





托福口语题目:Some people think historical sites ought to be open to the general public, while some people think historical sites should only be open to experts and researchers. Which opinion do you agree and why? Give specific explanation in your response.一些人认为历史遗迹应该对公众开放,另一些人认为这些遗迹应该只对专家和研究人员开放。托福口语模板你同意哪种观点,为什么。

郝新宇老师的Sample response:

I think historical sites should be open to the general public.

For one thing, this gives people the chance to learn historical and cultural knowledge. By visiting those sites, people can know what food people ate in the past, what tools they used when foraging, what was people’s life like in different empires, which is beneficial to both adults and children.

For another thing, this brings economic benefits. By opening to the general public, visitors will beat tracted and will pay ticket money for those sites, then those sites will have more money to do the maintenance and repairs, better protecting those historical relics.


托福口语题目:After receiving some presents, several months later, some people choose to sell the gifts or give the gifts to others. Do you think it’s a good idea and why? Give specific explanation in your response.收到礼物几个月后,一些人会卖掉礼物或转送他人。你是否认为这是个好主意,为什么。请在回答中给出具体的解释。

郝新宇老师的Sample response:

Personally speaking, I don’t think it's a good idea. The main reason is this choice will lose the meaning of giving presents. When giving you a present, no matter it is for your birthday or for the Christmas or for the New year or something else, the present represents the wish, the care, the love to you given by your friends; such good blessing is priceless and worth remembering everlastingly. However, if selling them or giving them to others, it means you don't cherish them, the good blessing to you is gone, which will make people giving you presents heart-breaking or even annoyed.


托福口语题目:Your school is about to close the computer labs in the teaching buildings, do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give specific explanation in your response.学校将关闭教学楼里的计算机机房,你是否支持这一决定,请给出具体的解释。

郝新宇老师的Sample response:

Personally speaking, I agree with the statement. The benefit is this choice can help the school save a bunch of money. Nowadays in my city all the students have their own laptop and they like to finish various assignments on their own laptop because it is really convenient. Not even once will many students go to the computer labs in schools. Thus, if closing the computer labs, the school doesn’t need to buy the computers, doesn’t need to spend money on the maintenance and repairs and doesn’t need to cover the electricity money, which is really economical. Then the school can use the saved money to do more researches.


托福口语题目:Which of the following universities would you prefer to choose? A university with high academic ability and with high tuition or A university with mediocre academic ability but gives you scholarship. Give specific explanation in your response.你倾向于就读以下哪种大学托福口语模板?学术水平高、学费高的大学,还是学术水平一般但给你奖学金的学校。给出具体的理由。

郝新宇老师的Sample response:

Personally speaking, I prefer professors make decisions. The main reason is professors’ choices tend to be mature and informed. They are clear about what students should learn and master for certain subjects. Taking the economics for example, professors have been investigating in this field for decades, they know students should learn courses like mathematics, econometrics, statistics, finance and so on, so as to master the skills needed in economics. However, if choosing by students, they are likely to be in a puzzle or at a loss about which courses to learn, consequently they may not learn necessary knowledge and achieve desired results.



郝新宇老师的Sample response:

Personally speaking, I think animals should be entitled to have the same right to pursue happiness and health as humans. The main reason is that this will enable our human beings to have a harmonious society. Animals, especially pets, no matterit is a dog or a cat, should also have the right to have healthy food to eat, clean water to drink, warm houses to live in and good environment to enjoy and so on. In this way, the animals will feel happy and our human beings will feel relieved. However, if animals don’t have such right, when animals are extremely hungry or thirsty, they may even bite or hurt people. Oh, nightmare!

托福口语模板:历史遗迹应该对谁开放相关 文章 :

1. 正确的使用托福口语模板 2个问题必须注意

2. 怎样用好新托福口语模板

3. 如何驾驭自己的托福口语模板?切忌内容生搬硬套

4. 应对托福口语叙述性话题的4种方法

5. 托福口语第5题模板及备考方法

6. 提前进入托福口语模拟状态 为口语考试有效抗压

7. 托福口语应考如何列提纲?逻辑为先

8. 托福口语频率最高的14个话题及高分模板来啦~

9. 托福口语之体育话题




























1. 托福口语独立任务模板有哪些

2. 2023 年托福考试口语模板参考

3. 托福考试口语内容

4. 托福口语第五题模板及解题重点

5. 托福考试口语很烦的原因



      托福口语中对城市的描述 方法


Vancouver, the Canadian host city of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, remains the most livable city in the world, as it did in 2008.


