





26日,北京,room302, 第1个北京的,好, 还以外今天北京没考试呢?【旧题】

北京 room302 16:15 P1museum P2 你做的有益于环保的事 P3关于环保的问题与解决办法

北京 北语 2L:a child you know: how, his/her face, character part3: the impact of video games on children, how people have changed their expectations of children

下午北京教育考试培训中心,part1 都是之前预测的blog上的~part 2 有something you have to save money to buy 也是老题,我看之前的那个考的是对你有影响的你个老师~part 3 是根据save money 延续下来的,就是家长 孩子零花钱及溺爱,还有广告对于孩子的教育问题~

北语409,一个特别和蔼总是对你笑的阿姨?还是奶奶? P1你来自哪,是不是大城市,待多久了,礼物(最近送谁礼物了,你送什么礼物给别人,挑礼物难不难,你是喜欢送还是收礼物)动物(关于宠物的还有野生动物的) p2介绍一个history building P3都是关于history building的,家乡有没有名胜古迹,人们喜欢哪些?是读历史建筑的材料好还是直接参观好。小孩喜欢哪些history building ?为什么人们喜欢参观history building


北语part 1:major, book part 2:advice part 3:家长经常给给孩子的建议。和同龄人的建议哪个更有效。有一些以提建议为工作的人是不是应该接受一些培训。

下午北京教育考试培训中心, part 2 有something you have to save money to buy 也是老题,我看之前的那个考的是对你有影响的你个老师~part 3 是根据save money 延续下来的,就是家长 孩子零花钱及溺爱,还有广告对于孩子的教育问题~

今天下午在北京语言大学蹲了一下下午的题。。。发上来,算是给我的这次考试积点人品吧。。。这次考的实在是太烂了。。。。。。好吧,我现在开始说题。地点:北京语言大学 203:工作;405:淘气的事(3遍);310:小时候不好的回忆;207:交通工具,visit;302:muesum;210:sport,gift,选礼物送朋友或者家长;401:书;211:老师(3遍);202:认识的小孩;304:想和谁一起旅游(2遍)409:建筑(2遍);404:一个成功的小公司(3遍。。。顺便说一句,这个考场是一个华裔女考官)其他没有教室的:be good at;一朵花儿;广告;饮食与健康;房间;有水的地方;P1:野生动物,数字,迟到的经历,照片,买过最贵的东西,名人

306:法律(这个今天下午出现了6次以上。。。)308:历史建筑,旅游(一个说话不是很清楚的老头);315:室外运动;307:TV program;303:存钱买的东西;403:advice ,书(一个貌似4分的老太太);407:hotel;311:照相;210:shopping cloths;203:宾馆住宿;409:最老的认识的熟人;207:visit; 309 :gift 最老的认识的熟人




哈尔滨5考场 老头考官笑里藏刀 part1你对science class怎么看,你觉得老师重要还是同学重要,是否喜欢花,花的含义,什么时候送花 part2描述一个你感兴趣的以后想学的东西 part3 新出现的东西好吗?为什么?成年人接受新事物新物品的能力和程度,政府应该为退休人员做些什么?

哈尔滨 9考场。。。一个白人老外 第二部分描述你帮助的一个人 who he is what u help him 最后一个问题是对他的影响、、、3部分主要围绕着家庭成员之间的帮助 和社会对弱势群体的帮助 还有国家之间的帮助

哈尔滨顿题一小时结果如下,p1专业,家乡,花 p2户外运动,车,法律,环境,幸运数字,朋友,老师,新闻,礼物,旅游,交通工具






郑州考场Z01考场,Part2 描述一个很多noise的place。part3 说问 是不是所有sound都是noise,你认为现在的noise和以前比是不是更多了。


上海对外贸易,考完了,感觉好难,口语抽到话题what kind of vehicle do you want to buy?......我都不知道说什么好....

