





city 和small city,而除了这些,metropolis大都市是最常用的表达,也可以用发达 (developed) 或不发达 (less

developed) 来划分城市。在中国,我们还分一线 (first-tier)、二线 (second-tier) 和三线 (third-tier)

城市。除此之外,我们还给城市冠了好听的名字,比如City of Perpetual spring(春城)等。当然,我们也会对城市进行排名,比如Liveable

City(宜居城市), Garden City(花园城市)等。



district(行政区),residential area(住宅区),commercial

district(商业区),slums(贫民区);关于城市中的一些基本设施和服务,包括:post office(邮局),public

lavatory(公共厕所),public telephone(公用电话),shopping centre(商场),snack bar(小吃店),stock

exchange(股票交易所),traffic light(红绿灯),art gallery(美术馆),botanical





Pros of big cities:

Ø Big money at work, first-class education, a large transport network, fancy

restaurants and luxurious townhouses are definitely the charms(魅力)of big


Ø Life in big cities is endlessly colourful(无尽精彩)as you have a wide range of


Ø This city is steeped in(沉浸在)time-honored(历史悠久的)traditions.

Ø It’s prosperous(繁荣的).

Ø This city is well-known for its architectural heritage(建筑遗产).

Ø The cityscape(城市风景)is gorgeous(华丽的,漂亮极了的)and there are tons of towering


Ø High-rise buildings(高城建筑)are sprouting up(涌现)all over the city.

Ø This city is like a magnet(磁铁)for tourists.

Cons of big cities:

Ø The air is so smoggy(烟雾重的).

Ø Lots of people there suffer from respiratory diseases(呼吸系统疾病).

Ø The traffic is always bumper-to-bumper(保险杠对保险杠,指非常拥挤)during rush hours.

Ø The cost of living is sky-high(极高的).

Ø The economy is in a slump(消沉,指经济不景气).

Ø I can’t stand the hustle and bustle(拥挤喧闹)there.

Ø Some areas are pretty run-down(破旧的).

Ø It’s densely-populated(人口密集的).

Pros of small cities:

Ø Live a quiet and peaceful life.

Ø Get away from the hustles and bustles(拥挤喧闹).

Ø Small cities are of sufficient natural resources.

Cons of small cities:

Ø Tons of small cities in China are confronted with serious brain


Ø A rising number of chemical factories built in small countries and

countryside arouse grievous(严重的)water degradation(水质下降).

Ø Average income(收入水平)in small cities falls far behind that in big


Ø The general public service(整体社会服务水平)in small cities is lower than that in

most big cities.



city(一线城市)都有着巨大吸引力。然而,housing price(房产价格)的疯长,许多原来期望在first-tier

city发展的年轻人不得不转战second-tier city和third-tier city。许多不甘离开梦想之地的人或成为mortgage

slave(房奴),或成为ant tribe(蚁族)。另外,一线城市的高消费水平也迫使许多人成为moonlight

clan(月光族)。想结婚而又无力买房的人只能选择naked wedding(裸婚)。

最后,天道小编将结合上述素材,针对Part 3的一个高频问题作出示范:

Q: Do you prefer to live in a big city or small city?

A: Personally, small city seems more preferable. I like living in small

cities for its slow life pace and quietness. I mean I don't have to suffer the

hustle and bustle. So I’m able to enjoy cosiness. According to my experience

living in a big city for three years, living in big cities is just stressful.

You know, the sky-high housing price and fierce competition propel many

youngsters like me to move out of big cities though there are completed public

services; otherwise we’ll end up with being a mortgage slave and having a naked







Describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money

You should say:

What day it was

Where you went

What you did

Who you were with


1. 怎么认识的?

2. 不花钱的话,周年纪念是怎么庆祝的?

3. 后来为什么分了?

当然,这只是个框架。在我们叙述故事的过程中,需要各种各样的细节来让这个故事变得完整。下面我们来看一下下面的sample answer.

