





Reflection in Teaching

Teachers, it is thought, benefit from the practice of reflection, the conscious act of thinking deeply about and carefully examining the interactions and events within their own classrooms. Educators T. Wildman and J. Niles (1987) describe a scheme for developing reflective practice in experienced teachers. This was justified by the view that reflective practice could help teachers to feel more intellectually involved in their role and work in teaching and enable them to cope with the paucity of scientific fact and the uncertainty of knowledge in the discipline of teaching.

Wildman and Niles were particularly interested in investigating the conditions under which reflection might flourish-a subject on which there is little guidance in the literature. They designed an experimental strategy for a group of teachers in Virginia and worked with 40 practicing teachers over several years. They were concerned that many would be "drawn to these new, refreshing" conceptions of teaching only to find that the void between the abstractions and the realities of teacher reflection is too great to bridge. Reflection on a complex task such as teaching is not easy." The teachers were taken through a program of talking about teaching events, moving on to reflecting about specific issues in a supported, and later an independent, manner.

Wildman and Niles observed that systematic reflection on teaching required a sound ability to understand classroom events in an objective manner. They describe the initial understanding in the teachers with whom they were working as being "utilitarian … and not rich or detailed enough to drive systematic reflection." Teachers rarely have the time or opportunities to view their own or the teaching of others in an objective manner. Further observation revealed the tendency of teachers to evaluate events rather than review the contributory factors in a considered manner by, in effect, standing outside the situation.

Helping this group of teachers to revise their thinking about classroom events became central. This process took time and patience and effective trainers. The researchers estimate that the initial training of the teachers to view events objectively took between 20 and 30 hours, with the same number of hours again being required to practice the skills of reflection.

Wildman and Niles identify three principles that facilitate reflective practice in a teaching situation. The first is support from administrators in an education system, enabling teachers to understand the requirements of reflective practice and how it relates to teaching students. The second is the availability of sufficient time and space. The teachers in the program described how they found it difficult to put aside the immediate demands of others in order to give themselves the time they needed to develop their reflective skills. The third is the development of a collaborative environment with support from other teachers. Support and encouragement were also required to help teachers in the program cope with aspects of their professional life with which they were not comfortable. Wildman and Niles make a summary comment: "Perhaps the most important thing we learned is the idea of the teacher-as-reflective-practitioner will not happen simply because it is a good or even compelling idea."

The work of Wildman and Niles suggests the importance of recognizing some of the difficulties of instituting reflective practice. Others have noted this, making a similar point about the teaching profession's cultural inhibitions about reflective practice. Zeichner and Liston (1987) point out the inconsistency between the role of the teacher as a (reflective) professional decision maker and the more usual role of the teacher as a technician, putting into practice the ideas of theirs. More basic than the cultural issues is the matter of motivation. Becoming a reflective practitioner requires extra work (Jaworski, 1993) and has only vaguely defined goals with, perhaps, little initially perceivable reward and the threat of vulnerability. Few have directly questioned what might lead a teacher to want to become reflective. Apparently, the most obvious reason for teachers to work toward reflective practice is that teacher educators think it is a good thing. There appear to be many unexplored matters about the motivation to reflect - for example, the value of externally motivated reflection as opposed to that of teachers who might reflect by habit.

Paragraph 1: Teachers, it is thought, benefit from the practice of reflection, the conscious act of thinking deeply about and carefully examining the interactions and events within their own classrooms. Educators T. Wildman and J. Niles (1987) describe a scheme for developing reflective practice in experienced teachers. This was justified by the view that reflective practice could help teachers to feel more intellectually involved in their role and work in teaching and enable them to cope with the paucity of scientific fact and the uncertainty of knowledge in the discipline of teaching.


1. The word "justified" in the passage is closest in meaning to





2. According to paragraph 1, it was believed that reflection could help teachers

○understand intellectual principles of teaching

○strengthen their intellectual connection to their work

○use scientific fact to improve discipline and teaching

○adopt a more disciplined approach to teaching

Paragraph 2: Wildman and Niles were particularly interested in investigating the conditions under which reflection might flourish-a subject on which there is little guidance in the literature. They designed an experimental strategy for a group of teachers in Virginia and worked with 40 practicing teachers over several years. They were concerned that many would be "drawn to these new, refreshing" conceptions of teaching only to find that the void between the abstractions and the realities of teacher reflection is too great to bridge. Reflection on a complex task such as teaching is not easy. The teachers were taken through a program of talking about teaching events, moving on to reflecting about specific issues in a supported, and later an independent, manner.