上海 part 2 描述一个你想尝试的工作 part3 找工作之类的 出国留学跟国内上学的对比…………

上大 part1 hometown, part2 你最近去过的充满噪音的地方 part 3怎样减少噪音 噪音污染的好坏 总的来说就是noise的题

上海 文科楼412。。 P2是关于锻炼身体的计划,饮食计划什么的。P3是关于现代人压力

天下午华师大,刚考完。P1,问现在生活在big city还是small town,再针对你的回答问几句;然后是housework(小孩子应不应该做家务啊,现在人在家务上安排时间多不多啊),还有就是:小时候有没有学过哪种绘画啊,现在还有没有时间画画啊,小孩子是不是必须学画画啊;p2,the oldest person I know(how old,what about his、her life);p3,中国人对老年人的态度啊(和过去比啊,还需要改进什么啊,老人喜欢做什么啊)~~BTW:文科楼515的老头还挺和蔼的

上海 P2最想要买的东西 P3购物的一系列问题。什麽是流行。IPHONE为什麽流行。怎麽衡量人们的生活标准

上海外贸 206房间 P1 节日 住房 P2 prefect house P3 关于什么住在乡下和城市的相关问题 以及 未来人们的倾向 都住乡下会不会破坏乡下以及带来问题

上海对外贸易,考完了,感觉好难,口语抽到话题what kind of vehicle do you want to buy?......我都不知道说什么好....

上海华师大,P1 你的专业:在自己国家是否热门为什么?选择自己喜欢的专业是否重要,年轻人喜欢在什么地方交新朋友 P2:一个实用的技能 P3一大堆脑残问题,孩子与大人谁更容易接受新事物 孩子接受新事物比起大人有什么优势


26日,南京,东南大学的,问到 12.描述一项实践技能

南京东南大学 317教室 part1专业 飞机旅行 爱看什么类型的书 想不想写书 part2 送给别人的礼物 part3 全部都是关于礼物的问题,考官很,,,刁难人那,他问我送礼物是现金好还是实物好,我说看个人,比如结婚的话,好朋友可以送礼物,不太熟悉的一半包红包,他就问我那位什么要送红包不送现金,我说现金在红包里,他就问我为什吗不直接送现金。。。语速很快,灰常的,,,


南京东南大学 317教室 part1专业 飞机旅行 爱看什么类型的书 想不想写书 part2 送给别人的礼物 part3 全部都是关于礼物的问题,考官很,,,刁难人那,他问我送礼物是现金好还是实物好,我说看个人,比如结婚的话,好朋友可以送礼物,不太熟悉的一半包红包,他就问我那位什么要送红包不送现金,我说现金在红包里,他就问我为什吗不直接送现金。。。语速很快,灰常的,,,


P1 hometown sports P2 描述一样你想要存钱买的东西。P3教育小孩存钱好不好?为什么会想要去shopping ?杭州207。大家加油

杭州 HZ208 P1: painting P2:关于如何保持身心健康的 P3:问了很多问题。老人年轻人小孩如何keep fit,工作的人如何keep fit,人们现在的饮食习惯与以前有什么不同的地方。

P1 hometown sports P2 描述一样你想要存钱买的东西。P3教育小孩存钱好不好?为什么会想要去shopping ?杭州207

杭州。part2你做过对环境保护有用的事情。part3全部围住环境保护展开的。什么汽车噪音问题。求rp!. 没考的加油



26日 苏州, 下午14点20 SZ365 P1问家乡和数字 。【新题】 数字在中国有没有特殊意义、比如哪些数字你需要记忆的。通常怎么记忆数字。P2 最喜欢的一张自己的照片 P3。 现在照相比以前容易吗? 为什么。 为什么大家喜欢照相。 什么样的人群喜欢保留照片。 照相机比以前先进在哪里。

苏州蹲点一下午的题目:一朋友送的一个 坏的电器 经常做的运动 一个不说中文的外国人 ideal job teacher in childhood 广告 company in hometown how to save money 一个新的技能 你自己的一个改变 照片 饭店 place near water 吃午饭的地方 一个记忆深刻的地方/一件事 父母官孩子是否触犯法律 生活方式的改变 不同种花的意义 健身设施的变化 a job interview quiz show 童年的坏习惯 擅长做的事 老人学东西慢 旅游还事蹲在家里 怎么才能有钱 描述警察应该有的能力 环境保护 感兴趣的新闻 学校建筑 建筑 一个成功的人 生活习惯的改变 冒险的人( 你认识的)

