


雅思口语等待别人 describe an experience you waited for s



b.去公园 春天花开了 赏花(最喜欢的花卉,最喜欢的季节,曾经还有题目描述家附近的公园 不 知道现在还有不)



a. 朋友(描述好友,描述人~

再次为什么等 等的原因

a. 这个人天性懒散(举例子,。。总是迟到



比如生病了,可能由pm2.5严重 引起,讲环境问题

比如在看书 忘了时间,描述文学作品)




总之有很多方面可以进行拓展 同时与你准备的其他基础话题相交叉。

good luck~





二、不知怎么说 (脑中出现的总是几个关键词而已,口头连词成句的能力还有欠缺,导致频繁出现broken English,即不成句的英语)。



①(名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…

②(名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being…

③(名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.

④(地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.

⑤(时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.


原句 套用句型后

He is truly helpful. a. He is the kind of guy who is truly helpful.

b. He always gives others the impression of being someone who is truly helpful.

Suzhou is ancient but also modern. a. Suzhou is the kind of city which gives you the impression of being both ancient and modern.

b. Suzhou is a place where you can appreciate both the ancient culture and modern city lifestyle.

The film is interesting.a. This is one of the most interesting films I have ever seen.

b. This is the kind of movie which blows your mind.

The party is exciting. a. This is the most exciting party I have ever attended.

b. It’s a party that I will remember for the rest of my life.

On the weekend, I relax myself by reading.Weekends are the time when I relax myself by reading.





话题:What kinds of things make you laugh? 剑7中TEST 2的题目。于是讨论。讨论结果多种多样,覆盖了很多口语考试中的题目。在此不一一列举。大多数同学想到了喜剧、笑话,还有朋友聚会。当然,还有一些不一样的答案……此处和大家分享。

煽情版:Being with parents is the very thing that can make me laugh.

作为即将离开父母、远赴大洋彼岸的十几岁的孩子们,homesick将会成为他们生活中不可缺少的一个部分。在接下来的至少4年时间里,他们和父母相处的时间可能只能用“天”来计算了。从Foundation到Bachelor一般要4年,每年暑假(中国的春节)回家呆90天,四年一共是360天。期间,睡觉要用去1/3,走亲访友、同学聚会、逛街购物再用去1/3,只余下120天可以呆在家里。而这120天中,能够真正和父母坐在一起聊聊家常的时间,每天也就只有4个小时。算下来,there are only 20 days we can REALLY be with our parents in the following 4 YEARS!!! 这难道不是一个惊人的数字吗?每一个留学的孩子在假期结束时,都会以分、以秒来计算和家人相处的时间,因为一旦走出海关,登上飞机,自己面前的是又一个长达9个月的分别……So this laughter is not just the sound “ha-ha”, it is a feeling of happiness, a sense of safety, a true emotion from the bottom of our heart, which can be found ONLY when we are home.


实话实说版:A score of 7 can definitely make me laugh.

这是一个学生给出的答案。(我被她的过分直白“震汗”了~~-_-||)虽然她并没有把答案完整地说出来,但是当她说出a score of 7的时候,眼睛中透出的一份期盼、一份得意和一份不敢相信,已经很好地诠释了她的语言。对于很多中国考生来说,一次考个7分(average or overall)总会让我们有一点点白日梦的感觉,但又不是完全不能实现。这个7分是一个肯定、一个成就,也是一个礼物,一份惊喜。如果你的表情足够配套,那么这份直白和勇敢一定能够打动考官的!

The reason why a 7 can make me laugh is because it is not only a score, it symbolizes my achievement in English study. It means I didn’t make effort in vain! Not to exaggerate, a 7 in IELTS for me is like a Nobel Price for those scientists! (不过这时候注意考官情绪,毕竟我们不是去“要”一个7分回来。如果觉得自己没有表达好,可以加上后面的句子作为弥补。) Maybe now it IS a daydream, but I bet it WON’T be long for me to get a real 7, coz I believe No Pains, No Gains. 发扬灰太狼精神么“我会回来(拿7分)的”!

如果你在“人物 PEOPLE”方面准备比较充分,它就可以是: Meeting someone special can make me laugh. 然后,你可以大大方方地把话题转到a singer, a host/presenter, an actor/actress, a teacher, a neighbor……

物体OBJECT和地点PLACE:Reading an old letter/Seeing a photo can make me laugh coz it reminds me of my sweet memory when I was …… 好了,聪明的你们会想到该怎么继续了。其实,回忆可以是一样的,说个比较不一样的东西就可以了。






1. We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.


2. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.


3. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.


4. This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read theChinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.

