在雅思考试报名截止时间前已经报满,但是并不是说一点报名的希望都没有,因为在雅思考试报名截止时间前会有部分考生会选择退考或者转考,如果有人退考或者转考,考试状态就又会显示有名额。


2023 年9-12月雅思口语题库

雅思频道整理了2023 年下半年9-12月雅思口语题库,给考生的雅思口语备考提供指南。

   2023 下半年9-12月雅思口语题库

Part 1





Vegetable fruit




Text messages/phone calls

Time management





Social network




Reading books

Public holidays






Forget about things/memory




Help others

Hanging out with friends



Emails and letters




Being in a hurry

Being alone

   Part 2Part 3:


A person who dress well描述一个穿着得体的人

A famous person you would like to meet描述一个你想见的著名的人

A famous person from the news you would like to meet描述一个你想见的从新闻里知道的著名人士(新题)

A person you know who is good at a foreign language一个外语学得好的人

A child that did something that made you laugh

A family member who spent the most time with you跟你待时间最长的家人(新题)

A famous person from the news you would like to meet

A person who likes traveling by plane喜欢乘飞机旅游的人(新题)

A person whose job is useful to the society一个从事有益于社会工作的人


A restaurant

A park that you can relax

A historical building

A place near water

A place (not home) that makes you relaxed 让你放松的地方

A street that you know你熟知的一条街 (新题)

A house or apartment you would like to live 你想住的房子

A country that you have never been to but you want to go 一个没去过但想去的国家

A place where you can read or write (not your home) 一个你读书写字的地方(家里除外)

A café 咖啡馆


An occasion you got up extremely early

A time when you feel surprised to meet someone

A time you had a disagreement with your friend

An educational trip you took

A team you have been part of 曾经加入的团队

A special trip you want to take in the future 未来想开展的一次特殊旅行

A success in your life

Borrowing something

A long journey you traveled by car 一次长途汽车旅行(新题)

A long walk you enjoyed 远足的经历 (新题)

A way you communicate with others

An occasion that you made you happy

A special festival

An important conversation that influenced you

An occasion that you forget something

An article you read from magazine or Internet about healthy life从杂志或网站上看到的关于健康的文章(新题)

An occasion when someone or something made noise遇到噪音的情景(新题)

A new skill you want to learn想学习的新技能

A law that can help your country to protect the environment一项可以保护环境的法律(新题)

Something important you once forgot to do一件曾经忘记去做的重要事情

A time that you were looking at the sky 一次观看天空的经历(新题)

A situation waiting for somebody or something 一次等某人或某事的经历

Your plan if you have one-day holiday 如果有一天的假期你会做什么

An activity that keeps you fit让你保持健康的运动

An indoor game (not about sport) you liked to play when you were a child 小时候做的室内游戏

A paid work you or someone enjoyed doing有偿工作

Something you want to learn more 想继续学习的东西

A change that will improve your local area对你所在的地方有所提高的改变

An important stage in your life重要的人生阶段


An electronic machine you want to buy

A small and successful company

An educational TV program

A paid job

An indoor game

A change

A picture

A gift you recently received (or a gift that takes u long time to choose)最近收到的礼物或者花长时间挑选的礼物

A vehicle you want to buy

Something you want to continue learning

An Advertisement

A film you’ve watched

An important job

A piece of art

Something you waited for

A law

An article about healthy living

A skill you would like to learn

Something you borrowed that was useful你借过的有用的东西

An art or a craft you made at school 在学校做过的手工 (新题)


An Educational TV program教育电视节目

A useful website 有用的网站

An advertisement 描述一则广告

A song that impressed you a lot印象深刻的歌曲

2023 年11月19日怀化雅思口语考试安排通知

接英国文化教育协会通知,报考2023 年11月19日雅思考试的考生口语安排如下, 供广大考生参考。请在笔试日期前十天登录雅思考试报名网站查询您的口试安排,打印准考证并以准考证信息为准。