Sample answer:

Well, the special day I am going to share with you is my first anniversary with my ex-girlfriend, when I was in the final year of my senior high school. Wow, now as I think about it, it was eight years ago. Time really does fly, doesn’t it? Anyway, we were living in the boarding school and everybody else was working their neck off, you know, to prepare for the college-entrance examination. The school teachers were worse than cops, keeping an eye on every student and literally banging on our heads the moment we slacked a bit. So my girlfriend and I didn’t really have chance to spend time together as a couple. But I was well aware of what would be waiting for me if I failed to celebrate the anniversary with her. So, on that very morning, we got up really early and snuck out of campus when the guards at the gate were changing duty. Yup, it’s precisely like what you see in movies, only better. Then, I took her to a large expanse of grassland, about twenty minutes’ walk from the campus. The place was ghostly quiet, one could hardly spot anyone else within a 2-mile radius. But that makes it a perfect place for couples on a date. As a student, because of the tight budget, I couldn’t take her to a fancy restaurant or Disneyland, where she always fancied. So to make it up to her, I decided to make this most memorable birthday for her by being the most romantic guy in the world. I took out all the love letters I previously wrote to her but kept neatly in an envelope and read it out loud to her in a way that sounded like a romantic poet.

Well, that lasted for a couple of hours, coz honestly, there is a whole pile of letters and she listened intently and never tried to interrupt me.

As night descended, we laid down on the grassland, cuddling her in my arms, staring at the starry night, talking a lot about our future together.

If you are wondering how we managed to sneak back to campus without being noticed, well, we didn’t. Of course the teachers found out and I was almost killed by my head teacher. But to be honest, at that moment, I felt it’s all worth it.

Don’t ask me why we broke up, let’s just say our destinies are not bound together. We will just leave it at that, shall we?

这就是这个题目的一个sample answer. 可能很多学生一看到这个故事感觉好长啊,说不完. 其实这里想要跟大家分享的这个故事并不需要说全部说完。这是我在编这个故事的时候,脑子里所浮现的画面,能让我觉得值得说的内容。我尽量用简单的语言去把这个故事完整的表述出来,但是每个学生看完这个故事的触点可能不同,那么大家完全可以把这个故事的内容当成一个原始素材,只要挑出你觉得好的,能够感人的,值得说的内容去组织起来就可以了。那么,这个故事里又有哪些细节呢?这里我们逐句进行分析。分析完了之后,考生们也就清楚到底哪些内容重要,哪些内容不重要了。

1. Well, the special day I am going to share with you is my first anniversary with my ex-girlfriend, when I was in the final year of my senior high school.


2. Wow, now as I think about it, it was eight years ago. Time really does fly, doesn’t it?


3. Anyway, we were living in the boarding school and everybody else was working their neck off, you know, to prepare for the college-entrance examination. The school teachers were worse than cops, keeping an eye on every student and literally banging on our heads the moment we slacked a bit. So my girlfriend and I didn’t really have chance to spend time together as a couple.


4. But I was well aware of what would be waiting for me if I failed to celebrate the birthday with her.


5. So, on that very morning, we got up really early and snuck out of campus when the guards at the gate were changing duty. Yup, it’s precisely like what you see in movies, only better. Then, I took her to a large expanse of grassland, about twenty minutes’ walk from the campus. The place was ghostly quiet; one could hardly spot anyone else within a 2-mile radius. But that makes it a perfect place for couples on a date.

这里就是进入正题,描述这一天是怎么开始的。标黑部分都是细节描述,不仅增加故事的真实性,而且让考官脑子里能呈现出衣服比较清晰的图片,让考官身临其境一样,跟着故事的主线走。其中,Yup, it’s precisely like what you see in movies, only better.这句话联系电影,因为前面偷跑出来的情节有点假,那就不如直接说,比电影还好。

6. As a student, because of the tight budget, I couldn’t take her to a fancy restaurant or Disneyland, where she always fancied. So to make it up to her, I decided to make this most memorable birthday for her by being the most romantic guy in the world. I took out all the love letters I previously wrote to her but kept neatly in an envelope and read it out loud to her in a way that sounded like a romantic poet. Well, that lasted for a couple of hours, coz honestly, there is a whole pile of letters and she listened intently and never tried to interrupt me. As night descended, we laid down on the grassland, cuddling her in my arms, staring at the starry night, talking a lot about our future together.