3. The word "flourish" in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ continue

○ occur

○ succeed

○ apply

4. All of the following are mentioned about the experimental strategy described in paragraph 2 EXCEPT:

○It was designed so that teachers would eventually reflect without help from others.

○It was used by a group of teachers over a period of years.

○It involved having teachers take part in discussions of classroom events.

○It involved having teachers record in writing their reflections about teaching.

5. According to paragraph 2, Wildman and Niles worried that the teachers they were working with might feel that

○ the number of teachers involved in their program was too large

○ the concepts of teacher reflection were so abstract that they could not be applied

○ the ideas involved in reflection were actually not new and refreshing

○ several years would be needed to acquire the habit of reflecting on their teaching

Paragraph 3: Wildman and Niles observed that systematic reflection on teaching required a sound ability to understand classroom events in an objective manner. They describe the initial understanding in the teachers with whom they were working as being "utilitarian … and not rich or detailed enough to drive systematic reflection." Teachers rarely have the time or opportunities to view their own or the teaching of others in an objective manner. Further observation revealed the tendency of teachers to evaluate events rather than review the contributory factors in a considered manner by, in effect, standing outside the situation.

6. The word "objective" in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ unbiased

○ positive

○ systematic

○ thorough

7. According to paragraph 3, what did the teachers working with Wildman and Niles often fail to do when they attempted to practice reflection?

○Correctly calculate the amount of time needed for reflection.

○Provide sufficiently detailed descriptions of the methods they used to help them reflect.

○Examine thoughtfully the possible causes of events in their classrooms.

○Establish realistic goals for themselves in practicing reflection.

Paragraph 4: Helping this group of teachers to revise their thinking about classroom events became central. This process took time and patience and effective trainers. The researchers estimate that the initial training of the teachers to view events objectively took between 20 and 30 hours, with the same number of hours again being required to practice the skills of reflection.

8. How is paragraph 4 related to other aspects of the discussion of reflection in the passage?

○It describes and comments on steps taken to overcome problems identified earlier in the passage.

○It challenges the earlier claim that teachers rarely have the time to think about their own or others' teaching.

○It identifies advantages gained by teachers who followed the training program described earlier in the passage.

○It explains the process used to define the principles discussed later in the passage.

Paragraph 5: Wildman and Niles identify three principles that facilitate reflective practice in a teaching situation. The first is support from administrators in an education system, enabling teachers to understand the requirements of reflective practice and how it relates to teaching students. The second is the availability of sufficient time and space. The teachers in the program described how they found it difficult to put aside the immediate demands of others in order to give themselves the time they needed to develop their reflective skills. The third is the development of a collaborative environment with support from other teachers. Support and encouragement were also required to help teachers in the program cope with aspects of their professional life with which they were not comfortable. Wildman and Niles make a summary comment: "Perhaps the most important thing we learned is the idea of the teacher-as-reflective-practitioner will not happen simply because it is a good or even compelling idea."

9. The word "compelling" in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ commonly held

○ persuasive

○ original

○ practical

Paragraph 6: The work of Wildman and Niles suggests the importance of recognizing some of the difficulties of instituting reflective practice. Others have noted this, making a similar point about the teaching profession's cultural inhibitions about reflective practice. Zeichner and Liston (1987) point out the inconsistency between the role of the teacher as a (reflective) professional decision maker and the more usual role of the teacher as a technician, putting into practice the ideas of theirs. More basic than the cultural issues is the matter of motivation. Becoming a reflective practitioner requires extra work (Jaworski, 1993) and has only vaguely defined goals with, perhaps, little initially perceivable reward and the threat of vulnerability. Few have directly questioned what might lead a teacher to want to become reflective. Apparently, the most obvious reason for teachers to work toward reflective practice is that teacher educators think it is a good thing. There appear to be many unexplored matters about the motivation to reflect - for example, the value of externally motivated reflection as opposed to that of teachers who might reflect by habit.

10. According to paragraph 6, teachers may be discouraged from reflecting because

○ it is not generally supported by teacher educators

○ the benefits of reflection may not be apparent immediately

○ it is impossible to teach and reflect on one's teaching at the same time

○ they have often failed in their attempts to become reflective practitioners

11. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information

○The practice of being reflective is no longer simply a habit among teachers but something that is externally motivated.

