




环球青藤老师为大推荐一个有效的方法——题型分析法,雅思口语Part3有9大常见题型,每个题型都有对应的关键词,同学们只要掌握了关键词就能迅速辨别Part 3对应的题型,然后对号入座,在有限的时间内作出有效的思考,使答案不会偏离大方向,也避免了考生东拉西扯跑题的尴尬场面。以下将选取5种题型为考生们进行详细的讲解。

1. Contrast(对比题)

这种题型考察的是考生能否对两类不同的人物或者事物作出多角度、全方位的分析。这类考题的经典问法为“what do you think about the differences between A and B ?”所以,大多数情况下,只要抓住“difference”这个关键字,也就几乎可以把这类问题归纳在对比类的题型之内了。对比类题型的答法我们称之为对比经典四部曲:

1). introduction(答案的开头句)

2). A的特点

3). B的特点

4). example(举一个具体的例子去解释A和B之间的差异)


1). introduction(答案的开头句)

2). A的特点+example

3). B的特点+example

4). reason(具体解释一下产生A和B之间差异的原因)

以“攒钱购物”的Part 3考题“what do you think are the differences between shopping in rural areas and shopping in urban areas?”为例,根据关键字的判断,我们很快就可以把该题归纳为对比类的题目,所以所需要思考的就是“城里购物”的特点和“乡下购物”的特点。根据答题的套路,很快就可以组织答案:

Shopping in rural areas and shopping in urban areas are quite different. When shopping in the urban areas we can go to the shopping center or department stores, which means plenty of choices and good quality but higher prices. However, if you shopping in the countryside, you may have fewer choices but you also cost less. This may because of the different rent and different environment of these two places.


该题型重点考察考生描述事物的好处和坏处的能力。需要注意的是,分析一件事物的好坏就像老师评价学生一样,通常从好处开始说起,先寻找闪光点,再调侃一下不足之处就可以了。另外,该题型的难点在于要求考生对好处“advantage”和坏处“disadvantage”作出同义替换。例如,好处的同义词为:merit, goodpoint, strong point, strength, positive side, bright side, edge, highlight

而坏处的同义替换词为:demerit,drawback, shortcoming, bad point, weak point, weakness, negative side, darkside


1). Introduction

2). The first advantage, the secondadvantage

3). The first disadvantage, the seconddisadvantage

4). Conclusion

我们以考题“Describe acity you have visited”的Part 3考题“What are theadvantages of living in the city for families with children? And are theredisadvantages?”为例,这道题很明显的出现了“好”和“坏”,所以我们可以从城市生活的好处开始分析,逐渐转移到“坏处”:

Well, when considering about the issueof living in the cities, I would like to start from the bright side. The firsthigh light spring to my mind is the convenience that the city can bring. Forexample, city is a perfect place for shopping, where a lot of shopping centerand clothes chain stores are there. What’s more, people live in the city canalso enjoy a better education. However, the merits apparently don’t overshadowits drawbacks. Speaking off the top of my head, living in the cities may alsobe troubled by the bad traffic, especially in the rush hours. Anothershortcoming also reminds is the noise in cities, which may cause decrease thequality of life. I think these are the two side of the same sword.


该题型主要考察的是考生能否就给出的选项做出选择并阐释理由。该题型的经典问法为“A or B, whichone do you prefer?”所以,当问题中出现“prefer”, “choose”, “like”之类的关键字,我们可以把这类问题归纳为选择题。在回答选择题的时候,考生可以选择单选,即只选A或者只选B; 也可以选择双选,即认为A和B缺一不可。这类题的答题思路如下:

1). make a selection(选A或者选B)

2). The advantage of A, and thedisadvantage of B

3). Another advantage of A, andanother disadvantage of B

4). Conclusion

来看一道例题,“Please describean intelligent person you know”的Part 3的一道考题为:Do you thinkthe highly intelligent children should go to normal school or special school? 根据上述答题思路,我们可选择双选的思路:

From my perspective of view, thehighly intelligent children should go to normal school, and also get specialtraining from the special school. Studying in normal school can give the childa full range of education. Besides, the highly intelligent children would beconfident in normal school. While the special school also has its own edges thatit can arouse the potential of the highly intelligent children. Therefore, bothof them are indispensable.


