Dependingonpersonalexperience,personalitytypeandemotionalconcern,wefindthatsomepeopleholdtheideaofAmeanwhileothersprefertoB,frommypointofview,itismoreadvisabletochoseAratherthanB.Myargumentsforthispointarelistedasfollows. ThemainreasonformypropensityforAisthat___________________________.就理由进行解释_____________________.Forinstance,____________________ Anotherreasoncanbeseenbyeveryoneisthat____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________Forexample,____________________ TheargumentIsupportinthefirstparagraphisalsoinapositionofadvantagebecause_____________________________ AlthoughIagreethattheremaybeacoupleofadvantagesofB,Ifeelthatthedisadvantagesaremoreobvious.Suchas________________. Inaword,________________________________________________.So,itissagacioustosupportthestatementthatitisbettertoA. 托福作文模板推荐之二 AorB 将原题复述___________________________________________WhenfacedwiththedecisionofAofB,quiteafewwoulddeemthat______________________,butothers,incontrast,believeA/Basthepremierchoiceandthatisalsomypoint.Amongcountlessfactorswhichinfluence-A/-B,therearethreeconspicuousaspectsasfollows. Themainreasonformypropensityfo_________isthat___________________ Thesecondreasoncanbeseenbyeverypersonthat________. Inaddition,thesereasonarealsousablewhenweconsiderthat_________. Therearesomedisadvantagesin____________________另一种观点的缺点__________. Inaword,_____________重复观点句并缩写理由__________________.Takingsintosaccountofallthesefactors,wemayreachtheconclusionthat___________. 托福作文模板推荐之三 单一命题式 Theanswerofthisstatementdependsonyourownexperienceandlifestyle.Inmypointview,buyingcomputersisasimportantas,ifnotmoreimportantthan,buyingbooks.Soitissagaciousto____________.Amongcountlessfactorswhichinfluencethechoice,thesearethreeconspicuousaspectsasfollows. Themainreasonformypropensityfor__________isthat____________. Anotherreasoncanbeseenbyeverypersonisthat________________. Futhermore,______________. Inshort,_________________复述前文中的理由______________. 托福作文模板推荐之四 agreeordisagree Somepeopleargueasifitisageneraltruththata_____________________________.Buttobefrank,Icannotagreewiththem.TherearenumerousreasonswhyIholdnoconfidenceonthem,andIwouldexploreonlyafewprimaryoneshere. Themainproblemwiththisargumentisthatitisignorantothebasicfactthat______________解释本段中心___________. AnotherreasonwhyIdisagreewiththeabovestatementisthatIbelievethat______________. Whatismore,somestudentsareinterestedin____________. Inaword,_ SomepeopleprefertoA.othersbelieveB.WhenfacedwiththedecisionofAorB,quiteafewwouldclaimthat______________,butothers,incontrast,deemA/Basthepremierchoiceandthatisalsomypoint.Therearenumerousreasonswhy___________,andIwouldexploreonlyafewofthemostimportantoneshere.ThemainreasonwhyIagreewiththeabovestatement,however,isthat_____________________.Take___________asexample,______________.Thereisanotherfactorthatdeservessomewordshere.Suchas________________________. Similarly,thesereasonsarealsousablewhenweconsiderthat______________.(exmaples:___________). FromtheaboveyoumightgotideathatIagree______________.(repeattheabovethreereason____________).So,itissagacioustosupportthestatementthatitisbetterto_______________. 托福作文模板推荐之六 Agreeordisagree SomepeopleprefertoA,othersbelieveB,Nowadayssomemayholdtheopinionthat________________,butothershaveanegativeattitude.AsfarasIamconcerned,Iagree/disagreethat_______________.MYargumentsforthispointarelistedasfollows. Oneoftheprimarycausesisthat_______________________. Examples_______________. Butthereisafruthermoresubtlepointwemustconsider.Examples. Whatismore_______________.Examples___________ Generalspeaking,__________.Recongizingthefactthat_______________shoulddriveustoconcludethat______________. 