




以Part 1为例,无论话题是study,cooking,还是city, 都有可能会问到“Do you like it?”。这类问题看似简单易懂,但实际情况却是,不少同学回答完“Yes / No”以后就不知道如何继续下去了。因此,解决以下问题很关键:How to expand your answer?

我们就来看一个很基础的问题:“Do you like cooking?”。上口语课时,我惊讶地发现很多同学的回答竟如出一辙:“Yes, I like cooking because it’s interesting.” 同学们,你们可以想像,这样的回答在考官眼里多么boring。难道真的没有其他表达了吗?其实很多时候,你们缺乏的是idea而非language。要拓展你的答题思路,你需要做到三点:Explain(解释), Specify(具体化), Rephrase(改述)。

首先,You can always explain your idea. 我们不是说interesting不好,而是你需要解释“Why is it interesting?”为什么做饭有趣呢?比方说,“我热衷于让食物看起来很美味。I enjoy making food look tasty.”,“我可以按照自己的想法造菜肴。I can create new dishes based on my own idea.”,“别人喜欢吃我烧的菜让我很开心。I feel pleasant when others like eating my dishes.” 这几句话的用词和表达应该是大多数同学能够掌握的吧?虽然不那么“高大上” ,但却使你的答案有了内容,比罗列一排干巴巴的形容词奏效多了。

其次,You’d better further specify your explanation. 就以上一段的三句话为例,完全可以再往具体了说,具体化简单的方法就是give examples。比方说,“I enjoy making food look tasty. For example, when I’m making soup, I often put some spring onions in it to add a green color.”, “I can create new dishes based on my own idea. Taking egg as an example, Chinese people usually fry or boil egg, but once I tried mixing egg and fruit to make a dessert and it was a success!”, “I feel pleasant when others like eating my dishes. I remember one time I asked some friends to taste a banana cake I made. Everyone said the cake was delicious, which encouraged me a lot. Since then, I have been even more keen on cooking.” 加上了例子,答案是不是又丰富许多呢?而且这些例子中的表达真心不算难吧?

后,You can rephrase the same idea to make different expressions. 雅思口语考试中很注重persity(表达多样性),即使你没有新的想法,变换词汇和句型也未尝不是个好的选择。比如“喜欢做饭”的表达就只有“I like cooking”一种吗?当然不是!“Cooking brings me a lot of fun.”, “When I’m free, cooking would be one of my first choices to relax.”, “I can get a feeling of joy and pleasure from cooking.”这些句子虽然没有直接提到“喜欢”这个词,但哪一句不是表达出了喜欢的意思呢?所以说积累一些近义词和短语是很有帮助的。

附“Do you like cooking?”范例答案:

Yes, I definitely do. Cooking brings me a lot of fun. I enjoy making food look tasty. For example, when I’m make soup, I often put some spring onions in it to add a green color. Once I asked some friends to taste the soup I made. All of them said they liked it, which really encouraged me. From cooking, i can get a feeling of joy and pleasure. So when I’m free, cooking would be one of my first choices to relax.




city 和small city,而除了这些,metropolis大都市是最常用的表达,也可以用发达 (developed) 或不发达 (less

developed) 来划分城市。在中国,我们还分一线 (first-tier)、二线 (second-tier) 和三线 (third-tier)

城市。除此之外,我们还给城市冠了好听的名字,比如City of Perpetual spring(春城)等。当然,我们也会对城市进行排名,比如Liveable

City(宜居城市), Garden City(花园城市)等。



district(行政区),residential area(住宅区),commercial

district(商业区),slums(贫民区);关于城市中的一些基本设施和服务,包括:post office(邮局),public

lavatory(公共厕所),public telephone(公用电话),shopping centre(商场),snack bar(小吃店),stock

exchange(股票交易所),traffic light(红绿灯),art gallery(美术馆),botanical





Pros of big cities:

Ø Big money at work, first-class education, a large transport network, fancy

restaurants and luxurious townhouses are definitely the charms(魅力)of big


Ø Life in big cities is endlessly colourful(无尽精彩)as you have a wide range of


Ø This city is steeped in(沉浸在)time-honored(历史悠久的)traditions.

Ø It’s prosperous(繁荣的).

Ø This city is well-known for its architectural heritage(建筑遗产).

Ø The cityscape(城市风景)is gorgeous(华丽的,漂亮极了的)and there are tons of towering


Ø High-rise buildings(高城建筑)are sprouting up(涌现)all over the city.

Ø This city is like a magnet(磁铁)for tourists.

Cons of big cities:

Ø The air is so smoggy(烟雾重的).

Ø Lots of people there suffer from respiratory diseases(呼吸系统疾病).

Ø The traffic is always bumper-to-bumper(保险杠对保险杠,指非常拥挤)during rush hours.

Ø The cost of living is sky-high(极高的).

Ø The economy is in a slump(消沉,指经济不景气).

Ø I can’t stand the hustle and bustle(拥挤喧闹)there.

Ø Some areas are pretty run-down(破旧的).

Ø It’s densely-populated(人口密集的).

Pros of small cities:

Ø Live a quiet and peaceful life.

Ø Get away from the hustles and bustles(拥挤喧闹).

Ø Small cities are of sufficient natural resources.

Cons of small cities:

Ø Tons of small cities in China are confronted with serious brain


Ø A rising number of chemical factories built in small countries and

countryside arouse grievous(严重的)water degradation(水质下降).

Ø Average income(收入水平)in small cities falls far behind that in big


Ø The general public service(整体社会服务水平)in small cities is lower than that in

most big cities.



city(一线城市)都有着巨大吸引力。然而,housing price(房产价格)的疯长,许多原来期望在first-tier

city发展的年轻人不得不转战second-tier city和third-tier city。许多不甘离开梦想之地的人或成为mortgage

slave(房奴),或成为ant tribe(蚁族)。另外,一线城市的高消费水平也迫使许多人成为moonlight

clan(月光族)。想结婚而又无力买房的人只能选择naked wedding(裸婚)。

最后,天道小编将结合上述素材,针对Part 3的一个高频问题作出示范:

Q: Do you prefer to live in a big city or small city?

A: Personally, small city seems more preferable. I like living in small

cities for its slow life pace and quietness. I mean I don't have to suffer the

hustle and bustle. So I’m able to enjoy cosiness. According to my experience

living in a big city for three years, living in big cities is just stressful.

You know, the sky-high housing price and fierce competition propel many

youngsters like me to move out of big cities though there are completed public

services; otherwise we’ll end up with being a mortgage slave and having a naked




雅思口语话题 描述a city

Our City

I would like to make some recommendations to make your first visit to our town a pleasant one. The busiest street in our town is Prospect Avenue. There are many things to do and see in this street.First, you could visit the Art Museum, where an art show is going on.Directly across the street from the Art Museum is the library. If you would like to buy some books you could cross Third Street and go to the book store. It is on the south side of Prospect Avenue. From there, if you would like a snack, you have several choices. Continuing west on Prospect Avenue you could visit the ice-cream shop, the bakery, or the candy store. Finally, cross Second Street and enjoy all the unusual animals at the pet store.

To find Prospect Avenue from the train station,turn left on Fourth Street and head south. It is just two blocks to the entrance of the Art Museum. I hope you will enjoy your visit!

雅思口语Part2 describe your favourite city