该题型考察考生能否在特定的情景下给出相应的解决方案的能力。一般经典的问题句型为“Faced to thecurrent situation, can you remember some effective ways to deal with the problem?”解决问题,需要注意的同义替换为“solve”, “cope with”,“handle”之类的,所以当考生听到上述这些敏感词汇的时候,该把这种问题归纳为解决方案题。这种题型的答题思路为:

1). Introduction

2). From the government’s perspective,……

3). From the inpidual’s perspective,……

4). Conclusion

我们以“Describe abeautiful place where you want to have a home”(安之地)的Part 3题为例,“Can yousuggest any ways to restrict the growth of cities?”,根据上述思路,我们可以这样从政府和个人两个方面去思考:

Well, based on the current situation,I think there might be some effective method to deal with it. From thegovernment’s perspective, some regulations and rules should be carried out;such as coming up with some politics to attract some rural areas people stay attheir original places and educate the public not rush to the cities blindly. Asfar as the inpiduals are concerned, we should follow the government’sdecision and cooperate with the government. So these are the possible methodsto cope with the issue.



我们以“Describe aplace you went and learned about another culture”异地文化这题的Part 3问题为例,“How do youthink the importance of culture?”,通过举反例“假如对文化一无所知会怎么样?”,来论证文化的重要性。

The possible answer:

Well, culture really plays asignificant role in our everyday life. Take me as an example, I am a studentwho planned to further study abroad. If I know nothing about the foreignculture, I think it will be difficult for me to survive in the foreignenvironment and I will come across some culture shocks. Therefore, whenconsidering these circumstances, it is necessary to learn about anotherculture.


1. Birds 鸟类

Do you like birds?

What birds popular in China?

核心词汇noise雅思口语:magpie喜鹊 , swan天鹅, pigeon鸽子 and peacock孔雀

主要说喜鹊 因为喜鹊是好运noise雅思口语的象征,noise雅思口语他在noise雅思口语我们中国有文化背景.

2. Birds and pets 比较

Is it popular to keep birds as pets in your country?

可以再补充几个核心的鸟类词汇parrot鹦鹉, thrushes画眉。

3. Flower: 花

Do you like flowers?

核心词汇:Rose, Jasmine茉莉花, Peony牡丹, Carnation康乃馨

Do Chinese people like send flowers to people on some festivals?

Do Chinese people use flowers as a gift?

Have you received flowers?

Is there any special meaning for flowers?


4. Noise and neighbor噪音和邻居

what kind of sound do you like?

音乐的声音,light music,

乐器的声音 flute长笛,drum鼓,pinao 钢琴

why is there noise?


各种建筑工地的机器噪音Noise made by engines in building sites


Do you know your neighbors?

Do you think it is important to have good relationship with neighbors?


Do you prefer young people to be your neighbor or old people?



5. Cooking做饭

Who does the cooking in your family?

What does he or she often cook?


6. Fruit水果

Do you like fruit?

水果的种类:strawberry, melon, kiwi猕猴桃, cherry樱桃, blueberry蓝莓, raspberry红莓.

How often do you eat fruit?

What kind of fruit do you like best?

Why? 水果含有丰富的维他命,不含脂肪 卡路里也很低等等

What are the benefits of eating more fruit?

7. Vegetables蔬菜

Do you like vegetables?

How often do you eat vegetables?

What kind of vegetables do you like best?

What are the benefits of eating vegetables?

8. Driving开车

Do you often drive?

Is it necessary to learn driving?

Is it important to drive well?

When would you allow your children to drive?

9 English 英语学习

Why do you study English?

How does your teacher teach English?

What teaching style do you like?

现在最流行的英语教育就是communicative language teaching.

Do you prefer group learning or individual learning?

Group learning: 可以小组讨论可以交换学习计较可方法还可以想起她人学, 培养学生独立思考的能力和习惯这是一种很重要的技能。

How do you study English?

Where do you usually study English? With whom?

Do the young and the elderly learn English in different ways? What are the differences?

how many languages can you speak?

what languages do you like?

what are the difficulties in learning a language?

what did you collect when you were young?