这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持---口译汉英对照(或英汉对照)的小说或其它读物.先我们先读汉语部分,然后逐句直接口译成英文,完成一小段后,去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较,我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误,缺点和进步. 请注意:开始要选择较简单的读物,且应大量做,只做一两篇效果是不明显的.开始可能较慢,费时较多,但请坚持,整体上这是一个加速的过程.

高阶段请计时练习,以加快反应速度和口语流利度. 作为成人学英语,记忆力差是个拦路虎,作复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从心,或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难,那么这样做可以非常有效地解决这个问题::先学习英文课文,通篇理解透彻后,再来看汉语译文, 把汉语译文口译回英文. 这样等于既作复



(1). 自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久.

(2). 始终有一位高教师指出您的不足和错误---英文原文.

(3). 题材范围广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢,比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话 题,所以我们总是在练习相同的语言,进步当然就缓慢了.

(4). 选择小说,幽默故事或好的短文阅读,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去.

(5). 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来.

(6). 对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻.这等于我们一直在作汉译英练习,很多英文译文是我们费尽心思憋出来的,所以印象相当深刻.比直接学习英文课文印象要深的多.

(7). 经过大量的练习,你会有这样的感觉:没有什么东西你不能翻译,你的翻译水平大大加强了,你的口语表达力大大提高了!

5. Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Then make the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes.


6. Interpreting what you hear---Changing Roles: Three people make a group: one speaks Chinese, one speaks English acting as the foreigner, one acts as interpreter. Then change roles. This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. In addition, it may improve the responding ability and speed of students. The advanced stage of this method is simultaneous interpretation.


7. Retelling exercise:

Retell some articles or English stories in our own words.



8. If possible, we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.) to train our oral cavity muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation.



☆A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear. The big black bear bit back the big black bug.

☆This fish has a thin fin; That fish has a fat fin; This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.

9. Paying more attention to phrases and small words as one major shortcoming of Chinese English (especially Chinese oral English) is that Chinese students tend to use big words in their oral language, but the idiomatic oral English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words.

10. Oral English has its own features, but it is closely combined with other aspects of English, for example, writing may make oral English precise and accurate.


11. Thinking in English.


(1). 大量根据图片来了解生词的含义,故事的情节.这是少儿英语中常用的方法,也适用于成人.

(2). 习惯于使用英-英字典而不是英-汉字典会起相当重要的作用.

(3). 加强听力训练,尤其是听用英语解释英语的课程讲解.

(4). 如果没有机会拥有封闭的语言环境的话, 就好尝一下自我封闭语言环境的造与训练.如:强迫自己在一周内所有要表达的话,全部用英语表达.只要你能坚持一周,效果就相当明显,而无论你所表达的英语有多糟!

有关于雅思口语 电影和书的话题


Do you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema?

Definitely, watching movies is my cup of tea. You know, I’m always busy in studying. But I will go to the cinema as often as possible, maybe once every other week because it is one of my favourite ways to relax. I believe films are a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we always go to Wanda International Cinema on weekends together, which I think is the best cinema in Beijing.

Why do you like to watch films?

Firstly, I think watching films is a good way to relax. You know, when watching a film, I will throw all of my emotion to the story so that I can forget nearly everything about myself, especially the troubles. Also, I can learn many things from the roles in films, for example, I learned how to join forces to fight again devil from my favourite movie .

Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?

I prefer watching films in the cinema, absolutely. You know, the atmosphere and the sound effect are prefect in the cinema, which you cannot feel at home, facing a small screen, especially for scientific and horror. So you can understand the story and the roles’ emotion better, also you are able to learn more from the films.

What kind of films do you like?

I love fancy film the most. They are full of magic, imagination and creativity. I believe only imagination can make our real life more colorful. My favorite movie is , which is typical of this kind of movies. I admire J.K.Rowling, the producer of it; I really wonder how those wonderful ideas came from her head!

Who is your favorite movie star?

My favorite movie star is Yang Ziqiong, who is very famous not only in China but also in Hollywood. She is one of the earliest actresses accepted by Hollywood and became popular in the world. She’s good at martial arts. She’s not very beautiful but her kongfu is really amazing, quick, clear-cut and powerful. I think she’s the proud of China, not only for her position in Hollywood, but also because she spread Chinese traditional kongfu in the world.

What’s the difference between American films and Chinese films?

I think the biggest difference lies in the purpose of the film, result from the level of freedom. You know, most of Chinese films just describe an ordinary story and focus on teaching the audience some principles, because the government controls the contents of films stringently. But because of freedom, the purpose of most American films is to give audience an impressive shock, and then earn enormous profits.