○Most teachers need to explore ways to form the habit of reflection even when no external motivation exists.

○Many aspects of the motivation to reflect have not been studied, including the comparative benefits of externally motivated and habitual reflection among teachers.

○There has not been enough exploration of why teachers practice reflection as a habit with or without external motivation.

Paragraph 4: Helping this group of teachers to revise their thinking about classroom events became central. ■This process took time and patience and effective trainers. ■The researchers estimate that the initial training of the teachers to view events objectively took between 20 and 30 hours, with the same number of hours again being required to practice the skills of reflection.

Paragraph 5: ■Wildman and Niles identify three principles that facilitate reflective practice in a teaching situation. ■The first is support from administrators in an education system, enabling teachers to understand the requirements of reflective practice and how it relates to teaching students. The second is the availability of sufficient time and space. The teachers in the program described how they found it difficult to put aside the immediate demands of others in order to give themselves the time they needed to develop their reflective skills. The third is the development of a collaborative environment with support from other teachers. Support and encouragement were also required to help teachers in the program cope with aspects of their professional life with which they were not comfortable. Wildman and Niles make a summary comment: "Perhaps the most important thing we learned is the idea of the teacher-as-reflective-practitioner will not happen simply because it is a good or even compelling idea."

12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

However, changing teachers' thinking about reflection will not succeed unless there is support for reflection in the teaching environment.

Where could the sentence best fit?

13. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Wildman and Niles have conducted research on reflection in teaching

Answer Choices

○Through their work with Virginia teachers, Wildman and Niles proved conclusively that reflection, though difficult, benefits both teachers and students.

○Wildman and Niles found that considerable training and practice are required to understand classroom events and develop the skills involved in reflection.

○Wildman and Niles identified three principles that teachers can use to help themselves cope with problems that may arise as a result of reflection.

○Wildman and Niles concluded that teachers need sufficient resources as well as the cooperation and encouragement of others to practice reflection.

○There are numerous obstacles to implementing reflection in schools and insufficient understanding of why teachers might want to reflect.

○Whether teachers can overcome the difficulties involved in reflection may depend on the nature and intensity of their motivation to reflect

托福TPO9 阅读答案 Part2


1. ○1

2. ○2

3. ○3

4. ○4

5. ○2

6. ○1

7. ○3


9. ○2

10. ○2

11. ○3

12. ○3

13. Wildman and Niles found that

Wildman and Niles concluded that

There are numerous obstacles to


参考翻译:教学中的 反思

教师被认为受益于反思实践--有意识地更深入思考、仔细地检查发生在他们自己教室里的事件和相互影响。 教育 家T o 怀尔德曼和J. o奈尔斯(1987)描述了一个在资深教师中开展反思实践的方案。这是合理的,因为人们认为反思的实践可以帮助老师们更加理性地对待他们的角色和从事的事业,并可以让他们能在教学准则中处理科学事实的缺乏和知识的不确定。


怀尔德曼和奈尔斯 观察到系统教学反思需要一种以客观的方式来理解教室里发生事件的能力。他们起初认为参与研究的教师们太功利,并不是足够丰富和详细以促使系统反思的产生。教师们很少有机会和时间去客观地观察他们自己和其他老师的教学。更深的研究发现教师们更愿意评价事件而不是站在事件之外洞察一个事件的促进因素。


怀尔德曼和 奈尔斯确定了促进在教学环境中实现反思行为的3个原则。第一就是来自教学系统管理层的支持,这使得教师们明白反思实践的必要条件,并知道它与教学之间的联系。第二就是需要足够的时间和空间。项目中的教师们抱怨说让他们放弃别人当时的要求而为自己腾出时间去提升自己的反思能力是很困难的。第三就是以其他教师的支持为基础的亲密无间的环境。项目中的教师同样需要支持和鼓励以帮助他们去应付他们职业生活中的不如意的方面。怀尔德曼和奈尔斯作出了一个 总结 性的评论:"或许我们学到的最重要的观点就是教师不会因为这是好的,或者甚至是不可或缺的观念而自发地开展教学反思。"