如果您有任何疑问,欢迎致电教育部考试中心雅思全国呼叫热线010-8234 5671。

延伸阅读: 雅思口语考试流程

   雅思考试口语第一个部分:introduction and interview部分

introduction and interview我们主要可以分为;两个部分解答:在开始的时候,考官会问你一些基本的问题,主要是一些关于身份的问题,可能会问你:名字是什么,看你的证件吗等等简单的问题,这个过程之后就会正式进入到这个所谓interview的部分。interview的部分是关于基本的一些生活相关的问题的一些口语的交流,可能会问到关于你学业,你的生活,你的家乡,你的兴趣爱好这样方面的问题,这整个过程持续时间大约是四到五分钟的时间。

雅思考试口语第二部分:Personal long-turn部分


雅思考试口语第三部分:Two-way discussion部分




A、Fluency and coherence,流利度和相关性

B、Lexical resource,词汇量

C、Grammatical range and accuracy,所谓的语法的范畴和我们的所谓的什么,准确度



1. 在碰到听不懂的动词或者是问题时候,可以问考官,在第二部分中若对题目有不雅思口语2023 年了解可以问一下考官。

2. 保持良好的形象,不要慌忙也不要无所谓。

3. 说的过程中要尽量多说,回答不要就短短的几句应该尽可能的多,在第二部分要说到考官说停为止(但是请注意要控制话题各部分的比例,不要到考官叫停雅思口语2023 年了还没有把CUE CARD上的要点讲完。

4. 要用例子来充实自己的话题,给出你的观点亮出你的实际例子,给考官以直观的感觉。

5. 千万不要说的太快,说的太快有以下问题即容易犯语法或者是词语上的错误,容易被考官认为你是在背诵答案,容易导致考官问更加有难度的问题来为难你,容易在评分标准的速度上扣分。

6. 对于想不出或者是自己一时不熟悉的话题,应该学会使用寻找类似问题或者是观点的方法来解决,如:


I don't know, but my brother think that .....(我不知道,但我的兄弟认为……)

I don't know, but my father think that .....(我不知道,但我的爸爸认为……)

I don't know, but my friends thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的朋友们认为……)


7. 在第二部分中,在拿到卡片后要注意几个问题。





8. 切记口语考试的控制权在于你自己,你可以把话题带到你想说的范围去,另外口语考试是一个互动的过程。

9. 口语基本原则——正确、新颖、有趣、轻松。


第四步 点击考位查询后页面上会出现国内的七大考区38个考点。选择自己想去的考点(可以报名任意考点,不是只能报名自己的所在城市或省份)。


2023 年5月30日石家庄考点雅思口语考试安排

接英国文化教育协会通知,报考2023 年5月30日首都经济贸易大学和 石家庄信息工程职业学院 雅思考试的所有考生的口语考试将安排在 2023 年5月27日(星期三) 进行,口试场地保持不变。

请在笔试日期前十天登录雅思考试报名网站查询您的口试安排,打印准考证并准时参加考试。如果您有任何疑问,欢迎致电教育部考试中心雅思全国呼叫热线 010-8234 5671 。


   具体地址: 石家庄信息工程职业学院,河北省石家庄市裕华区湘江道39号。


最近石家庄的公交线路进行了一些调整,雅思中国官方网站公布的公交车线路有的已经没有了,最新经过石家庄雅思考点的公交车线路有 32路、快32路、51路、快51路、99路 。到 信息学院北区 下车即是。

32路公交车到石家庄雅思考点(信息学院北院)乘车路线图。自强路东口 → 客运总站 → 棉七小区 → 平安公园 → 省国资委 → 河北大戏院 → 河北报社 → 科技大厦 → 师大 → 方北 → 长安区政府 → 儿童医院 → 二十二中 → 国际名邸 → 省汽贸 → 裕华高速口 → 信息学院北区 → 石家庄学院北区 → 海世界 → 省四院东院(师大附中东校区) → 周通(足利驾校) → 以岭药业 → 强大泵业 → 天山学苑路口 → 东仰陵小区 → 东仰陵 → 信息学院