托福作文模板推荐之七 AorB Inmypointofview,Aisasimportantas,ifnotmoreimportantthanB.SoitissagacioustochooseA.AmongcountlessfactorswhichinfluenceA.therearethreeconspicuousaspectsasfollows. TheabovepointiscertainlytrueifAisconsidered.Forexmaple,___________________ AnotherreasonwhyIagreewiththeabovestatementisthatIbelievethatAisbetterthanB.Forinstance,_______________ ItwouldprobablynotbetookindlydisposedtotheideathatBisnotimportant.B________也好_________. Inaword,tochooseAorBissomethingofadilemmatothepublicbecausetheysometimesareconfusedbytheseeminglygoodqualitiesofB,andneglecthtegenuinelygoodaspectsofA.Forthereasonspresentedabove,IstronglycommittothenotionthatA,butnotB.托福作文模板推荐之八 AorB WhenfacedwiththedecisionofAorB,quiteafewwouldclaimthatA,butothers,incontrast,deemBasthepremierchoiceandthatisalsomypoint.Thisquitedifferentviewisbasedonthepropensityoffollowingpoints.Wemaylooksintoseverypossiblereason,however,foremostreasonforBis____________________.Forexample,______________. Also,________________________. Thisisn bsp;arbitraytojudgeBaccordingonlytotheexcuseImentionedintheaboveparagraph. Similarly,thesereasonsarealsousablewhenweconsiderthat________________.Admittedly,__________________A也有好的地方______________.Byhesametoken,however,______________B更好____________.Takingsintosaccountofallthesefactors,wemayreachtheconclusionthat_____________. 一,“点对点”的结构 “点对点”的结构指的是把综合写作中的阅读材料和听力材料的每一个对应点都单独提炼出来用一个段落加以阐述。这种结构的优点是可以把阅读文章和听力材料的对应关系更细致地进行说明,使文章层次感强,同时反映出考生提炼信息和对比信息的能力更高。比如下面的一篇范文就是ETS给出的满分作文,是一篇典型的“点对点”型的结构安排方式。 Introduction- RelationshipbetweenreadingandlectureThelecturertalksaboutresearchconductedbyafirmthatusedthegrouptohandletheirwork.Hesaysthatthetheorystatedinthepassagewasverydifferentandsomewhatinaccuratewhencomparedtowhathappenedinreality. FirstPointofContrastFirst,somemembersgotfreerides.Thatis,somedidn’tworkhardbutgotrecognitionforthesuccessnonetheless.Thisalsoindicatesthatpeoplewhohardwerenotgivenrecognitiontheyshouldhavegotten.Inotherwords,weren’tgiventheopportunityto“shine”.Thisdirectlycontradictswhatthepassageindicates. SecondPointofContrastSecond,groupswereslowinprogress.Thepassagesaysthatgroupsaremoreresponsivethanindividualsbecauseofthenumberofpeopleinvolvedandaggregatedresources.However,thespeakertalksabouthowthefirmfoundthatgroupswereslowerthanindividualsindecisionmaking.Groupsneededtimeformeetings,whicharenecessaryproceduresindecisionmaking.Thisisanotherplacewhereexperiencecontradictedtheory. ThirdPointofContrastThird,influentialpeoplemightemergeandleadthegrouptowardsgloryIftheinfluentpeoplearegoingintherightdirectiontherewouldbenoproblem.Butincaseswheretheygointhewrongdirection,thereisnobodythathasinfluencetocounterthedecisionmade.Inotherwords,thegroupmightturndictatorship,withtheinfluentialpartyastheleader,andmightbecomelessinitsthinking.Theymightbecomeone-sided,andthusfailtosucceed. 二,“面对面”的结构 “点对点”的结构指是最理想的结构安排模式,但有时候考生并不能准确地寻找到阅读和听力材料之间的对应点。这有可能是因为阅读和听力材料之间的对应点本身就不是很明显,或者由于考生自身的能力问题,没有完全听懂或看懂,则要写成“点对点”的结构安排模式,难度会比较大。遇到这种情况,朗阁海外考试研究中心则建议考生可以尝试使用“面对面”的结构安排模式。它与“点对点”的结构安排模式的区别在于,“面对面”作文的结构并不是逐条阐述对应点,而是在总得阐明听力和阅读文章之间的关系后,分别总结听力材料或阅读材料的要点,从“面”上阐述听力和阅读材料之间的联系。以下一篇范文也是根据ETS提供的一套模考题所写的范文,由于此题很难“点对点”地分析听力和阅读之间的关系,因此采取了“面对面”的写法。 Introduction- RelationshipbetweenreadingandlectureThelecturertalksaboutthenaturalprocessofcrystallizationandhowthespeedofcoolingcaninfluencesuchprocess,whichisprovedbyBowen’scrystallizationexperimentexplainedinthereadingpassage. PointsinthelectureNaturalcrystallizationhappenswhenmagma,whichisextremelyhotinitsmoltenformdeepintheearth,graduallycoolsoffwhenitmovestowardsthesurfaceoftheearth.Duringthecoolingprocess,theenergyfromheatislost,andtheatomswhichcomposethemagmabegintomovemoreslowly,formingintoanorderlypattern,whichturnsthemagmaintoasolidcrystalstructure.However,ifthecoolingprocesstakesplacetoorapidly,thenthereisnotenoughtimefortheatomstobearrangedintosuchanorderlypattern.Therefore,crystallizationcan’ttakeplace.Instead,abrittle,glass-likematerialwillform. PointsintheReadingNormanBowen’sexperimentinthe1920sprovedthistheory.Bycollectingandmeltingelementsinrocks,Normancreatedartificialmagmainhislaboratory.Hefirstcooledthemagmaslowly,asinthenaturalcrystallizationprocess,andgotmineralcrystals.Butthenhesuddenlyreplacedthisnormalcoolingwithrapidfreezing,andfoundfrozenglassmaterialssurroundingthesolidcrystalstructure. 可以看出,“点对点”和“面对面”的结构有各自的特点,但总得来说“点对点”的结构在“对比型”的新托福综合写作中要更适用一些,因为它能把矛盾点逐一呈现,更细致地体现了听力和阅读材料之间的关系。但掌握“面对面”的结构也很有必要,因为它可以适用一些听力和阅读材料之间的关系是一致、延伸或解释型的考题。此外,在考生无法寻找到所有的对应点时,用“面对面”的结构也算是一种补救措施。 附:新托福综合写作sampleanswer两篇,针对的是同一个考题,第一篇用的是“点对点”结构,第二篇用的是“面对面”的结构。 _______________________________________________________祝你成功啦!
