




阅读理解,共15题,考试时间40分钟。 要求考生阅读三篇短文,总阅读量不超过900个词。每一篇文章后有五个问题,考生应该根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。




挑错,共10题,考试时间10分钟。挑错题由10个单句组成 。每一个句子含有标着A、B、C、D的四个划线部分,其中有一处为错误的,要求考生从四个划线部分里挑出其错误的部分。


完形填空,共20题,考试时间15分钟。完形填空题是在一篇题材熟悉 、难度适中的短文(约200词)中留有20个空白。每一个空白为一题,每一题有四个选项。要求考生在全面理解内容基础上选出一个最佳答案,使短文的结构和意思恢复完整。




TPO是我们常用的托福模考工具,对我们的备考很有价值,下面我给大家带来托福阅读TPO7(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:The Geologic History of the Mediterranean。


In 1970 geologists Kenneth J.Hsu and William B.F. Ryan were collecting research data while aboard the oceanographicresearch vessel Glomar Challenger.Anobjective of this particular cruise wasto investigate the floor of theMediterranean and to resolve questions aboutits geologic history. One questionwas related to evidence that theinvertebrate fauna (animals without spines) ofthe Mediterranean had changedabruptly about 6 million years ago. Most of theolder organisms were nearlywiped out, although a few hardy species survived. Afew managed to migrate into the Atlantic.Somewhat later, the migrants returned,bringing new species with them. Why didthe near extinction and migrationsoccur?

Another task for the GlomarChallenger’sscientists was to try to determine the origin of the domelikemasses buried deepbeneath the Mediterranean seafloor. These structures had beendetected yearsearlier by echo-sounding instruments, but they had never beenpenetrated in thecourse of drilling. Were they salt domes such as are commonalong the UnitedStates Gulf Coast, and if so, why should there have been somuch solidcrystalline salt beneath the floor of the Mediterranean?

With question such as these clearly beforethem, thescientists aboard the Glomar Challenger processed to the Mediterraneantosearch for the answers. On August 23, 1970, they recovered a sample. Thesampleconsisted of pebbles of hardened sediment that had once been soft,deep-seamud, as well as granules of gypsum and fragments of volcanic rock. Nota singlepebble was found that might have indicated that the pebbles came fromthenearby continent. In the days following, samples of solid gypsumwererepeatedly brought on deck as drilling operations penetrated theseafloor.Furthermore, the gypsum was found to possess peculiarities ofcomposition andstructure that suggested it had formed on desert flats. Sedimentabove andbelow the gypsum layer contained tiny marine fossils, indicatingopen-oceanconditions. As they drilled into the central and deepest part oftheMediterranean basin, the scientists took solid, shiny, crystalline saltfromthe core barrel. Interbedded with the salt were thin layers of whatappeared tobe windblown silt.

The time had come to formulate ahypothesis. The investigators theorized that about 20 million years ago, theMediterranean wasa broad seaway linked to the Atlantic by two narrow straits.Crustal movements closedthe straits, and the landlocked Mediterranean began toevaporate. Increasingsalinity caused by the evaporation resulted in theextermination of scores ofinvertebrate species. Only a few organisms especiallytolerant of very saltyconditions remained. As evaporation continued, the remainingbrine (salt water)became so dense that the calcium sulfate of the hard layerwas precipitated. Inthe central deeper part of the basin, the last of the brineevaporated toprecipitate more soluble sodium chloride (salt). Later, under theweight ofoverlying sediments, this salt flowed plastically upward to form saltdomes.Before this happened, however, the Mediterranean was a vast desert 3,000metersdeep. Then, about 5.5 million years ago came the deluge. As a result ofcrustaladjustments and faulting, the Strait of Gibraltar, where theMediterranean nowconnects to the Atlantic, opened, and water cascadedspectacularly back intothe Mediterranean.Turbulent waters tore into thehardened salt flats, brokethem up, and ground them into the pebbles observed inthe first sample taken bythe Challenger. As the basin was refilled, normalmarine organisms returned.Soon layer of oceanic ooze began to accumulate abovethe old hard layer.