在上面的报道中,livable city就是“宜居城市”,也就是适宜居住的城市。判别一个城市是否适宜居住有多项标准,包括stability, healthcare,culture,environment,education,infrastructure(稳定性、医疗保健、 文化 、环境、 教育 、基础建设)等。 “最适宜居住城市”是通过livability survey(宜居性调查)得出的。

Livable的意思是“适于居住的”,例如:slums that are barely livable(不堪居住的贫民窟)。此外,livable还可以表示“(人)容易相处的,(行为)可接受的”或“(生活)过得去的”。例如:Such behavior is not livable with.(这种行为无法容忍。)


China's overall property price will climb 3.3 percent to 6 percent this year, with the first-tier cities experiencing an adjustment in the fourth quarter, China Real Estate Index said in a report over the weekend.

上周末中国房地产指数研究机构在一份 报告 中称,今年中国的房价总体上会有3.3%到6%的增长,一线城市的房价会在第四季度进行一次调整。

在上面的报道中,first-tier city就是“一线城市”。一线城市是指对本国的经济和政治具有重要作用的大都市。在城市规模、基建、财政收入、消费、对人才吸引力等各层面,一线城市一般均领先于其他城市。中国目前被普遍公认的一线城市是北京、上海、广州、深圳。相应地,“二线城市”即second-tier city,一般指除了北京、上海、杭州、广州、深圳、天津以外别的一些大中城市、有一些名气的城市。

据分析,去年房产价格的疯长和credit expansion(信用扩张)有关。由于高房价,许多原来期望在first-tier city发展的年轻人不得不转战second-tier city和third-tier city(三线城市)。许多不甘离开梦想之地的人或成为mortgage slave(房奴),或成为ant tribe(蚁族)。另外,一线城市的高消费水平也迫使许多人成为moonlight clan(月光族)。想结婚而又无力买房的人只能选择naked wedding(裸婚)。


The capital cities of China and Mexico became sister cities on Monday after visiting Beijing Mayor Guo Jinlong and Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard signed an agreement on establishing such ties.


在上面的报道中,sister city就是“友好城市”的意思,也可以翻译成“姐妹城市”,西方国家有时还称之为twin city。友好城市指的是将地域上或政治上无关的城镇或城市 配对 起来,以期达到增加居民或文化交流的目的。友好城市之间时常会互相提供exchange student(交换学生),以及经济或文化上的交流或合作。

和sister city相似的用法还有sister school(姐妹校),sister ship(姐妹船,同型船),sister company(姊妹公司)等。Sister除了有“姐妹”的意思,还可以指“护士”或“修女,女教友”。例如:the night sister(夜班护士);a Christian sister(__女教友)。


Shanghai, the host city of Expo 2010, will offer a glimpse of a greener future, Achim Steiner, Under Secretary General of the United Nations, said Tuesday.


在上面的报道中,host city就是指“主办城市”,而与之相应的主办国就被称为host country,也就是“东道国”。在成为host city之前,会有很多candidate city(候选城市)参加申办。在此次评估中,UNEP(联合国环境规划署)对上海进行了air quality(空气质量), transportation(交通), solid waste(固体废物), and public participation(公众参与)等九个方面进行了评估。



apartment, banks, bookstore, building, cafeteria, capital, church, court, countryside, courtyard, district, flat, highway, hotel, house, hospital, junk shop旧货店; library, market, metropolis大都市; monument纪念碑; municipal市的,市政的; municipality市政当局; museum, newsstand报摊; outskirts, port, restaurant, school, scenery, shop, store, skyscraper摩天大楼; slums贫民区; stadium体育场; station, suburb, theatre, university, urban, zoo, etc.

