




You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You have bought a washing machine. First you found that the machine damaged your clothes, and you had it changed. Then you found that the new one seriously entangled the clothes. Write to the manager of the department store to complain about it.2 You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam,

A few months ago I purchased a washing machine (Sanyo XQB50-68) from your department store. After a few weeks I found that it had seriously damaged the clothes. I asked you to change one for me, which you did. Now I want to ask you to change this one for me again.

This one does not damage my clothes any more, but I have found that it tangles the clothes seriously and when it automatically begins to spin the water out, the machine shakes so heavily that it stops by itself. In the instruction booklet you have not mentioned this defect and neither have you told the user how to solve the problem. I am quite annoyed by the fact that sometimes when I came back from work to take the clothes out to dry, they were still unwashed. When I at home. I have to tend it frequently to untwist the entangled clothes. Is that what you call your machine “fully automatic”?/Please change a new one for me that will not entangle the clothes. Otherwise, I would ask you to give my money back, or I would complain to the Consumers’ Association.




切题是写好文章最重要的前提。有的考生抱怨,自己感觉文章内容丰富、语言生动流畅,得分却不高。其实,雅思作文跑题是分数偏低的主要原因。,审题,不仅要仔细研究题目,还要结合给出的提示句加以分析。首先要明确文章要写的内容,即文章要围绕什么主题来写,这是保证整篇文章切题的关键;其次,确定文章所需的主语人称,人称混乱是中国学生常犯的一个毛病,而在审题阶段确定人称是避免文章人称 混乱的有效途径










Some British families decide not to buy televisions because they influence the development of the creativity of children. What do you think?

As science and technology accelerates, television, as a powerful invention in the 20th century is becoming unbelievably popular in people’s life. People can be acquainted with the current affairs and appreciate the affluent programs right at home. As to my opinion on it, television will not whittle children’s creativity as exaggerated.

To begin with, television is the most effective means to inform children of the latest news and scientific improvement all over the world. Television reveals the recent development of some researches, such as the new computing technology, clone technology, genetic breakthroughs and so on, which can inspire the imagination of children and motivate them to conduct relevant experiments, making new findings and breakthroughs in their study.

Moreover, some programs like adventures and geography can enlarge children’s capacity of knowledge. With the emergence of information technology, the knowledge presented in textbooks cannot cater for children’s curiosity any more. Children need to learn wider knowledge and know more about our world. Programs like adventures can cultivate children’s creativity and the ability to tackle difficulty; programs like geography can teach children knowledge about different countries in the world and initiate their aspiration to know about the nature; programs about science can inspire children’s interest in science and technology.

Admittedly, the inappropriate programs on television somehow play negative role in the shape of children. The films containing violence, crimes and pornography contents tempt children to go astray.

In a word, it is my strong belief that television will not impair children’s creativity as is asserted. Nevertheless, the government and the whole society should exert to eliminate the unhealthy contents on TV and ensure the children with a favorable growing environment.

跪求the true cost of food这篇雅思文的解答思路和中文翻译



B First mechanisation,然后大量使用化学肥料和农药,那么单一,那么电池饲养牲畜,现在遗传工程的集约型农业的势头已经在过去的半个世纪中似乎不可阻挡,作为生产收益率飙升。但是它造成的损失是巨大的。在英国,例如,我们的许多最喜欢的农田鸟类,如云雀,灰色鹧鸪,田凫和黍,有大片农村消失了,还有更多的野花和昆虫。这是我们在过去四年里生产食物的直接结果。几千英里的树篱,成千上万的池塘,从景观消失。鲑鱼养殖粪污带动了野生鲑鱼从苏格兰的许多海湾和河流。由于工业化肥和杀虫剂的不断使用,许多地区的自然土壤肥力正在下降,而由于化肥的流失,藻类的数量在湖泊中不断增加。