怀尔德曼 和奈尔斯 的工作表明认识进行反思的某些困难的重要性。也有其他人知道这个,并指出相似的关于反思行为的教学职业 文化 阻碍。Zeichner 和Liston(1987)指出作为一个决策者的教师和作为一个将其他人观念付诸实施的教师之间,存在着角色上的不一致。比文化问题更基本的是动机问题。成为一个反思教学的执行者需要额外的付出(Jaworski,1993)而且只有一个模糊的目标,甚至不仅没有显而易见的回报,反而有易受责难的威胁。很少人直接质疑什么可能让一个教师想变成反思型教师。显然,使教师朝着反思行为奋斗的最直接的原因是师资培训者认为这是一件很好的事情。关于反思的动力存在许多未知的问题,例如外部驱动的反思的价值与通过习惯进行反思的价值是不同的。

托福TPO9阅读第二篇原文及答案解析相关 文章 :

1. 英语考试试卷及答案大全






1. Factual information questions (纯粹细节)

2. Negative factual information questions (否定细节)

3. Inference questions (推理题)

4. Rhetorical purpose questions (修辞目的题)

5. Vocabulary questions (词汇题)

6. Reference questions (指代题)

7. Sentence simplification questions ( 句子 简化题)

8. Insert text question (句子插入题)

9. Prose summary (内容摘要题)

10. Fill in a table (表格归类题)


一.段间关系概括题:这种题目要求考生概括出2个自然段间的逻辑关系。比如说《THE CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION》这篇 文章 的第6题。

6. Which of the following best describes the relationship between Paragraph2 and Paragraph3?

Paragraph2 puts forward several scientific claims, one of which is rejected in Paragraph3

Paragraph2 poses several questions, and Paragraph3offers a possible answer to one of them

Paragraph2 presents outdated traditional views, while Paragraph3presents the current scientific conclusions.

Paragraph2 introduces a generalization that is illustrated by specific examples in Paragraph3

二.修辞手法题:这种题目是修辞目的的变体。OG中大多数题目只考察一个词组的修辞目的,而实际考试会对一句话甚至整段话的修辞目的进行考察。一个是考修辞对象,一个是考修辞的手段。比如说,《Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction》这篇文章第2题:

2. In paragraph 2, why does the author include the information that dinosaurs had flourished for tens of millions of years and then suddenly disappeared?

To support the claim that the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous is the best-documented of the dozen or so mass extinctions in the geological record

To explain why as many as half of the species on Earth at the time are believed to have become extinct at the end of the Cretaceous

To explain why paleontologists have always been intrigued by the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous

To provide evidence that an impact can be large enough to disturb the environment of the entire planet and cause an ecological disaster

三.段落结构题:这里题目考查的是文章段落的构架,可以算是新题型。比如:《THE ORIGINS OF THEATER》这篇文章的第9题,

9. Which of the following best describes the organization of paragraph 5?

The author presents two theories for a historical phenomenon.

The author argues against theories expressed earlier in the passage.

The author argues for replacing older theories with a new one.

The author points out problems with two popular theories.

四. 段落主题题:这种题目考查的是整个段落的主题,可以说是老托福段落主题题的延续:

比如《Petroleum Resources》这篇文章的12题:

12.In paragraph 6, the author’s primary purpose is to

Provide examples of how oil exploration can endanger the environment

Describe accidents that have occurred when oil activities were in progress

Give an analysis of the effects of oil spills on the environment

Explain how technology and legislation help reduce oil spills

五. 双选题:其实不仅仅在听力考试之中有双选题,阅读考试之中也是有双选题的,只是ETS有可能觉得这点并不重要,因此没有通知偶们,例子请见:《The Geologic History of the Mediterranean》这篇文章第5题。

5. Select the TWO answer choice from paragraph 3 that identify materials discovered in the deepest part of the Mediterranean basin. To receive credit you must select TWO answers.

Volcanic rock fragments.

This silt layers

Soft, deep-sea mud

Crystalline salt


11. Select the TWO answer choices that are mentioned in paragraph 5 as being features of Teotihuacán that may have attracted immigrants to the city. To receive credit, you must select TWO answers.

The prosperity of the elite

Plenty of available housing

Opportunities for well-paid agricultural employment

The presence of one or more religious shrines

除此以外,OG对于新托福考试阅读题型的呈现 方法 也与真实考试有一定距离,如:


10. According to paragraphs 6 and 7, why is basalt unlike most crystalline forms of rock?

It is unusually solid

It often has high porosity.

It has a low proportion of empty space.

It is highly permeable.




