

雅思口语幸福夫妻-口语 雅思

雅思口语话题省钱和婚礼该怎么说?有范文吗? ?






a happily- married couple.

故事的中心人物是一对幸福的夫妻,丈夫吉姆-布罗德本特和妻子鲁思-希恩。 他们领着丰厚的养老金,有舒适的房子,儿子奥利弗-莫尔特曼也已经长大成人。

The central characters are a happily married London couple, Jim Broadbent and Ruth Sheen, who have two rewarding careers, a comfortable house, a grown-up son (Oliver Maltman) and a thriving allotment




you should say

who they are

how you knew them

what they usually do together

and explain how you feel about their marriage


I have a lot of friends, and most of them are still young. However, there is a couple, they both are my friends because we studied Chinese in the same class, and they got married four years ago. They are a very nice couple because they love and respect each other very much. Surprisingly, they both have active and dynamic characters. In my opinion, I think there is something very strange which is very hard to explain happening between them, for example, they always have the same ideas, opinion, and hobby. They especially like the same food and sport. Moreover, they never make decision without asking his/her partner opinion even a very small thing. In addition, when we have party, birthdays or weddings, they never participate separately. They always go by couple, in case a husband or wife can not go, the other will stay at home with his/her partner. As a result, they absolutely trust in each other. The husband always reserves the best for his wife, and his wife treats him respectfully. That is why I rarely see they have argument even a tiny argument. I admire them very much; however, I usually tease them about their romantic and lovely marriage. They told me that the most important factor which is keeping their happy marriage is they always respect the partner ideas, opinion, and thinking. Now they have a daughter, and their happiness increases excessively. Their daughter resembles both father and mother closely, and she is so lovely as well. If I were them I would be very happy and proud of the marriage, I would try my best to preserve my marriage because that is the most precious thing in my life. In my opinion, I think it is not easy to find an appropriate partner as we want like this couple. Not only I adore their marriage but all of my friends have the same attitude.



A happy marriage is a cocktail of open communication, honesty, hard work, and a whole lotta love. But what does that look like in real life? Five wives open up about what a happy marriage means to them, because they're living it!

1. "A happy marriage is being happy with what you've got, rather than expecting your marriage to be a certain way," says one married woman. "Being content and grateful for what you have, instead of constantly trying to live up to some unrealistic standard set by movies and romance novels, is real happiness."

2. "In a happy marriage, two people share things equally," says another married woman. "It doesn't sound romantic, but I'm honestly happy because my husband does the dishes and the laundry as often as I do. We cook together, we run errands together. I don't feel burdened, and I don't feel taken for granted."

3. "We talk about everything, and I think that's what a happy marriage is," says one wife. "I've had relationships in which I felt like I had to keep secrets from my partner, but I can tell my husband anything. I like that I can be open about my feelings, and know that we'll work through whatever it is together."

4. "This is my second marriage and it's happy, unlike the first, because we are totally honest with one another," says another woman. "Whether we aren't thrilled with what's happening in the bedroom or we're concerned over money, we spit it all out and then work it out."

5. "I think a happy marriage is about forgiveness," says another married woman. "No one is perfect and if you can just let go of the little things and move on from the bigger things, like arguments, with a forgiving rather than begrudging heart, you're in really good shape."



1. Who do you like to go shopping with?

2. Who do you look like the most in your family?

3. Which relative did you most often see when you were a child?

4.Who do you think is the most important member in your family?


1. Who do you like to go shopping with?




skint = broke 没钱了

tight with money 扣(不舍得花钱,或不愿意借钱给别人)

try out 试穿/试用

every single piece 每一件单品

fitting room 试衣间

run out of 花光了

grocery shopping 买菜

pay for everything 全部买单


Well, it depends. I mean most of the time I would prefer to go to the clothing store myself. You know, I would be able to take my time trying out every single piece in the fitting room. But if it’s towards the end of the month, you know, when I’m running out of my spending money, I would always want to do at least my grocery shopping with my mom, just so she can pay for everything.

2. Who do you look like the most in your family?







It a common tradition in China that children live together with their

parents until they are married, and often children still live with the parents

after they are married.


In China the grandparents stay on with the family and look after the

grandchildren while the parents are at work.


In North America, old people usually live alone. If they are too old to

take care of themselves, or if they’re really old, day over 75, then they

usually live in old-folk’s homes, nursing homes, or special apartment complexes

designed for senior people.


I do think that living together with the parents when we marry would be

nice for the child’s stability and would also let the parents feel like an

important part of the family.