作文文套一 A or B
Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B, from my point of view, it is more advisable to chose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.
The main reason for my propensity for A is that___________________________.就理由进行解释_____________________.For instance,____________________
Another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,_______________
The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________
Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as________________.
In a word, ________________________________________________.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A.
A or B
将原题复述___________________________________________When faced with the decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence -A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.
The main reason for my propensity fo _________is that___________________
The second reason can be seen by every person that________.
In addition, these reason are also usable when we consider that_________.
There are some disadvantages in____________________另一种观点托福作文模板的缺点__________
In a word, _____________重复观点句并缩写理由__________________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that___________.
The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style. In my point view, buying computers is as important as, if not more important than, buying books. So it is sagacious to ____________.Among countless factors which influence the choice, these are three conspicuous aspects as follows.
The main reason for my propensity for__________is that____________.
Another reason can be seen by every person is that________________.
In short,_________________复述前文中托福作文模板的理由______________.
agree or disagree
Some people argue as if it is a general truth that a _____________________________.But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.
The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant o the basic fact that______________解释本段中心___________.
Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that______________. j?J @ c7W
What is more, some students are interested in____________.
In a word, ________________.
A or B
Some people prefer to A. others believe B. When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that______________, but others, in contrast , deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. There are numerous reasons why___________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.
The main reason why I agree with the above statement, however, is that_____________________. Take___________as example, ______________.
There is another factor that deserves some words here. Such as ________________________.
Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that______________.(exmaples:___________).
LFrom the above you might got idea that I agree______________.(repeat the above three reason____________).So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to _______________.
作文文套六 Agree or disagree
Some people prefer to A, others believe B, Nowadays some may hold the opinion that ________________, but others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree/disagree that_______________. MY arguments for this point are listed as follows.
One of the primary causes is that_______________________.
But there is a fruther more subtle point we must consider. Examples.
What is more_______________. Examples___________
General speaking, __________. Recongizing the fact that _______________should drive us to conclude that______________.