五.细节题题干关键字没有在原文直接给出。这让考生定位细节难度大幅度增加。不过说句公道话,其实在老托福考试就已经这样了,并不是在新托福考试之中独有的。比如《Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer》这篇文章的第11题。

11.Paragraph 5 mentions which of the following as a source of difficulty for some farmers who try to conserve water?

Crops that do not need much water are difficult to grow in the High Plains.

Farmers who grow crops that need a lot of water make higher profits.

Irrigating less frequently often leads to crop failure.

Few farmers are convinced that the aquifer will eventually run dry.

六. 文章的复杂程度



state-of-?the-?art, cutting edge 尖端的

revolutionize 彻底改革

automated, mechanized 自动化的;机械化的

mass-??production 大规模生产

cost-?effective/economica l性价比高的

transform 改变

breakthrough 突破

break boundaries 打破界限

advance 发展,前进

information overload, information explosion 信息过量; 信息爆炸

inconceivable, novel, user-?friendly 想象不到的;原创的;用户友好的

speed up/accelerate, augment/enhance/boost efficiency 加速;提高效率

innovation, ingenious 创新;有独创性的

at a staggering rate 以一种令人惊愕的速度

ultra-?lightweight, portable 超级轻便的;可携带的


the proliferation of the Internet/the intensive use of the Internet/the widespread use of the Internet 网络的普及

托福分类话题词汇—— 教育 篇


assignment, homework 任务,家庭作业

required/compulsory courses, elective courses 必修课程;选修课程

children and youth/adolescent 青少年

adapt to sth./adjust oneself to sth./become accustomed to sth. 适应

segregate students 区分对待学生

team spirit 团队精神

think independently 独立思考

students' feedback/input, 学生的反馈

students appraise/evaluate their teachers' performance学生对老师的评价

generalist, specialist, well-rounded/versatile 通才;专才;多才多艺的人

humanities, social science, arts, science and engineering, basic science, applied science 人文;社科;艺术;科技;基础科 学; 应用科学

self-discipline 自制,自我约束

interact, participation/involvement 交互;参与

schooling, parenting, vocational education, curriculum 上学;父母教育;职业教育;课程

be proficient in, well-acquainted with, role-model, perform well in 在…..方面很在行

peer pressure, overprotective, frustration 同辈压力;过度保护;崩溃

thought-provoking, enlightening, inspiring 激发思考的;启迪的,激发的

cultivate/foster/nurture 培养,养成

refreshing, uplifting, motivating 振奋人心的

juvenile delinquency/youth crime, bully, truancy 青少年犯罪;欺凌;逃学

impart/inculcate knowledge 传授知识

instill high moral values 灌输高尚的道德观

employable/marketable skills 就业技能

force-feed the students 填鸭教育学生

memorize for memorization's own sake 为了记忆而记忆

memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws 背诵公式理论和定理

follow sth. blindly/follow sth. indiscriminately 盲目跟从;不加区分地跟从

extinguish/stifle/constrain creativity 限制、扼杀创造力

dampen/sap the students' enthusiasm 打击学生热情

adverse circumstances/adversity 逆境












写什么。各段中支持性细节写作不必遵循相同的模式。有n种选择可供参考:1. 举具体事例 2. 说对方相

对缺点3. 使用数据 4. 使用假想例子 5. 使用类比、比喻、引用等修辞手段来论述。 哪一种你最容易想



型填空一样对待考场 作文 。别试图在考场上再现去决定比如哪种开头好,怎样结尾好。使用自己选种的套

















1. 动名词的否定式 not+动名词

2. 动名词的完成式


He was praised for having done a good deed.

3. 动词+介词构成的 短语 ,其后跟动名词做宾语

be/get used to

feel like

insist on


put off

look forward to

succeed in

get down to

set about

give up

4. 可置于名词前作定语,表示被修饰的名词的用途和性能

a waiting car

a waiting room

a sleeping boy

a sleeping bag

5. 动名词的复合结构


在 句子 中可作主语、宾语、表语等。物主代词和名词所有格是动名词的逻辑主语。

Do you mind my/me smoking here?

I insisted on my husband/husband’s paying the bill.


There are many reasons for animals dying out.


His smoking caused the fire in the forest.

3)there be的动名词的复合结构为there being如:

What’s the chance of there being a rain tomorrow?