Thesalt and gypsum, the faunal changes, and the unusualgravel provided abundantevidence that the Mediterranean was once a desert.


1.The word “objective”in the passage(paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to





2.Which of the following is NOT mentionedin paragraph 1 as a change thatoccurred in the fauna of the Mediterranean?

A.Most invertebrate species disappearedduring a wave of extinctions.

B.A few hardy species wiped out many of theMediterranean’s invertebrates.

C.Some invertebrates migrated to AtlanticOcean.

D.New species of fauna populated theMediterranean when the old migrants returned.

3.1.Whatdoes the author imply by saying“Not a single pebble was found that might have indicated that the

pebbles came from the nearby continent”?(paragraph 3)

A.The most obvious explanation for theorigin of the pebbles was not supported by the evidence.

B.The geologists did not find as manypebbles as they expected.

C.The geologists were looking for aparticular kind of pebble.

D.The different pebbles could not have comefrom only one source.

4.Which of the following can be inferredfrom paragraph 3 about the solidgypsum layer?

A.It did not contain any marine fossil.

B.It had formed in open-ocean conditions.

C.It had once been soft, deep-sea mud.

D.It contained sediment from nearbydeserts.

5.Select the TWO answer choice from paragraph3 that identify materialsdiscovered in the deepest part of the Mediterraneanbasin. To receive credityou must select TWO answers.

A.Volcanic rock fragments

B.Thin silt layers

C.Soft, deep-sea mud

D.Crystalline salt

6.What is the main purpose of paragraph 3?

A.To describe the physical evidencecollected by Hsu and Ryan

B.To explain why some of the questionsposed earlier in the passage could not be answered by the findings of theGlomar Challenger

C.To evaluate techniques used by Hsu andRyan to explore the sea floor

D.To describe the most difficult problemsfaced by the Glomar Challenger expedition

7.According to paragraph 4, which of thefollowing was responsible for theevaporation of the Mediterranean’s waters?

A.The movements of Earth’s crust

B.The accumulation of sediment layers

C.Changes in the water level of theAtlantic Ocean

D.Changes in Earth’s temperature

8.The word “scores”in the passage(paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to


B.large numbers


D.different types

9.According to paragraph 4, what causedmost invertebrate species in theMediterranean to become extinct?

A.The evaporation of chemicals necessaryfor their survival

B.Crustal movements that connected theMediterranean to the saltier Atlantic

C.The migration of new species through thenarrow straits

D.Their inability to tolerate theincreasing salt content of the Mediterranean

10.Which of the sentences below bestexpresses the essential information inthe highlighted sentence in the passage(paragraph 4) ? Incorrect choices change the meaning inimportant ways or leaveout essential information.

A.The strait of Gibraltar reopened when theMediterranean and the Atlantic became connected and the cascades of water fromone sea to the other caused crustal adjustments and faulting.

B.The Mediterranean was dramaticallyrefilled by water from the Atlantic when crustal adjustments and faultingopened the Strait of Gibraltar, the place where the two seas are joined.

C.The cascades of water from the Atlanticto the Mediterranean were not as spectacular as the crustal adjustments andfaulting that occurred when the Strait of Gibraltar was connected to thoseseas.

D.As a result of crustal adjustments andfaulting and the creation of the Strait of Gibraltar, the Atlantic andMediterranean were connected and became a single sea with spectacular cascadesof water between them.

11.The word “Turbulent”in the passage(paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to





12. Look at the four squares [■] thatindicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Thus,scientists had information about the shape of the domes but not about theirchemical composition and origin.

■【A】Another task for theGlomar Challenger’s scientists was totry to determine the origin of thedomelike masses buried deep beneath theMediterranean seafloor. ■【B】These structures had been detected years earlierby echo-soundinginstruments, but they had never been penetrated in the courseof drilling. ■【C】Were theysalt domes such as are common alongthe United States Gulf Coast, and if so, whyshould there have been so muchsolid crystalline salt beneath the floor of theMediterranean? ■[D】

Where would the sentence best fit?

13. Direction: An introductory sentence fora brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary byselecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in thepassage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideasthat are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. Thisquestion is worth 2 points.