这是比较关键的内容:先说钱的问题,因为这是题目要求的一部分,然后就是朗读情书。这部分细节建议考生最好不要省略,因为这是最关键的一部分。 其中Well, that lasted for a couple of hours, coz honestly, there is a whole pile of letters 这句话也是添加幽默成分,来形容自己情书写的真的很多。毕竟是anniversary, 需要一点爱的主题在故事中。

7. If you are wondering how we managed to sneak back to campus without being noticed, well, we didn’t. Of course the teachers found out and I was almost killed by my head teacher. But to be honest, at that moment, I felt it’s all worth it.


8. Don’t ask me why we broke up, let’s just say our destinies are not bound together. We will just leave it at that, shall we?

最后结尾部分。毕竟是前女友,总归要有一个closure. 这里烤鸭们可以自己编后面发生了什么,因为什么原因分手的。但是如果没有更好理由的话,建议就这么说。最后一句说完后,再好奇的考官,出于基本礼貌,也不会追问这个问题了。

这就是如何通过细节来展开一个故事,让故事有血有肉,非常生动。整篇范文里没有任何难词- 就算真的有,换成考生们认识的词,也不会对整个故事有任何影响。而且最为重要的是,这真的是一个脱离雅思考试,脱离题目的一个即使用中文跟朋友分享也是比较值得一听,有所感慨的故事,不是吗?这就是最后跟大家说的讲故事的标准。如果你的故事用中文说,都特别有意思,特别值得听,那么英文的实现,或者说针对雅思口语第二部分来说,只是一个简单的翻译工作罢了。



1. Q: What kind of clothes do youlike to wear?


A: Icertainly fancy simple andcontracted clothing(简约风格)which brings huge comfort and simplicity to me. I know whatsuits me and what doesn’t, so I always wear clothes and never let clothes wearme. Sometimes I buy trendy brands and clothes, but that takes away individuality(个性).



2. Q: Do you like shopping?


A:Sure, sometimes I’m crazy about shopping. The eye-dazzling goods(眼花缭乱的商品)and name brands(名牌)in boutiques(精品店)and shopping centres are just so fascinating that I can’t helpmyself to buy them. But mostly, I’m rather rational about what I like, like myfavourite clothing style, thesimple and contracted. Idon't really care whether my clothes are from a name brand, but it’s the styleI fancy and the comfort andindividualityI can enjoythat make me want to buy them.



3. Q: What kind of bags do youlike?


A: Ilove shoulder bags(肩背包)mostbecause they have large capacity(容量)so Ican put all my stuff, like my purse, my notebook and several bags ofhandkerchief paper, in it. They are really of high utility and functionality(实用性和功能性).

4. Q: Do you have different bagsfor different occasions?


A:Well, I should say I merely havetotes(手提包), shoulder bagsandbackpacks(双肩包), and I douse them for different occasions. For example, I use my shoulder bags and totesfor university and backpacks for outdoor activities like hiking or something.But I don't have a clutch(手包)forspecial occasions because I don't have such occasions to attend.


说完第一部分的话题,我们再来看第二部分中一个有关时尚的经典问题:apiece of clothing you wear on special occasions.


Describea piece of clothing you wear on special occasions.

Youshould say:

Whatthe clothing looks like

Whereyou bought it

Onwhat occasions you wear it

Andexplain why you wear it on special occasions.