苏州考场,369的.P2是说一下Peaceful place....然后P3是说说噪音什么的问题


26,广州,仲恺考点,15;20 P2 印象深刻的照片Describe a photograph or family photo that you like. P3喜不喜欢相机 照相跟写日记比起来哪种更留住回忆 什么人不爱照相等

广州 我的part 1主要是问housework,什么中国人做不做家务,你会帮忙做吗?你觉得孩子应该帮忙做吗? part2是photograph,part3就是人们为什么喜欢照相、怎么用Photo学习……攒RP!

广州 26号下午 P2印象深刻的照片P3喜不喜欢相机 照相跟写日记比起来哪种更留住回忆 什么人不爱照相等

广州 我的part 1主要是问housework,什么中国人做不做家务,你会帮忙做吗?你觉得孩子应该帮忙做吗? part2是photograph,part3就是人们为什么喜欢照相、怎么用Photo学习……



26日,长沙,传媒学院考点,16:50 P1=flowers;hometown P2: a teacher you had when you were a child and who you like to meet again 你童年的教师 ;2.What will be like if you see him/her again?


26日,厦门,503考场,15:45 P1 部分我考到了 concert和flower,我讲了China Rose 月季 ;P2 昨晚刚好准备 A Vehicle You Would Like to Have ;P3 问了 Compare the benefits of using a private car and 公交系统?国家经济 What benefits does a good transportation to a country's economy

26日,厦门,厦门新航道教师蹲点提供(第3批),这个很齐了,厦门的考生注意了: 16.描述一件你擅长的事情 17.一个你认识的小孩 18.描述一个你想尝试的工作 19.描述一个吃午饭的地方 20.描述你喜欢读的一类书 21.描述一个成功的小公司

26日, 厦门,全部由新航道老师现场收集 1.教过你的一位老师 2.帮助过你的人 3.一次购物经历something you bought which is valuable 4.最贵重的礼物 5.和别人一起完成的工作计划【疑似新题】 6.描述一则法律 7.描述童年的一件事 8.描述一个重要节日 9.描述一则新闻 10.描述其他国家的食物

26日,厦门,602;好人品,我的考题是一点四十602考场,第二部分是educational programme ~考官是个老头子,面无表情,他问的都是从一本册子里抽的,他就对着念那个问题。。我考的时候说的有点急了。。他好像很不耐烦的样子啊。。呜呜。。

教过你的一位老师 2.帮助过你的人 3.一次购物经历something you bought which is valuable 4.最贵重的礼物 5.和别人一起完成的工作计划【疑似新题】 6.描述一则法律 7.描述童年的一件事 8.描述一个重要节日 9.描述一则新闻 10.描述其他国家的食物

26日,厦门,302, 祝福所有发考题的好人都得高分 ,【旧题】something that improves your health

26日 厦门 302室 P1=concert 和 popular festival in my country;P2=describe what the changes you should make that imporve the phsicial fitness and health. P3=difference of exercise between young and old people; outdoor exercise是否better than indoor exercise.

26日,厦门,(第4批),这个可供全国参考,老师现场蹲点效率高 22.你认识最久的一个人 23.介绍一个熟悉的朋友 24.健康的生活方式

26日,厦门,厦门新航道教师蹲点提供(第3批),这个很齐了,厦门的考生注意了: 16.描述一件你擅长的事情 17.一个你认识的小孩 18.描述一个你想尝试的工作 19.描述一个吃午饭的地方 20.描述你喜欢读的一类书 21.描述一个成功的小公司

厦门 room602 15:40 P1 study science concert P2 small company P3 成功经营一个business需要什么 有什么类型的business 提供什么样的产品


