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请教各位大侠 慎小嶷怎么念
嶷yí nì
嶷 yí
部首:山 部外笔画:14 总笔画:17
五笔86:MXTH 五笔98:MXTH 仓颉:UPKO
笔顺编号:25235311345452134 四角号码:22881 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5DB7
1. 〔九~〕山名,在湖南省。相传是舜安葬雅思口语慎小嶷的地方;又指九嶷山之神,如:“~~缤兮并迎。”。亦作“九疑”。
1. ——见“九嶷”( jiǔyí)
2. 另见 nì
嶷 nì
1. 幼小聪慧 [young and bright]
2. 又如:嶷嶷(幼小聪慧的样子);嶷然(形容年幼聪慧)
3. 高尚;杰出 [outstanding]
4. 又如:嶷如(卓异的样子);嶷然(嶷尔。卓异的样子;端庄的样子);嶷嶷(道德高尚的样子)
5. 高耸 [towering]
6. 又如:嶷岌(高的样子);嶷嶷(高耸的样子)
7. 另见 yí
雅思口语慎小嶷我的中文名字叫慎小嶷,英文名字叫Patrick,很多学生也喜欢简单地称呼我Pat。从小和父母在美国、加拿大两国生活,让我对英语这种世界上越来越多的人之间使用的交流工具有雅思口语慎小嶷了更直接的体验。2004年我开始在环球雅思学校的几个外地分校教授雅思课程,2005年起开始在环球雅思北京总校教授雅思写作、口语两门课程。在环球雅思北京总校统计的学生全年反馈总评中,写作、口语这两科的教师总分排名我都名列前茅,“主讲教师”这四个字应该受之无愧。 我目前最主要的研究兴趣有:1.如何在短期内(一个月之内)真正有效地突破A类和G类雅思写作考试;2.如何把复杂的语法规则尽可能清晰地传授给学生以达到实战目的;3.如何消除学生记忆考试写作词汇时严重的无目的性;4.如何提炼出西方文化的直线型思维模式在分析议论文和图表题(特别是process diagram一流程图)时渗透给学生,并帮助学生以最快的速度找到议论文的ideas。
慎小嶷:十天突破雅思写作(第2版)(附赠光盘+一本小手册) 慎小嶷 十天突破 雅思口语(附赠1张MP3+便携手册) 十天突破雅思写作 第2版 雅思写作7+范文 剑桥雅思7超前版
What‘s your favorite subject at school?
Can your tell me something about your hometown?Are there any traditional things in your hometown? What‘s the main transportation in your hometown?How can we improve Beijing to attract more visitors?Why are so many visitors in Beijing?
Do you often use mobile phones?Why?
How do you get news?Are newspapers important to Chinese? What are the differences between local newspapers and international newspapers?
Do you like sports?Which are your favorite sports teams?
What‘s your favorite time of a day?
Do you think gardens and parks are important to a city?
Where do you live, in a house or in a flat(公寓)? What are the differences between them? Are there any differences between the buildings in northern China and in southern China?
Are computers important?Should children learn computer skills?
What‘re your favorite colors?
How often do you write letters to your parents?
Do you often play games?(不要只想到computer games,其实hide-and-seek,tag,I-spy-with-my-little-eye,math games,spelling bee都是美国孩子常玩的游戏)
What games do most Chinese like playing? (比如hide-and-seek捉迷藏,chess,jump rubber band跳橡皮筋,kite-flying放风筝都是啊)
Do you like buying clothes?Why ? What are your favorite clothes? Formal or informal?
What're your favorite kinds of music? Do you think children should learn how to play musical instruments?
What‘s your favorite weather? What’s your favorite season?
Do you have any hobbies?
Do you like photography? What‘re your favorite kinds of photos?
Do you like painting or drawing? Why?Are they important to adults?
Which meal is your favorite meal, breakfast, lunch or dinner?
When do people give others presents/gifts?What do they give others?
Do you like traveling and why?
What are your favorite outdoor activities?What are your favorite sports?
Do you like shopping?Why?Who like shopping more,men or women?
What‘re your favorite kinds of movies? ☆Do you prefer to watch movies in cinemas or at home?
Part II Cue card (不同的题目之间可以合并答案,充分利用课上讲的话题和十大弱智话题,蹲点儿注意安全)
1) 人物
a person you‘d like to talk with; a person you care about ; a famous person ; an old person ; a person who lives with you ; a leader; a person who speaks a foreign language ; Describe two people from the same family ; A person in a book you read in childhood
2) 经历
a recent change ;a school holiday/ vacation ; a city / a part of the world you visited before; a trip/ journey ; an adventure; a childhood experience ;an important stage in your life;a big achievement ;a letter you received before ;a positive change in your life;a piece of advice ;
a festival( the spring festival) ; a traditional event
a sports event ; an enjoyable/ special event ;
4) 能力
Describe a job you want to do ;something that was made by yourself ;Describe a skill ; Describe a special meal; your favorite sport
5) 地点
a park ;a shop/ a business you‘d like to run ;
a library ;your house / room in your childhood ;
6) 故事
(这两个网站里面都是英语故事和 )
a story you heard / a book you read in your childhood; Describe a training course; an interesting/ useful book; your favorite newspaper; your favorite TV program
7) 不高兴的事
an unhappy shopping experience ;
an occasion that you were late for ;
8) 贵重物品
Describe a thing you lost before ;a piece of furniture ;Describe a vehicle ;what will you do if you have a lot of money;a piece of electronic equipment;your favorite clothes ;a piece of art or music;a gift ;a thing you saved money for
环球青藤友情提示:以上就是[ 雅思口语教材推荐? ]问题解答,希望能够帮助到大家!
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“Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?”
“Can you compare going on short trips with going on longer holidays?”
While there are many perks, there are also many disadvantages…
The truth of the matter is that both are excellent for certain things while both also have serious limitations
There are both distinct advantages and disadvantages of…
It’s beneficial because…这是有益的,因为......
It’s beneficial for a variety of reasons…它的好处有很多
That is beneficial primarily because…这是有益的,主要是因为......
…also come with the added benefit of…......还有额外的益处......
There is also a disadvantage…还有一个缺点......
It also comes with a couple of problems…它也带来了几个问题......
When it comes to disadvantages…说到劣势......