10 collect收集


do you still collect it now?

what do you like to collect?

if you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?

do you like to wear watches?

提醒自己要有时间观念 时间安排合理

do you think that time flies?

11 Sports:运动

Do you do sports?

Does you community have any sports equipment?

. What sport do you do? Do you think swimming is good?

Shape one’s body, good for lose weight, practice your lung volume, strengthen your muscle

Where do people go for swimming?

What sport are you going to learn in the future?

Are there any good sports facilities in your community?

What sport do you want to do in the future?

11. Friends朋友

Do you want to go out alone or in a group?

How often do you meet your friends?

What do you do when you are with friends?

12. Food食物

What food do you like?

What food don't you like?

Which restaurant is your favorite?

do you like cooking?

who does the cooking in your family?

what does he or she like to cook?

13. Internet网络

What do you do with internet?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?

网络把整个世界带到你的身边,可以有效快速的找到你所需要的信息,但是缺点是网络犯罪和诈骗很多 总的来说网络带给我们的益处大于坏处

Do you think that life is better with the internet?

When did you begin to use the internet?

What’s the influence of the internet on you?

14. Living place你的详细居住地址

Do you live in a house or a flat?

I live in four-bedroom flat, which is on the 4th floor. It is in Zhongyuan district of Zhengzhou, not far from city center.

What can you see from the windows of your home?


15. Work: 工作

Do you think your job is easy to do? Why?

What’s your job responsibility?

16 Vacation:度假旅游

这个问题的思路嫁接到带水的地方也就是旅游景点 大连或者是青岛或者是英国

Do you like traveling?

What’s the most interesting journey?

Which country do you want to visit?

When did you have your vacation last time?

17。Society Culture:社会和文化

Have you received any gift?可以说flowers

When do people give gifts in your country?过节日的时候,生日的时候,你可以举个例子五月的第二个周日是母亲节大家都送康乃馨来一次表达自己对母亲的感谢和爱

When will you give gifts?

Do you think it's difficult to choose a gift?

Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody?

18. bicyle 自行车

Do most people ride bicycles?

Did you learn to ride a bike when you were young?

Are there any benefits of bicycle riding?

益处是锻炼身体,休闲娱乐,缓解交通压力 reduce traffic pressure,

Why so many people ride bicycles in your country?

中国过去是自行车王国used to kingdom of Bicycles

在过去自行车是主要的出行工具main means of transportation

随着交通的快速发展rapid development of public transportation, 私家车的普及widespread of private cars

Do you think bike riding is safe?

What are the differences between being a child and being an adult?

19.休闲活动Leisure activities:

When did you go shopping last time?

Do you like going to a party?

What do you dislike most about a party?

Do you like shopping?

What do you dislike most about shopping?

When do you usually go shopping?

Do you prefer small shops or shopping malls? Why?

part 2 (高频考试题目)优先准备一下话题,然后有时间的同学可以把后面人事物地媒体的剩余东西准备一下

a foreign artist you admire (movie star, singer, painter, etc)


a walk you took



a family that you like (not your own)


a wild animal endangered animal 说说那些濒临灭绝的动物,他们的驻地被人共占用,他们被人们猎捕,社会工业的发展污染了他们的水源和食物

a happy event (in your childhood) ===a family event ===go for a picnic 这三个题目都可以互相串起来,

a school you went to when you were young (小时候的学校)

your favorite subject (不要说大学的pe )

a science lesson you learned说数学,物理说你很擅长的话或者说你学不懂

something you bought but has not been used frequently (买过的不怎么用的东西,与equipment买过了学英语的那个器材)

a trip you planned but didn't go for说大连和青岛,英国

A party you enjoyed 一次晚会国际学生晚会===a party you would like to hold (注意将来时)