After Caesar's assassination in 44 BC, she aligned with Mark Antony in opposition to Caesar's legal heir, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (later known as Augustus). With Antony, she bore the twins Cleopatra Selene II and Alexander Helios, and another son, Ptolemy Philadelphus (her unions with her brothers had produced no children). After losing the Battle of Actium to Octavian's forces, Antony committed suicide. Cleopatra followed suit. According to tradition, she killed herself by means of an asp bite on August 12, 30 BC. She was outlived by Caesarion, who was declared pharaoh by his supporters, but soon killed on Octavian's orders. Egypt then became the Roman province of Aegyptus.

在凯撒于公元前44年被谋杀之后,埃及艳后克里奥帕特拉与马克·安东尼(Mark Antony)联合起来对抗凯撒的法定继承人——盖乌斯·尤利乌斯·凯撒·屋大维(Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus,他后来被称作奥古斯都,Augustus)。她与安东尼诞下了三个孩子:双胞胎姐弟—克里奥帕特拉·赛勒涅二世(Cleopatra Selene II )和亚历山大·赫利俄斯(Alexander Helios),以及幼子托勒密·菲拉德尔福斯(Ptolemy Philadelphus)。在此之前,克里奥帕特拉与她的兄弟们的结合并没有留下子嗣。在亚克兴战役(Battle of Actium)中败给屋大维之后,安东尼选择了自杀,克里奥帕特拉也如此效仿。根据传统的记载,埃及艳后在公元前30年八月十二日引毒蛇将自己咬死。在她死后,其子凯撒里昂(Caesarion)被支持者拥戴为法老,但他也很快被屋大维下令处死。从此,埃及变为了罗马的埃及行省(拉丁文写作Aegyptus)。

Relationship with Julius Caesar

Eager to take advantage of Julius Caesar's anger toward Ptolemy, Cleopatra had herself secretly smuggled into his palace to meet with Caesar. Plutarch, in his Life of Julius Caesar gives a vivid description of how she entered past Ptolemy’s guards rolled up in a carpet that Apollodorus the Sicilian was carrying. She became Caesar’s mistress and nine months after their first meeting, in 47 BC, Cleopatra gave birth to their son, Ptolemy Caesar, nicknamed Caesarion, which means "little Caesar."

埃及艳后克里奥帕特拉想要利用凯撒对托勒密的愤怒,便设法秘密潜入凯撒的住处与他见面。普鲁塔克(Plutarch,罗马帝国时期的希腊历史学家)在他的凯撒传记中生动地描述了这一过程:她将自己裹在毯子里,由西西里的阿波罗多鲁斯(Apollodorus the Sicilian)扛进凯撒的住处,以此躲过托勒密的卫兵的眼睛。她成为了凯撒的情妇,并且在两人第一次见面的九个月之后,公元前47年,产下了他们的儿子—托勒密·凯撒(Ptolemy Caesar,)。他绰号凯撒里昂,意思是”小凯撒“。

At this point, Caesar abandoned his plans to annex Egypt, instead backing Cleopatra's claim to the throne. After Mithridates raised the siege of Alexandria, Caesar defeated Ptolemy's army at the Battle of the Nile; Ptolemy XIII drowned in the Nile and Caesar restored Cleopatra to her throne, with another younger brother Ptolemy XIV as her new co-ruler. When Caesar left Egypt he stationed a Roman occupying army of three legions there under the command of Rufio.

凯撒放弃了兼并埃及的计划,转而支持克里奥帕特拉取得王位。在米特里达梯(Mithridates)开始围攻亚历山大之后,凯撒在尼罗河战役中击败了托勒密的军队。托勒密十三世溺死在尼罗河中,而凯撒帮助克里奥帕特拉重夺王位,并且立她的另一个弟弟托勒密十四世(Ptolemy XIV)为她的新共治者。凯撒离开埃及时留下了一支三个军团组成的罗马军队,交给鲁菲奥(Rufio)指挥。

Although Cleopatra was 21 years old when they met and Caesar was 52, they became lovers during Caesar’s stay in Egypt between 48 BC and 47 BC. Cleopatra claimed Caesar was the father of her son and wished him to name the boy his heir, but Caesar refused, choosing his grandnephew Octavian instead.


