



 雅思口语part2人物类答题方法2, 关于人物性格的描述 (personality)。

很多同学都在回答的时候用到了 “热心的,善良的”, 即 kind-hearted, warm-hearted;还有同学会说到 “内向的,外向的”— introverted, extroverted; 聪明的 intelligent; 努力工作的 hard-working/ industrious; 喜欢社交的 sociable; 可依靠的 “reliable, someone you can depend upon”; 有能力的 “competent”; 有抱负的 ambitious; 有……感的, has a sense of …….。 当然在表达的时候有同学还会用到一些贬义形容词,比如说 讨厌的 boring; 喜欢控制人的 bossy; 焦虑的 anxious;脾气不好的 bad-tempered.

雅思口语part2人物类答题方法3. 人物对于雅思口语喜欢的家庭你的影响或和你的关系。

一般雅思口语喜欢的家庭我们在考到名人或老人的时候更多的使用的是他们对我们的影响是什么。比如老人我们即可从很多角度作答,例如 1)社会经验,知识积累 they got more life experience/ they are knowledgeable/ they went through a lot to become an accomplished…. 2) 心态 they are understanding/supportive/positive/optimistic/always look on the bright side of life. 在谈到朋友时,1) 关系 we have a lot in common, we often hang out together/we were like peas and carrots/ we grow apart gradually 2)朋友对你的影响 he is a reliable person, I can really count on him/ optimistic, when I am upset, he is always there to cheer me up/ a determined person, when he get into something, he gives one hundred percent.

雅思口语part2人物类答题方法4. 结合具体题目

了解了关于人物的描述方法,我们还要结合具体的题目来回答每一个题目,例如在描述 “describe a person who has an important job”时,除了对于人物的描述外还需要重点描述 “why the job is important”. 结合今年考到的这些题目,例如考到 “describe a polite person”的时候,要结合一个关于礼貌的说法, “offer his seat(让座),make eye contact, carry on telephone conversations in a low voice in public”. 考到 “a famous person” 时,更要结合具体的实例来,如说到姚明时,我们可以列举一些他所做的慈善工作 “he did a lot of charity work. For example, he works with Johnson to help educate Chinese citizens about HIV prevention and support, care people with HIV. “




My father isfrom a working-class background.^我父亲是工人阶级出身。

My father workshard to support the family.^父亲辛勤工作来养家。

My father is thebackbone of my family.^我父亲是家庭的主心骨。

My family is atwo-career family with both my parents working.^我父母都工作,所以我家是“双职工”家庭。

The decisionpower of family affairs is in the hand of my mother.^重大家庭事务的决策权在我妈妈的手中。

I have no say infamily affairs.^在家庭事务中我没有发言权。

My mother queensit over the whole family.^我妈妈掌管整个家庭。

We have a familygathering every month.^我们每月举行一次家庭聚会。

Children learntheir first lesson from their parents.^父母是孩子最早的老师。

Whenever I feelfrustrated or sad, I turn to my family for comfort.^每当我感到挫折或伤心时,我就会回家寻求安慰。

A harmoniousfamily is important for the growth of children.^和谐的家庭对孩子的成长很重要。

Family is thebasic unit of society.^家庭是社会的基本组成部分。




1. Who do you like to go shopping with?

2. Who do you look like the most in your family?

3. Which relative did you most often see when you were a child?

4.Who do you think is the most important member in your family?


1. Who do you like to go shopping with?




skint = broke 没钱了

tight with money 扣(不舍得花钱,或不愿意借钱给别人)

try out 试穿/试用

every single piece 每一件单品

fitting room 试衣间

run out of 花光了

grocery shopping 买菜

pay for everything 全部买单


Well, it depends. I mean most of the time I would prefer to go to the clothing store myself. You know, I would be able to take my time trying out every single piece in the fitting room. But if it’s towards the end of the month, you know, when I’m running out of my spending money, I would always want to do at least my grocery shopping with my mom, just so she can pay for everything.

2. Who do you look like the most in your family?



雅思口语 描述一个家庭

My family

Hi, everyone! I’m Cendy. I live in Nanhai. I’m 13 years old. I am tall and thin. Now, let me tell you something about my family.

