





1,地球早起大气成分及生物 早起甲烷与二氧化碳占主要地位,没有氧气。因为有了会光合作用的细菌,产生了大量氧气,消耗二氧化碳,提供臭氧层,为当今新生物钟提供必要环境。








There is no truly "standard" model of the origin of life. But most currently accepted modelsbuild in one way or another upon a number of discoveries about the origin of molecular andcellular components for life, which are listed in a rough order of postulated emergence:

1. Plausible pre-biotic conditions result in the creation of certain basic small molecules(monomers) of life, such as amino acids. This was demonstrated in the Miller-Urey experimentby Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey in 1953, although it is now generally held that theirlaboratory conditions did not reflect the original Earth's atmosphere.

2. Phospholipids (of an appropriate length) can spontaneously form lipid bilayers, a basiccomponent of the cell membrane.

3. The polymerization of nucleotides into random RNA molecules might have resulted inself-replicating ribozymes (RNA world hypothesis).

4. Selection pressures for catalytic efficiency and diversity result in ribozymes, whichcatalyse peptidyl transfer (hence formation of small proteins), since oligopeptides complexwith RNA to form better catalysts. Thus the first ribosome is born, and protein synthesisbecomes more prevalent.

5. Protein out-compete ribozymes in catalytic ability, and therefore become the dominantbiopolymer. Nucleic acids are restricted to predominantly genomic use.

There are many different hypotheses regarding the path that might have been taken fromsimple organic molecules to protocells and metabolism. Many models fall into the "genes-first"category or the "metabolism-first" category, but a recent trend is the emergence of hybridmodels.

The origin of the basic biomolecules, while not settled, is less controversial than thesignificance and order of steps 2 and 3. The basic chemicals from which life was thought to haveformed are commonly held to be methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), water (H2O), hydrogensulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2) or carbon monoxide (CO), and phosphate (PO43-).Molecular oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) typically are considered to have been either rare orabsent.

As of 2007, no one had yet synthesized a "protocell" using basic components that wouldhave the necessary properties of life (the so-called "bottom-up-approach"). Without such aproof-of-principle, explanations have tended to be short on specifics. However, someresearchers working in this field have argued that a "top-down approach" is more feasible.One such approach involves engineering existing prokaryotic cells with progressively fewergenes, attempting to discern at which point the most minimal requirements for life werereached. The biologist John Desmond Bernal coined the term biopoesis for this process, andsuggested that there were a number of clearly defined "stages" that could be recognized inexplaining the origin of life.

Stage 1: The origin of biological monomers

Stage 2: The origin of biological polymers

Stage 3: The evolution from molecules to cell

Bernal suggested that Darwinian evolution may have commenced early, some time betweenStage 1 and 2.




托福阅读背景:Native Ameicans














火星上曾有过洪水,地面上也有一些小河道,十分清楚地证明了许多地方曾受到侵蚀。在过去,火星表面存在过干净的水,甚至可能有过大湖和海洋。但是,由于火星引力小,水蒸成气体,这些东西只存在很短的时间,而且据估计距今也有大约四十亿年了。(Valles Marneris不是由流水通过而形成的。它是由于外壳的伸展和撞击,伴随着Tharsis凸起而生成的)。

推论有更大量的水冻在厚厚的地下冰层(cryosphere),只有当火山活动时才有可能释放出来。史上最大的一次是在水手谷形成时,大量水释出,造成的洪水刻划出众多的河谷地形,流入克里斯平原。另一次较小的一次,是在五百万年前科伯洛斯槽沟(Cerberus Fossae)形成时,释出的水在埃律西姆平原(Elysium Planitia)形成冰海,至今仍能看见痕迹。对于火星上有冰存在的直接证据在2008年6月20日被凤凰号发现,凤凰号在火星上挖掘发现了八粒白色的物体,当时研究人员揣测这些物体不是盐(在火星有发现盐矿)就是冰,而四天后这些白粒就凭空消失,因此这些白粒一定升华了,盐不会有这种现象。火星全球勘测者所照的高分辨率照片显示出有关液态水的历史。

尽管有很多巨大的洪水道和具有树枝状支流的河道被发现,还是没发现更小尺度的洪水来源。推测这些可能已被风化侵蚀,表示这些河道是很古老的。火星全球勘测者高解析照片也发现数百个在陨石坑和峡谷边缘上的沟壑。它们趋向坐落于南方高原、面向赤道的陨石坑壁上。因为没有发现部分被侵蚀或被陨石坑覆盖的沟壑,推测他们应是非常年轻的。有个特别引人注目的例子。短短6年,这个沟壑又出现新的白色沉积物。NASA火星探测计划(Mars Exploration Program)的首席科学家麦克·梅尔(Michael Meyer)表示,只有含大量液态水才能形成这样的样貌。而水是出自降水、地下水或其他来源仍是一个疑问。不过有人提议,这可能是二氧化碳霜或是地表尘埃移除造成的。另外一个关于火星上曾存在液态水的证据,就是发现特定矿物,如赤铁矿和针铁矿,而这两者都需在有水环境才能形成。2008年7月31日,美国航空航天局科学家宣布,凤凰号火星探测器在火星上加热土壤样本时鉴别出有水蒸气产生。



 It has upended industries and changed the way the world shops. But it should beware of abusing its power


WHEN Jeff Bezos left his job in finance and moved to Seattle 20 years ago to start a new firm, he rented a house with a garage, as that was where the likes of Apple and HP had been born. Although he started selling books, he called the firm Amazon because a giant river reflected the scale of his ambitions. This week the world's leading e-commerce company unveiled its first smartphone, which Amazon treats less as a communication device than an ingenious shopping platform and a way of gathering data about people in order to make even more accurate product recommendations.