Cleopatra, Ptolemy XIV and Caesarion visited Rome in the summer of 46 BC. The Egyptian queen resided in one of Caesar's country houses, which included the Horti Caesaris just outside Rome (as a foreign head of state she was not allowed inside Rome's pomerium). The relationship between Cleopatra and Caesar was obvious to the Roman people and caused a scandal because the Roman dictator was already married to Calpurnia Pisonis. But Caesar even erected a golden statue of Cleopatra represented as Isisin the temple of Venus Genetrix (the mythical ancestress of Caesar's family), which was situated at the Forum Julium. The Roman orator Cicero said in his preserved letters that he hated the foreign queen. Cleopatra and her entourage were still in Rome when Caesar was assassinated on 15 March 44 BC., returning with her relatives to Egypt. When Ptolemy XIV died – allegedly poisoned by his older sister – Cleopatra made Caesarion her co-regent and successor and gave him the epithets Theos Philopator Philometor (= Father- and mother-loving God).

克里奥帕特拉、托勒密十四世和凯撒里昂于公元前46年夏天访问了罗马。埃及艳后下他在凯撒在乡下的庄园中,包括罗马近郊的凯撒庄园(拉丁文Horti Caesaris。作为外国元首,克里奥帕特拉不可以进入罗马的城市边界,拉丁文pomerium)。凯撒和克里奥帕特拉之间的关系,对于罗马人民来说是显而易见的事情。这成了一桩丑闻,因为罗马独裁者已经和卡普尼亚·皮索尼斯。凯撒甚至在位于尤利乌斯广场(Forum Julium)专门供奉自己的家族神话祖先母亲维纳斯(Venus Genetrix)的神庙中立起了一座克里奥帕特拉的黄金塑像。罗马著名演说家西塞罗(Cicero)甚至在自己的私人信件中直接表达了他对这位外国女王的怨恨。凯撒在公元前44年三月十五日被刺杀时,克里奥帕特拉和克里奥帕特拉和她的随行人员正准备从罗马返回埃及。在托勒密十四世死后(他有可能正是被自己的姐姐克里奥帕特拉毒杀的),她将凯撒里昂立为自己的共治者和继承人,并赐予他爱父亲爱母亲的神这个称号(希腊语是Theos Philopator Philometor)。


Leadership and dedication to your job might improve your favour in the eyes of your boss but won't win you friends among your peers.


Colleagues appreciate social sensitivities more than professional skills in their co-workers, a new study has found.


Being effective – or the ability to deliver results and not let your teammates down – was voted the most crucial trait in a colleague, attracting 37pc of votes, according to a survey of around 2,000 UK adults.


Three in 10 respondents highlighted optimism and enthusiasm as the most important quality in a workmate, prioritising someone who would be able to keep team spirits high during stressful times.


The next most popular feature was trustworthiness, which was deemed to be more relevant to the making of a good colleague than taking the initiative, being knowledgeable and having organisation skills.


Lurking at the lower end of the hierarchy were traits that might be more commonly associated with the workplace, such as leadership and dedication.


"What is interesting from this research is that British workers really are quite focussed – they rated effectiveness the number-one most important trait in their ideal colleague," said Declan Byrne, managing director at One4all Rewards.

“有趣的是,英国的员工对工作真的很用心,他们认为理想同事最重要的品质是工作有成效”,One4all Rewards公司总经理德克兰-伯恩说。

"But it’s not all results focussed. British workers also hugely value having colleagues who can act as a bit of a friend – keeping everyone’s spirits up, as well as sharing secrets and worries."


How to be the most loved colleague at work:


Be effective and deliver results (37pc)


Be optimistic and enthusiastic (31pc)


Be trustworthy enough to keep secrets or listen to worries (30pc)


Display initiative (27pc)


Be knowledgeable about what you do (25pc)


Meet deadlines and be organised (24pc)


Be empathetic enough to offer a shoulder to cry on (18pc)


Show leadership (13pc)


Be dedicated – arrive early and stay late (11pc)



Countless arguments have been waged over the superiority of one beverage over the other. But what does the scientific evidence say?


George Orwell may have written that “tea is one of the mainstays of civilization in this country” – but even we British have to acknowledge that our national drink is facing stiff competition from the espressos, cAPpuccinos, and lattes invading our shores.


Despite the dangers of wading into such a charged argument, BBC Future decided to weigh up the relative merits of each drink. There’s no accounting for taste, of course, but we have combed the scientific literature for their real, measurable effects on our body and mind.