A or B
In my point of view, A is as important as, if not more important than B. So it is sagacious to choose A. Among count less factors which influence A. there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.
The above point is certainly true if A is considered. For exmaple,___________________ f \
Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that A is better than B. For instance,_______________
It would probably not be too kindly disposed to the idea that B is not important . B________也好_________.
In a word, to choose A or B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of B, and neglect hte genuinely good aspects of A. For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that A, but not B.
A or B
When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that A, but others, in contrast, deem B as the premier choice and that is also my point. This quite different view is based on the propensity of following points.
We may look into every possible reason, however, fore most reason for B is ____________________. For example, ______________.
Also, ________________________.
This is arbitray to judge B according only to the excuse I mentioned in the above paragraph.
Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that________________.
Admittedly, __________________A也有好托福作文模板的地方______________.By he same token, however, ______________B更好____________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that_____________.
A or B
When it comes to______________, Nevertheless, in my part, I prefer A rather than B as my inclination. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.
I agree with the statement that _________without reservation since___________.
Naturally___________.It can be given a concrete example__________.
A more essential factor why I advocate the argument of __________is that. Obviously ________________.Take the case of a thing that____________.
Futhermore, what is worth noticing fact is that ________________. This demonstrates the undeniable fact that__________________.
Of course, choosing B also has advantages to some extent,_______________此处论述B的1-2优点___________.But if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that_____________.
____________改写并复述题目____________. There may be by one or two disadvantages to ___________________; however, I believe that there are far more advantages. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.
First of all, perhaps one disadvantages to____________is that______________.For instance, __________________. Another drawback to _____________involves the possibility that____________. For example, ____________.
Even though there may be one or two disadvantages to____________, the advantages far outweigh them. The main reason for my propensity for __________is that _________. For exmaple_____________. 留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,Another reason for my inclination for _____________ is that _________________. For example, _________________. |留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE*F,o D8w%x0v6O j8C
In a word, in spite of the fact that there may be a couple of disadvantages to _____________, I feel that the advantages are more obvious___________.重复优点__________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that _____________. 4t s*_ I
作文文套十二 A or B
____________改写并复述题目____________.The advantages of B carry more weight than those of A. There are numerous reasons why __________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.
One of the primary cause is that_______________________.
What is also worth noticing fact is that_____________________.
Futhermore, ________________________.
Although I agree that there may be couple of disadvantages to_________________.I fell that the advantages are more obvious_____________. 留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA7w!l*i b!z.R u'?)C
_______________, Given the factors I have just outlined, I can only say that___________________. bbs.gter.net-A l ? D8a S `/i
A or B
____________改写并复述题目____________.When faced withe decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that ___________, but others, in contrast, deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence _________, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.
The main reason for my propensity for ________________ is that _____________. 5` _%M
Another reason can be seen by every person is that___________________.
The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because ________________________.
In a word, ___________________. Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that ____________________.
作文文套十四 A or B
From my point of view, it is advisable to choose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.
The main reason for my propensity for ____________________ is that ________________.
There is another factor that deserves some words here.
In a word, ________________________. While it is true that the argument, I disagree hold a little bit of water, I think_______________.
agree or disagree
Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that ____________________. But others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that ____________. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.
I agree with the statement that ______________________without reservation since ________________.
Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that________________.
In a word, _________________________. Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that__________.
在托福备考过程中托福作文模板,托福综合写作都是让备考学生一项非常头疼托福作文模板的难题,在这里托福作文模板我为大家搜集整理的一些新托福考考试写作的经典模板,希望大家能在灵活运用经典模板的基础上创作出具有个人特色的优秀托福 作文 。
托福综合写作 经典模板范例(1)
The lecture and the reading discuss ( ). The lecturer puts forward 3 pioints and effectively contradicts the opinions of the reading.
First of all, the reading says that ( ). In contrast, the lecture claims that ( ). By this way, the lecture contradicts the first opinion of the reading.
Second, the reading claims that ( ), while according to the lecture, this is not the case. The lecturer says that ( ). By casting doubt on an important peice of evidence of the reading, the lecture contradicts the second claim of the reading.
Finally, the reading states that ( ), while the lecture claims that ( ). Thus the lecture refutes the last claim of the reading.
