


求雅思口语话题part1 part2范文

雅思口语话题很多,尤其是part 2,在这里给范文也不可能该太多。下面给您part 1中Family的范文



31. Could you tell me something about your family? ( 5 - 8 )

Certainly. My family is a typical Chinese one. It consists of my father, my mother and me. I am the only child. My grandparents passed away when I was still very young, so I did not have the privilege of knowing them. My father was one of their four children, and my mother has a brother, so I have a number of uncles and aunts and many cousins.

32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 5 - 6 )

That’s a tough question. I think we have to have the policy in China. Our population had been growing to rapidly and something drastic had to be done. Besides, the policy will give China a chance to move ahead in the world. What I mean to say is that as soon as the population growth has stabilized, China will be able to make progress in the fight against unemployment.

32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 7 - 8 )

That’s a controversial question in China. In my opinion, the policy has both merits and shortcomings. The policy is one of the most effective tools to solve the increasing problem of overpopulation in the country. On the other hand, the One-Child Policy has been extremely harsh on the people. It violates basic human rights. For example, it deprives women of their fertility rights.

33. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question. I believe the most important reason lies in fathers. They want their children to carry their name into the future. Only sons can fulfill the task. For example, in many western countries it is customary for a boy to receive his grandfather’s name. A second reason that I could mention is that parents worry about what will happen to them after they retired. They feel that when they have a son he would be able to provide for them in future.

34. Who does most of the shopping in your family? ( 5 - 8 )

As far as this topic is concerned, I would say that my mother does most of the shopping, but my father and I will do some shopping from time to time. My parents allow me to buy my own clothes. The last thing I would like to mention that my mother does not like my father’s smoking habit and therefore refuses to buy cigarettes, so that my father has to do that kind of shopping himself.

35. Who does most of the cooking in your family? ( 5 - 8 )

My mother does most of the cooking, but my father and I will do some cooking from time to time. For example, sometimes when my mother is out the whole day doing voluntary work in our community and then my father and I will do the cooking for her. The second aspect I could tell you regarding this topic is that we often eat out. For example, often on a Friday night none of us feel like cooking, and then we visit one of the local restaurants, and have our favorite dish.

36. How does your family feel about you going abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

They feel very happy about it and give me 100% support. I believe my parents will be very proud if I may achieve a degree at a university abroad. In addition, they themselves never had the opportunity to study in foreign countries. Since I am their only child, they would do anything in their power to allow me to have the opportunity.


37. Are you married, and if so when did you get married? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I am married. I got married about three years ago. I have a good husband / wife, and we are very happy together. To put it in another way you could say that we are best friends. We do not keep any secrets from one another. We had known each other for many years before we got married, so we did not have to adjust too much. For instance, I knew before marriage that he snores loudly when he turns onto his back when sleeping, but I didn’t mind.

38. Do you have any children? ( 5 - 8 )

No, I don’t have any children yet. We are planning to start with a family as soon as we have our own apartment. Until then my husband / wife and I are working as hard as possible to improve our life. We would both like to have a son and a daughter, but because of the one-child policy that will not be possible.

39. What is your child’s name? Does it have any meaning? ( 5 - 8 )

My child’s name is Li Ao Sheng. He was born on the day that Macao became part of China again. That’s why he got the name. His nickname is Bao Bao, as we believe that he is going to become a strong man one day.

40. What does your wife do? ( 5 - 8 )

My wife is a housewife at the moment. We are looking for a job for her, but it is not easy, as she does not have any qualifications or experience. A new supermarket will be opened in our area soon, and we hope that she will be able to find a job there. She has placed her name on a waiting list, and we will be hearing from the employment officer soon.

41. What does your husband do? ( 5 - 8 )

My husband is a civil servant. He works for the Department of Health at a hospital near our home. He is responsible for keeping the patient records in the men’s wards. He loves his work, and is receiving a good salary, so we don’t have any serious worries. As a matter of fact we both agree that we have a lot to be thankful for.

42. Did you have a honeymoon, and if so where did you go? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, We did have a honeymoon. We went to Dalian for a week, and stayed in a small hotel next to the beach. I will never forget the time we spent there. For example, it was very romantic, as we could sit on the beach in the evenings and watch the moon rising over the sea.

43. Did you and your spouse have to ask permission from your parents before you could get married? ( 5 - 8 )

No, not really. They knew we were going to get married. We only had to confirm the date with them to ensure that it would suit them and our families. In earlier times is was customary for the young man to get the permission from his girlfriend’s parents before they could get married.