26日,海口,很难得的一堆考题,出现 【旧题新考】靠水的地方 20休闲中心【疑似新题】

海口 1新的法律 2 靠水的地方 3智力问答 4成功的公司 5老师 6想改变的事 7项目 8旅行 9照相机 10喜欢冒险的人 11广告 12送给别人的礼物 13别人给你的建议 14擅长的事 15贵重物品 16成功的人 17帮助过的人 18节日和庆祝 19教育的意义 20休闲中心

海南的~第一部分 一天中最喜欢哪个部分,日常生活中有什么想改变的,舞蹈 第二部分 为环境做的事



26日,成都,四川大学,16:10 P2 问 something u can do to protect the environment Part3 讲到 wild animal 问到 野生动物在面临什么样的问题 ? environment的问题。 讲为什么有些烂国家不愿意保护环境 还有 保护环境是个人的事情还是国家的事 ?如果保护环境 国与国之间会不会更紧密



2011年2月26日雅思口语话题汇总 第一部分:包括家乡的变化、历史、学生方面的个人信息第二部分: 1、 交通问题 2、 TV show 3、 对老师的回忆 4、 最想买的车 5、 小时候最淘气的事 6、 迟到 7、 休闲方式、休闲设施、户外活动 8、 最想养的动物 9、 希望增加的法律条文 10、 描述一个朋友 11、 如何运营一个小的公司 引申问题:想当打工者还是老板 12、 健康问题 13、 教育问题 14、 改变自己 15、 买过最贵的东西 16、 环境保护问题:引申野生动物保护 17、 广告人 创造广告的人 18、 冒险的人 19、 节日 20、 最喜欢的饭店 21、 别人送的衣服 22、 描述一个有水的地方 23、 各种数字在不同国家代表不同的意义 24、 描述一个工作或想尝试的工作 25、 坏的家具或电器 26、 快乐的事 中国的事 27、 想尝试的外国食物 买的礼物 28、 一个老的建筑 29、 老的家庭成员

考试中心R21 5点15考的 考官是个帅哥 声音很有磁性 悲剧的是好几次我都没听清他说的是啥 555。。。 正事:家乡 专业 语言 信和邮件 一个人送你的衣服 经常去哪买衣服 market 与 mall的区别 大概就这样吧。。。想起来就眼泪彪啊 竟然卡在那说不够时间。。。考官那么亲切我竟然说的那么烂。。。555



10月31日 地点:Sydney IDP

Part1: 1.where do you live/ apartment or house 2.which room do you like in your house 3.Do you like birthday/ which 4.image the birthday when you becoming older 5.do you like flowers 6.did you buy plastic flowers/ why 7.do you prefer flower indoor or outdoor

Part2: describe a history event

Part3: 1.history museum useful? 2.should the history museum be free? 3.what the future of history museum 4.a history people influenced young people 5.why some history people were remembered by people


马来西亚口语通常提前一天考 11月3号的考试 今天考口语两个人


一个是:自然美景 describe a lake, a river or sea


澳洲场口语, a difficult thing you did well. What, when, why and what preparation you did


圳 RM06 P1:学生or工作、专业、网络、照片。P2:真实事件or人的电影。P3:真实题材的电影吸引人么原因、如何成为有名的影片、导演需不需要学习外语、问了好多好多啊出来努力回忆也没记全、最后一个出来 貌似这位大叔总是问很久、我之前的仁兄也是同组最后出来、求顺利




口语已考完,广州仲恺RM505,part1,学生还是工作,喜欢的包,不同场合背的包,丢过包没?part2,describe a town or a city you enjoy to visit.part3.喜欢住city还是town,分别的原因。人们喜欢什么attractions,旅游带来的坏处,对经济的影响


贵阳04 P1card,bag P2送给别人的 gift P3 喜欢什么类型的礼物,手工?


