





例如,Do you like looking at the sky?”

从“1举例子”的角度,来回答:Yep, I enjoy watching the sky. Say, I sometimes look at the sky standing on the balcony of my apartment. Sometimes I may look at the sky at open space in parks.

从“2.感受”的角度,来回答:Definitely yes. I’m really into looking at the sky from time to time. It makes me feel pleased and delighted. Whenever I am in blue, I would look at the glamorous sky to put all sorrow behind me.

从“3顺延”的角度,来回答:Absolutely. I often watch the sky. Coz watching the sky after hours of concentration on work does good people’s eyes. Plus it can help people reduce pressure.

随着雅思考试的低龄化,我觉得部分同学大的问题是感受这一块。觉得每个问题都很boring。没有感受,完全没有想法。近教的同学中,有个叛逆期的美少女。问她Do you like reading?的时候,她的回答是中文夹杂着英文,一脸茫然的说“我觉得reading很boring啊”。再问她Do you like looking at the sky?, 她问“看天?那多boring啊”。于是她的感受里多的词只有一个,那就是boring。

还有一种同学,喜欢在回答的问题谈感受的时候,先过中文,再逐字翻译英文。问她小时候收到礼物的时候的感受,她首先立即想到的一句话就是“高兴地跳起来”,于是经过她的逐字翻译,便成了“I am very happy, so I jump”。有点语感的人,都自然会觉得这句话的别扭之处。

所以我们老师在教学的过程当中。对于种学生,首先是思路以及情感上的逐渐引导。尽量先从她感兴趣的话题问起。比如说shopping的感受啊,对于收集各种各样high-heels的感受啊,和喜欢的人一起enjoy dinner的感受啊,等等。这时候她可能会张口,来一些“happy,excited”之类的词汇。

然后我们就可以来到第二歩,并且也针对第二种喜欢逐字翻译的同学,给他们一个“方向类”的感受的词汇了。比如说你开心的时候,开心,很棒,很爽,高兴地跳起来,都是在表达正面方向的意思,于是这些感受,我们可以来个大统归。除了happy,“pleased, delighted, joyful, awesome,be wild with joy, feel on top of the world”可能都可以是她们的选择。

当表示心情不好的时候,抑郁的时候,痛苦的时候,都可以用这类负面方向的词汇,例如“be in blue, frustrated, depressed, puzzled”诸如此类词汇。 以上就是环球名师陈哲给大家带来的如何回答雅思口语中喜好类的问题。如需了解更多雅思培训的相关信息,欢迎拨打环球青藤的免费咨询热线400-060-9663进行咨询,或者点击环球青藤网站页面的“在线咨询”与环球青藤名师直接对话。



10月31日 地点:Sydney IDP

Part1: 1.where do you live/ apartment or house 2.which room do you like in your house 3.Do you like birthday/ which 4.image the birthday when you becoming older 5.do you like flowers 6.did you buy plastic flowers/ why 7.do you prefer flower indoor or outdoor

Part2: describe a history event

Part3: 1.history museum useful? 2.should the history museum be free? 3.what the future of history museum 4.a history people influenced young people 5.why some history people were remembered by people


马来西亚口语通常提前一天考 11月3号的考试 今天考口语两个人


一个是:自然美景 describe a lake, a river or sea


澳洲场口语, a difficult thing you did well. What, when, why and what preparation you did


圳 RM06 P1:学生or工作、专业、网络、照片。P2:真实事件or人的电影。P3:真实题材的电影吸引人么原因、如何成为有名的影片、导演需不需要学习外语、问了好多好多啊出来努力回忆也没记全、最后一个出来 貌似这位大叔总是问很久、免费的礼物雅思口语我之前的仁兄也是同组最后出来、求顺利




口语已考完,广州仲恺RM505,part1,学生还是工作,喜欢的包,不同场合背的包,丢过包没?part2,describe a town or a city you enjoy to visit.part3.喜欢住city还是town,分别的原因。人们喜欢什么attractions,旅游带来的坏处,对经济的影响


贵阳04 P1card,bag P2送给别人的 gift P3 喜欢什么类型的礼物,手工?