常用 短语 :

art gallery 美术馆; barber shop, be up to one’s neck in work 忙碌; botanical garden 植物园; city centre, city hall市政厅,市政府; city planning, densely populated, department stores, down payment 分期付款的定金; employment agency职业介绍; garden city, get one’s hands full 很忙; modern buildings, modern industry, post office, public lavatory, public telephone, residential area, shopping center, snack bar, stock exchange股票交易所; traffic light, etc.


1. Could you tell me where the bank is?

2. Excuse me, where is the post office

3. How do you like where you live?

4. I’m an office worker.

5. I work for the government.

6. Let’s go to the snack bar and get something to eat.

7. The mall is packed today.

8. What are the main problems of the city life?

9. When is the store / the bar closing?

10. Where is the Lost and Found counter?


1. 我最喜欢的一个地方 Describe a place that you like best in your city. Please state why you like it with specific examples and details.

01My favorite place in my city is the New Oriental Restaurant. The New Oriental restaurant is the largest

restaurant in our city and it provides all kinds of food, from sea food to curry, and from sushi to barbeque.

Though I am a picky gourmet, the New Oriental can make me satisfy. Besides, the New Oriental is

accessible by several buses and subway lines and it hence can be reached within half an hour from my

home, even during rush hour. The price of the New Oriental is very reasonable and the waiters there

provide well rounded service. I love the NO.

Personally speaking, My favorite place in my city is the national library based on following reasons.

Firstly, there are many books to my taste, such as fashion magazines, inspirational books, and professional books. Reading does good to our mind. As a student, we should always recharge ourselves by knowledge in order to meet the need of talents in this society.

Secondly, I always go to the library with my friends. You know, it’s a my glad to share knowledge with other people. Going to the library not only can we acquire knowledge but also can promote our friendship to some degree.

2. 与朋友最喜欢去哪里When you are together with your friends, which place would you like to go? Explain why.

33When I am with my good friends, we will definitely go do some sports together. Most of my friends love

basketball, and we are all pretty good at it. We will play 3 on 3, or three point shootout. It’s great fun and

good to have some sweat. We used to play basketball every week when we were still at school. Although

we play less often now, it is still a great work out. We can lose ourselves in the game. Playing basketball is

also good for health too.

3. 我经常去的一个地方Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit it frequently and include specific examples and details in your explanation.

I usually go to Beihai Park when I have the time. I can go for a stroll in the park to relax. The park has a lot

of trees, and interesting and winding paths, where I can wander listlessly and contemplate my own

thoughts or admire the various stages of nature. Sometimes I just like to feel the breeze on my face and

savor its coolness. It gives me a sense of freedom. It also has a lake on which I can go boating. I often go

to the park with my friends on weekends. And we'll have a picnic if we stay there for the whole day.

4. 描述我上过的一个学校Describe a school that you have attended.

I like my university, Nanjing university, which locates the center area of Nanjing. We have dormitories,

teaching buildings and refectories named by number and research buildings named by subject. So you can

easily find a specific spot. There is also a large playground and gym with a number of exercise facilities.

Furthermore, it has beautiful scenery in the campus, and there are lots of trees, flowers and grasses, so

you can enjoy the fresh air and the euphonic birds’ singing in the morning.

I will introduce one of the schools I have attended. That is the New Oriental School. The New Oriental was founded by Yu Minhong over ten years ago. The aim of the school is to help students get high score in the Tofle or GRE test which permit them to go abroad and take a further study more easily. The New Oriental is full of passion, it has a powerful faculty and subsidiary schools throughout the country. Frankly speaking, It helps me a lot really.

托福口语素材之描述一个城市相关 文章 :

1. 怎样用好新托福口语模板

2. 实例讲解托福口语考试主题的深度表达

3. 正确的使用托福口语模板 2个问题必须注意

4. 如何展开托福口语中的细节描述?题材把握是关键

5. 托福口语6种题型解析

6. 托福口语频率最高的14个话题及高分模板来啦~

7. 实例讲解托福独立口语TASK1-2的可控性练习

8. 托福口语之体育话题

9. 托福综合口语考试题型介绍及解题方法详解

10. 托福口语第5题模板及备考方法



Que 1: well I would love to …., first because…., also I think… finally,/besides

Que 2: I think…would be better. first because…., also I think… finally,/besides

Que 3: in this set of materials, the reading passage is about…., the listeninng is a discussion between 2 students on the same topic. In the listening, the man …., first because…, also he thinks…., finally, he advises that….