44. Is living together without getting married acceptable in China? ( 5 - 8 )

These days the practice is becoming more and more acceptable to society. What I mean to say is that it all depends on the couple now. Young people feel that they first want to know each other even better by living together. When they are absolutely sure that they are able to adapt to each other’s lifestyles, they would then most probably decide to get married.

45. Do you think couples should live with their parent or on their own? ( 5 - 8 )

Definitely the latter. There are several reasons as for why I think couples should life on their own. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly. First, I believe couples should become independent as soon as possible. They should learn how to cope with the money at their disposal. Also, they should be alone as soon as possible. Generation gap can be the trigger for many quarrels between the young and old generations.

46. What responsibilities should a couple take? ( 5 - 8 )

There are several responsibilities that couples should take. In the first place, I believe they should be responsible for their own finances. Young couples usually do not have a lot of money. They should try to find ways to make ends meet. In the second place, they have to look after their child if they have one. They have to feed the kid and ensure that he/she gets a good education.


47. Are there any traditions around the birth of a baby in your region? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, there are quite a few. After the baby is born, the father will give his wife some flowers, and take photographs of the baby and her. When the baby arrives at home, the parents will make prints of its hands and feet. The prints, together with a paintbrush made by using some of the babies hair, will be kept as souvenirs.

48. What kind of parent do you intend to be? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s a good question. I’d like to mention the following points in this regard. First of all, I would love my child unconditionally. What I mean is that I know my child is not perfect, but I will still love him/her even if he/she has made mistakes. Next, I would like to be a strict but fair parent. I will not give my child too many freedoms, but I will also try to understand and satisfy his/her needs.








2、把part one里面出现过频率比较大的话题全面复习一下。cue card部分就people,places,objects 和events,每部分准备至少三个话题,要练习的流利和自然。时间是够用的。对于第三部分,掌握一个总原则就是,两三句的回答往往确实最好的



1、要掌握一定的词汇量。这里所要求掌握的词汇,并非越多越好,而是指一些特殊场景常用的短语和词汇,例如,在与考官谈论中国节日时应该知道中国节日的英文表达法,如Spring Festival (春节), Lantern Festival (元宵节), Dragon-boat Festival(端午节),Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节)等。因为只有在熟练掌握的基础上才能运用自如。

2、 熟悉英语国家语言文化背景。雅思考试是针对英联邦国家的英语水平测试,需考生熟悉这些国家的文化背景、民族风俗和社会习惯等。要尽量弄清楚英语国家人们的思维方式,在回答问题是要直截了当,不要转弯抹角回避问题。例如,考官问道: “Is there a difference between the relationship between neighbors in the countryside and in the city?” 不要回答:“There is a difference between the relationship between neighbors.”应该马上把差别答出来,所以更好的答案是:“Well, I guess people are closer in the countryside than in the city.”

3、 学习要有针对性。一种语言的学习是个日积月累、循序渐进的过程,但因考试的特殊需求,考生学习要有很强的针对性:首先,每天坚持朗读,至少10分钟,最好把自己的声音录下来,找出存在的缺点,比如:发音不准,语感不强,声调不对等等,针对这些缺点反复练习;其次,以自问自答的形式来训练反映能力和语言组织能力,每天至少坚持将同一个问题反复回答五遍,同时也能进一步了解考试的程序。再次,找一些雅思口语中常用卡片考题,每个话题陈述2分钟,每天坚持陈述五遍,来熟悉卡片题的内容和谈论顺序。




1. What"s your name?

2. Does your name have any special meaning?

3. Where were you come from?

4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

5. What is the main crop in your hometown?

6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?

7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?

8. What is the climate like in your hometown?

9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?

10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?

11. What is people"s favorite food in your region?

12. How do you make dumplings?

13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?

14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?

15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?

16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.

17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.

18. Tell me something about the customs of your country.

19. How long have you lived in Beijing?

20. What is the weather like in Beijing?

21. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?

22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why ?

23. Which is the worst place you"ve been to China?

24. Which is the best place you"ve been to China?

25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?

26. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved?

27. What is the biggest problem China faces?

28. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?

29. Could you tell me something about your family?

30. Have you any children?

31. What is your child"s name? Does his name have a meaning?

32. What does your wife/husband do?

33. When did you get married?

34. Describe your wedding.

35. How have weddings changed in recent years?

36. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?

37. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.

38. Where did you go for your honeymoon?

39. Did you have to ask for permission from your parents before you got married?

40. Is it acceptable for couples to live together without marrying?

41. Where do you think a newly couple should live? Living with their parents or on their own?

42. What responsibilities should a couple take?

43. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?

44. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?

45. What kind of parent do you intend to be?

46. What do you think of One-Child Policy in China?

47. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son?