南昌112part1card work or study. Major. part2 wrong decision part3 family problem


福建师大 一个六十多岁的男人 3090第一部分问因特网的一系列问题 第二部分讲一个从真人或真事起源的电影……第三部分问了一连串关于电影的问题……


阅读第一篇关于恐龙足迹研究的,footprint of dinosaur;第二篇关于自然界对现代科技的启发,the inspiration of nature;第三篇是关于communication styles in worklace


南昌107,,,p1work or study,major,然后关于花问了之前五六个,p2polite occassion,p3关于2问了很多,后来还问了很多关于诚实……考官长得像吸毒的,翻白眼还哈欠,英音,但是其实一直对我笑,就是特喜欢打破砂锅问到底,连我这个话唠都支架不住,不过,场面很和谐很轻松


arts,making decisions something worng,room509体育电视收看体育节目感受,和谁,有什么为什么。


do you live flat or house.describe the old people you met. 第三part就围绕我们现在老人家有什么不好什么好未来过去的


哈尔滨,黑大,room3 P1.name,colour,flower P2.a science subject you l learned in high school P3.问了一些跟science有关的,中国有哪些流行的science subject,有什么方式学习它,电视节目有那些是跟science相关的 攒人品……


郑州轻院R04 P1问了舞蹈,我所在的城市有没有有意思的地方,整个城市好不好……P2我没见过的题,问在海边你的空闲activities…好像是这个…我忘了…然后你为什么要这样做?……还有别的我忘了…P3问了关于大海的一系列问题…这是新题吗?


西安交大rm12 p1student or work,major ,telephone p2 gift p3给children什么礼物好 children喜欢什么 adult or children谁更喜欢 买或做哪个好 给或收哪个开心


太原,理工大,08教室,女考官。part1,study,toy. part2, a polite occasion, when,where part3, some relevant questions about polite.


四川大学 room13 p1 公寓还是别墅,颜色,汽车 p2最喜欢的天气 p3各地的气候差异 天气对人的影响(包括运动和心情两个方面)


终于考完了。口语part two是famous people


黑龙江大学 part1:working or studying, 毕业打算,favorite colour , part2: 有钱了想买的东西 part3:cars,sth people like to buy, 富人是否浪费,向往富有是人的天性吗


Describe a practical skill you have learned, e.g. cooking or driving


When it comes to one of the skills I have learned. I would like to talk about the driving skill. Number one, I didn’t learn this skill all by myself but went to a driver training school, where I spent almost two months to learn it. Number two, driving today is almost an essential skill that everyone must have. Since people now are having a higher demand for transportation and automobiles are more affordable than before, lots of people have bought their private cars and learned to drive. I also have plans to buy my own car, maybe in the near future. Number three, as to how driving skill might change me or my life, I would say that there is but one I can think of now, which is it brings me much convenience. Just imagine, once being able to drive, I can go anywhere anytime and forget about all the annoyance of finding a bus stop and waiting at the bus stop. Well, I think it is pretty much of it. To sum up, driving is a very useful, if not essential, skill in modern-day, which may bring much convenient to one’s life. On the down side of course I must consider what harm my new car will do the environment, the cheaper cars are not always the most environmentally friendly so perhaps I will look at one of the new technological type of car, either gas or electricity powered, But a car is needed badly.


what the skill is/was: I recently learned how to drive. Driving is a useful skill because it allows me much greater mobility. I do not have to rely on public transportation or friends give me a lift to the places that I need to go. The bus is so crowded! Also, I am always fighting against the clock when I am on the bus-sometimes if there is a traffic jam I can be stuck on the bus for an hour. I am just not able to let that much time slip away.

give me a lift 搭顺风车考试就到考试大

fighting against the clock 与时间赛跑 争分夺秒

be stuck on the bus 被困在公车上

let that much time slip away 让那么多时间溜走

where you learned it: I learned to drive a couple of months ago, so I am still a little bit green; I'm still a beginner. Learning to drive was not exactly a piece of cake. Sometimes I like to let my mind wander, so I have to really focus on keeping my eyes on the road. It was a good learning experience.

a little bit green 有点儿嫩

a piece of cake 小菜一碟

let my mind wander 走神儿

how you learned it: I learned to drive both by taking a class and by practicing with my parents in the car. The class was a bore but the practical training was fun. I always looked forward to getting behind the wheel to practice my driving. I practiced by often taking my mom's car for a spin. However, because I was still learning, my mom always insisted that she tag along. My mom was always a backseat driver on these trips so sometimes it was frustrating to always have her tell me exactly how to drive.

