



很多年前米卢说“态度决定一切”,虽然足球在中国至今没有“快乐”起来,道理却颇适用于雅思考试。 中国的学生从小被考试考怕了,考试总被“妖魔化”或“神化”。对待考试,我们要么是抵触反感,要么是视若天神。事实上,雅思的口语考官并不把自己当签证官,居高临下为你评判生死。他们希望在平和的交谈中了解你真实的语言能力,所以亲切自然的态度是最重要的。进门后主动问好,大方落座,交谈时诚恳自然。语言能力固然是考官评估的重点,但自信的态度可以弥补一些不足。我们不会嘲笑一个外国人把“烤鸭”讲成“考拉”,他们也不会对我们过于苛刻。犯错误是正常的,不必为此感到尴尬或羞愧。所以在交谈时不必把注意力放在语法错误上,而是尽量表达自己的观点,让交流顺畅的进行下去。其间,眼神的交流也是很重要的。我曾听到一个考官抱怨说,他的考生目光游移、四处顾盼,“难道我长的很难看吗?”其实,他就是长的赛过小贝,缺乏自信的考生还是不敢与之“脉脉相顾”。我觉得老外比较在乎这点,所以eye contact是必要的。如果考官不幸面目乏善可陈,你就认了吧。据说曾经有一位男考生在直视漂亮女考官湛蓝深邃的目光时,把自己的英文名字说成了“Blue”,这大概属“心有旁骛走火入魔”了。 建议同学们练习一些礼貌用语,怎么问好、称赞、道歉(比如问题没听懂)、表达自己的疑问、告别等等。一定用得上。尤其是对那些没听懂或不知道怎么回答的问题,只说“pardon”是远远不够的。还有人竟然对考官说“Speak slowly!",“Speak loudly!”,语气生硬,简直像军官对下级,得到的印象分可想而知。更有笑话说,有的考生对不会回答的问题说“pass”。遇到没听懂的,可以说“Could you please rephrase the question?”或者“Could you explain the question for me?”,如果有某个单词不明白,可以说“I'm not sure about the meaning of..., could you explain it?”。总之,态度要礼貌,而不是粗鲁生硬。因为语言的隔阂,必然会有误解和迷惑,我们应尽量消除这一不良影响。当然也有一些例外。一位考生说她碰到的考官自始至终用铅笔在桌上画圈,从不抬头看她更别说微笑了。害的她不仅对自己的口语信心全失,甚至怀疑自己不堪入目、有碍观瞻,考完后恨不能去做整容了。对这样的考官,估计赞他也没多大好处,干脆把他当一大白菜,全当自己说着玩了。 除了态度外,回答的内容也很影响得分。上大学时一个外教说中国学生全一个思维,没个性。使我耿耿于怀,多年仍铭记心头。细想确实是这样。问到环境问题,都讲污染;问到中国的动物,就一熊猫;问到最有用的电器,脱口而出是电脑。这样没有新意、创意的回答,是不会给考官留下印象的。难怪一位考官让考生谈未来的交通时,不耐烦地喊“no plane, no train, no car, no bicycle, just imagine.。.”。未免刁钻,却可窥考官心态,他希望听到fresh and original idea(新颖的、原创的思想),而不是背诵的统一答案。这里特别要提醒考生们不要背答案,你可以有所准备,比如一些提纲、句型,对某些问题的论点,和一些自身亲历的事件,但要用谈话的口气,而不是背书。否则,绝对会遭到考官的当头断喝,硬生生将你拉到另一个问题上。 在叙述人或事时,personal experience(个人体会)是受欢迎的。多准备一些具体的事例,远胜过谈空泛的道理。在谈到“Could you describe your hometown a little”这个问题时,我感觉同学都在努力将小学的地理课本进行翻译,如——“北京是中国的首都,政治、经济、文化的中心”,“……盛产有色金属,是重要的工业基地”,“……是少数民族的聚居区”,但是很不幸,没有几个同学能讲这些内容准确翻译出来,继而开始不知所云、梦呓般胡说。其实我们完全选取一个很生活、很个人的角度描述城市。如: Beijing is a terribly huge city so the life can be pretty inconvenient。 It’s a dynamic city with a modern life style. There’re tons of places to go for fun。 It’s a small town in the south west of China. It’s so small that you can’t find it on the map, but it’s really a livable place。 这些表达并不需要很大的词汇量,但是听起来自然、个性,一定会给考官深刻的印象。 最后就是平时努力的问题了。我觉得语言归根到底是修炼出来的,就像内功修习一样,必须假以时日,勤而不辍,“吸星大法”在英语学习中是不存在的。如遇高人指点,甚或千年蛇血滋补,自是有幸,但盘膝打坐、灯下苦读的寂寞仍是必须忍受的。 岳飞言“三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲、白了少年头,空悲切。”送与在雅思路上辛劳奔波的朋友。即便壮志未酬,却也无惧。“待从头、收拾旧山河,朝天阙。”你会发现远隔重洋的英格兰、澳洲并不那么遥远。



Describe something special you saved money to buy

You should say:

what it was

how long it took you to save enough money to buy it

why you wanted to buy it

and explain how you felt after you bought it


Today, I’d like to decribe something special I saved money to buy. It is an iPhone4s. You know,iPhone is very popular among the young people in China. Almost everyone knows it. Because I am a big fan of Steve Jobs.He was a genius and he changed this world compeletely.I really admire him. I am also an Apple holic.

Well. It took me 8 months to save up enough money to buy it.It costs me 5500 RMB. It costs me an arm and a leg.I can still remember during that 8 months, I often went to school with an empty stomach. I rarely pigged out with my friends in the restaurants... Though it was a little painful. I finally had enough money to buy my beloved iPhone.

About why I want to buy it. First, iPhone is beautifully designed and user-friendly. All my friends use iPhones.

It is also multi-functional.I can use it to do a lot of things,such as surfing the Internet; listening to the music;reading the map and even ordering the take-out.It is really amazing. And being a fan of Steve Jobs is another important reason.

About how I felt after I bought it. Well, I have to say I was really really happy. I felt I was the luckiest person in the whole world. I told all my friends the exciting news. I also decided to work hard in the future. So I can make a lot of money and buy the good things I like.





image也可以啊 如果是张图的话




多用几个it 也显得很自然

请哪位帮我写几句(英文) 雅思口语考试用 6 7句就够了 谢谢了先

Today I would like to talk about my first day in the university.I can clearly remembered that there was a lot of students in here when I arrived.I visited my new classrooms and my bedroom which was really nice.I got a map from the reception which was really helpful.I was surprised that everyone was really friendly and they helped me to find the way which I got lost from the refactory.Of course the environment was so nice that I couldn,t believe my eyes.I am so lucky that I will spend my next 4 years in here and I was really looking forward to it!

I really like my first day in the university and it was quite important to me because I think this was my new satrt and I believe all my achievement will become the past and future will still be the challenge and I also believe that I will do better and better as everyone expected.Thank you!

PS:This is only my point of view.and I did the exam in the UK and I got 7.5 in my speaking.I don't expect you to remember all of it, just use your own language and that will be more nature.Anyway good luck!


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