An one-piece dress(连衣裙)I wore onmy cousin’s wedding ceremony three years ago is the one that I cherish most andchanges me most. It was the very first one-piece dress I bought and I clearlyremember that it was a Dolce Gabbana. I specially bought it in Shanghaitwo weeks before my cousin’s wedding. To me, it was costly at that time, ofcourse. I bought it because I was firstly invited to be an honoured bridesmaid.I was extremely excited and nervous because I was somewhat about to be thecentre of attention. Speaking of the dress, well, it is short, pink and sleeveless(无袖的)with a lacecollar(蕾丝领边). I adored it so much, but, honestly, it was my first timewearing such one-piece dress, let alone I had to wear it in front of a fairlylarge crowd! So on that day, I was so stressful and nervous that I couldn'teven look people in their eyes. But what surprised me a lot was when my cousinsaw me in this dress, she couldn't stop saying that I was adorable(可爱的)and elegant(优雅的)inthat dress. And surprises were just coming one after another. Almost everyonewho saw me praised my look and gave me confidence. I was quite encouragedbecause I used to wear jeans(牛仔裤)and T-shirts(T恤)day after day. I had never changed my clothing style. But fromthat day on, I tried to change my dressingstyle(穿衣风格)a little bit, and I noticed that change sometimes broughtsurprise and pleasure. So, this dress will always be my favourite, and alwaysbe a remainder that reminds me of the beauty of change.

本文描述了一条粉色、短款、无袖的连衣裙,以及领口是蕾丝质地,品牌是Dolce Gabbana,非常直观详细地让人在脑海中勾勒出衣服的样子。我们需要注意的是,对物品的描述不能只停留在颜色和大小,而应该更具体一些,并且有几个亮点,如本文的无袖、蕾丝领边,都是使这个物品区别于其他物品的特点,让人印象深刻。其次,我们对物品的描述需要用个人经历和内心活动来使其更具有生命力和表现力,让人感同身受,所以本文加了对连衣裙的态度的转变,让听者跟随说话者的描述对这条裙子产生更贴切的感受。本文并没有用一些华丽的辞藻和句式,但对物品和内心活动的详实描述让人感同身受、印象深刻,这就够了。



ready-to-wear clothes 成衣

evening dress 夜礼服

uniform 制服

dinner jacket 无尾礼服(美作tuxedo)

tails 燕尾服

gown 长睡衣

robe 长袍礼服

coat 女大衣

overcoat 男式大衣

three-quarter coat 中长大衣

fur coat 皮大衣

cloak 斗篷

dust coat 风衣

shawl 大披巾

jacket 短外衣夹克

pyjamas 睡衣裤(美作pajamas)

bathrobe 浴衣

V-neck V型领

lapel (上衣)翻领

cuff 袖口

sleeve 袖子

T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫

blouse 紧身女衫

polo shirt 球衣

vest 汗衫

short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫

sweater 运动衫

short trousers 短裤

jeans 牛仔裤

skirt 裙子

belt 裤带

underwear, underclothes 内衣裤

divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤

briefs 短内裤,三角裤

underpants, pants 内衣裤(美作shorts)

waistcoat 背心

panties 女短内裤

stockings 长袜

slip, petticoat 衬裙

socks 短袜

suspenders 袜带(美作garters)

tights, leotard 紧身衣裤


Cotton 棉


linen 麻

synthetic fabric 混合纤维

acryl 压克力

polyester 伸缩尼龙

nylon 尼龙

worsted 呢料

cashmere 羊绒

tartan plaid 格子花(美作tartan)

dot 圆点花

stripe 条纹

flower pattern 花纹花样

shoes 鞋

sole 鞋底

heel 鞋后跟

lace 鞋带

leather shoes 皮鞋

patent leather shoes 漆皮鞋

boots 靴子

slippers 拖鞋

sandals 凉鞋

canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋

flip flops 夹脚拖鞋

high-heeled shoes 高跟鞋


curvy draped dress 紧身垂褶裙

long dress with a revealing ‘up to there’ split 高叉长裙

sequin black dress 亮片小黑裙

one-shoulder cocktail dress 单肩短裙

high-low hemline dress 底边不规则高低裙

sheer lace slip dress 蕾丝吊带裙

mesh dress 网眼裙

Strapless dress 无肩带裙子



1.Q: Do you think it’s important (or, good) to follow the currentfashion in the clothes you wear?


A: Idon't think we should put much focus on the current fashion in the clothes.Sure fashion makes you “in”(潮的), but don'tyou think once you are “in”, you are not true you but someone who looks nodifferent from others. I mean, fashion makes us look all the same without our individuality(个性), soto me it’s more important to find my own way of wearing clothes, rather thanfollowing the current fashion.

2.Q: Why do many young people feel it’s important to wear clothes thatare “in fashion”?