托福综合写作 经典模板范例(2)
The lecture apparently refutes the points illustrated in the reading material. According to the professor, ________________.On the contrary, the reading contends an opposite stand that_____.
The first point the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that___________, which differs from the statement in the reading that_____.
Another evidence the speaker adopts to contradict the passage is________. However, the reading states that_________.
In the conclusion, the point made in the lecture contrasts with what is presented in the reading. As the professor claims, ________whereas the reading material holds that________.
托福综合写作 经典模板范例(3)
The reading passage contends that… (详细的写) The listening material completely refutes the reading passage . It is pointed in the listening that ……(写出main idea 就行)
First, the point, stated in the reading passage, is that … In contrast, the listening passage holds the opposite opinion and believes that ……
Second, the reading passage contends that …… But the speaker in the listening says that …
Third, the author, in the reading passage, believes that …… However, the lecturer in the listening argues that ……
第一, 强大自己的英语基本功。只有在平时注意积累,注意改正自己的错误,才会避免低级错误,才会运用正确的语法结构。
第三,我们在初练写作的时候套用模板是正常的事情,也是一个必经的过程,只有先试用别人的东西,才能发现一些漏洞,也才能在此基础上进行自己的写作积累。模板要活学活用,不要一字不差的照抄无误,而是要根据自己所要表达的内容进行更改。写作不一定要字字句句都是难词,长句,而是要学会运用一些常见词的常见 短语 去表达,这样才能真正显示写作的水平。这就要求学生再平时的学习中注意积累常用的短语或者词组,以备写作之用。另外,关于写作素材,不仅仅指写作常用的词汇,句型或者语法结构,还要包括所用的事例。因此,在平常的练习中要注意从阅读中积累素材,积累词句,而不要仅仅局限于模板之中。
模板只是给了学生一个写作的思路和框架,但是要想获得高分,就要在框架之上填加自己的内容,把模板变成自己的东西,只有 文章 中有自己的内容,才会吸引判卷老师的眼球!
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Taking a lot of time to make an important decision is often considered as a bad quality for a person. However, some people think that it is a good quality for a person.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
范文 1:Argument 1 (for)
It is wise to take plenty of time to make an important decision. If you stop to think, you can make a logical decision that is not based on passing emotions. Time lets you evaluate possible outcomes and consult with others.
Most importantly, emotions can cloud logical thinking. Giving yourself adequate time to consider a problem lets you look at it calmly. For example, I once got into an argument with a co-worker and was furious enough to quit my job. In my anger, it was the best decision, because I could not imagine looking at that person again. However, I went home and thought about what had happened. As I calmed down, I realized it would be better to talk with my supervisor and the co- worker. The next day I did. Now we work together well. I have a good job, but I would not if I had made the decision to quit in haste and anger.
Not only does taking time allow anger to fade, it also gives time to think through possibilities. It is important to look not just at the immediate decision, but also at its effects into the future. Considering different outcomes and possibilities can be a slow process. In the argument with my co-worker, I needed to look not just at my immediate satisfaction of getting away from the person I argued with. I needed consider what would happen if I quit my job: I could not pay my bills or save money for fun activities. I would need to find a different job. Any important decision has dozens of effects, so it is wise to evaluate what those might be.
Finally, you can get the opinion of others if you take time. You can discuss the situation with family or friends. You can consult the internet or other resources. If you get the advice of people who are not involved or who have more experience, you will have a greater chance of seeing all sides of the problem. You have all the information you need to analyze the different possibilities. For example, if I had talked with my family about quitting my job, they might have suggested changing to a new department in the same company, or other reasonable solutions that I may not have thought of on my own.
Giving yourself time to think lets you base the decision on logic, think about potential effects, and find more information. Therefore, it is wise to take time when making an important decision.
emotions can cloud logical thinking 情绪会模糊或影响 逻辑思维
in my anger 在我愤怒的时候
in haste and anger 在匆忙和愤怒的情况下
allow anger to fade 让愤怒消退
the immediate decision 立即做出的决定
the different possibilities 不同的可能性
base the decision on logic根据逻辑做出决定
范文2:Argument 2 (against)
When it comes to making a decision, you should go with your instincts and commit to an answer as soon as possible. If you take too long to consider, you can inconvenience others, miss opportunities, and make a poor decision.