The wake-up call


For many, the caffeine kick is the primary reason we choose either beverage; it’s the oil to our engines when we’re still feeling a bit creaky in the morning. Based purely on its composition, coffee should win hands down: a cup of tea has about half the dose (40 milligrams) of the stimulant caffeine that you would find in a standard cup of brewed filter coffee (80 to 115 milligrams). Yet this doesn’t necessarily reflect the jolt of the wake-up call.


Dosing subjects with either tea or coffee, one study found that both beverages left subjects feeling similarly alert later in the morning.


Verdict: Against logic, tea seems to provide just as powerful a wake-up call as coffee. It’s a draw.


Sleep quality


The biggest differences between coffee and tea may emerge once your head hits the pillow.


Comparing people drinking the same volume of tea or coffee over a single day, researchers at the University of Surrey in the UK confirmed that although both drinks lend similar benefits to your attention during the day, coffee drinkers tend to find it harder to drop off at night – perhaps because the higher caffeine content finally catches up with you.


Tea drinkers, in contrast, had longer and more restful slumbers.


Verdict: Tea offers many of the benefits of coffee, without the sleepless nights – a clear win.


Tooth staining


Along with red wine, coffee and tea are both known to turn our pearly whites a murky yellow and brown. But which is worse?


Most dentists seem to agree that tea’s natural pigments are more likely to adhere to dental enamel than coffee’s – particularly if you use a mouthwash containing the common antiseptic chlorhexidine, which seems to attract and bind to the microscopic particles.


Verdict: If you want a perfect smile, coffee may be the lesser of two evils.


A balm for troubled souls…


In England, it’s common to give “tea and sympathy” to a distressed friend – the idea being that a cup of Earl Grey is medicine for troubled minds. In fact, there is some evidence that tea can soothe your nerves: regular tea drinkers do tend to show a calmer physiological response to unsettling situations (such as public speaking), compared to people drinking herbal infusions. Overall, people who drink three cups a day appear to have a 37% lower risk of depression than those who do not drink tea.

英国人喜欢给烦恼苦闷的朋友送去“茶与同情”——这是由于他们认为伯爵茶能够治愈不安的灵魂。事实上,有证据表明,茶可以舒缓神经:与喝中草药的人相比,经常 饮茶 者在处理一些令人不安的情况(如公开演讲)时确实表现得更为镇静。总的来说,每天喝三杯茶的人比不喝茶的人罹患抑郁症的风险要低37%。

Coffee doesn’t have the same reputation; indeed, some report that it makes them feel like their nerves are jangling. Yet there is some evidence that it too may protect against long-term mental health problems. A recent “meta-analysis” (summarising the results of studies involving more than 300,000 participants) found that each cup of coffee a day seems to reduce your risk of developing depression by around 8%. In contrast, other beverages (such as sweetened soft drinks) only increase your risk of developing mental health problems.

咖啡并没有这种功效;事实上,有些人觉得咖啡会让人有些神经错乱。但是也有证据表明,咖啡能预防长期精神问题。最近的一项“荟萃分析”( 总结 了超过30万名参与者的研究结果)发现,每天一杯咖啡的人患抑郁症的风险比常人要低大约8%。相比之下,其他饮料(如甜味软饮)只会增加患精神疾病的风险。

Verdict: Based on this limited evidence, it’s a draw.


…and a balm for bodies……



Similarly tantalising, though preliminary, epidemiological studies have suggested that both coffee and tea offer many other health-giving benefits. A few cups of either beverage a day appears to reduce your risk of diabetes, for instance.

流行病学研究虽然才刚刚起步,但也很吸睛。该领域研究表明,咖啡和茶都对身体还有 其它 益处。例如,每天喝几杯会降低患糖尿病的风险。

Both drinks also seem to moderately protect the heart, although the evidence seems to be slightly stronger for coffee, while tea also appears to be slightly protective against developing a range of cancers – perhaps because of its antioxidants.


Verdict: Another draw – both drinks are a surprising, health-giving elixir.


Overall verdict: Much as we Brits would have liked tea to come out the clear victor, we have to admit there is little between the two drinks besides personal taste. Based solely on the fact that it allows you to get a better night’s sleep, we declare tea the winner.


全面解析托福阅读中动名词的5种用法相关 文章 :

★ 托福阅读中句子简化你懂了吗

★ 如何做好托福阅读语法题

★ 托福阅读长难句解决方法解析

★ 托福阅读infer题的具体解析