A:First, I have to say that clothes are more of aform of creative artistic expression(一种创意艺术表达形式), rather than a tool to merely keep us from naked and from climatic changes(防止受到天气影响以及起到蔽体的作用). So theirartisticand aesthetic values(艺术和审美价值)make them apiece of art for individuals to pursue and to follow. Besides, young people aremore concerned about what others are thinking of them, and this is particularlytrue when it comes to their appearance. Following an “in fashion” is like asymbol that says “you are with us” or “you are not left behind”, which makes itfairly understandable that young people are more likely to wear “in fashion”clothes at a very special age.


3.Q: Do you think people tend to judge others by the clothes theywear? (Why?)


A1:First, I have to say that I don't think most people judge others by the clothesthey wear. Sure, we inevitably judge whether the person has a clean andorganised(干净的、有条理的)living habit by whether they wear neatly and tidily. And we aresomewhat concerned about whether people dress smartly(衣着讲究)in differentoccasions. But none of these would we use to judge the quality of a person, or,in other words, whether the person is good.

A2:Well, it’s a pretty hard question because I don't know what all people arethinking. But according to my knowledge, young people are more like to judge aperson by the clothes they wear. If a person wears the latest clothes, youngpeople will think he or she is an “in person”, or at least, “in theirdistinctive group”. Accordingly, it is more likely for them to accept theperson as theirs. And once they accept the person, they don't think the personis bad. So, that's why I think young people tend to judge others by the clothesthey wear.





Well, there are tons of reasons for family party in China, we Chinese are traditionally fund of gathering, especially family mumbers. There are mainly two kinds of reasons, one is traditional festivals, namely, the Spring Festival, the Mid-autumn Festival, the Latern Festival etc. the other one is big events, such as, giving bith, furderal, graduation, marriage and so on.

Well, since my family don’t have this kind of attempts, so I’m not quite sure. But in my opinion, that depends on mainly two aspects. The first is the scale of the family, if there are a lot of members in the family, there may be a really big and expensive family party. The second reason is the finacial condition of that family. I’ve read some news on the Internet about the luxiury wedding in some part of China, those billionariers who use scores of benzs, BMWs, Land Rovers as the mannar cars for the wedding, those famous actors who are given proformances on the wedding. Which sum up to be a horrible amount of money. This kind of people, they are rich and want to show off, that’s why they spent so much money on family parties. So I don’t really approve that. It’s only a waste of time. The ture love can’t be measures by money.

Yes, I suppose the parties held by friends are more causul, you don’t need to watch you manner and your way of speaking. But a family party is very formal, to be a lady or a gentleman is very important. So, the kind of atomosphere is really.




It seems that everybody is talking about sports this year with the 2008 Olympic Games and the European Football Cup and the like.

Being a girl, I’m not the athletic type.

I enjoy doing yoga.

And, with a little background music, yoga helps me relax both physically and psychologically.

The reasons why I enjoy doing yoga this much are three-fold.

To start with, I’m a girl, so I care greatly about my figure,

and yoga is a slimming exercise that assists you to burn away a lot of the extra energy that you don’t use everyday.

So naturally, it can help everybody lose weight and achieve the ideal figure.

Secondly, the meditation you do with yoga can help you, for a short time,

forget all your problems at work or at school.

Close your eyes and think about it!!

When you’re doing yoga on the beach,

the wind blows onto your body and the sun shines evenly on your face,

it’s totally therapeutic.

Last but not least, yoga is more than just an exercise.

During yoga, your muscles are always straining,

and it strengthens the flexibility and toughness of your body.

I know, I know!

People say yoga is not a sport per se (本质上的),

but it doesn’t mean it’s any easier than physical games such as basketball or hockey.

It takes patience and perseverance to be really good at it.

And I’ve got news for you—it good for both girls AND men.

I think the world of yoga can reach deep into our souls.

Nowadays, we’re so preoccupied with our trivial worries about finance, interpersonal relationships, work, future,… blah, blah, blah.

Yoga gives us a chance to stop, and think.

Yoga returns us to what we really are.




下一篇: gre326