An expedition to the Mediterranean answeredsome long-standing questionsabout the ocean’s history.

A.The Glomar Challenger expeditioninvestigated changes in invertebrate fauna and some unusual geologic features.

B.Researchers collected fossils todetermine which new species migrated from the Atlantic with older species.

C.Scientists aboard the Glomar Challengerwere the first to discover the existence of domelike masses underneath theseafloor.

D.Samples recovered from the expeditionrevealed important differences in chemical composition and fossil distributionamong the sediment layers.

E.Evidence collected by the GlomarChallenger supports geologists' beliefs that the Mediterranean had evaporatedand become a desert, before it refilled with water.

F.Mediterraneansalt domes formed after crustal movements opened the straits between theMediterranean and the Atlantic, and the Mediterranean refilled with water.

托福 阅读答案


2.文第四句话说到“Most of theolder organisms were nearly wiped out(大部分更加古老的生物都几乎灭绝了)”对应选项A;第五句说到“A few managed to migrate into the Atlantic(一些物种成功地迁移到了大西洋)”,对应选项C;第六句说到“the migrants returned, bringing new species with them(这些物种又回到了地中海,并带回新的物种)”,对应选项D。第一段中没有提到B 选项,故答案是B选项。

3.推理题考察的是文中没有明确说到的内容,需要经过推理。选项B、C、D在文中均没有任何线索体现。对于选项A,如果我们在阅读 文章 时,能够比较好的关注上下文,我们会发现:在原文之中第二段,文中提及“它们是像美国海湾海岸一带的含盐圆顶状巨块" ---美国海湾的东西怎么会突然出现在了地中海区域?于是对于这些地中海的大巨块,最简单的解释是他们来自美洲湾。既然第二段提出了问题,第三段做出相应的回答,因此第三段的内容应该与第二段的问题是有联系的,支持或者反对。而现在的这句话(“在被发现的样品中,没有一个表明这些细砾来自于邻近的大陆”),当然打破了这个最为明显的可能解释---关于巨大的块儿起源的解释。





8.原文该单词所在 句子 为:"Increasingsalinity caused by the evaporation resulted in the extermination of scores ofinvertebrate species." 可以理解为: "由蒸发引起的越来越高的盐度造成无脊椎动物种类的灭绝。"

Score是得分的意思,在球类比赛中经常可以听到,可以根据the extermination of scores of invertebrate species这个结构判断出scores表示数量的意思,对应选项B(这个还是记住吧)












【1】1970年,地理学家Kenneth J. Hsu 和 William B.F. Ryan在海洋调查船Glomar Challenger号上收集调研资料。这次特别巡航的一个目的是调查地中海的地层以及解决关于其地质历史的问题。其中一个问题是有关地中海地区无脊椎动物(没有脊椎的动物)于600万年前发生剧变的证据。大部分更加古老的生物都几乎灭绝了,尽管一些顽强的种类得以生存。很少的一些动物成功地迁移到了大西洋。不久后,这些动物又回来了,并带回来新的物种。为什么这次较近的动物灭绝和迁移会发生呢?

【2】Glomar Challenger号上科学家们的另一个任务是尝试去确定深埋在地中海海底穹顶状巨块的起源。这些结构在早些年被回声探测器探测过,但是它们从未被钻探过。它们是像美国墨西哥海湾海岸一带的含盐穹顶状巨块吗?如果是的话,为什么在地中海海底之下会有这么多固体的结晶盐呢?

【3】带着这些清楚摆在他们面前的问题,科学家们登上Glomar Challenger号前往地中海寻找答案。1970年8月23日,他们找到了一个样本。这个样本由石膏块和火山岩碎块组成。周围没有发现一块能说明这些小石头来自附近的大陆。接下来的日子里,随着海底岩层钻探实验的进行,固体石膏样本被不断地放在甲板上。而且,这些膏状物的组成和结构特性表明它们形成于沙漠。在石膏层上下的沉积物中包含了微小的海洋生物化石,说明了这是开放性的海洋环境。当钻到地中海盆地中心的最深处时,科学家们从钻管中获得了坚实的、光亮的结晶盐。跟结晶盐嵌在一起的薄层像是被风吹起的泥沙层。

