



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Artists and musicians are important to the society. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

I agree with this statement. First, when we say society, it means the integration of many things, including immaterial things, like the culture, spirit, films, music, sport, and so on. If there are no artists and musicians, there will be no paintings, sculptures, or songs and music. Can you imagine a life without these? People live in this world is not only for simple existence, but for more. What a wonderful thing it is when you back from work,then sit down and listen to Bach's piano music. or, when you look at Monalisa, you will get charmed at her smile. So, I have to say, the world without artists and musicians will be a boring world. That's why I agree with this statement.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phones can improve our lives greatly? Use specific reasons to support your answer.

I totally agree the satement that cell phones can improve our lives greatly. Cell phones offer us mobility in communication, entertainment, information, and so much more. These days having a cell phone is like carrying a mini computer around. Moreover, the increased functionality of our cell phones brings with it lots of new activities, for example, Surfing the internet on your mobile, browsing the latest news, views, and even reviews. All of these stuff can bring us not only convenience but also Time-saving. Therefore, it is obvious to say that cell phones can improve our lives greatly.

What do you think is the most important quality of a good working environment: good bosses, friendly co-workers or flexible hours? Explain why?

Fo me, I think friendly co-workers is the most important quality of a good working environment. Because everyday we have a lot of pressure at work, if we happened to see our partner greeting us with a smille, it will defenitely help me feel relaxed, and do my best on any tasks. On the other hand, just imagine:if your co-workers are unfriendly ones, they will probably not do their share of the work. They wait until you do most of it and then ask if they can help, knowing well that you completed all the work. So it's terrible for anyone to work in such a working environment with no friendly co-workers everyday.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Well, I think it is not completely true to say that parents are the best teachers. First, not all parents are good teachers. Most parents are lack of common senses of education. For example, maybe some parents know the answer to a question, but they can't explain and show the reason clear, in other words, they don't know the methods of teaching. Moreover, no parents is able to be professional in all fields, though they might be experts in one or more fields. Therefore, parents should leave those professional parts to professional teacher. In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers.

求:托福 OG口语第1套Question1参考答案 Question:Choose a place you go to often that is importan


(1)specifically reveal the place.

(2)on what occasion do you go to that place, what do you do at that place.

(3)why that's important to you (like how you feel when you are there, good memories about that place, etc).


(1)If it is a place where you relax yourself, you may say the picturesque view of that place calms me down when I'm under too much pressure, it helps me refresh my mind and go back to my daily routine as a better self.

(2)If it is a place that reminds you of certain memories, you may say this is the place where I proposed to my girlfriend, to some extent it is where our romance begins.


(1)The place that I often go to that is important to me is...

(2)Whenever I..., I will go there.

(3)There are a couple of reasons why that's important to me.

(4)First, ... Second, ...


做兼职的利弊2023 年11月26日托福口语真题Yourfriendisgoingtodoaparttimejob.Describetheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofdoingaparttimejob.2023 年11月26日托福口语真题1.Doyouagreeordisagreethatoneofyourfriendsisplanningtoworkpart-timewhilestudyingoncampus?托福口语范文一:Well,therearenumerousbenefitstoholdaparttimejob.Studentscangetvaluableworkingexperienceandrealworldexposure,thustheycanwritethisontheirresume,andemployersvaluethisexperience,consequently,itgivesstudentsabettershottofindajobinthefuture.However,therearesomedrags,itwillcoststudentstoomuchtimeandtheywillbetoostressedout.Youknow,studentshavealreadybeenoverwhelmedwithalotofassignment,likepresentations,groupprojectandsometimestheyhavetostayuplatetocramforexams,andgettingaparttimejobonlymakesthemstressedout.托福口语范文二:SampleanswerIpersonallywouldagreewithhisorheraction.Thereareseveralreasons.Tostartwith,workingpart-timewillnotonlygetyoubillsbutalsopreciousexperienceifyouchoosearightjobtodo.Forexample,Ihaveapart-timejobinmycollegeworkinginawoodfactoryandIhappenedtomajorinbusiness.Duringthework,IactuallymakesenseofthecurrencyflowbythetheoriesIlearntbackoncampuswhileatthesametimeIcouldearnthemoneythatisfairlyenoughformyfoodcostandsupplementforworkingout.Soasaresult,Iwoulddefinitelysupportwithhimorhertoworkpart-time.托福口语范文三:Task1参考答案:WellIthinkdoingpart-timejobshasthefollowingadvantages:first,ithelpsustoenlargesocialcircle,accumulatesocialexperienceandstrikeabalancebetweenstudyandwork,thusenhanceourtimemanagementandmulti-taskingskills;second,ithelpsustobecomefinanciallyindependentandbeabletosharefinancialburdenofourparents.Asforitsdisadvantages,Ithinksafetyconcerns,andtimeorenergyinvestmentshouldbetakenintoconsideration.T2:Ifthefollowingtwothingsoverlapwitheachother,whichwouldyouprefer:dinnertogetherwithyourfamilyorattendyourfriends’partyontheweekend?TASK2

what new skill would you like to learn?的托福口语答案






















From my perspective, I disagree that watching television is not a good use of time with the following reasons.

To begin with, broadening our horizon is one, you know, nothing else in the world can speak to us like television. It provide us with a lot of information such as international news, events and politics, helping us learn about the world.

In addition, let's not forget about enriching our life. Nowadays, many television programs have flooded into modern living, such as TV shows, science programs and social story, which really color our normal life.

Therefore, that is why i disagree that watching television is not a good use of time.


2023 年托福口语题目:儿童的哪些行为是负面的

2023 年12月10日托福口语真题上午场

TASK1 - In your opinion, which of the following behavior is the most negative one displayed by children? being selfish, to speak impolitely, being loud.

2023 年12月10日上午场托福口语真题Task 1

Which of the following kids’ behavior has the most negative impact on others?

A. selfishness B. talking rude C. speaking loudly

2023 年12月10日托福口语真题T1:which of the following three behaviors would you consider the most negative for kids? Being selfish, saying impolite things or speaking loudly in public



I think among the three behaviors, speaking impolitely is the worst one. First, sure, young children all have great trouble controlling their inappropriate desires or urges. But speaking impolitely is really disrupting because it influences others and if that behavior is not corrected in time, it shows bad parenting. And nothing makes a kid look bad than possible bad parenting, because there’s no end to it. On the other hand, being selfish is actually part of human nature, it’s not really a thing to blame. Scientifically speaking, little kids are naturally egocentric. And being loud is so common that sometimes adults even enjoy them, it makes things alive, doesn’t it? However, nobody likes to be constantly offended, even by a child.


Personally, I would say the most impolite behavior is to speaking loudly, especially in public places. Actually, kids should be taught from day one to respect others and keep quiet in public places and speaking out loud is pretty rude. For example, if a kid shouts out in the classroom, the teacher will be annoyed and other students cannot focus on the lecture. Speaking out loud in places like restaurant, bus or trains can also disturb others. In all, speaking out loud is the most annoying to me.


Task 1参考答案:

Well I think being selfish is the most negative for kids. Coz that shows the kid just cares about his or her self and once this mentality is formed, it is really annoying and hard to change. For example, I have a nephew, when he was born, his parents were about 40 years old, so he has been the apple in his parents eyes and was literally spoiled to death. For example, every time when he finds some snacks delicious, it would be impossible for others to ask for sharing. As a result, he is lonely, cranky and unpopular.