快32路公交车到石家庄雅思考点(信息学院北院)乘车路线图。自强路东口 → 平安公园 → 河北大戏院 → 师大 → 二十二中 → 裕华高速口 → 信息学院北区 → 欧陆园 → 水榭花都 → 石家庄学院 → 珠峰大街南口 → 天山学苑路口 → 东仰陵 → 信息学院

51路公交车到石家庄雅思考点(信息学院北院)乘车路线图。省四院 → 北国商城 → 市城管委 → 市一院 → 省图书馆 → 科技馆 → 中心医院 → 师大 → 方北 → 长安区政府 → 儿童医院 → 二十二中 → 国际名邸 → 省汽贸 → 裕华高速口 → 信息学院北区 → 石家庄学院北区 → 海世界 → 省四院东院(师大附中东校区) → 周通 → 以岭药业 → 强大泵业 → 天山学苑路口 → 岗当新村 → 天然城

快51路公交车到石家庄雅思考点(信息学院北院)乘车路线图。省四院 → 北国商城 → 河北大戏院 → 师大 → 二十二中 → 省汽贸 → 信息学院北区 → 欧陆园 → 岗当新村 → 天然城

99路公交车到石家庄雅思考点(信息学院北院)乘车路线图。省三院 → 省建行 → 永安路西口 → 艺术中心 → 长途汽车站 → 棉七小区 → 平安公园 → 省国资委 → 河北大戏院 → 河北报社 → 科技大厦 → 师大 → 方北 → 长安区政府 → 儿童医院 → 二十二中 → 国际名邸 → 省汽贸 → 裕华高速路口 → 信息学院北院 → 海世界 → 联通大厦 → 星辰花园西 → 省三院东院



1. (24站)

从(北站) 乘 78路上行 到 (省三院) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)


从(北站) 乘 20路下行 到 (省建行) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)


从(北站) 乘 75路上行 到 (永安路西口) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)


1 (15站)

从(南焦客运站) 乘 65路下行 到 (儿童医院二十二中) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

2 (16站)

从(南焦客运站) 乘 快202路下行 到 (平安公园) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

3 (21站)

从(南焦客运站) 乘 快35路下行 到 (平安公园) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

4 (21站)

从(南焦客运站) 乘 106路下行 到 (河北报社) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

5 (22站)

从(南焦客运站) 乘 79路下行 到 (海世界) 换乘 99路下行 到达 (联通大厦)

6 (23站)

从(南焦客运站) 乘 35路下行 到 (河北报社河北大戏院省国资委平安公园棉七小区) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

7 (28站)

从(南焦客运站) 乘 53路下行 到 (平安公园棉七小区) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

8 (31站)

从(南焦客运站) 乘 30路下行 到 (师大省三院) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

9 (35站)

从(南焦客运站) 乘 75路下行 到 (永安路西口) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)


1 (15站)

从(运河桥客运站) 乘 快131路下行 到 (平安公园) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

2 (18站)

从(运河桥客运站) 乘 2路上行 到 (河北大戏院) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

3 (18站)

从(运河桥客运站) 乘 146路上行 到 (平安公园) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

4 (19站)

从(运河桥客运站) 乘 132路下行 到 (平安公园) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)


1 (15站)

从(长途汽车站)乘99路上行 (15站) 直达(信息学院北院)


1 (38站)

从(西王) 乘 24路下行 到 (永安路西口省建行) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)


1 (5站)

从(白佛客运站) 乘 553路下行 到 (海世界) 换乘 99路下行 到达 (联通大厦)

2 (8站)

从(白佛客运站) 乘 537路上行 到 (星辰花园西) 换乘 99路下行 到达 (联通大厦)

3 (10站)

从(白佛客运站) 乘 65路上行 到 (二十二中儿童医院) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