【4】时间阐明了一个假设。调查者们构思了这样的理论:大约2 000万年前,地中海是一条宽阔的航道,它通过两条狭窄的海峡与大西洋连接。地壳运动封闭了海峡,被陆地包围的地中海也开始蒸发。由蒸发引起的越来越高的盐度造成无脊椎动物种类的灭绝。只有一些能抵抗高盐度条件的物种保留下来。随着蒸发的继续进行,盐水浓度太高以致硬地层的硫酸钙发生沉淀。在盆地的中间深处,剩余盐水的持续蒸发形成更多的可溶的氯化钠(盐)。后来,在上层沉淀物的重压下,盐向上形成了含盐的圆顶。然而在这之前,地中海是一个3 000米深的大沙漠。然后,550万年前发生了洪水。作为地壳调整和断层作用的结果,现在连接地中海和大西洋的直布罗陀海峡打开了,水流像瀑布一样壮观地涌回地中海。湍急的水流冲击并摧毁了坚硬的含盐层,把它们磨成了Challenger号获得的第一份样本中人们所观察到的鹅卵石。随着盆地的填充,普通的海洋生物又回来了。不久后海洋软泥层开始在原先的硬地层上堆积。



托福主要考:听力 、语法 、阅读、 作文 。


总分为听力(68满)、语法(68满)、阅读(67满)这三个部分的平均分乘以十 。

考试时间: 约为60分钟 。

考试类型:共三篇文章,每篇650-750个单词,12-14道题 。


分数范围: 每篇12-14题, 除重要观点题和归类题以外,每道题的分值都是1分。重要观点题的分值可能是2分。归类题为3或4分。考试所得分数范围: 0-30分.


托福听力考试时间: 60-90分钟,每个对话是2-3分钟。每个演讲是3-5分钟。




托福TPO是托福备考小伙伴们最重要的参考资料,并且这个是在备考时候一定要认真多多练习,托福TPO是非常重要的希望大家一定要重视起来,我为广大的托福考生整理了托福阅读TPO10(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:Chinese Pottery,下面就来跟我一起来看下面精彩内容吧!


China has one of the world's oldestcontinuous civilizations—despite invasions and occasional foreign rule. Acountry as vast as China with so long-lasting a civilization has a complexsocial and visual history, within which pottery and porcelain play a majorrole.

The function and status of ceramics inChina varied from dynasty to dynasty, so they may be utilitarian, burial,trade-collectors', or even ritual objects, according to their quality and theera in which they were made. The ceramics fall into three broadtypes—earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain—for vessels, architectural itemssuch as roof tiles, and modeled objects and figures. In addition, there was animportant group of sculptures made for religious use, the majority of whichwere produced in earthenware.

The earliest ceramics were fired toearthenware temperatures, but as early as the fifteenth century B.C.,high-temperature stone wares were being made with glazed surfaces. During theSix Dynasties period (AD 265-589), kilns in north China were producinghigh-fired ceramics of good quality. White wares produced in Hebei and Henanprovinces from the seventh to the tenth centuries evolved into the highlyprized porcelains of the Song dynasty (AD. 960-1279), long regarded as one ofthe high points in the history of China's ceramic industry. The tradition ofreligious sculpture extends over most historical periods but is less clearlydelineated than that of stone wares or porcelains, for it embraces the oldcustom of earthenware burial ceramics with later religious images andarchitectural ornament. Ceramic products also include lead-glazed tomb modelsof the Han dynasty, three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures of the Tangdynasty, and Ming three-color temple ornaments, in which the motifs wereoutlined in a raised trail of slip—as well as the many burial ceramics producedin imitation of vessels made in materials of higher intrinsic value.

