


雅思口语满分是多少?怎么才能说出流利的口语? 很纠结,在线等


这个雅思口语模板的核心是中学时学习过的分类讨论的原理,就是It depends...


大家掌握这个雅思口语模板的关键在于如何选择类别,depends on what? 这是考官最关心的问题。


a. Is it necessary to learn a foreign language?





b. Is one-child policy in China considered a good law?





Part One:

1. Time management

2. Trains and travel

3. Rains and the changes of weather

4. Pets and wild animanls

5. Language

6. Music

7. Shopping

8. Dictionary

Still a must:

9. Studiesor work



Part Two

1. Describea friend you haven’t been in contact with for a long time.

2. Describethe most intelligent person you have ever met.

3. Describean interesting actor you like.

4. Describea building in your city or town.

5. Describe someone who took a photo of you.

6. Describe a place where you learned another culture.

7. Describe a time when you traveled to a place far from home.

8. Describesomething you would like to save money for/you saved money for.

9. Describe a popular product from the region which you come from.

10.Describea gift you received when you were a child.

11.Descirbea class/session you have taken in your school, a night school or a trainingschool.

12.Describea situation when you forgot to do an important thing.

13.Describesomething interesting that you did with an old person of your family.

14.Describea positive experience of yours when you were a teenager.

15.Describean event that changed your life./Describe a time when you made an importantchange to your life.

16.Describea successful advertisement you are familiar with.











you should say

who they are

how you knew them

what they usually do together

and explain how you feel about their marriage


I have a lot of friends, and most of them are still young. However, there is a couple, they both are my friends because we studied Chinese in the same class, and they got married four years ago. They are a very nice couple because they love and respect each other very much. Surprisingly, they both have active and dynamic characters. In my opinion, I think there is something very strange which is very hard to explain happening between them, for example, they always have the same ideas, opinion, and hobby. They especially like the same food and sport. Moreover, they never make decision without asking his/her partner opinion even a very small thing. In addition, when we have party, birthdays or weddings, they never participate separately. They always go by couple, in case a husband or wife can not go, the other will stay at home with his/her partner. As a result, they absolutely trust in each other. The husband always reserves the best for his wife, and his wife treats him respectfully. That is why I rarely see they have argument even a tiny argument. I admire them very much; however, I usually tease them about their romantic and lovely marriage. They told me that the most important factor which is keeping their happy marriage is they always respect the partner ideas, opinion, and thinking. Now they have a daughter, and their happiness increases excessively. Their daughter resembles both father and mother closely, and she is so lovely as well. If I were them I would be very happy and proud of the marriage, I would try my best to preserve my marriage because that is the most precious thing in my life. In my opinion, I think it is not easy to find an appropriate partner as we want like this couple. Not only I adore their marriage but all of my friends have the same attitude.



A happy marriage is a cocktail of open communication, honesty, hard work, and a whole lotta love. But what does that look like in real life? Five wives open up about what a happy marriage means to them, because they're living it!

1. "A happy marriage is being happy with what you've got, rather than expecting your marriage to be a certain way," says one married woman. "Being content and grateful for what you have, instead of constantly trying to live up to some unrealistic standard set by movies and romance novels, is real happiness."

2. "In a happy marriage, two people share things equally," says another married woman. "It doesn't sound romantic, but I'm honestly happy because my husband does the dishes and the laundry as often as I do. We cook together, we run errands together. I don't feel burdened, and I don't feel taken for granted."

3. "We talk about everything, and I think that's what a happy marriage is," says one wife. "I've had relationships in which I felt like I had to keep secrets from my partner, but I can tell my husband anything. I like that I can be open about my feelings, and know that we'll work through whatever it is together."

4. "This is my second marriage and it's happy, unlike the first, because we are totally honest with one another," says another woman. "Whether we aren't thrilled with what's happening in the bedroom or we're concerned over money, we spit it all out and then work it out."

5. "I think a happy marriage is about forgiveness," says another married woman. "No one is perfect and if you can just let go of the little things and move on from the bigger things, like arguments, with a forgiving rather than begrudging heart, you're in really good shape."


今天环球青藤为大家带来了环球青藤名师陈哲老师的雅思口语技巧之吃的描述,这将一定程度上可以帮助吃货考鸭们表达对吃的喜悦之情。雅思口语话题当中有一些与吃的东西有关系的话题。比如说,describe sb. you know who is good at cooking, Describe a meal you invited others to your home or restaurant.当遇到类似这样的话题,我们来点与食物有关系的简单而不拗口的雅思口语词语。各位吃货,是时候发挥你们的特长了。首先是食物的好吃的表达方法。大家一般先想到的就是诸如delicious,tasty这样的词语。稍微正式一点的有savory,表示可口的。再口语化点的,就是mouth-watering。从字面就能看出,好吃到让你流口水啊。如果很多同学爱吃的肯德基的话,细心一点就会发现有一道叫做吮指原味鸡的小食,被翻译成finger-licking chicken.我想这就可能与一个我们经常用finger-licking good来表达食物好吃是有关系的。好吃到吃完了,都还没过瘾,再舔舔残留在手指上的美味。当然很多同学在表达好吃的时候,喜欢用yummy这个词。这个词可能多半是小婴儿在呀呀学语的时候,用到的比较多。稍微有点卖萌的嫌疑哦。食物当中,除了好吃,当然地道也很重要。现在,不用出上海,就能品尝到世界各地的美食。法国大餐,越南米粉,印度飞饼,粤式早茶,应有尽有。但是火爆的餐厅,还是要有过硬的地道风味的。我们这时候用authentic这个形容词来表达食物的flavor很地道非常贴切。在食物当中还有很多有意思的词汇。有些完全可以用在雅思口语中适当运用。很多同学现在都喜欢声称自己是个“吃货”,美国人一般把吃货叫做foodie。还有一个法语词汇gourmet,表示美食家,也可以表示对尝遍美食有兴趣的人。高级西餐厅,像很多fancy restaurants 都是年轻人的心头好,因为他们吃的不仅是食物,也是romantic atmosphere和considerate and thoughtful service。如果仔细看西餐厅菜单,其实,日常常见的比较简单的pasta,spaghetti,甚至pizza,都可以用在举例子自己喜欢的食物时候。尤其是牛排steak,每个人吃起来对几分熟的要求不一样。有一次我在电影“低俗小说”里看到,男主角约翰特拉沃尔塔在点牛排的时候,服务员问他“bloody as hell”or “rolled as crisp”,一个用血淋淋来表达要求牛排做的很生,一个脆片来形容烤焦的牛排,我觉得非常形象生动。小编今天讲了这么多关于:雅思口语技巧之吃的描述,希望各位考生在之后的雅思考试中取得自己理想的成绩!如需了解更多雅思培训的相关信息,欢迎拨打环球青藤的免费咨询热线400-060-9663进行咨询,或者点击环球青藤网站页面的“在线咨询”与环球青藤名师直接对话。

