





例如,Do you like looking at the sky?”

从“1举例子”的角度,来回答雅思口语礼物:Yep, I enjoy watching the sky. Say, I sometimes look at the sky standing on the balcony of my apartment. Sometimes I may look at the sky at open space in parks.

从“2.感受”的角度,来回答:Definitely yes. I’m really into looking at the sky from time to time. It makes me feel pleased and delighted. Whenever I am in blue, I would look at the glamorous sky to put all sorrow behind me.

从“3顺延”的角度,来回答:Absolutely. I often watch the sky. Coz watching the sky after hours of concentration on work does good people’s eyes. Plus it can help people reduce pressure.

随着雅思考试的低龄化,我觉得部分同学大的问题是感受这一块。觉得每个问题都很boring。没有感受,完全没有想法。近教的同学中,有个叛逆期的美少女。问她Do you like reading?的时候,她的回答是中文夹杂着英文,一脸茫然的说“我觉得reading很boring啊”。再问她Do you like looking at the sky?, 她问“看天?那多boring啊”。于是她的感受里多的词只有一个,那就是boring。

还有一种同学,喜欢在回答的问题谈感受的时候,先过中文,再逐字翻译英文。问她小时候收到礼物的时候的感受,她首先立即想到的一句话就是“高兴地跳起来”,于是经过她的逐字翻译,便成雅思口语礼物了“I am very happy, so I jump”。有点语感的人,都自然会觉得这句话的别扭之处。

所以我们老师在教学的过程当中。对于种学生,首先是思路以及情感上的逐渐引导。尽量先从她感兴趣的话题问起。比如说shopping的感受啊,对于收集各种各样high-heels的感受啊,和喜欢的人一起enjoy dinner的感受啊,等等。这时候她可能会张口,来一些“happy,excited”之类的词汇。

然后我们就可以来到第二歩,并且也针对第二种喜欢逐字翻译的同学,给雅思口语礼物他们一个“方向类”的感受的词汇了。比如说你开心的时候,开心,很棒,很爽,高兴地跳起来,都是在表达正面方向的意思,于是这些感受,我们可以来个大统归。除了happy,“pleased, delighted, joyful, awesome,be wild with joy, feel on top of the world”可能都可以是她们的选择。

当表示心情不好的时候,抑郁的时候,痛苦的时候,都可以用这类负面方向的词汇,例如“be in blue, frustrated, depressed, puzzled”诸如此类词汇。 以上就是环球名师陈哲给大家带来的如何回答雅思口语中喜好类的问题。如需了解更多雅思培训的相关信息,欢迎拨打环球青藤的免费咨询热线400-060-9663进行咨询,或者点击环球青藤网站页面的“在线咨询”与环球青藤名师直接对话。

求雅思口语 陈述一件童年时候收到的礼物,以及它对你的影响,求范文,或者给我个这范文的链接

When it comes to a present I received in my childhood, I would like to talk about a book of fairy tale, which was bought by my father at my 6th birthday.

It was a story book that was full of delicate pictures and simple words. What's more, as the birthday gift ,it was wrapped by the colorful paper with a birthday card on the cover.At that time, my father read me every piece of story in the book at night when I got to sleep and I began to lost myself in the paradise of fairy tale and imaged all kind of characters and plots in the fantastic story. Eveytime I think back from the past time, the sweetest and happiest feeling about the fairy tales are pouring out from my memory.

In my eyes, this gift is not only a link between my father and I, but it also brought me to the gate of reading. After that, I hooked on books and I can keep accompany with all kinds of books, therefore I seldom feel lonely and sorrow because of this new friend~