48. What difficulties do Chinese farmers have concerning their old age?

49. What do you think needs to be done in order to relieve the farmer"s worries?

50. What hope or fears do you have for your children?

51. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?

52. Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you were brought up? How?

53. Do you enjoy shopping?

54. Who does most of the shopping in your family?

55. What are you good at cooking? What is your favorite dish?

56. Who does most of cooking in your family?

57. Is there sex discrimination in China?

58. How do you sum up women"s conditions in China?

59. What are the causes of sex discrimination?

60. Should government pay certain salaries to those housewives? Why or why not?

61. Would you want your wife to continue with her career or to stay at home taking care of the household after you get married?

62. Have you ever wished to be one of the opposite sex? Why (why not)?

63. What would you do if your next-door neighbour were noisy nearly all the time?

64. Do you have a lot of friend?

65. What does friendship mean to you? What kind of people do you make friend with?

66. What is your major?

67. How do you like your major?

68. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?

69. Do you still remember your school days?

70. What impressed you most when you were at university?

71. Which is the best university in your country?

72. Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points?

73. What do you think of the practice of setting up key schools in primary and secondary school education in China?

74. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?

75. What do you think education should be? Should it be a process of learning what is useful for your future life or should it be simply learning for enjoyment? Why?

76. What do you do for a living?

77. What do you do in the office every day?

78. Since your job seems too professional to me, could you explain it in detail?

79. What are your job prospects?

80. If you had the opportunity to change your job, what would you do with it?

81. Do you have any ambitious?

82. Will any possible future changes affect your job in any way?

83. What are your spare time interests?

84. How do you spend your weekends?

85. What is your favorite sport? What are the rules?

86. What is the most popular sport in your country?

87. What are the sporting facilities like in your university/Beijing?

88. What do you know about Qigong? Do you believe in Qigong?

89. What do you do in your spare time?

90. Do you often read newspapers? If not, why ones do you read?

91. What do you think of computer?

92. Do you think computer has changed our life so much?

93. Do you often go to the cinema/theatre?

94. What kind of films do you like best?

95. Do you often watch TV? What is your favorite program?

96. Do you think watching TV too much is a waste of time?

97. What kind of music do you enjoy?

98. Who is your favorite film star? Will you describe him/her to me?

99. Do you enjoy travelling?

100. Where have you been travelling to? Which place interested you most?

101. Do you smoking?

102. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so, why?

103. What do you know about ABC?

104. What problem do you think you will have in ABC?

105. How will you overcome the difficulties?

106. Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program in ABC?

107. What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter in your studies in ABC?

108. Can you imagine what life in Britain/Canada/Australia/London, etc. would be like?

109. How will you fare in Britain/Canada/Australia, etc. without your family?

110. What do you intend to study?

111. Which university are you going to study at?

112. Why did you choose this university?

113. Where are you going to study in ABC?

114. What are you plans in ABC?

115. What is your research proposal all about?

116. What do you hope for most from your study abroad?

117. Will your study abroad help your job prospects after come back to China?

118. Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please.

119. What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the ABC?

120. How will your study in Britain benefit your work in China when you come back to China?

121. What do you intend to do after you finish studying?

122. What will be your main problem when you are study in a foreign country?

123. What problem can you foresee in the future when you come back to China?

124. Will there be any adjustment problems in your life when you come back to China? If so, what are they?

125. Will you have to make any changes in your work/life when you come back to China?

126. Do you think there will be a gap between your knowledge gained in China and the level of knowledge you are going to encounter on arrival? If so, what will it be?

127. What do you think of the future of China keeps an open policy?

128. What do you regard as the most significant events in your country’s recent history?

129. Are there any special places you want to see in Canada? What are they?

130. What do you especially want to do in Canada?

131. How do you like your life in ABC University?

132. What do you think of the training in the university?

133. In what way do you think university training is helpful or falls short?

134. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?

135. Do you find American English easier to understand than Britain English?

136. What sports are played in your country?

137. Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?

138. What role dose religion play in everyday life in your country?

139. What would you regard as the most significant events in your country"s recent history?

140. How aware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issues?

141. Could you tell me why you chose to study at the university of ABC?

142. What role dose tourism play in your country"s economy?

143. How serious is unemployment in your country?

144. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?

145. What do you think have been the most important changes in your field over the past 5 years?

146. What are you going to major in ?

147. Are you going to do your own cooking when you are at university?

148. Some local students feel that overseas students get preferential treatment. What is your opinion?

149. Do you think you will be able to cope with the English-language demands of your intended program?

150. What do you think are the main causes of road accidents?

151. Do you think the government is doing enough to prevent road accidents?

152. As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport?

153. How do you see yourself in ten years" time?

154. Have you ever thought to have your own business?

155. What business do you hope to have?

156. Do you know about any policies about opening a business abroad?

157. What are your plans for your future?

158. Why do you think there are more and more people leaving to immigrate to other countries?

159. Is it good for China that so many people are going to other countries?

160. Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to ABC?