It is important to remember that your decisions affect not just you but also the people around you. They must wait for your answer before they can go on with their own activities and plans. For example, if you are thinking about going on a vacation, you need to arrange for someone to take care of your pets or home. That person can’t make other plans until he or she finds out if you really are going. Therefore, if you take too much time to make a decision, other people are inconvenienced.
You might also miss opportunities if you are very slow about making a decision. While you are thinking, an event might be filled, a sale might end, or an offer might be withdrawn. The vacation example is a good illustration. If you see an advertisement for a cruise and take too long to respond, there may be no spaces left because other people responded faster. The friend offering to care for your pet cat may decide to do something else for the weekend, leaving you without help. In the end, your careful consideration was for nothing because the opportunity to go on vacation is no longer there.
One last concern about debating for a long time is that only you can know what is right for yourself. Everyone has different opinions, and those opinions may or may not apply to you.Others mean well by giving you advice, but they do not know every detail about you. For example, it is common for others to suggest entering a career where you can make lots of money, such as becoming a doctor or lawyer. However, if you like working outside alone, you will be unhappy and stressed in a career like that. Instead, you should follow your own instincts and enter a lower-paying career that you are happy in, such as becoming a gardener. If you allow yourself time to change your mind and listen to others, you will end up feeling unfulfilled or disappointed.
Therefore, it is important to make decisions in a timely manner. If you take too long to think them over, you can cause problems for others, miss opportunities, or follow a path that is not ideal.
go with your instincts 根据你的直觉去做,凭直觉行事
be inconvenienced 不方便
your careful consideration was for nothing 你的仔细考虑是徒劳的,是无用的
others mean well by giving you advice 别人基于好意给予你建议
a lower-paying career 一份薪水稍低的职业
allow yourself time to 给自己时间去做
in a timely manner 及时地
托福小 作文 的高分技巧
想要拿到写作的高分,大家在平时的复习中,就要掌握一些写作的技巧。这样才能够让我们的备考更有效率的复习。具体的面对托福独立写作,有哪些高分技巧呢? 为大家整理了详细的内容,供大家参考 。
一、“the clearer the better”
I want to go to the most notorious university in the U.S.
考生务必注意,活学活用虽是好事,但表达的第一要义是准确、清楚。满分标准明确要求使用“合适的措辞(appropriate word choice)”,而非所谓的“大词”。
第二类误入型。很多考生学习积极性很高,在看美剧、听英文歌曲时学到的词汇、 短语 立即就用在了托福写作中。
Government should give a damn about environmental problems.
虽然满分语言中明确要求使用“习语(idiomaticity)”,但上述表达中“give a damn about”过于口语化,而写作要求使用书面语,因此这个短语虽然“地道”但放在 文章 中显得格格不入。更何况“damn”本身就上不了台面,属于“four letter words”一类,受过良好 教育 (the well-educated)的英语母语使用者是不会在写作中使用类似表达的。
第三类妄想型。很多考生在阅读了满分标准后,提出疑问:“ 句子 越复杂分数就越高吗?”不可否认,满分标准明确指出需要“使用不同的句法”,但考生也要量力而行。例如:
A large amount of people go abroad to learn knowledge, which we will find good job in big company with this experience.
A large number of people go abroad to gain knowledge, and they will find a good job in a big company with this experience.
即使有一定基础的考生,首先也要突破3分标准的限制: 造句 和选词的不熟练使得文章缺乏清晰度,并且偶尔使意思含混不清(may demonstrate inconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice that may result in lack of clarity and occasionally obscure meaning),在表达清楚的基础上,进而使语言丰富、多变、有内涵,向满分标准冲刺。
不知所云,不知道想要表达些什么:Many companies began using computers mouth.