--- 话题1 领导人

A good leader is always working hard like a horse.^好的领导应该像马一样辛勤工作。

As the CEO of this company, he is under much pressure.^作为公司的首席执行官,他面临很大压力。

I like those leaders who are friendly and easy-going among his employees.^我喜欢那些对员工友善、随和的领导。

Good leaders are close to their employees.^和员工关系密切的领导才是好领导。

Rules and regulations are the best way to standardize a company.^制定规章制度是规范公司的最好方法。

Since he is the leader, he is supposed to take the lead.^既然他是领导,他就应一马当先。

If I were a leader, I would be on equal terms with my employees.^如果我是领导.我会公平对待我的员工。

A professional leader is always ready to take challenges and risks.^内行的领导随时准备着迎接挑战和冒险。

He is responsible to make important decisions and budgets for the company.^他负责为公司做出重要决定和进行财政预算。

He is an expert on finance and good at interpreting the government policies.^他是金融方面的专家,擅长理解政府的政策。

A sales manager is supposed to sell service and products to potential customers.^销售经理应该为潜在顾客提供服务和商品。

She is playing a role of a manager and a role of a mother at the same time.^她现在同时扮演着经理和母亲的角色。

--- 话题2 书籍

A good book should not only have an interesting plot, but also a significant theme.^一本好书不仅要有有趣的情节,更要有有意义的主题。

Books are beyond my interest.^我对书兴趣不大。

Recently I have been reading a book written by Mark Twain.^最近我在读一本马克-吐温写的书。

I often poke along in secondhand bookstores in search of interesting used books.^我经常流连(闲逛)一些二手书店寻找有趣的旧书。

I prefer romantic stories to realistic novels.^我喜欢浪漫故事胜过现实小说。

Nowadays the market is full of slipshod books churned out in a few days.^现在市场上充斥着几天内粗制滥造的烂书。

Novels on great heroes are popular in China.^关于英雄题材的小说在中国很流行。

People have different tastes for books.^人们对于书籍有不同的品味。

You can find all kinds of books on the Internet for free.^你可以在互联网上免费找到各种书籍。

I read romantic novels in my spare time for pleasure.^闲暇时我以读浪漫小说为乐。

We should resist pirated books to protect the interests of the authors.^我们应当抵制盗版书籍来保护作者的利益。

In order to borrow books from the school library, I applied for a reading card.^我申请了一张读书卡,以便从学校图书馆借书。

--- 话题3 衣服

I always wore hand-me-downs when I was a little girl.^当我还是个小姑娘的时候.我经常穿旧衣服。

I like baggy pants because they are comfortable.^我喜欢穿宽大的裤子,因为穿起来舒服。

I do not like skintight clothes.^我不喜欢紧身衣。

I admire the fashionable clothes on fashion magazines, but I won't wear them.^我欣赏时尚杂志上的时装.但是我不会穿它们。

Clothes demonstrated on fashion shows are not intended for everyday use.^时装秀上演示的服装并不是为了日常使用。

Different occasions require you to wear different clothes.^不同的场合你应该穿着不同的衣服。

You should wear formal clothes on important occasions to be polite.^在重要的场合你应该穿正式服装以示礼貌。

Young people are keen for fashion.^年轻人热衷于时尚。

Nowadays people have more choices for clothes than ten years ago.^现在的人较10年前在服装上有了更多的选择。

China is a great manufacturer and exporter of clothes.^中国是一个大的服装生产国和出口国。

Clothes made of cotton are healthier than those made of synthetic materials.^棉质的衣服比合成材料做的衣服更有益于健康。

Old people are more conservative about what to wear.^老年人在穿衣上更保守。

--- 话题4 计算机

Our life is made more convenient because of the invention of computers.^我们的生活因为电脑的出现而更加方便。

Computer provides people with different sorts of entertainment,such as listening to music and watching films.^电脑给人们提供了不同的娱乐方式,如听音乐和看电影。

It is said that radiation of the computer screen is harmful to our health.^据说电脑屏幕的辐射对我们的健康有害。

Many young people indulge themselves in surfing on the Internet and neglect their studies.^许多年轻人沉迷于上网(网上冲浪)而忽视了他们的学习。

Pregnant women should not sit in front of a computer for too long.^怀孕的妇女不能在电脑前坐过长的时间。

I'm a computer novice.^我是菜鸟(电脑新手)。

For me, computer is a means of study and entertainment.^对我来说.电脑是学习和娱乐的一种方式。

Computer viruses can cause a lot of damage.^电脑病毒能够带来许多危害。

Many young people are obsessed with playing computer games and neglect their studies.^许多年轻人沉迷于电脑游戏而忽视学习。

Computer can be a two-edged sword.^电脑是一把双刃剑。

Computer is a problem while it brings convenience to people.^电脑给人们带来方便的同时也带来问题。

Computer has received more and more social attention from all walks of life.^电脑得到了社会各个阶层越来越多的关注。


出处: bilibili