Trade between the West and the settled andprosperous Chinese dynasties introduced new forms and different technologies.One of the most far-reaching examples is the impact of the fine ninth-centuryAD. Chinese porcelain wares imported into the Arab world. So admired were thesepieces that they encouraged the development of earthenware made in imitation ofporcelain and instigated research into the method of their manufacture. Fromthe Middle East the Chinese acquired a blue pigment—a purified form of cobaltoxide unobtainable at that time in China—that contained only a low level ofmanganese. Cobalt ores found in China have a high manganese content, whichproduces a more muted blue-gray color. In the seventeenth century, the tradingactivities of the Dutch East India Company resulted in vast quantities ofdecorated Chinese porcelain being brought to Europe, which stimulated andinfluenced the work of a wide variety of wares, notably Delft. The Chinesethemselves adapted many specific vessel forms from the West, such as bottleswith long spouts, and designed a range of decorative patterns especially forthe European market.

Just as painted designs on Greek pots mayseem today to be purely decorative, whereas in fact they were carefully andprecisely worked out so that at the time, their meaning was clear, so it iswith Chinese pots. To twentieth-centuryeyes, Chinese pottery may appear merely decorative, yet to the Chinese the formof each object and its adornment had meaning and significance. The dragonrepresented the emperor, and the phoenix, the empress; the pomegranateindicated fertility, and a pair of fish, happiness; mandarin ducks stood forwedded bliss; the pine tree, peach, and crane are emblems of long life; and fishleaping from waves indicated success in the civil service examinations. Onlywhen European decorative themes were introduced did these meanings becomeobscured or even lost.

From early times pots were used in bothreligious and secular contexts. The imperial court commissioned work and in theYuan dynasty (A.D. 1279-1368) an imperial ceramic factory was established atJingdezhen. Pots played an important part in some religious ceremonies. Longand often lyrical descriptions of the different types of ware exist that assistin classifying pots, although these sometimes confuse an already large andcomplicated picture.


1. The word “status” in thepassage(Paragraph 2)is closest in meaning to


B. importance



2.According to paragraph 2, which of thefollowing is true of Chinese ceramics?

A. The function of ceramics remained thesame from dynasty to dynasty.

B.The use of ceramics as trade objects isbetter documented than the use of ceramics as ritual objects.

C. There was little variation in qualityfor any type of ceramics over time.

D.Some religious sculptures were made usingthe earthenware type of ceramics.

3.The word “evolve” in the passage(Paragraph3)is closest in meaning to

A. divided



D. vanished

4.Which of the sentences below bestexpresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence(Paragraph 3) inthe passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leaveout essential information.

A.While stone wares and porcelains arefound throughout most historical periods, religious sculpture is limited to theancient period.

B.Religious sculpture was created in mostperiods, but its history is less clear than that of stone wares or porcelainsbecause some old forms continued to be used even when new ones were developed.

C.While stone wares and porcelains changedthroughout history, religious sculpture remained uniform in form and use.

D.The historical development of religioussculpture is relatively unclear because religious sculptures sometimes resembleearthenware architectural ornaments.

5.Paragraph 3 supports all of the followingconcerning the history of the ceramic industry in China EXCEPT:

A.The earliest high-fired ceramics were ofpoor quality.

B. Ceramics produced during the Tang andMing dynasties sometimes incorporated multiple colors.

Earthenware ceramics were produced in Chinabefore stone wares were.

D.The Song dynasty period was notable forthe production of high quality porcelain ceramics.

6.The word “instigate” in thepassage(Paragraph 4)is closest in meaning to



C. narrowed


7.According to paragraph 4, one consequenceof the trade of Chinese ceramics was

A. the transfer of a distinctive bluepigment from China to the Middle East

B.an immediate change from earthenwareproduction to porcelain production in European countries

C.Chinese production of wares made for theEuropean market

D.a decreased number of porcelain vesselsavailable on the European market

8.The word “whereas” in thepassage(Paragraph 5)is closest in meaning to

A. while

B. previously



9.In paragraph 5, the author compares thedesigns on Chinese pots to those on Greek pots in order to

A.emphasize that while Chinese pots weredecorative, Greek pots were functional

B.argue that the designs on Chinese potshad specific meanings and were not just decorative

C.argue that twentieth-century scholars arebetter able to understand these designs than were ancient scholars

D.explain how scholars have identified themeaning of specific images on Chinese pots

10.Which of the following is mentioned inparagraph 5 as being symbolically represented on Chinese ceramics?