There are seven members in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my sister, my brother and me. My grandparents like reading newspapers. They are very old. They are always happy. My father is a businessman. He works hard. He’s not very tall but fat. He likes sleeping. He’s kind. My mother is a housewife. She looks young. She’s strict to our study. My sister is a university student. She studies hard. My brother is in Grade Four. He is only 10 years old. He likes playing computer games. He’s a naughty boy.

I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home.


1.Describe an old person you know who you admire

2.Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept

3.Describe something that you learned in a science class


part 1: hometown,在哪里,是否喜欢一直在一个城市生活,是不是一个适合居住的城市; 邻居 你认不认识你的邻居,和邻居关系怎么样。旅游的,旅游过的最长时间是多少天?喜欢去哪里旅游?下次旅游你想去什么地方?如果一个其他地方的人来深圳旅游你会带他去什么地方。

part 2: describe a TV programme that you didn't like.

where and when you see it.

what's the programme.

what happened.

part 3: 你觉得电视节目是否能够教人们历史,还是人们只能从书上学到历史。你经常看电视吗?中国人都喜欢看电视吗?中国人都喜欢看什么样的电视节目?

成都:第一部分就是名字 学习还是工作 啥子专业第二部分最近开心的事第三部分问了一堆。。。关于happy的问题

北京教育考试中心 part1 1.work or study 2.what kind of job 3.first day to job 4.nuatral noise 然后忘了 part2 something you bought but didn't use it part3 关于买东西的,我记得最后问reuse

南京东南大学 330教室


第二部分:你如果度过上个周末的 个人认为真是个微妙的题目。。。= =+


吉大,下午3点20 E309 长胡子的白白的胖胖的叔叔。说话不是很清晰,但都能听得懂

P1:1、学习还工作 为什么选你现在读的大学?大学第一天重要吗?做了什么?2、小时候收集什么?3、学了几种语言?认为重要吗?难吗?有什么方法?

P2: modern building


州仲恺 ROOM505的.....是位老太太,人还算和蔼......题目和上面深圳的那位很像



describe a park or a garden you like?

part3你认为为什么现在城市里公园越来越少?公园的存在对于人类有什么好处?政府应不应该多建公园?然后她提到一个green space....就描述下对人类的意义之类的.....因为我提到一个air pollution,然后她就说除了air pollution之类的人类还会造成哪些方面的环境问题?又问政府现在已经在致力于改善环境了

长春考点,C307教师的是澳洲一个中年妇女..看起来很nice.. 但是声音超低.. 我连她叫什么都没听到... 悲剧啊...








7.描述在中国的一个tall building

8.a story of a city


10.dislike a TV program

11.shopping more的利弊

12.a TV star 需要什么quality



早上考的part1:为什么选择这个学校 上大学的第一天干什么了,大学第一天为什么重要 喜欢什么样的旅行,最长一次的旅行是什么时候 家里谁做饭,喜欢做饭么,将来会自己做饭么



小孩能从故事中获得什么,为什么大声的读故事给小孩,为什么有人喜欢写故事,为什么有人写自己的事情,writing对于不能说话的人是不是natural skill/ability


家庭类话题主要分为两大类雅思口语喜欢的家庭,一类是人物类雅思口语喜欢的家庭,一类是事件类。人物类的话题大家要多积累一些地道的、不常见的形容词,比如 Bald with freckles -秃顶又有雀斑,Receding hair and a few wrinkles - 高发际线又有皱纹,Has pale/dark skin - 皮肤白/深肤色,Be of medium height and very muscular - 身材匀称,有些肌肉,tenacious - 坚韧不拔的,passionate - 有热情的 等,这种小词会体现你的词汇量,扩充你的答案丰富度,为你加分。事件类 Familiy Event 是一个高频的口语话题,建议用 What Where Who Why How 来回答,What 做雅思口语喜欢的家庭了什么,Where 去了哪里,Who 对家人的描述,Why 家庭活动的意义,How 用时间顺序发展的顺序描述这次家庭活动。