手工制品 something you made by yourself 旗袍风筝剪纸中山装

a letter or email you received 通知你去参加party

a special meal 和上面这个话题连接,有中国饭菜举几个例子有外国饭菜

last weekend运动,看电影,听音乐

Old thing in your family旗袍风筝剪纸中山装

A person who visited you 最好的朋友

A public event 跟踢足球,篮球的比赛连接

An exciting sport也可以准备一下极限运动,

A change you would like to make 你通过看电影听音乐和用iphone手机下载动词,来提高自己的英语具体看我发的讲义

A course you want to learn 英语 体育运动 饮食做饭 做衣服

Good news from phone 参加聚会

Something that is good for health 水果和蔬菜

sports event you watched that you want to do 嫁接到足球比赛

a trip not as good as you planned 实际就是要描述旅游中的突发事件,丢东西啦。交通啦。堵车啦。天气啦。。。。。

a picnic or a meal in a park 嫁接到国际留学生自己带食物去参加的话题(这个场景我在国外留学的时候经常会这样特别是到了夏天的时候大家一般都会park在举行)

an important conversation 父母跟你谈打算送你出国的事情

where when with whom what it was about










与之相比,我们所要求的复述可能要略胜一筹。复述的前提是对于文字材料的理解,我们的大脑在理解的过程中,会将抽象的文字转化为图形、影像或者一个过程、流程,是一个有人物、地点、事物的场景。而这个场景是可以脱离文字而独立存在的,也是可以用任何不同的语言表现出来的。比如,我们可以尝试着去想象这样一个画面:你和一个朋友漫步在伦敦的街头,欣赏这个美丽繁华的都市,突然间朋友晕倒了,你需要立即送noise雅思口语他去医院。或者,想象这样的一个画面:You and one of your friends are walking along a big street in London enjoying the beauty of the city. Suddenly, your friend passed out, you need to send him to the hospital immediately. 无论,是英文的还是中文的表达,我们想象出来的场景应该是十分相似的。我们刚才想象出来的画面,就是我们对于文字的理解。复述的过程包含三个步骤:首先,逐字逐句的扫描和阅读抽象的文字,可能有部分文字或者句型我们不太理解,但是根据前后文进行逻辑推理,我们依然能够明白文字的主要内容;然后,我们将能够理解的部分转化为场景;最后,我们用自己能够驾驭的单词以声音的形式将内容再现。






1. 读一遍文章中给出的句子,如有不认识的单词,请查阅相关工具,确保理解句子的含义,这也是增加自己词汇量的一个很好的途径。

2. 将本书合起或者将目光移至别处或者将双眼闭起。

3. 回忆刚才所看到的句子,用自己的语言,当然是英语,把它说出来。

4. 查看原句,对比自己说的和原句是否在句子含义上是一致的。

5. 如果对这个句子含义的表述已经很准确了,那么加快自己说这句话时的语速,和正常阅读时候的速度差不多。

6. 如果这个句子的练习,您已经很满意了,那么请对下一个句子进行练习,直到结束。如果有兴趣的话,可以任意找一些其他的英文句子,以同样的方法做强化训练。


1. 在把这个句子表述完成之前,一定不要看原句。

2. 你可以把句子表达的不完整或不准确,但是在把这个句子表述完成之前,一定不要看原句。

3. 你甚至可以句子说的与原来的含义南辕北辙,但是在把这个句子表述完成之前,一定不要看原句。

4. 不要试图把句子背下来,看一遍即可。



1.Are there many people living near you?

Yes, and they will say hello when they bump into each other anyway. But it can be annoying because gossip gets out everywhere here and everyone will know about it so it kinda sucks sometimes.

2.Do you know (all) your neighbours?

My neighbors are weird and get into lots of complicated situations that usually involve some one get hurt. Their family is complicated as their dad died and their mom is scatterbrained and remarried a guy who has kids of his own so now they have 5 or 6 kids. One of them is in college and only one of the remaining people are normal. So we don't talk to them much. They also throw big parties that keep me up all night.

3.How often do you see (or talk to) your neighbours?

I live in north east Scotland and i have good neighbours. we all chat over the wall and sometimes stand there for ages talking. Some we nip in and out of for coffee now and then. We are never in each other's faces all the time but we look out for one anothers houses if we're on holiday or such like.

Of course the smaller the town the better. In my town you can't go down the street without meeing a few people you know.

4.Do you think it's important to know your neighbours?

Yes. I would prefer to stay at a place where even if people know each other but still respect each other's privacy and do not gossip or snitch about each other.

5.How well do you know your neighbours?