但是,社会的成本实际上可以量化,当加起来的话,可以算是惊人的总和。埃塞克斯大学的环境与社会中心主任Jules Pretty教授说,世界领先的思想家对农业的未来进行了一次卓越的实践。金教授和他的同事们计算了英国农业在某一年的外部性。他们修复它所造成的损害的成本增加了,并想出了一个总数£2343m。这相当于208£耕地和永久牧场每公顷,几乎同样多的总的政府以及欧盟在那一年,英国的农业。根据美教授的说法,这是一个保守的估计。




英文问题 雅思文矫正


第二句话be spent on 不要写成for the restaurants meals

average family表述不地道。改写:......the average budget spent on restaurant meals had increased by 15 percent ......

后面看不大明白你想说什么了。如果句子想写复杂些,也得把主谓宾摆清楚。据第三幅饼图所描述的,什么had uprised to 35 percent,主语不明确。soaring up continuously of...也缺了主语,它是不能做全句的主语的。


Recently, more and more people believe that a building should serve its purpose rather than looking beautiful. Whether the architects should worry about buildings as works of art has become an issue of controversy. Before presenting my opinion, I would like to probe into both sides of the debate.

Critics argue about the shortcomings of buildings designed as works of art. First of all, it needs a great sum of money to design beautiful buildings with extra decorations. Most people would like to have better infrastructures and recreative facilities rather than a better look. Secondly, the side effects brought by artistic designs also arouse people’s wide concern. They worry about the safety of buildings and they believe the steadiness is more essential. Last but not least, the appearance which is loved by the designers may not be accepted by everyone. Different people have discrepant views. It is easier said than done to settle a proposal satisfying everybody.

Supporters also claim that there are a large number of benefits following the special architectures. For one thing, we can hand down our cultural heritages by constructions. If we fail to build up symbols of our tradition, our descendants may forget it someday. For another thing, it’s also a good way to enhance the embellishment. There is no doubt that a good image of the city could successfully attract the world’s attention and provide the dwellers with more opportunities. Also worth mentioning is that it can give us good feelings. Under such circumstance, people could work more efficiently and rest more comfortably.

Generally speaking, both of their views are rational. But personally, I side with the latter one. Anyway, we don’t want to live in a world with the same buildings, the same colours and the same styles.

关于第一个 没有找到相同题目的范文 只找到一个类似的

Discuss the difference between fast food and traditional food, such as nutrition, and recipe?

Living in a fast-paced society, the modern eaters are not longer interested in the contents of their food, but focused on whether a convenient meal is available at hand to devour. Statistics indicate that even housewives spend much shorter time at kitchen than their predecessors. This writing will compare and contrast advantages and disadvantages of fast food and traditional food.

Traditional food has its unshakable position in the human culture both in the social and historical context. Historically, chefs have gone to all lengths to experiment on novelties, invent cooking skills to gratify guests' hunger. Hence, traditional food has secured its incomparable value with a complex of tantalising features, including the variance, flavour, and taste. Its unique charms can nurture social relations as well. A family is accustomed to prepare a traditional feast to serve their guests at weekend or on holiday, such as Christmas.

Further, traditional food is favourably nutritious and balanced, compared with fast food. Dieticians have suggested audience through millions of televised courses that traditional food can retain more nutrition before being served on the table, for in general, they are cooked with a temperate heat. By contrast, the fast food are made at such a high temperature that nutrition has inescapably vaporised during the cooking process. Meanwhile, cooks pay more attention to the balance of recipe when preparing traditional food, such as combing meat with vegetable.

Despite a range of advantages, traditional food is overshadowed by its fast competitor in terms of time. Traditional food can consume a considerable amount of time from choosing materials, to arranging your table for visual appeal. In contrast, fast food cannot be faster when making a five-minute trip to a store around the corner, or even dialling to a fast food company. Needless to say recently, a string of fast food companies have tried their hardest to enrich the menu.

To summarise, traditional food has an irreplaceable role in our life, backed with various merits. However, its prevalence is declining for people are more and more time conscious.