It looks like it depends on how rich a family is weather to live with the

parent when we marry or not.


That’s the trouble in some cases. Living with people of different

generations isn’t always easy. It requires some sacrifices and tolerance of

other’s behavior.


In China it’s often the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law who don’t get

on well enough, until both sides agree to live apart. And it’s socially

acceptable if the younger couple help the old couple in ways that are necessary.

Well, for example, when the parents are strong enough to live on their own the

children are expected to help when needed. When the parents are too old to take

care of themselves, they should be moved back to the children’s home where they

are properly fed, clothed and sheltered.


A common stereotype of older Americans is that they are usually "put away"

in nursing homes and forgotten about. Actually, only about 5 percent live in

some type of institution. More than half of those 65 or older live with or near

at least one of their children. The vast majority of the elderly live alone and

take care of themselves. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 75 percent own

their own homes. Over a million senior adults live in retirement communities.

These provide residents with meals, recreation, companionship, medical care and

a safe environment.



One important cause of the generation gap in the China nowadays is the

opportunity that young people have to choose their own life-styles. In the past,

China is more traditional, and when children grow up, they are expected to live

in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their people know and

approve of, and often to continue the family occupation. But now, a increasing

number of young people often travel great distances for their education, move

out of the family home at an early age, marry—or live with—people whom their

parents have never met and choose occupations different from those of their


Also, the speed at which changes are taking place in China is another cause

of the gap between the generations. In the past, elderly people are valued for

their wisdom, but now the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight.

The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by

different skills and abilities.


At 82 he was ready to die, and I was ready to let him go so that his

suffering would end. We laughed and cried and held hands and told each other of

our love and agreed that it was time. I said,“Dad, after you have gone I want a

sign from you that you are fine,” He laughed at the absurdity of that; Dad

didn't believe in reincarnation. I wasn't positive I did either, but I had had

many experiences that convinced me I could get some signal“ from the other


My father and I were so deeply connected I felt his heart attack in my

chest at the moment he died. Later I mourned that the hospital, in their sterile

wisdom, had not let me hold his hand as he had slipped away.



父亲和我是如此血肉相连,以致他死的那一刻,我胸中也感到他的心力衰竭。后来我很悲哀:医务人员为防传染 ,父亲悄然离世时,没让我握着他的 手 。

关于老龄化问题(Old-age Boom)

It’s time-honored virtue to respect the elderly. That’s why their own flesh

and blood are supposed to look after them.

Well-being / Farewell is something, because seniors will lead a much more

comfortable life.


We all like to imagine that we're getting wiser and not just older. Most of

us enjoy observing the miracle of growth in others, as well. For instance,

seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proud.


Growing old is not exactly pleasant for people in youth-oriented American

culture. Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young. As the old

saying goes, "You're as young as you feel." Older people joke about how many

years young they are, rather than how many years old. People in some countries

value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom. But Americans seem to favor

those that are young, or at least "young at heart."


years young,而不说多少 years old


Many older Americans find the "golden years" to be anything but golden.

Economically, "senior citizens" often struggle just to get by.

Retirement-typically at age 65-brings a sharp decrease in personal income.

Social Security benefits usually cannot make up the difference. Older people may

suffer from poor nutrition, medical care and housing. Some even experience age

discrimination. In 1987, American sociologist Pat Moore dressed up like an older

person and wandered city streets. She was often treated rudely-even cheated and

robbed. However, dressed as a young person, she received much more respect. Of

course, not all elderly Americans have such negative experiences. But old age

does present unique challenges.


Ironically, the elderly population in America is expanding-fast. Why?

People are living longer. Fewer babies are being born. And middle-aged "baby

boomers" are rapidly entering the ranks of the elderly. America may soon be a

place where wrinkles are "in." Marketing experts are already focusing on this

growing group of consumers. And even now the elderly have a great deal of

political power. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), with over

30 million members, has a strong voice in Washington.


Despite the challenges they face, Americans in their "twilight years"

generally refuse to give up on life. They find a variety of ways to keep

themselves active. To help them stay in shape, they may join mall walkers clubs,

fitness programs and even the "Senior Olympics." They can enjoy hours of

entertainment at senior centers and adult amusement parks. Many enroll in

continuing education programs to maintain their mental skills.



The young live in the present rather than in the past or future.

The young should feel grateful to the older generation, who has created a

good life for them.

The older generation fought in the two world wars. They faced real

problems, but the young have an easier life.