I don't like my neighbours at all, they are very noisy, nosy, rude people, i can hear them screaming at their kids calling them bad names (although we live in a good neighbourhood), they run very loud music as well. If i run into any of my neighbours in the elevator, i don't open any talk, just "Hi" that's it. Only the people in the 2nd floor are nice respectful people. I wish i had more good neighbours to be friend with.

6.Do you think it's important for a person to have a good relationship with their neighbours?

My neighbours are all grown up and are very kind. The benefits of having a good relationship with my neighbors is that we can make a new friend, share stories about our lives to improve them, to learn from them, etc. Not everyone can enjoy their neighbors, some people have strange, loud, neighbors. I would rather have older people as my neighbours because I like the peacefulness in a neighbour hood. I don't like all the ruckus.

7.What do you think of your neighbours?

My neighbours are great, we all get on very well and often socialise together, if one of us has a barbecue we invite one another around but we don't live in each other's pockets. This is a fantastic place to live, I got lucky when I moved in here.

8.What kind of people are your neighbours?

Nosey, Annoying, Has to know everything, sits on the porch and watches us do yardwork, has to know everyone's business. Well, just that kind of neighbor.

9.Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbours in your neighbours' homes?

Almost never. We have terrific neighbors and we want to keep it that way. We chat in the yard and gather outside. We help one another with the shoveling in the winter. We loan out our garden tools to one another. We even bring each other cookies at the holidays. But we don't visit in one another's homes often.

10.How (well) do you get along with your neighbours?

My neighbor spies on me, I wonder why. When I step outside I always see my neighbor behind the curtain watching me. I went last week to ask why and he denied it. I just laughed and walked away. He is over 65. I think he's bored but still bad behavior.

11.What are the benefits of having good relationships with one's neighbours?

You have to co-exist with them so why not be friendly. They can be a natural support to you and yours when and if needed, and vise versa. You have a community that shares life with you.

12.What sorts of problems (conflicts) can people have with their neighbours?

There are many: rave music full-blast till 6am, gangs fighting in the streets, throwing glass bottles at neighbours, throwing furniture through the windows...

13.In what ways can neighbours help each other?

By keeping an eye on each others properties for signs of trouble (break-ins).

Taking in the mail for a neighbor when they're away on vacation.

Helping with odd jobs around the yard.

Sharing things with each other (tools,garden equipment,household stuff...etc.).

Starting up a neighborhood watch program.

14.Have you ever asked a neighbour for help?

Never. I am too shy to go and ask my neighbors, because I don't like when people say no to me in front of my face.

15.Would you prefer to have young people as your neighbours, or old people?

Older people normally don't give too much trouble for neighbors because they don't listen to loud music, they don't throw big parties, they use to bring us a piece of cake when they bake it (it's really nice!) and when neighbors are younger or just have kids you're vulnerable to all sort of unexpected things, such as their music, parties, fights, but to compensate that they bring a lot of joy to the block. In fact, I think the problem is not really if the neighbors are younger or older, but if they are respectful and have consideration for the others living around. I have three neighbors, three young men who start party on Thursday and it goes until Sunday. The problem is not their party, but their bad taste for music and the fact that they have only one CD that they play a thousand times in a row. Nobody deserves it!


雅思口语Part 3答题技巧

摘自朗阁海外考试研究中心  徐晓青

雅思口语Part 3是口语考试三个部分中最难也是最令人头疼noise雅思口语的一部分。Part 3之所以成为广大考生们望而生畏的一部分noise雅思口语,其原因在于这部分的问题远比Part 1的生活类问答要复杂许多,同时对考生的瞬间思维能力及逻辑思维能力要求较高。针对目前许多国外院校对雅思口语单项分数的要求较高的现状,导致了许多烤鸭们都力争在口语单项上要达到7分甚至更高。因此,口语考试Part 3成为了很多雅思考生们不得不跨的坎。在这篇文章中,朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师将为大家阐述如何搞定口语Part 3的一些技巧以及如何避免Part 3跑题。

