



I am raising an Alaska dog, which is a large breed of domestic dog. My dog has a double coat:the undercoat is soft while the outer one is coarse and water-proof. Also, his coat hastwo colors, black and white.

In my opinion, his most attractive feature is the small upright ears which are out of proportion to the head. Having had this dog for almost a year, I find him intriguing. He is very smart, so he learns everything quickly. I once taught him how to fetch. Surprisingly enough, he successfully chased and retrieved the object after I tossed it for the second time. He acted as if he had intrinsically understood the game. He is also friendly to everyone,especially children. Whenever someone visits my house, instead of barking, he welcomes them by licking their feet.

For me, my dog is a friend I can play with after school. I often walk him around the park at the weekends and he seems to like this, as there are different dogs there. I also talk with himregularly and I feel that he can understand what I say. As a final point, I hope that my dog can live with me for a long time.





武汉:Part1Are you studying or working? Did you enjoy your first day in your university? Weather Does the weather affect you? Street market Have you ever been to the street market? What’s the differences between street market and super market? Which you prefer and why? Party2 Describe a beautiful place you would like to have a home there.Part3 Where do Chinese people build their home? 其他的记不清了。


济南山东大学考试:Party1 House or apartment You hometown or countryside You room Advertisement Part2 Waiting for someone Part3 Waiting time save money for sth


山东大学 room5Part1职业,为什么选这个学校,学校的第一天,天气。Street market Part2 Good law Part3政府官员应该具备什么素质,警察应该把什么作为重点准则,有没有很多人违法,警察的工资高不高,why,你觉得工资多少合适。


华中科技大学Part1专业,老师 Part2 朋友的好习惯Part3培养孩子的好习惯,坏习惯是怎么形成的,怎么解决


北京考试中心 room9 Part1为什么选择这个学校,一周里最喜欢的是哪天,喜欢用相机还是手机照相,Part2描述学校教室老师Part3教育小孩很重要吗,哪个角色重要Part4班级人数,学校大还是小好


电科 R3 P1: work or study / major / shoes / good friend ; P2: radio/TV program ; P3: radio/TV program how to learn/how often/ government control


太原理工room7 超级nice帅小伙,一直都有眼神交流,整个过程像是聊天。p1flat or house,shopping,teacher;p2,long journey,p3,旅行前要准备什么,旅行地点怎么选择,等等


北京教育指导中心r5 感觉听不清考官的发音有点…P1就是学校,生日 P2是重要的邮件或者信件P3就是各种关于信的问题…真心听不太懂他的发音…求人品啊!


北语101 白人光头,语速快,开始很严肃后面笑起来。P1holiday,P2singer or band,P3每个人都可以成为歌手么,good voice对唱歌有助么,人们喜欢什么样的歌手why,人们唱歌为了什么,当我说回家路上唱歌自嗨考官笑说他经常自嗨。求口语6.5保


武汉湖北大学rm12, part1,house or apartment,national public holiday. part2,one thing you cannot do now, but want to learn to do part3,difference between teaching at home and teaching at school, will parents be too busy to cook for children ?啊啊啊,只能想起这些了


山大rm15 p1问的学校 专业 交通方式p2童年游戏 p3现在孩子们经常玩什么游戏,电子游戏好还是不好,对 competitive game的看法。


武外英中rm13 趴1你来自哪里,你住的地方,适不适合小孩子住,认不认识邻居 趴2我想有栋房子的一个地方 趴3房型,然后各种混乱的房子问题


湖大,rm10,part1flat or house ,housework part2 singers part3各种跟音乐有关的问题,中西方歌手的差距,日韩歌手和中国歌手的差距,白人女考官超级美!!超级好!!但是语速过快哦。


武汉外国语room2 遇到打断狂魔浮夸胡子叔。part1 your home.part2 something made by yourself.part3 大多数人喜欢送什么礼物 为什么人们喜欢送手礼物 孩子喜欢手作礼物还是商店买的礼物


太原理工room3,p1 teacher, handwriting p2 保持健康 p3此类问题日志,帅考官问了很多问题,发音标准,人nice。


湖大 RM17 啪1 name housework friends啪2 good shop/company service when and who 啪3 jobs which deal with public what quality they need考官大叔一枚 严肃得让人觉得他是来考试的


湖北大学Room16 因为最后一个考官很着急[泪][泪][泪]不等我说完就下一个了part1 museum,photography,part2language,part3与part2有关的,大概是中文会不会成为国际语言.