Que 4: in this set of materials, the reading passage is about…., the listeninng is a professor’s lecture on the same topic. According to the lecture, …..

Que 5: In the listening, the man/woman has a problem….and the woman/man gives some advice, first is , second is , also …./ As far as I am concerned, I think…would be better, first because…., also…. Finally,….

Que 6: In this lecture, the professor talks about…..



小马过河为您解答:新托福口语考试----Task 1

Question 1

Major Type:

Which/ What / Why / Who / how


Which place is your favourite place to visit in summer?

What game you loved most while studying in elementary school.

Why do so many people love visiting museums?

Who influenced you most in the past 3 years?

How can a person improve English language?


Make sure you have detailed examples to support your argument.

Pay attention to tense if the example happened in the past!


Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … … And there are a couple of reasons to name here.

The most important one is that … …

What’s more…

So that’s why I ….

新托福口语考试----Task 2

Question 2

Major Type:

Which do you prefer/ Agree or disagree


Some people love eating out (such as at restaurants); others, however, prefer to eat at home. Which do you prefer?

Do you agree or disagree with the following: People always need to tell the truth.

Make sure you have detailed examples to support your argument.

Tense is not very important for this question.


Module 1 – Positive (同意)

In my opinion, I agree with A / I prefer A

First of all,

Living in the city… not only makes me…. …. but also…..brings …

Secondly (Besides, More importantly),

city life … not only… but also …

Module 2 -- Negative (反对)

In my opinion, I do not agree with A/ I prefer B

First of all, Living in the countryside… not only makes me…. …. but also…..brings …

Secondly (Besides, More importantly)

… not only… but also ….

Module 3 -- Neutral 2 (中立,慎用)

This is a hard question. In my opinion, whether we need to do A or B (Whether we should agree or disagree)….,

it depends.

On the one hand, A is .……………………..

On the other hand, B is …………….

新托福口语考试----Task 3

Question 3


The man expresses his opinion about the upcoming change. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Make sure you have taken notes correctly

Your response must integrate both the Reading (20-30%) and the listening (70-80%)

Girl/Woman :











Module 1

Reading - dialogue

1. The school has implemented a new policy (new plan, announcement, …)

that… due to… . And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. '

The 1st reason she/he offers is ….. ,

The 2nd reason is …

2. In the reading material, there is a/an announcement/ message/ notice/ proposal about …. The university/college is going to…

In the listening material, two students discuss about this announcement/ message/ notice/ proposal.

The man/woman is against/supporting the… He or she feels unhappy/ less satisfied about… (He/she thinks the … is unfair/ inconvenient/ unaffordable/ wrong). He/she gives two reasons.

Firstly, he/she thinks/says…

Also, he/she points out that…

Module 2

Dialogue - Reading

According to the dialogue, the man/woman completely disagrees with the school decision/planning/announcement. That is to say, the school decides to …. because R1 + R2. However, the man believes …

Module 3

Totally integrated


According to the dialogue, the man completely disagrees with the school’s decision.

From the reading, we know that the school decides to renovate the library because they want to make it less noisy and more private for the students. However, the boy believes this change will do bad for the students’ group activities. The smaller rooms may reduce noise, but nowadays group projects are very common and important. Besides, the school can reduce the noise from the outside.

The other reason the school provides for the change of the library is the space. According to the school, the new arrangement will add around 50 more seats for the students. However, according to the man in the dialogue, over-crowding has never been a problem in the school. In fact, many times the boy found that the seat in the library were free. Therefore, the boy believes that it is a waste of money to rebuild the library rooms.

If there are 5 more seconds(optional).

That’s because it is not only unnecessary but also waste of money. Not to mention is will badly affects students increasing groups projects.

新托福口语考试----Task 4

Question 4

Title – Hard Academic Terminology

The reading part normally gives a definition to the term. Sometimes examples may be given here. But generally speaking, the example will be different from that be elaborated by the professor in the future lecture.