The smartphone is typical of Amazon. There is the remorseless expansion: if you can deliver books and washing machines, why not a phone? There is the ability to switch between the real world of atoms and the digital world of bits: Amazon has one of the world's most impressive physical distribution systems, even as it has branched out into cloud computing, e-books, video streaming and music downloads (see article). There is the drive for market share over immediate profits. And there is the slightly creepy feeling that Amazon knows too much about its users already. So far its insatiable appetite has helped consumers; but as it grows in size and power the danger is that it will go too far.


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For the moment, admiration should count for more than fear. Many things the world now takes for granted were introduced by Mr Bezos. Typing your credit-card number into a web browser was once considered a sign of insanity until Amazon showed how easy and safe buying things online could be. Once people had bought a book, they tried other things. Today the global e-commerce market is worth $1.5 trillion.


Amazon also fostered the emergence of customer reviews. From the start it let buyers rate and review books. This still irks some professional critics, and some of the most fulsome five-star ratings may be from spouses of authors. But overall they provide valuable advice to buyers. Today everything from apps to hotels to hoses can be rated online, and retail websites seem incomplete without customer reviews.


Then there are the industries it has upended. Books came first. Amazon has changed publishing twice—first by making any book in the world quickly available and then by making e-books mainstream. Before Amazon launched the Kindle in 2007, e-readers were fiddly gadgets that few people used. The Kindle was easy to use, worked anywhere and allowed instant delivery straight to the device (rather than via a PC). Amazon also pioneered a new model for cloud computing. In 2006 it began renting out computer capacity by the hour. The option to rent rather than buy computing power greatly reduced the cost and complexity of launching a new company. Amazon's cloud services have since been used by startups including Netflix, Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify and Airbnb, and have spawned a whole new industry.

此外,亚马逊还颠覆了许多行业,其中图书首当其冲。亚马逊已经改变了两次出版行业。一次是通过网络书店方便人们购书,第二次则是通过电子书方便人们随时阅读。在2007,亚马逊推出Kindle之前,电子书只是一种小众设备。因为Kindle非常易用,可以随时随地使用,而且可以在不借助PC的情况下,能够立即将图书下载到设备中。亚马逊还推出了一种全新的云计算方法。在2006年便开始按照时间出租计算资源。这种以租代购的方式大大降低了公司的创业成本及复杂度。亚马逊的云端服务还被广泛的应用于像Netflix,Instagram,Pinterest, Spotify 和Airbnb这样的新创公司,甚至还催生出了一些全新的产业。

Apple may be better known as an innovator, but Amazon may have had just as big an impact on the workings of the digital world. And it keeps on experimenting. Unconstrained by a self-image as a company that does a particular thing, Amazon has dabbled in areas from internet search to robotics to film and television development.


Indeed, if your glasses are particularly rose-tinted, Amazon seems to have put the “long term” back into Anglo-Saxon capitalism. At a time when Wall Street is obsessed by quarterly results and share buy-backs, Amazon has made it clear to shareholders that, given a choice between making a profit and investing in new areas, it will always choose the latter. While other technology giants sit on record piles of cash, Amazon still has plenty of ideas about where to invest and innovate. And investors seem happy with it: Amazon's price-to-earnings ratio has exceeded 3,500 at times. It aligns top executives' interests with those of shareholders by paying them largely in stock: its highest salary is $175,000 a year.


Giant selection, tiny tax bill


The problem is that many of these virtues come with accompanying vices. Amazon stands accused of unfair competition—of being a lousy employer, dodging tax and bullying its rivals. Amazon says median pay in its American warehouses is 30% higher than in large retail stores. On tax, the picture is a little more nuanced. The main reason its tax bill is so low is that it does not make profits, but Amazon has also been extremely aggressive in (legally) booking profits to low-tax countries. Having campaigned against sales taxes for online transactions for many years, it has lately changed its tune, and now collects sales taxes in a growing number of American states.


As for bullying competitors, most of this is just the savage magic of capitalism. Amazon has crushed local bookshops but only in the same way that Tesco and Walmart crushed grocers—by providing a cheaper, easier way to shop. However antitrust regulators must ensure it is not abusing its market power, on a case-by-case basis. For instance, Amazon's current dispute with Hachette, a large publisher, may largely be a standard tussle between retailer and supplier. But when the dominant seller of e-books removes pre-order buttons and makes delivery times longer for Hachette books, that hardly squares with Mr Bezos's professed emphasis on customer service.


Perhaps the biggest concern about Amazon is, paradoxically, a consequence of its long-term vision. It is hard to compete with a company whose shareholders do not expect it to make a profit. Its vast scale and willingness to operate at zero or negative margins represent high barriers to entry for potential competitors. This cannot go on for ever. The concern is that Amazon is merely waiting for rivals to go out of business before raising its prices. If that happens, regulators should jump on it hard. That would provide an opportunity for another firm—China's Alibaba, say—and some investors might rue the Amazon earnings that never came. But consumers would once again win, as indeed they generally have done as Mr Bezos's scrappy startup has expanded its reach into so many aspects of everyday life