湖北大学rm7 p1住flat还是apartment 喜不喜欢nature 家乡p2 do something good for your healthp3关于健康的一些问题考官是个胖胖的男纸问题很多 p1估计问了十个问题,还打断我的p2了


北语r207.白人瘦老头,语速快 严肃P1居住地,适合家庭住吗,爱street store吗,为啥有人喜欢去street store不去超市,爱啥天气,特殊天气,会选择极寒或者极冷的地方吗 P2分享东西 P3小孩不爱分享啥,咋教他们分享,分享有啥好处,咋享transport(这没听懂他解释说一起乘坐公交不开私家车啥的)


石家庄信息工程学院Room7,黑人,有口音,但人超nice,会给提示会冲你笑,不会打断,但对时间控制很严 P1Full name ,your hometown,museum and gallery

P2city you visited P3big city and countryside,the reasons about young people choose it


电子科大RM05 PART1问了很多,问了关于鞋子的。PART2一个重要的工作。PART3围绕JOB。~一个帅哥 人很好很好很好~


电子科大rm17 戴眼镜中年男的,眉毛很销魂,人很好一直在跟我有表情交流虽然我想他应该听得很辛苦! part1.公寓 旅游 怎么放松自己 part2.描述一个有趣的动物 part3.为啥要保护熊猫 社会动物保护问题 以及杀生吃动物的问题


湖大rm08,p1. 来自哪里,周围有很多人吗,和他们熟悉吗;最近的生日怎么过的,人们怎么过生日,老人小孩过生日哪个重要;会开车出行吗 p2. 一个学校的朋友 p3. 儿时朋友和长大找朋友有什么区别,以前找朋友和现在找朋友有什么区别


济南山大。Part 1 weather ! part two was the time you stayed in a place where far away from your home .and part 3 was about hotel .For example .why people live in a hotel .What are they looking for .just sleep or good service


杭州考试中心206,p1学习还是工作,为什么选那城市,第一天怎么样,喜欢手机拍照还是相机,喜欢拍什么,以后想提高拍照水平吗,放松容易吗 p2家庭成员 p3人变老后家庭关系重要吗,小孩和老人在一起好吗,为什么人老了朋友就少,小孩的问题老人能解决吗。


电子科大room10 Part1Study or work;Part2 App;Part3 General对technology的看法


Part1工作还是学习,喜欢的食物;Part2一门想学的外语;Part3关于international language的一些讨论


山大room2Part1喜欢的房间、颜色,鞋子舒服,时尚;Part2 App;Part3现代科技,追求新科技的原因


北京语言大学 Part1为什么选择这个专业,喜欢电视上还是网上的广告,觉得post的广告怎么样;Part2 Long journey;Part3出发前要做什么准备,需不需要检查身体,人们喜欢去什么国家旅游,中国青少年倾向于去哪些国家


电子科大room3 Part1在哪儿住适不适合小孩,交通,天气;Part2电子邮件重要吗;Part3信的好处,面对面交流重要吗


武汉外国语room4 p1.住的是house还是apartment 喜欢的鞋子还一系列有关于鞋子的话题 ;p2.一个喜欢的电视节目或者radio program ;p3.电视节目和radio那个比较好。中国的电视节目的类别


财大303 Part1 Nature,company,countryside;Part2 A singer/band you likePart3各种音乐产生的目的,甚至问到怎么发展音乐产业


教育考试指导中心 rm05 20 30岁英国男,语速略快,一直皱眉头爱打断,特别爱问why,刨根问底地问。趴一 住哪 周围环境;有多少人;适不适合小孩;怎么放松 为什么能放松;博物馆好处。趴二 school friend。趴三 close friend;怎么交朋友;交朋友容易吗;小时候认识 现在一直联系的朋友。