161. What will you do if you are ill abroad?

162. Do you know what to do in case of emergency?

163. What will do if you cannot find a job in ABC?

164. Why do you want to immigrate to ABC?

165. What will you do after the IELTS test?

166. What will do if you fail the IELTS test?

167. What"s your dream job?

168. How long have you been learning English?

169. What troubles you most at the moment?

170. Does your family support your decision on going ABC? What help do they offer?






对中国文化的考察在历年雅思口试考试中不断出现,而近年出现的试题:Describe an interesting culture,成为令大多数考生头痛的问题。

雅思口语的经典话题(classic topic)有四块,一个是Talk about favorite clothing,其次是Talk about a kind of traditional building ,这类题的高分几率一向较低,对此董老师建议考生提前预备描述中国特色的建筑,因为这可以确保拿到高分。第三块是关于读书的。很多考生在回答Describe your favorite book的问题时,都倾向于描述西方的名著,因而董老师指出,如果能够考虑到考官作为外国人对中国文化(Chinese Culture)的兴趣,考生就可以谈谈中国古典四大名著来赢得考官的青睐。最后一块是谈中国本土食品,如Describe your favorite kind of dish等,考生回答时最好描述中国名菜,一旦在描述时能够让考官体会到这种菜肴的特色,调动其感官,那么这块的得分就会一路上扬了。



Something you bought but felt regretful for it (说购物被骗的故事)

A walking you had with somebody (你和别人散步的故事)

A family event/local event (说家里或当地的一个事件)






1) which 从句——6分保底。


a. 修饰先行词:

例:Where are you from?

I’m from Shanghai,which is the biggest city in China, located in the east coastal area.

这里的which修饰的是先行词Shanghai。大家可以把这个句子背下来,因为在口试当中,问到where are you from?的可能性还是很大的。其实,除了这个题目外,还有很多题目的回答可以用到这个句式,大家可以具体去发现。如:what’s your favorite dish? 答:My favorite dish is Stirred-fried shrimps, which is a Shanghainese local specialty。

b. 修饰整个意群:

例:How do you think about your job?

My job is really boring, you have to do the same thing everyday, which is one of the major reasons leading to the loss of motivation.

这是一个7分的句式,因为which修饰的是整个意群(上面修饰先行词为6分),即:My job is really boring, you have to do the same thing everyday,能够体现出考生灵活使用复杂句式的能力。没有大局观的人,是很难把这个句子说对的。在这种情况里,which一般翻译为:这(种情况、事情......),起到总结归纳的作用。如:Our government has realized the problem and is taking constructive measures to deal with it, which is a good sign, but if we don’t do it in a scientific way, I’m afraid the consequence could still be lethal. 政府已经意识到这个问题,正采取措施解决,这是个好兆头。但如果我们措施不够科学,恐怕结果依然是致命的。

2) 间接引语——简单,但是好用。

例:Why did you choose that major?

I chose that major because I thought it would lead to a secure job. As well as that,......

I thought it would lead to a secure job就是间接引语,大家以后碰到这个问题,可以用该句式来回答。除了这里,只要是涉及到解释过去的事情都可以用。如:I shared the toy with my friends whenever they came to my house, because I thought they would like it, and they actually did(part2 describe a toy in childhood)。又如:Everytime I went to the museum, I would always bring a note book with me, because I thought I shouldn’t miss anything.


例:If I hadn’t got his advice on how to prepare for IELTS tests, I’m sure I would have met with big problems(part2 describe a piece of advice).


If....hadn’t.......I’m sure/ afraid... would/wouldn’t have happened。翻译成中文,是:如....不发生的话,我确信/恐怕....会发生。它的前后两部分都是虚拟语气,表示假设发生过的事情如果没有发生,结果会怎么样。例句可以用到part2 describe a piece of advice,其实除了这个话题外,我们还有许多地方可以用到它。大家不妨翻译以下句子,把它们背下来用用: a)如果那天我没有跟他散步,我相信我英语不会取得如此大的进步(part2 a walk)。

b)如果没有去长城,我相信我不会如此深入了解长城的历史(part2 a historical site)。

c)如果父亲没有鼓励我,我相信我不会克服那么大的困难(part2 a family member I admire)。






口语考Part3不存在题库问题,任何一个general and abstract question related samet opicin Part2都有可能出现在Part3,所以这是它难的1点。





