


雅思口语a movie star问什么问题&人物篇复习资料回顾

人物这个考点在雅思口语中雅思口语名人的出现率还是非常高的。除了描述一些雅思口语名人我们身边的普通人之外还会被要求描述那些名人伟人等。下面雅思口语名人,环球青藤就和大家来聊聊雅思口语a movie star问什么问题人物篇复习资料回顾,旨在启发大家雅思口语人物篇回答的答题思路!雅思口语a movie star会问的问题对于这一类考题当然上一讲中的人物外貌、性格等的描述都还是能用上的。但是它的特色是会涉及到其它类别的考题。比如雅思口语名人:◆ What did he/she do?◆ What role did he/she play in the film?◆ What is the film about?◆ What kind of music does he/she play?◆ Which films did he/she act in?这些问题的回答都需要涉及体育、电影、音乐等一类话题中的内容。这些话题我们在后面几讲中都会有详细的论述。所以我们在准备的时候一定切忌太小范围的押题,而是要对常考的话题有一个系统的学习,这样才能在考试中应对自如,取得满意的成绩。雅思口语人物篇复习资料回顾此外,还有些问题和这些名人的特之处有关,比如雅思口语名人:◆ How has he/she influenced you?◆ What is special about him/her?◆ Why would you like to meet him/her?{复习资料回放}He is the icon of Chinese sport and the most popular Olympic athlete. He is as famous as Houston Rockets center Yao Ming in China. You may have figured out who I am going to describe today. Yes, it’s Liu Xiang, the Flying Man, whose image is slapped everywhere, no matter on buses, billboards or television advertisements. His importance to China can never be overestimated.对于一个知名度非常高的人,环球青藤建议考生完全不需要在开头直接报出其名字。可以先设置一下悬疑,列举一下这个人的特个性、头衔、作品等具代表性的东西,这样可以引起听者的兴趣。同时,在这里也用了类比的方法,同时提到了刘翔和姚明,让听者对所要描述的人有个更好的认识。以上即是本次环球青藤为大家整理的雅思口语a movie star问什么问题以及历年雅思口语人物篇的复习资料回顾,希望大家能及时准备相关人物的雅思口语考试,后环球青藤祝愿各位考试顺利!



I think the main advantages of becoming a celebrity are earning lots of money and receiving special treatment wherever you go.


I would imagine that if you're a celebrity you get extra special VIP service wherever you go.


I'm sure celebrities don't have to stand in line like normal people do. In addition, I'm sure if you're a celebrity, you get many things for free as a form of advertising.


In my opinion, the main disadvantage of becoming a celebrity is the lack of privacy.


Everywhere you go, whatever you do, there are people looking at you and taking photographs of you.


This must feel very intrusive, especially if you don't look your best or you're not feeling well.





Describe an artist

Well, you know, when we are pursuing a more fashionable life, various kinds of arts are being created. However, compared to the achievements and levels of those artists in our history, it is hard to find out one who is more outstanding. Therefore, to describe an artist, I would like to talk about Qi baishi. One of the ten top artists in the 20th century in China, and also well-know through out the world.

I became to know him when I was in the middle school, when my father, one day, came back home very excitedly, because he successfully got one painting of Qibaishi. However, a week later, my father was disappointed because the painting turned out to be a fake. Later, I am quite interested in gathering all possible information about this artist and his art works.

Under his brush, each flower, bird, fish and even an insect is amazingly vivid, while the hills, the waters and the figures are all perfect, showing the wisdom and philosophy of life and thus moving the readers directly. In his 80s, he was especially famous for his talents in drawing shrimps. He was so hard working that in his life time, he had produced more than 30000 paintings and 3000 poems.

He is a great artist because of his profound achievement in the filed of paintings, calligraphies, poems and seals, because of his combination of the folk art and traditional art, because of his integration of paintings from the life and paintings with freehand. I really admire him.