武汉外国语学校 Part1 Hometown ,house or apartment ,shoes, Part2 Interesting conversation ;Part3Face to face or mobile


东南大学426考场,考官白人,很严肃。part:work or study,会根据你的回答问问题。part2:group work。part3:young children(指4岁以下) 和adults 在一起会玩什么。是否建议young boys和young girls在一起玩。。只记得这么多了


太原理工room5 Part1未来想做什么,好看的人,鞋子;Part2人们穿衣,好看的模特;Part3自然风光,照照片能表现美吗


石家庄 P1 House ,apartment;P2 Job;P3工作环境怎么样,跟过去相比好不好找工作,多少岁可以从事全职工作


武汉外国room8 P1你第一次遇见她是在什么地方,你平时喜欢做什么,你的专业是什么,你喜欢你的专业吗;P2一项你想要赢却没有赢的项目,你觉得你以后会赢吗 P3你觉得小孩子一般在比赛中会得到什么奖励,你觉得给孩子奖励好吗,你觉得是给成绩好的孩子奖励好,还是给其他孩子奖励好?


电子科大room4 P1名字,最喜欢家乡的部分,最喜欢的季节;P2 APP;P3一堆电子设备的问题,老人用好不好,孩子用好不好,家长应不应该让孩子使用













鳄鱼:鳄鱼 是迄今发现活着的最早和最原始的动物之一。鳄鱼不是鱼,是爬行动物,鳄鱼是由于其像鱼一样在水中嬉戏,故而得名"鳄鱼"。在人们的心目中,鳄鱼就是“恶鱼”。一提到鳄鱼,立刻会想到血盆大口,密布的尖利牙齿,全身坚硬的盔甲,时刻准备吃人的神态。



我最喜欢雅思口语有趣的动物的动物是小仓鼠。它看起来很可爱,小仓鼠雅思口语有趣的动物的颜色是白色的,有小小的眼睛,大大的耳朵和锋利的爪子,小仓鼠的性格很顽皮。它经常想出来玩,可它是钻不出来,所以它一 直在笼子里玩。

有一次,它跑到箱子里玩,我把它堵在一个角落, 它就两三下就爬到笼子里,真是厉害。其中它最喜欢玩的就是“跑步”。在一个小笼子里不停地跑,其实笼子在旋转永远没有尽头。听雅思口语有趣的动物了我的介绍你是不是也喜欢上小小的仓鼠雅思口语有趣的动物了。



2、小学语文教材中口语交际训练内容汇总。主要有交往类 、辩论类 、介绍类和表演类,凭借教材,抓口语交际教材这一训练“基点”,根据各种不同类型的口语交际特点和要求进行有针对性的训练,从而提高学生的口语交际能力。



    近年来,关于动物保护雅思口语有趣的动物的问题逐渐为人们所担忧,对此,你有什么看法呢雅思口语有趣的动物?下面我给大家带来关于动物的雅思 作文 及解析。


Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


这次的题目是少见的 动物类 ,但是同学们要将题目着眼于是否保护动物,而不要太纠结于too much, 否则可能会很难下笔或者缺乏思路。

范文 为不同意观点。主旨:虽然动物们是生态系统中很重要的组成部分,但是其他的社会问题更值得我们关注比如贫困与失业。


In recent years, animal protection has become an issue of concern. People take different attitudes towards the increasing attention and expenditure on wildlife conservation. Some people suggest that the spending should be redirected to helping other fields in society. I agree with the view that the investment in wildlife protection is not worthwhile.


Animals, as a key component of the whole food chain, have a profound impact on the sustainability of an ecosystem. As we known, every kind of animals plays an important role in natural balance. For instance, the demise of any species will lead to the growth or decline of other species. In some extreme cases, some species may at the verge of extinction such as Dodo bird. If people did not take actions to protect wildlife as soon as possible, we humans would be affected in the end.


However, there are more issues that we need to focus in our society rather than protecting animals. In current social context, the primary task is still to improve living standards since there are many people living under the poverty line. Only when people are in a good living condition, can they pay attention to other social problems. Besides, technology and education are another two aspects of governments to concern. These two industries accelerate the development of society, which will provide a better protection for wildlife in turn.