不要使用缩写形式(can’t,don’t,it’s,we’ll,they’ve等等),而应当使用单词的完整形式(cannot,do not,it is,we will,they have等等)。
句子不完整Many students have a hard time passing all the tests to gets into college. For example, my friend in high school.句子没有主要主语或主要动词,因为其实它应是一个从句。这是一个
非常常见的错误,修改的 方法 是将两个句子连接起来。
介词多余I would like to discuss about something important that you mentioned about to me during yesterday. We went to downtown yesterday to buy a watch. When I first came to the US, I did not have a lot of friends in here. In class, my classmate never mentioned about her husband.在表示这种意思时此单词不能与介词连用。这种情况常见于downtown,home,there,here等词。这些词语在英语中是副词而非名词,因而不能在它们前面添加介词。
跑题或不相关There are many reasons to buy a car, preferably a nice car.这个意思与okay for children to fail sometimes.所表达的意思很普通大多数人都已经知道到了,因而就没有必要再说出来。
标点问题I love animals. And I like to help them. Because they are helpless. So I want to become a vet.这是一个非常普遍的问题!许多学生在句子中使用了太多的句号,尤其是当他们用手写的时候。
单数/复数Many year ago, dinosaur roamed the Earths.单词需要从单数变为复数,或者由复数变成单数。单数可数名词单数可数名词不能单独使用,应该将其变为复数形式或者加上限定词(a, the, my, his, her, Gary’s, no, any, 1, 3, 50, most,等等)。
拼写错误主语、动词或宾语有问题I want to buy something for my mother that she will like it. There was a terrible accident happen yesterday.句子的基本结构有问题 缺少主语、动词或宾语,或者这些成分重复。
代词指代不明If people do not speak the same language, it has a greater chance of miscommunication. I intend to complete my studies in the United States because they have good programs there.代词所指代的指示词(介词所代替的名词)不清楚。
托福备考的过程中,要想写作取得优势,多阅读一些 范文 是十分有必要的,下面我给大家带来托福写作高分 范文大全 ,快来学习吧!
Task:It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?.
We all crave knowledge, especially in this Age of Information, but what is the best source of knowledge? Are we to believe Albert Camus, who stated” The place we are to get knowledge is in books”? Or are we better served by following Albert Einstein's counsel that “The only source of knowledge is experience”? Although books have their place in one's learning, there is no substitute for experience; indeed, it is experience that is ultimately the most important source of knowledge.
First, let us consider the knowledge needed to undertake a profession-for example, that of a physician. Knowledge gained from books provides the foundation of a doctor's training: study in a medical school begins with a near-overload of reading on anatomy, physiology and maladies both rare and common. However, during this time the medical student is also learning through experience, beginning with dissecting cadavers from almost the first day of medical school. Then, the aspiring physician must complete four years of residency, consisting of actual supervised experience at a hospital in which he or she now must put into practice all of the knowledge he or she has edge of dealing with patients, prescribing medication, and the joy and sadness of saving and losing patients; in other words, it is through experience that these residents finally learn what it means to be a doctor.
What about knowledge other than professional expertise-for example, knowledge about another culture? In this realm as well, both books and real-life experience enrich and edify us. For example, Paris is perhaps the most talked-about and written-about city in the world. We could read Hemingway's A Moveable Feast, in which he describes the excitement and intellectual spirit-as well as the restaurants and plentiful red wine-of Paris in the 1920's. Or, we could travel to Paris and eat at bistros, walk across the Pont Neuf and look at the river Seine, visit the Louvre museum, and have adventures of our own. Clearly, most people would have attained more lasting and vivid knowledge by visiting Paris on their own rather than reading about it secondhand.
In summary, experience, rather than books, is more central to our quest for learning, especially with regard to professional expertise. With regard to learning about another culture, experience is also irreplaceable. Yet not everyone in the world will have the health or financial resources to carry out a trip to Paris. But many people have access to a local library where they can borrow A Moveable Feast and, at no cost, read Hemingway's vibrant descriptions of Paris. We cannot forget the complementary and unique knowledge afforded by books, but experience is the most precious source of knowledge.
Task:“When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
It is universally acknowledged that hard work is indispensable to success. Scientists toil for years before they make a major discovery. Students study for years before they are accepted by a top university. Self-make people work for a long time, even all their life before they make a fortune. However, less well-known is the essential role that luck plays in achieving one's goals. It is often luck that turns years of hard work into success: people discover and invent things with the help of luck, and so do they become famous and find jobs.