一、Part 3难点归纳

Part 3, 这个让烤鸭们谈之色变的部分,到底难在哪呢?不同的考生对之有不同的感觉和想法。在这里,可以大致归纳为以下几点:1. 很多学生会出现听不懂题目的情况,出现答非所问的状况。有些考生会让考官重复问题,对考官说“pardon”,但是过多的要求重复问题往往遭到考官的反感和厌烦,所以很多考点出现了考官在要求2次以上pardon的情况下直接跳下一题的情况。这样一方面会影响考官的判分,同时也会影响考生的考试心理状态,继而影响后续的发挥。2. 基于Part 3本身问题的特色——“刁钻”,“变态”,很多考生反应不知道说什么,甚至不理解问题本身的意思,造成了过久的停顿或者沉默。加上Part 3没有思考的时间,而面对来势汹汹的复杂问题,考生一下子难以把答案组织地条理清晰,所以即使努力避免不让自己沉默,也只能无奈之下东拉西扯,想到哪里说到哪里。3. 很多考生无法在有限的时间内,做到答案内容与“高难词”“闪光词”的兼顾。所以即使答案顾及了流利度,而又无法兼顾词汇量的要求。

二、Part 3方法论——题型分析法

针对上述问题,朗阁老师为大家推荐一个有效的方法——题型分析法,去有效的帮助考生们在短时间内改善Part 3的答题表现。口语Part 3基本可以分为9大题型,即contrast(对比题),analyses(分析题),options(选择题), flaws(缺点题), solutions(解决方案题), prospect(未来前景题), opinions(个人观点题), meaning(意义题), conditions(当前状况题)。在这9大题型中,每种题型都有对应的关键字,即考生在听到某些关键字的时候,就可以瞬间把这道题归类进9大类中的某一类题型,而每一种题型都有自己对应的答题思路及答题方法。该方法的运用原理在于让考生迅速辨别Part 3对应的题型,然后对号入座,在有限的时间内作出有效的思考,使答案不会偏离大方向,也避免了考生东拉西扯跑题的尴尬场面。同时,每种题型预先准备好的答题句型,有助于考生在词汇表达上赢得考官的认可。以下将选取5种题型为考生们进行详细的讲解。

1. Contrast(对比题)

这种题型考察的是考生能否对两类不同的人物或者事物作出多角度、全方位的分析。这类考题的经典问法为“what do you think about the differences between A and B ?”所以,大多数情况下,只要抓住“difference”这个关键字,也就几乎可以把这类问题归纳在对比类的题型之内了。对比类题型的答法noise雅思口语我们称之为对比经典四部曲:

1). introduction(答案的开头句)

2). A的特点

3). B的特点

4). example(举一个具体的例子去解释A和B之间的差异)


1). introduction(答案的开头句)

2). A的特点+example

3). B的特点+example

4). reason(具体解释一下产生A和B之间差异的原因)

以“攒钱购物”的Part 3考题“what do you think are the differences between shopping in rural areas and shopping in urban areas?”为例,根据关键字的判断,我们很快就可以把该题归纳为对比类的题目,所以所需要思考的就是“城里购物”的特点和“乡下购物”的特点。根据答题的套路,很快就可以组织答案:

Shopping in rural areas and shopping in urban areas are quite different. When shopping in the urban areas we can go to the shopping center or department stores, which means plenty of choices and good quality but higher prices. However, if you shopping in the countryside, you may have fewer choices but you also cost less. This may because of the different rent and different environment of these two places.

2. Analyses(分析题)

该题型重点考察考生描述事物的好处和坏处的能力。需要注意的是,分析一件事物的好坏就像老师评价学生一样,通常从好处开始说起,先寻找闪光点,再调侃一下不足之处就可以了。另外,该题型的难点在于要求考生对好处“advantage”和坏处“disadvantage”作出同义替换。例如,好处的同义词为:merit, good point, strong point, strength, positive side, bright side, edge, highlight

而坏处的同义替换词为:demerit, drawback, shortcoming, bad point, weak point, weakness, negative side, dark side


1). Introduction

2). The first advantage, the second advantage

3). The first disadvantage, the second disadvantage

4). Conclusion

以考题“Describe a city you have visited”的Part 3考题“What are the advantages of living in the city for families with children? And are there disadvantages?”为例,这道题很明显的出现了“好”和“坏”,所以我们可以从城市生活的好处开始分析,逐渐转移到“坏处”:

Well, when considering about the issue of living in the cities, I would like to start from the bright side. The first high light spring to my mind is the convenience that the city can bring. For example, city is a perfect place for shopping, where a lot of shopping center and clothes chain stores are there. What’s more, people live in the city can also enjoy a better education. However, the merits apparently don’t overshadow its drawbacks. Speaking off the top of my head, living in the cities may also be troubled by the bad traffic, especially in the rush hours. Another shortcoming also reminds is the noise in cities, which may cause decrease the quality of life. I think these are the two side of the same sword.