然而,我们需要关注更多的问题,而不是保护动物。在当前的社会环境下,首要任务仍然是提高生活水平,因为有许多人生活在贫困线以下。只有当人们处于良好的生活状态时,他们才会注意到其他社会问题。此外,科技和 教育 是政府关注的另两个方面。这两个产业加速了社会的发展,这将为野生动物提供更好的保护。

In conclusion, although the animal is a significant part of ecosystem, it is better for governments to invest more finance and resources in other social problems.



Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.

You should say:

what animal it was

where you saw it

what happened when you saw it

and explain why you thought it was interesting.



3. 故事 线:关于有趣的动物,我想告诉你关于锦鲤在中国很受欢迎,日本和其他亚洲国家。据我所知,锦鲤鱼是鲤鱼的色彩变化。一些主要颜色是白色、黑色、红色、黄色和奶油色,所以它们看起来特别奇妙。


As for the interesting animal, I’d like to tell you about the koi fish which is very popular in China, Japan and other Asian countries. As far as I know, the koi fish is colourful variation of the common carp. Some of the major colours are white, black, red, yellow and cream, so they look particularly fantastic.

The koi are hearty fish. They can thrive in cold, fresh waters. And they are opportunistic fish, which means they eat a wide range of food, including insects, fish eggs, juvenile fish of other species and a diverse range of plants. What surprise me most is that the koi fish can live up to 70-year-old, as long as human.

Chinese people feed the koi fish for more than 1000 years. In China, they symbolise bringing good fortune and wealth, that is probably the reason why some many Chinese people like to keep them as pets at home in the tanks or ponds, especially the businessmen. Besides, I once saw a great number of koi fish in the lake of Olympic Forest Park in Beijing, being fed by children and old people. They are very aggressive as they would struggle in water to get the food. Besides, they are quite human-friendly, they even are not afraid of being touched by people in the water.


growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe that animals should be treated in the same way humans are and have similar rights, whereas others think that it is more important to use them as we desire for food and medical research. This essay will discuss both points of view.


With regard to the exploitation of animals, people believe it is acceptable for several reasons. Firstly, they think that humans are the most important beings on the planet, and everything must be done to ensure human survival. If this means experimenting on animals so that we can fight and find cures for diseases, then this takes priority over animal suffering. Furthermore, it is believed by some that animals do not feel pain or loss as humans do, so if we have to kill animals for food or other uses, then this is morally acceptable.


1. vivisection 活体解剖

2. perform. experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验

3. test animals 用于实验的动物

4. be subjected to experiments 被迫接受试验

5. animal rights 动物权利

6. clinical research 临床研究

7. cruel 残忍的

8. extremist 极端主义者

9. medical research 医学研究

10. origin of species 物种起源

11. alternative method 替代的 方法

12. biological diversity 生物多样性

13. natural balance 自然平衡

14. equilibrium of ecosystem 生态平衡

15. coexistence 共存

16. endangered animals 濒危动物

17. diversity of species 物种多样性

18. shameless 令人羞愧的

19. barbaric 野蛮的

20. live and let live 活着就是与万物共存

21. meaningless 没有意义的

22. dominant species 优势物种

23. laboratory 实验室

24. vaccine 疫苗

25. infringement 践踏

26. right to live 生存权

27. torture 折磨

28. anti-science 反科学的

29. life-threatening diseases 危及生命的疾病

30. scientific gains 科学成果

关于动物的雅思作文及解析相关 文章 :

1. 雅思考试大作文范文 环境与动物保护类

2. 雅思大作文范文 环境与动物保护类

3. 雅思作文|小作文7种题型与大作文12种题型分类讲解

4. 雅思英语高分作文赏析

5. 雅思写作范文:2023 0708雅思大作文解析和范文

6. 雅思作文范文3篇

7. 雅思大作文写作7分范文鉴赏

8. 2023 年雅思写作大作文预测及参考范文

9. 雅思作文:2023 1111雅思大作文题目解析和范文

10. 雅思书信类写作范文赏析