南昌112part1card work or study. Major. part2 wrong decision part3 family problem


福建师大 一个六十多岁的男人 3090第一部分问因特网的一系列问题 第二部分讲一个从真人或真事起源的电影……第三部分问了一连串关于电影的问题……


阅读第一篇关于恐龙足迹研究的,footprint of dinosaur;第二篇关于自然界对现代科技的启发,the inspiration of nature;第三篇是关于communication styles in worklace


南昌107,,,p1work or study,major,然后关于花问了之前五六个,p2polite occassion,p3关于2问了很多,后来还问了很多关于诚实……考官长得像吸毒的,翻白眼还哈欠,英音,但是其实一直对我笑,就是特喜欢打破砂锅问到底,连我这个话唠都支架不住,不过,场面很和谐很轻松


arts,making decisions something worng,room509体育电视收看体育节目感受,和谁,有什么为什么。


do you live flat or house.describe the old people you met. 第三part就围绕我们现在老人家有什么不好什么好未来过去的


哈尔滨,黑大,room3 P1.name,colour,flower P2.a science subject you l learned in high school P3.问了一些跟science有关的,中国有哪些流行的science subject,有什么方式学习它,电视节目有那些是跟science相关的 攒人品……


郑州轻院R04 P1问了舞蹈,我所在的城市有没有有意思的地方,整个城市好不好……P2我没见过的题,问在海边你的空闲activities…好像是这个…我忘了…然后你为什么要这样做?……还有别的我忘了…P3问了关于大海的一系列问题…这是新题吗?


西安交大rm12 p1student or work,major ,telephone p2 gift p3给children什么礼物好 children喜欢什么 adult or children谁更喜欢 买或做哪个好 给或收哪个开心


太原,理工大,08教室,女考官。part1,study,toy. part2, a polite occasion, when,where part3, some relevant questions about polite.


四川大学 room13 p1 公寓还是别墅,颜色,汽车 p2最喜欢的天气 p3各地的气候差异 天气对人的影响(包括运动和心情两个方面)


终于考完了。口语part two是famous people


黑龙江大学 part1:working or studying, 毕业打算,favorite colour , part2: 有钱了想买的东西 part3:cars,sth people like to buy, 富人是否浪费,向往富有是人的天性吗





雅思口语高频part3问题:Why do people give gifts to others ?




2. 用礼物来加强与在乎的人之间的感情, 也是表达爱意的一种方式。

3. 送礼在生意场上很常见。用来感谢客户的支持。

4. 用礼物作为一种奖励, 用来肯定某人的某些表现。


First and foremost, it is a tradition to give gifts on occasions like Christmas and New Year. It is becoming an expected ritual now.2. Another valid reason for giving gifts to others is that others are of value to us. Gift-giving occasions are opportunities to affirm one's personal bonds to loved ones. It is just a way of showing affection.

3. Gift occasions can also be used for promoting your business. Companies give gifts on New Year, especially to their customers as atoken of appreciation for their support.

4. Gifts are given for accomplishments. We may give gifts to reward another’s behavior such as a promotion or some achievement.


First and foremost, it is a tradition to give gifts on occasions, like Christmas and New Year :第一也是最重要的一点,在一些重要的节日, 比如新年, 圣诞节,送礼物已经成了一种传统2. first and foremost:第一也是最重要的一点

3. expected ritual:必要做的事情

4. Another valid reason for giving gifts to others is that others are of value to us:另一个说得通的(送礼物的)理由是那些人对我们很有价值

5. affirm one's personal bonds to loved ones:加强和自己所爱的人之间的纽带

6. showing affection:表达爱意

7. Gift Occasions can be used for promoting your business:送礼是一种做生意的手段

8. as a token of appreciation for their support:象征着对免费的礼物雅思口语他们支持的感谢

9. Gifts are given for accomplishments:对他人成就的一种奖励

10. reward another’s behavior:奖励他们的某种行


你好, 雅思口语范文:Weekends,供大家参考,希望能对备考中的烤鸭们有所帮助。


Is weekend important to people?

Definitely it is. In my opinion, when people are very tired or annoyed during weekdays, they need some leisure activities to relax their tension on weekends, and then they can continue more effectively and efficiently. Also, people can do their own business on weekends because they are busy in during work, such as visiting relations and friends, shopping for necessaries and clothes.

What do people do on weekend?

Well, as I just said. People can choose to carry on their personal business or just relax. They can visit and talk to their friends to keep the relationship going on, read books and magazines of their interests, do sports to keep fit, or watch TV to relax their tension. For my family, we always go to supermarket to buy some daily necessaries together, or go to shopping mall to have fun.