3. Options(选择题)

该题型主要考察的是考生能否就给出的选项做出选择并阐释理由。该题型的经典问法为“A or B, which one do you prefer?”所以,当问题中出现“prefer”, “choose”, “like”之类的关键字,我们可以把这类问题归纳为选择题。在回答选择题的时候,考生可以选择单选,即只选A或者只选B; 也可以选择双选,即认为A和B缺一不可。这类题的答题思路如下:

1). make a selection(选A或者选B)

2). The advantage of A, and the disadvantage of B

3). Another advantage of A, and another disadvantage of B

4). Conclusion

来看一道例题,“Please describe an intelligent person you know”的Part 3的一道考题为:Do you think the highly intelligent children should go to normal school or special school? 根据上述答题思路,我们可选择双选的思路:

From my perspective of view, the highly intelligent children should go to normal school, and also get special training from the special school. Studying in normal school can give the child a full range of education. Besides, the highly intelligent children would be confident in normal school. While the special school also has its own edges that it can arouse the potential of the highly intelligent children. Therefore, both of them are indispensable.

4. Solutions(解决方案题)

该题型考察考生能否在特定的情景下给出相应的解决方案的能力。一般经典的问题句型为“Faced to the current situation, can you remember some effective ways to deal with the problem?”解决问题,需要注意的同义替换为“solve”, “cope with”, “handle”之类的,所以当考生听到上述这些敏感词汇的时候,该把这种问题归纳为解决方案题。这种题型的答题思路为:

1). Introduction

2). From the government’s perspective, ……

3). From the individual’s perspective, ……

4). Conclusion

我们以“Describe a beautiful place where you want to have a home”(安家之地)的Part 3题为例,“Can you suggest any ways to restrict the growth of cities?”,根据上述思路,我们可以这样从政府和个人两个方面去思考:

Well, based on the current situation, I think there might be some effective method to deal with it. From the government’s perspective, some regulations and rules should be carried out; such as coming up with some politics to attract some rural areas people stay at their original places and educate the public not rush to the cities blindly. As far as the individuals are concerned, we should follow the government’s decision and cooperate with the government. So these are the possible methods to cope with the issue.

5. Meaning(意义题)


我们以“Describe a place you went and learned about another culture”异地文化这题的Part 3问题为例,“How do you think the importance of culture?”,通过举反例“假如对文化一无所知会怎么样?”,来论证文化的重要性。

The possible answer:

Well, culture really plays a significant role in our everyday life. Take me as an example, I am a student who planned to further study abroad. If I know nothing about the foreign culture, I think it will be difficult for me to survive in the foreign environment and I will come across some culture shocks. Therefore, when considering these circumstances, it is necessary to learn about another culture.

本文着重针对如何避免雅思口语Part 3无话可说入手,从Part 3的9种题型中挑选出5种高频题型,逐一分析了答题思路以及应该如何去思考,并结合了每种题型的最新例题进行分析。如何攻克Part 3, 关键在于是否能够迅速对考题进行归类,然后迅速反应出对应的答题思路并进行快速有效地思考。相信这样,考生对于Part 3的回答一定会显的有条不紊,很有逻辑感。相信“题型分析法”一定可以有效地帮助考生们克服在Part 3偏题或者不知所措的困境。除此之外,考生还可以尝试在回答Part 3问题之前,先paraphrase一下考官的问题,反问考官是否问的是这个意思,在确定好题意之后再作答。因为Part 3是一种discussion, 所以反问考官反而体现了考生的交流能力,同时也可以避免考生答题时跑题。