4 (11站)

从(白佛客运站) 乘 580路下行 到 (河冶科技) 换乘 99路下行 到达 (联通大厦)

5 (12站)

从(白佛客运站) 乘 516路下行 到 (儿童医院师大河北大戏院平安公园) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

6 (16站)

从(白佛客运站) 乘 55路下行 到 (二十二中儿童医院长安区政府师大科技大厦河北大戏院平安公园) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

7 (25站)

从(白佛客运站) 乘 42路下行 到 (科技大厦) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)


1 (6站)

从(谈固) 乘 60路上行 到 (国际名邸) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

2 (6站)

从(谈固) 乘 54路上行 到 (省汽贸) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

3 (6站)

从(谈固) 乘 572路上行 到 (国际名邸) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

4 (6站)

从(谈固) 乘 67路下行 到 (二十二中) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

5 (7站)

从(谈固) 乘 65路上行 到 (二十二中儿童医院) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

6 (9站)

从(谈固) 乘 553路下行 到 (海世界) 换乘 99路下行 到达 (联通大厦)

7 (11站)

从(谈固) 乘 516路下行 到 (儿童医院师大河北大戏院平安公园) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

8 (11站)

从(谈固) 乘 537路上行 到 (星辰花园西) 换乘 99路下行 到达 (联通大厦)

9 (16站)

从(谈固) 乘 580路下行 到 (河冶科技) 换乘 99路下行 到达 (联通大厦)

10 (17站)

从(谈固) 乘 42路下行 到 (科技大厦) 换乘 99路上行 到达 (联通大厦)

2023 年2月12日雅思考试口语真题(网友版)

2023 年2月12日雅思考试已经画上了圆满的句号。大家都发挥得怎么样呢?为大家整理了以下2023 年2月12日雅思考试口语真题(网友版),供大家参考!


1.12 北京教育考试中心 rm01 examiner是一个超级帅超级的高的白人男子。part1 是full name,apartment,trees,shop part2 a stranger you have helped part 3 why those people do those unpaid job。。。还有好多,忘了

北京教育考试中心RM06,考官是高个子黑人,疑似Jackson Mrtinez失散多年的亲兄弟,面无表情,说一口让我猝不及防的Aferican English。。。趴一工作or学习,家乡,父母是不是一个地方人;趴二long trip,趴三年轻人根据什么选择旅游地点,去国外旅游能学到什么。

10号,北京教育考试中心 room10,白人大叔,人很好,会互动,不打断。趴1 学习的专业,以后想从事的工作,还有鞋子 趴2 想学不能学的事情 趴3 问了很多,想不想尝试新的事物,学校的教育和家长的教育,电子产品帮不帮助学习

北京教育考试指导中心,RM 08,白人女考官,金发碧眼大长腿,略高冷,语速略快 趴万 studies,subject,handwriting,hometown 趴兔是榜样。。。感觉说的很没条理,连词什么的都忘了,一点都不好,时间到被打断。。。 趴碎是明星有什么责任什么的,还有小孩应不应该独立



上海应用技术学院徐汇校区 R219 看上去很像硅谷男主的白人小哥 P1 名字 Flat/house National Holiday 接触Nature P2 historical sites P3一堆historical sites的问题 还有问你觉得懂历史的人受尊敬么 从哪里可以知道历史之类的 小哥话不多 除了问题没有多余的话


天津外国语room5 白人超级nice不会打断。P1 home. taking a break.collection P2 a family member who you want to work with P3 family business. advantage of working in a big company..