Do you think people should be asked to work on weekends?

No, I don’t think so. They will be too tired in the weekdays to go on concentrating on their jobs on weekends. Although they are forced to work, the production and effectiveness will be very low. Also, the employees will complain on the company since they have the right to have a rest, so the loyalty will be reduced.

Do you think people should get more money if they work on weekends?

Firstly, I don’t think people should be asked to work on weekends. But if there are some urgent tasks, then they should get more money for the extra hours. Because employees have the right to relax and do their personal business on weekends, to respect them and to keep the effectiveness, the manager should pay them more for the work on weekends.

Which day do you like more on weekend?

I think I prefer Sunday, because I always plan to review the knowledge taught during the week or deal with the assignments on Saturdays and have relax on Sundays. You know, all the people prefer rest than studies~Haa~

What do you often do on that day?

Well, in the mornings, I always spend with my friends. We will go to a fitness centre to do some exercise together, or just sit in a Café to chat and share the recent lives. Then in the afternoons, my parents and I will go to supermarket to buy some daily necessaries together, or go to shopping mall to have fun. In the evenings, I’ll put myself into the busy studies again, to plan the timetable for next week.

Do you think that people will spend more money on weekends?

Well, I think it depends. Some people like me always go shopping on weekends, so absolutely we will spend more money. Or some like watching movies in a cinema, or having dinner with friends in a restaurant, so are all expensive. But some people only like watching TV at home, or read books in a library, so they will spend the same amount of money on weekend as in weekdays, or maybe even less.


求雅思口语part2话题范文。 1人物类。2物品类。3地点类。4事情类


艺术也始终是雅思考官们钟爱的一个考点,也有不少的重复率。其中较多涉及的主题有:music, work of art, sculpture, painting, handicraft, song。这类考题其实和诸如人物描述,爱好描述的卡片都有部分重合之处,大家在准备的时候也可以适当套用。比如有的卡片要求描述一个歌手,当然不可避免的要谈论他的音乐。描述爱好当然就更容易串这些艺术的东西了。


Describe A Handicraft

Describe a handicraft you made.

You should say:

What it is.

How it was made.

How long it took to make it.

And explain why you like it.


The handicraft I am going to talk about is the paper-cut one. Before almost every Spring Festival, my mom would buy piles of paper cuttings to decorate the home. They would be pasted on the windows and the entrances to bring good luck. But this year, I decided to make the decoration all by myself.


A master of the craft can cut out different drawings freely only using a pair of scissors. But I didn’t venture to do it that way. I googled the pattern I wanted before printing it out on a piece of red paper. It was the character ‘Chun’. Then I used an engraving knife to cut out the pattern. And an amazing piece of folk art emerged.


It was easier than I had thought. I only spent half an hour doing all the printing and cutting.


After the festival, I fell in love with paper cutting. The craft is not difficult to learn, although it is very difficult to master with perfection. Also, it helps to create a merry atmosphere on special occasions, such as festivals and wedding ceremonies. Furthermore, paper cutting, with which people express wishes, is one of China’s most popular folk art. It is a piece of art that helps to preserve traditions.

最后一段从三个方面论述了我喜爱剪纸的原因。其中fall in love with的表达方式可以用来替代love, like。最后的一个词组preserve traditions值得大家学习,在很多艺术类考题中都能用上。



求雅思口语 陈述一件童年时候收到的礼物,以及它对你的影响,求范文,或者给我个这范文的链接

When it comes to a present I received in my childhood, I would like to talk about a book of fairy tale, which was bought by my father at my 6th birthday.

It was a story book that was full of delicate pictures and simple words. What's more, as the birthday gift ,it was wrapped by the colorful paper with a birthday card on the cover.At that time, my father read me every piece of story in the book at night when I got to sleep and I began to lost myself in the paradise of fairy tale and imaged all kind of characters and plots in the fantastic story. Eveytime I think back from the past time, the sweetest and happiest feeling about the fairy tales are pouring out from my memory.

In my eyes, this gift is not only a link between my father and I, but it also brought me to the gate of reading. After that, I hooked on books and I can keep accompany with all kinds of books, therefore I seldom feel lonely and sorrow because of this new friend~