taking a class 参加培训班 上课

getting behind the wheel 开车

for a spin 兜一圈

tag along 陪伴 跟随

backseat driver 坐在汽车后座对驾驶员指手画脚的人; 干涉与自己职责无关的人

and explain how you think this skill will be useful in the future: This skill will be very useful in the future. It will allow me to be much more independent. I won't have to be at the mercy of my parents when I want to go somewhere the bus does not go to. I just have to make sure that I do not get a speeding ticket. My parents say that if I get a ticket I will have to pay for all of it and that my parents will take the keys away for a week. If you ask me, this is just a slap on the wrist. So, I flirt with the speed limit sometimes, but I usually drive under the limit-especially if there are traffic cops around. I know where all of the big speed traps are in my city so I can stay one up on the traffic patrolmen. All in all, I think this will be one of the most important skills for my future. I wouldn't trade my driving license for all the tea in China.

be at the mercy of sb 依赖某人 依靠某人

speeding ticket 超速罚单

If you ask me 在我看来

a slap on the wrist 在手腕上拍一下=很轻的处罚

traffic cops 交警

not for all the tea in China 给我中国所有的茶也不=无论如何都不




Describe an intelligent person you know. 一个有智慧的人

Describe a person you enjoy talking with. 喜欢跟他说话的人

Describe a comic actor/cartoon characterwho is popular in your country.一个喜剧演员或卡通人物

Describe a famous person from yourcountry.名人

Describe an interesting person yourecently met.有趣的人

Describe a person who taught you auseful skill (for example, cooking, riding a bike).教你你能的人

Describe a groupyou are a part of.参加的团队


Describe a film that you disliked. 不喜欢的电影

Describe a book that you enjoyed reading. 喜欢的书

Describe a magazineyou like. 喜欢的杂志

Describe something special that you savedmoney to buy. 攒钱买的东西

Describe a present (a gift) you receivedwhen you were a child. 小时候收到的礼物

Describe an antique or some other oldthing that your family has kept for a long time. 古董或老物件

Describe an interesting wild animal fromyour country (you like best). 野生动物

Describe an unforgettable advertisement(that you saw or heard or liked). 难忘的广告

Describe a course you learned at school,university or evening class. 大学课程

Describe a subject that you want to giveinformation to others. 介绍科目

Describe a popular product (food,handcraft or car)made in your country(that you would like to buy).国产商品,如食物,手工艺品,或汽车

Describe a useful website that youhave visited.有用的网站

Describe a work of art you haveseen (e.g., a painting or statue/sculpture).艺术作品

Describe something (except phoneand computer)that you can’t live without.生活必需品

Describe a piece of clothes thatyou wore at a special occasion.特别场合的衣服

Describe a rule in school you agreeor disagree.校规

Describe a photo someone took of you.照片

Describe a law in your country.有用的法律

Describe a subject you didn’t enjoyin high school.不喜欢的科目

Describe a job you would do in thefuture.今后想做的工作

Describe something( a TV program ora film ) that made you laugh a lot.有趣的电视节目或电影


Describe a place you visited to learnanother culture. 学到其他文化的地方

Describe a park/garden you visitedand liked/that impressed you. 公园或花园

Describe a restaurant you like (to goto)/that impresses you. 餐厅

Describe a historic building thatyou visited. 历史建筑

Describe a place(not in yourcountry) that you would like to visit. 你想去的国外的地方

Describe a time when you moved intoa new house or new school.乔迁新居或去新的学校

Describe a street where you like togo shopping.购物街

Describe a café you often you go to.咖啡厅

Describe a library.图书馆

Describe a place where you haveworked or studied.曾经工作或学习的地方

Describe a seaside place you wantto visit.想访问的海边


Describe a type of sport you like to do. 喜欢的运动

Describe a time when you forgot something.忘掉的事情

Describe a situation (or a time) when youhelped someone. 帮助他人

Describe an occasion you met a friend whoyou hadn't seen for a long time. 见到久未谋面的朋友