天外room6 中年男人 p3超爱打断 都要崩溃了P1 major shopping P2 something you want learn but can't now P3 在家里学习和在学校学习 在家里学习电脑还是在学校 老人学电脑难不难


杭州考场303 part1关于house的一系列最喜欢的房间什么的还有season喜不喜欢四季分明 part 2 the prize you want to win part 3 对学生和employee来说奖品有什么好处奖励员工对employer有什么好处

杭州303房间白人。青年比较帅。灰蓝色眼珠。趴1学生 public holiday major 趴兔你想成为的人。趴三 小孩和明星。明星要不要树立好榜样。公司现什么明星做代言人

杭州203 P1 apartment weekends collecting P2sth special would like to buy P3online shopping adv问了好多啊… 一个白人中年老头不怎么笑有一丢丢严肃不过语速很慢全程没有pardon


黑大rm6 白人 语速慢 会笑 part1 姓名 学科 博物馆 part2 车part3追问的想死 公共交通的变化 未来会变么 反正你说一句他就会追问 感觉没论证充分 走的时候跟我说have a nice day

黑大RM3,考官白人,胖乎乎的,很可爱part1名字 家 最喜欢的房间,part2 对身体有益的方式,part3做什么可以促进身体健康,老师怎么教你保持健康,媒体的发展对身体健康知识的普及



厦大2.8 9.00 a.m. RM402,趴万hometown,work/study,friends,major。趴吐your favorite singer or band。趴税songs in cantonese,music industry。


四川大学room9 白人男考官 全程微笑 态度好到爆 part1 house or apartment public holiday~ part 2 traffic jam ~ what time ~how long~ what the situation is part3 how to address traffic jam ~ is there a impactful way~

川大room3part one natural space major Part two person you respect Part three 老年人如何照顾小孩 年轻人照顾老年人应注意什么

川大,room4。男考官,很帅爱笑,很温柔,会打断。趴1:Name,major,weather。趴2:famous people。趴3:在中国什么人出名,为什么人们好奇famous people。成为famous people的好处和坏处。


东南大学,313,白人男,人很好还会开玩笑,P1 广告,季节,房间 P2 Borrow something from friends P3关于借东西,买东西的问题

西郊利物浦 R385 亚裔考官 女的 很和蔼 p1 home (house or flat),shoes(舒服还是漂亮) p2想重温的旅行 给的时间很短 我还没说why就停了 p3 usual problem in journey ,prepare for trip,prepare for different

东南大学五五楼rm311 part1 flat or house,sky,part2 the occasion people tell lie,part3 technology to know truth

东南大学324 趴1 公寓house,季节,颜色 趴2 历史地 趴3 趴2延伸


RM410广州仲恺 白人中年男,全程微笑,p1 home season weather p2 a person you want to be similar to p3 关于growing up 的问题

p2被打断不知道说了什么……广州仲恺201亚洲考官美式口音 p1 住宅 衣服 周末 p2还想再去的地方 p3 长途旅行和短途旅行相关问题




太原理工 Room9 帅气男,白人,语速中,温柔 P1:study、shoes、major、shopping P2:important job P3: education and work 好多问题



2.9号湖北大学room11: 趴弯:student,like yoir major,why 趴兔:a prize u want to win most?what is it?what u know about it?what u will do to win it?will u win it someday?why 趴碎:what prize in china will students get?会不会得到玩具,父母压力是否合适?

湖北大学,趴望,住flat还是house,喜欢家里哪个房间,natural place, best friend, do what with her, 趴吐,how to keep healthy, 趴酸,谁对你健康负责

武汉,湖北大学RM9,part one 是关于shoes 的。part 2是关于project and homework 的老题,part 3问的是homework是否对孩子学习有帮助,中国父母为什么要送孩子去补习班,以及你觉得孩子去读自己爱读的书,有时间玩重要吗?