While students reading the passage, they should try their best to summarize the whole passage in one or two sentences. If possible, write this summary down on the paper.

Don’t be afraid if you do not get the whole idea from the passage. If you fail to get any clear idea from the reading, then try your best to get most ideas from the listening.

In your response, if you have clear picture of both the reading and listening, then you can use Module 1.

If you have no idea about the reading, then you can use Module 2 in your response.'


Module 1 (if you understand both the reading and the listening)(阅读听力都听懂了)

Based upon the reading, (xxx) means that …(here add the summary you wrote down on the draft paper)… In the lecture, the professor continues to explain this concept of “XXX”. The professor tries to elaborate this term from the following examples.

The 1st example is …..

The 2nd example is …

Module 2 (if you did not understand the reading) (没有理解阅读,但是听懂了听力)

In the lecture, the professor talks about two (examples). One is about …. The other is about. He tries to use these two examples to elaborate the concept of “XXX” which was already explained in the reading, with means ….

and …. .

The first example the professor mentioned was ….

The second one is …

新托福口语考试----Task 5

Question 5

This question seems very easy. But many students could not do well.

Make sure you exactly follow George’s training. Put your answers in the following THREE steps.

Don’t make PRONOUN or GENDER mistake.


“The woman gives two suggestions. The first one is, “you can go and talk to the professor to ask him give you more time.” The second one is, “you can work hard and try to finish within short time. So I will not miss the test.”


Pay attention to tense

Step 1 (what is the problem) (10-15 seconds)

According to the conversation, the man/ woman has a problem: (1-2 sentences’ description of the problem – don’t go into many details)

Step 2 (what is the solution) (20-30 seconds)


The woman/man offers two suggestions/advice/solutions.

First, she suggests that he do …..

(However, he’s concerned that …..

Her other recommendation is to…

(while in the man’s opinion …)

Step 3 (which is better) (20 seconds)

In my opinion, the 1st / 2nd is better. (Try to use the reasons the man raised in the listening to support your opinion. If you could not remember what the man said, you can also make up some reasons by yourself.)

If it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one, because…

新托福口语考试----Task 6

Question 6

Similar to Question 4


Pay attention to the tense while retelling the examples in the lecture. Many times you need to use past tense.

Pay attention to the gender of the speaker. (Woman or Man? She or He?)

Try your best to put the two examples into two different categories. Normally the two examples given in the lecture belong to two different groups.

Try to use the following verbs to start your first sentence:

Point out, present, describe, state, mention, discuss, provide, demonstrate, introduce, give, explain, talk about,



(Always try to start from the question given to you on the screen)

Example 1:

Question Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two definitions of money presented by the professor."

In the lecture, the professor talks about two different definitions of money. One of them is based upon its broad meaning, and the other is narrow meaning. First, broadly speaking, money means anything people can use to buy things. That is to say, money not only refers to coins, bills, but includes any goods or services which can be offered to others who would accept as payment. The professor gave a vivid example in the lecture. A taxi driver may exchange his ride service with a farmer for his “vegetables”. Here vegetables mean money.

However, money has its narrow definition. In the United Stated, coils and dollar bills are legally defined as money and no one is allowed to reject this legal “money”. That is to say, All taxi drivers must accept legal money. But he is not obliged to accept such money as “vegetables”.

Example 2


Using points and examples from the talk, explain how the automobile and the radio contributed to a common culture in the United States.

In the lecture, the professor has explained how the automobile and the radio contributed to a common culture in the United States.

Firstly, with the price of automobile was lower and lower, more and more Americans could afford to purchase cars. This revolution of transportation has greatly changed the life of the people living in the rural areas. They could travel to the cities more frequently and their behaviour, their dress and even their speech would gradually influenced by others. Thus it is possible the gap of the culture between the rural and urban areas became smaller and smaller.

The popularity of radio is another tool which helped to make the American culture become more similar. That’s because radio programs made it possible for the audience in differents regions to share the same news, same language patters and even the same songs and music at the same time. Different from the news which was printed on newspapers, news broadcasted through the air was not limited to the local news any more. Instead, it covered much wider areas, even around the country.