Describe an event that changed your lifein a good/positive way. 积极的改变

Describe a special meal that youwould like to have.特殊的用餐

Describe a successful familybusiness you know.成功的家庭生意

Describe an interestingconversation you had with a stranger.与陌生人的有趣的对话

Describe an important decision youtook a long time to make.重要的决定

Describe a recent event that made you feel happy.最近开心的事

Describe a trip you took by publictransport.乘坐公共交通旅行

Describe a sport event you have watched on TV or enjoy doing.体育赛事

Describe a holiday.假期

Describe a time when you want to share withanother person.想要分享的是事情

Describe a time when some equipment break down.坏掉的设备

Describe your busiest time.忙碌的时间



1. Birds 鸟类

Do you like birds?

What birds popular in China?

核心词汇:magpie喜鹊 , swan天鹅, pigeon鸽子 and peacock孔雀

主要说喜鹊 因为喜鹊是好运的象征,他在我们中国有文化背景.

2. Birds and pets 比较

Is it popular to keep birds as pets in your country?

可以再补充几个核心的鸟类词汇parrot鹦鹉, thrushes画眉。

3. Flower: 花

Do you like flowers?

核心词汇:Rose, Jasmine茉莉花, Peony牡丹, Carnation康乃馨

Do Chinese people like send flowers to people on some festivals?

Do Chinese people use flowers as a gift?

Have you received flowers?

Is there any special meaning for flowers?


4. Noise and neighbor噪音和邻居

what kind of sound do you like?

音乐的声音,light music,

乐器的声音 flute长笛,drum鼓,pinao 钢琴

why is there noise?


各种建筑工地的机器噪音Noise made by engines in building sites


Do you know your neighbors?

Do you think it is important to have good relationship with neighbors?


Do you prefer young people to be your neighbor or old people?



5. Cooking做饭

Who does the cooking in your family?

What does he or she often cook?


6. Fruit水果

Do you like fruit?

水果的种类:strawberry, melon, kiwi猕猴桃, cherry樱桃, blueberry蓝莓, raspberry红莓.

How often do you eat fruit?

What kind of fruit do you like best?

Why? 水果含有丰富的维他命,不含脂肪 卡路里也很低等等

What are the benefits of eating more fruit?

7. Vegetables蔬菜

Do you like vegetables?

How often do you eat vegetables?

What kind of vegetables do you like best?

What are the benefits of eating vegetables?

8. Driving开车

Do you often drive?

Is it necessary to learn driving?

Is it important to drive well?

When would you allow your children to drive?

9 English 英语学习

Why do you study English?

How does your teacher teach English?

What teaching style do you like?

现在最流行的英语教育就是communicative language teaching.

Do you prefer group learning or individual learning?

Group learning: 可以小组讨论可以交换学习计较可方法还可以想起她人学, 培养学生独立思考的能力和习惯这是一种很重要的技能。

How do you study English?

Where do you usually study English? With whom?

Do the young and the elderly learn English in different ways? What are the differences?

how many languages can you speak?

what languages do you like?

what are the difficulties in learning a language?

what did you collect when you were young?

10 collect收集


do you still collect it now?

what do you like to collect?

if you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?

do you like to wear watches?

提醒自己要有时间观念 时间安排合理

do you think that time flies?

11 Sports:运动

Do you do sports?

Does you community have any sports equipment?

. What sport do you do? Do you think swimming is good?

Shape one’s body, good for lose weight, practice your lung volume, strengthen your muscle

Where do people go for swimming?

What sport are you going to learn in the future?

Are there any good sports facilities in your community?

What sport do you want to do in the future?

11. Friends朋友

Do you want to go out alone or in a group?

How often do you meet your friends?

What do you do when you are with friends?

12. Food食物

What food do you like?

What food don't you like?

Which restaurant is your favorite?

do you like cooking?

who does the cooking in your family?

what does he or she like to cook?

13. Internet网络

What do you do with internet?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?