湖北大学RM6 白人考官 英伦腔 p3最后一个问题犹豫了半天 他居然说不问了 就到这吧 考完了


沈阳师范。刚才1.50考试 room1。p1。工作学习喜欢不。p2 一个事情可以对健康有益。p3 经常锻炼不,学校讲不讲锻炼身体的课,怎么改进。别的忘了

沈师room8白人,男,乐呵的,特别好。 Part1来自哪;家里来客人都是谁,你会给客人准备什么,喜欢去别人家做客吗 Part2迷路的经历 Part3地图和GPS导航利弊


2月8号南昌大学趴1homwtown,apartment,frieds趴2the last book you red(竟然跟上次一样,还没说好)趴3children and reading technology influences reading habits

南昌大学112 男考官 小胡子 说话有口音 对人比较冷淡 part1 hometown flat clothes sky part2 exciting sports part3 人们为啥要做危险运动 怕的话干嘛还要做 政府要不要管理 等等


中国海洋大学 Room 06 白发爷爷 和蔼 会追问 Part 1 work or study trees Part 2 Part 3 advice 准备了十来个话题都没用上…

山大rm12.11:45你敢信,貌似中国考官。。P1家乡哪,学生还是工作,专业啥visitors to you home ,time management。还有以后想干啥。恩就这些。P2 童年时的家庭事件。。。P3家庭成员有多少,为什么人少了,男女是不是平等,爹妈在家什么分工。


海大RM8 P1 house,collection,reading P2 occassion someone lie to you P3 lie positive and negative effects 是否撒谎是常见的事 考官超级帅,温柔,有眼神交流,经常笑


西北师大RM01,白人男考官 part 1 flat,sky,cloth part 2 team leader part 3 家里谁做决定,社会地位有没有可能对调;做大的决定很困难吗?一个领导者的品质有哪些?为什么有些人想当领导?有天生的领导吗?


多伦多Wales College:趴完:work or study, shopping, season; 趴兔:singer; 趴脆:你国流行啥歌等等 考官白人老太太,态度超级好,差不多是我见过的唯一一个把我名字发音正确的洋人,她还说她要学中文,进去的时候还直接把趴兔摆我面前让我看

将及时为大家提供雅思考试信息,大家按 Ctrl+D 收 藏本站即可第一时间了解最新考试动态!


2023 年9月雅思口语题库(完整版)

雅思频道为各位雅思考生整理分享雅思口语2023 年了2023 年9月雅思口语题库(完整版)雅思口语2023 年,供广大考生参考。


1.What kind of things do you always remind yourself to do?

2.What kind of things are easily to be forgotten?

3.How to help yourself remind something?


4.What is the most interesting part about your study/work?

5.Where are you studying?

6.What is your major? Why you choose to study that?

7.Do you work or are you a student?

8.What subjects have you studied? Which one of them is your favourite?


9.Which room do you like best?

10.What is your ideal house in the future?

11.What do you feel about your apartment? Do you like the place you live in now?

12.What kind of place do you want to live in the future?


13.What kind of books do you like to read?

14.What kind of books did you enjoy reading in your childhood?

15.Have you ever sent a book to a child?


16.What kind of sports are Chinese students interested in?

17.Would you like to take part in some sports competitions in the future?

Studying Arts

18.What benefits can children get from studying arts?

19.Is it more important to study art subjects or academic subjects?


20.Is your hometown a suitable place for children to grow up?

21.Will you move to a countryside area to live in the future? Why?

22.Can you generally describe your hometown?

23.Is your hometown a good place for people to grow up?


24.Do people in China enjoy swimming?

25.Did you learn swimming when you were little?

26.Is it important for children to learn swimming?

Taking photos

27.Have you ever taken a family photo?

28.Do you like taking photos of yourself?

Communicating Apps

29.What kind of communicating apps are popular in China? Why?

30.Are you going to use these apps more or less often in the future?


31.What kind of snacks do you like to eat?

32.When do you eat snacks?


33.How can colors affect people’s buying habits?


34.Do you like your junior highschool teachers or senior highschool teachers more?

35.Do you want to become a teacher in the future?

In a hurry

36.Can you do something well in a hurry?

37.Are there something you could never do in a hurry situation?

   Introductory questions

38.What is your full name?

39.Where are you from?


40.What kind of films do you like watching?

41.Do you still like the same kind of film?