First, luck has helped a great number of people invent and discover things. Sir Alexander Fleming experimented with antibacterial substances for nine years before he discovered penicillin. He went through laborious trial and error, but it was on account of luck that he looked at the mold on a piece of cheese and got the idea for penicillin there and then. Benjamin Franklin had been trying to prove his idea that lightning and electricity is the same thing, but it was only in flying a kite that he proved it and the concept of a lightning rod happened to strike him.
Also, luck helps people become famous. Let us consider young authors. Many work hard to learn to write. For example, they take writing classes. Besides, they work at menial jobs so as to survive and gain experience. Then one day a lucky writer may have piece of writing published and attract public attention. Or the writer meets an editor at the right time and place. Years of continuous writing brings the writer to the door of success, but one lucky chance, like the shot in soccer, eventually helps him or her reap success.
Finally, luck has helped many people secure jobs. One may spend much time writing and sending resumes, reading recruiting ads, and going to job interviews. One may pond the pavement for a long time before getting a job. However, it is with luck that a job hunter meets the person who will offer a position to him or her, or learns of a vacancy that is not advertised. Being at the right place at the right time often helps one land a job, and this has all to do with luck. One can hardly succeed without hard work, but hard work without luck often leads to nothing. Luck has a great number of people find success. In fact, luck goes hand in hand with hard work.
Task:Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
Some people think that university students should be able to choose whether to go to classes or not. I could not disagree more with this idea. Even though students can have excused absences, for example, when they are sick or have something emergent to attend, generally they should be required to go to classes. In fact, attending classes has many advantages, three of them most important: learning from the teacher, interacting with classmates, and developing responsibility. Attending classes has the benefit of receiving the best that a teacher can offer. Good teachers review the difficult and key pints of the material in the course textbook. The best teachers do more than this. They conduct group discussion of the material, and present alternative points of view on the same issue. This increases students' real understanding and critical thinking.
Moreover, teachers supplement the textbook material with information provide by guest speakers, which further enhances students' understanding. All this implies that, if students are absent from class, it is tantamount to forfeiting their right to full benefits of teacher-guided learning in class. Going to classes also helps students learn how to work with their classmates. In class, students need to put forward their ideas. They have to take questions from their classmates and when their classmates have a different point of view, they have to defend their own. All this is conducted in a friendly manner. Interaction of this kind teaches students about how to work with other people.
Finally, going to classes enables students to develop responsibility. Having to finish all the assigned readings before class helps prepare them for getting a job. So does the requirement of being punctual for class. Similarly, having to complete assignment on time for class helps them to foster responsibility.
Admittedly, students can obtain information from books, but they benefit a great deal more when they go to classes. They have the advantage of learning from their teacher, of interacting with other people, and of developing the responsibility required of a good worker as well as a good student. If these skills in life are in no sense optional, how can attending classes in a university be optional?
托福考试 作文 题目:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer.
Some people argue that most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time can later become valuable experiences. I cannot agree with them more. There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence on this opinion, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.
Difficulties are beneficial to our personal growth. In the course of our life, we will face numerous difficulties, and each difficulty will help us grow up, and become a valuable lesson for the future. A toddler fells off the ground for many times before he knows how to walk, and a child learns how to swim after he drinks water in the swimming pool. In addition, only after we experienced failures, we know the value of success. We will never appreciate anything that comes so easy. Difficulties can make us feel stronger and be more confident for the future obstacles.
Furthermore, difficulties in our work can help us gain more experience and knowledge. Most of the times we can gain knowledge and experiences faster through experiencing difficulties in our life and trying to find a solutions to the perplexities that we face. There is a famous saying, "no pain no gain." For example, when we take on a new job that we do not have much experience in, the first few weeks can be extremely painful and we may feel enormous pressure and difficulties. And we will try our best to adjust, to learn and to think, how to do this job better. The more difficulties we feel, the harder we try to acquire the skills and knowledge to overcome it. Learning and this stage is extremely efficient and our problem solving skills well increase. After we overcome more and more problems, we can become an experienced worker in this field and will be able to take on more challenges. We will never fear that we will face the same kind of problem again. This means that we have accumulated valuable experiences for the future.
In a word, a difficult experience is a gift that life gives us. We should appreciate it and take it as a precious opportunity to gain knowledge and experience about our study, work and life.
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