网络把整个世界带到你的身边,可以有效快速的找到你所需要的信息,但是缺点是网络犯罪和诈骗很多 总的来说网络带给我们的益处大于坏处

Do you think that life is better with the internet?

When did you begin to use the internet?

What’s the influence of the internet on you?

14. Living place你的详细居住地址

Do you live in a house or a flat?

I live in four-bedroom flat, which is on the 4th floor. It is in Zhongyuan district of Zhengzhou, not far from city center.

What can you see from the windows of your home?


15. Work: 工作

Do you think your job is easy to do? Why?

What’s your job responsibility?

16 Vacation:度假旅游

这个问题的思路嫁接到带水的地方也就是旅游景点 大连或者是青岛或者是英国

Do you like traveling?

What’s the most interesting journey?

Which country do you want to visit?

When did you have your vacation last time?

17。Society Culture:社会和文化

Have you received any gift?可以说flowers

When do people give gifts in your country?过节日的时候,生日的时候,你可以举个例子五月的第二个周日是母亲节大家都送康乃馨来一次表达自己对母亲的感谢和爱

When will you give gifts?

Do you think it's difficult to choose a gift?

Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody?

18. bicyle 自行车

Do most people ride bicycles?

Did you learn to ride a bike when you were young?

Are there any benefits of bicycle riding?

益处是锻炼身体,休闲娱乐,缓解交通压力 reduce traffic pressure,

Why so many people ride bicycles in your country?

中国过去是自行车王国used to kingdom of Bicycles

在过去自行车是主要的出行工具main means of transportation

随着交通的快速发展rapid development of public transportation, 私家车的普及widespread of private cars

Do you think bike riding is safe?

What are the differences between being a child and being an adult?

19.休闲活动Leisure activities:

When did you go shopping last time?

Do you like going to a party?

What do you dislike most about a party?

Do you like shopping?

What do you dislike most about shopping?

When do you usually go shopping?

Do you prefer small shops or shopping malls? Why?

part 2 (高频考试题目)优先准备一下话题,然后有时间的同学可以把后面人事物地媒体的剩余东西准备一下

a foreign artist you admire (movie star, singer, painter, etc)


a walk you took



a family that you like (not your own)


a wild animal endangered animal 说说那些濒临灭绝的动物,他们的驻地被人共占用,他们被人们猎捕,社会工业的发展污染了他们的水源和食物

a happy event (in your childhood) ===a family event ===go for a picnic 这三个题目都可以互相串起来,

a school you went to when you were young (小时候的学校)

your favorite subject (不要说大学的pe )

a science lesson you learned说数学,物理说你很擅长的话或者说你学不懂

something you bought but has not been used frequently (买过的不怎么用的东西,与equipment买过了学英语的那个器材)

a trip you planned but didn't go for说大连和青岛,英国

A party you enjoyed 一次晚会国际学生晚会===a party you would like to hold (注意将来时)

手工制品 something you made by yourself 旗袍风筝剪纸中山装

a letter or email you received 通知你去参加party

a special meal 和上面这个话题连接,有中国饭菜举几个例子有外国饭菜

last weekend运动,看电影,听音乐

Old thing in your family旗袍风筝剪纸中山装

A person who visited you 最好的朋友

A public event 跟踢足球,篮球的比赛连接

An exciting sport也可以准备一下极限运动,

A change you would like to make 你通过看电影听音乐和用iphone手机下载动词,来提高自己的英语具体看我发的讲义

A course you want to learn 英语 体育运动 饮食做饭 做衣服

Good news from phone 参加聚会

Something that is good for health 水果和蔬菜

sports event you watched that you want to do 嫁接到足球比赛

a trip not as good as you planned 实际就是要描述旅游中的突发事件,丢东西啦。交通啦。堵车啦。天气啦。。。。。

a picnic or a meal in a park 嫁接到国际留学生自己带食物去参加的话题(这个场景我在国外留学的时候经常会这样特别是到了夏天的时候大家一般都会park在举行)

an important conversation 父母跟你谈打算送你出国的事情

where when with whom what it was about


下一篇: 民国出国留学