42.Would you like to make your own film? Do you think you will need some help?


43.Do you like to look at the sky?

44.Is it better to look at the sky at night or on daytime?

45.Where do people usually look at the sky?

Part 2 / Part 3

   Describe a new skill that you would like to learn.

What skill you want to develop; How would you learn this skill; Is it difficult

46.What kind of skills do children need to learn?

47.Is it appropriate for children to learn cooking?

48.Is it better for children to learn cooking at school or at home?

49.Are children learning the same thing as they did 30 years ago?

50.Should we learn more about how to use high technology?

51.How has the way people get new information changed compared to the past? What about the future?

52.Would you consider get information from internet without checking any books?

53.To what extent can we believe the information online?

   Describe a memorable photo.

When did you see/take it; Why you like it; Who else like it except you

54.Are photos taken by mobilephone better than those taken by a traditional camera?

55.Is it necessary for primary school students to take part in art lessons? What about the adults?

56.How can we benefit from studying arts?

   Describe a person who dresses well.

57.Who are more interested in fashion, young people or old people?

58.What kind of outfits are most popular in China?

59.Which is more popular, online store or normal store?

60.Do you think online stores should pay more tax?

61.Do you think online malls, such as Taobao, will take place the traditional stores?

Describe a piece of article about healthy life.

62.Are Chinese people always have a healthy life?

63.How to have a more healthy lifestyle?

64.How do Chinese people get healthy information?

65.Will there be any negative effects if we get too much health information?

66.Why Chinese people always think about KFC or McDonald every time they are talking about junk food? Some of the Chinese food are also not healthy, do you agree?

   Describe a kind of noise.

67.Do you like going to noisy places?

68.Why some young people like going to some noisy places, such as bars?

69.What are the benefits and drawbacks of playing background music in a place?

   Describe a happy family event.

70.Why family events are important?

71.Can money makes people happier?

72.Do you think being good at something can make people happy?

   Describe a garden/park.

Where is it; What does it look like; What do people do there

73.What kind of outdoor activities are popular in China?

74.What do people always do if they go to a park in a city?

75.In what situations do people not like going outside, even if the weather is fine?

76.Is it necessary to build so many neighborhoods in China?

   Describe a historical building.

77.What kind of historical buildings are popular? Why are they so attractive?

78.Why historical buildings with a nice surrounding environment are always more attractive?

79.Why sometimes foreign visitors show more interests on historical buildings?

80.What can government do to appeal more travelers to visit historical sites?

81.What is the difference if you watch historical buildings from TV and if you go visiting by yourself?

82.Is history more or less important than science subjects in school?

83.Why it is important to study and focus on history?

Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something.

84.In what situations do people need to wait in a line?

85.Why it is important to be patient?

86.Some people feel that we need to have a slow pace of life, but others think it should be fast. What do you think?

Describe a foreign country you have never been to but want to visit.

87.Why Chinese like traveling abroad these days?

88.What can we get if we travel abroad?

89.What influence would traveling have on local environment?

90.What is the difference of studying abroad and traveling abroad?

Describe a piece music or song which is meaningful to you.

91.When do people sing a song together in your country?

92.What type of songs do young children like?

93.Why some singers are popular around the world?

94.Do people in China listen to songs from other countries?

Describe something useful you borrowed from others.

95.What kind of thins do people usually borrow in your country?

96.Will borrowing thins makes people feel uncomfortable?

97.Do we have to give a promise when we borrow something?

98.Some people are unwilling to lend their valuable items to others. What do you think about it?

99.Should companies ask customers’ opinions regarding their products?

Describe a person who always takes airplane.

100.Do people choose to take airplanes or other means of transport more often in your country?

101.How do people choose different kinds of transport when they want to go out?

Describe what you would do if you were given a day off from you study or work.

102.Are people nowadays busy?

103.What do people do when they are not busy?

104.Do you prefer a short holiday or a long holiday?

105.Do people use computers too frequently when they are working?

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