A.Chinese rulers

B. love of homeland

C. loyally to friends

D. success in trade

11.Paragraph 5 suggests which of thefollowing about the decorations on Chinese pottery?

A.They had more importance for aristocratsthan for ordinary citizens.

B.Their significance may have remainedclear had the Chinese not come under foreign influence.

C.They contain some of the same images thatappear on Greek pots

D.Their significance is now as clear totwentieth century observers as it was to the early Chinese.

12.The word “these” in the passage(Paragraph6)refers to

A.religious ceremonies

B. descriptions

C.types of ware


13. Look at the four squares [■]thatindicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Wherecould the sentence best fit? Foreign trade was also responsible for certaininnovations in coloring.

Trade between the West and the settled andprosperous Chinese dynasties introduced new forms and different technologies.One of the most far-reaching examples is the impact of the fine ninth-centuryAD. Chinese porcelain wares imported into the Arab world. ■【A】So admiredwere these pieces that they encouraged the development of earthenware made inimitation of porcelain and instigated research into the method of theirmanufacture. ■【B】From the Middle East the Chinese acquired a blue pigment—a purifiedform of cobalt oxide unobtainable at that time in China—thatcontained only a low level of manganese. Cobalt ores found in China have a highmanganese content, which produces a more muted blue-gray color. ■【C】In theseventeenth century, the trading activities of the Dutch East India Companyresulted in vast quantities of decorated Chinese porcelain being brought toEurope, which stimulated and influenced the work of a wide variety of wares,notably Delft. ■【D】The Chinese themselves adapted many specific vessel forms from theWest, such as bottles with long spouts, and designed a range of decorativepatterns especially for the European market.

14. Directions: An introductory sentencefor a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary byselecting the THREE answer that express the most important ideas in thepassage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideasthat not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. Thisquestion is worth 2 points.

Ceramics have been produced in China for avery long time.

A.The Chinese produced earthenware,stoneware, and porcelain pottery and they used their ceramics for a variety ofutilitarian, architectural, and ceremonial purposes.

B. The shape and decoration of ceramicsproduced for religious use in China were influenced by Chinese ceramicsproduced for export.

C.As a result of trade relations, Chineseceramic production changed and Chinese influenced the ceramics production ofother countries.

D. Chinese burial ceramics have the longestand most varied history of production and were frequently decorated withwritten texts that help scholars date them.

E.Before China had contact with the West,the meaning of various designs used to decorate Chinese ceramics was wellunderstood.

F.Ceramics made in imperial factories wereused in both religious and non-religious contexts.

托福 阅读答案


2.问题中的关键词不能用,所以排除法最好。A的dynasty todynasty做关键词定位至第一句,说反,错;B的trade objects和ritual objects做关键词定位至第一句,原文没有比较,错;C的quality做关键词定位至第一句,说根据它们质量决定用来干嘛,所以质量是有变化的,C错;D的religious和earthenware做关键词定位至最后一句,正确

3.evolve进化,演化,所以C的develop正确。原文说七到十世纪的白瓷怎么样成了宋代的很好的瓷,无论从时间上还是后面说的highly prized都证明后面的比前面的好,所以应该是变好的意思,A分开B延伸D消失都没有变好之意

4.原文的主要关系是因果,因果的结果部分包含了一个转折,所以从结构上说只有B和D可能正确。B正确,D错在原文说stoneware和porcelain比religious sculpture清楚,但没说religious sculpture不清楚,错

5.EXCEPT题,排除法。A的high-firedceramics做关键词定位至第二句,原文说good quality, 备选项说poor,反了,错,选;B的Tang and Ming Dynasty做关键词定位至最后一句,正确,不选;C的earthenware和stoneware做关键词定位至第一句,原文说最早的是earthenware,所以比stoneware早,所以C正确,不选;D的Song dynasty做关键词定位至第三句,正确,不选

6.nstigate教唆,鼓动,煽动,所以cause引起正确,注意不要被investigate迷惑。原句说那些陶器非常惹人喜爱,促进了earthenware的发展,也instigate了制陶 方法 的研究,instigate与原文的encourage并列,所以应该是鼓励之意。A提升改善B调查C变窄均不正确

7.以trade of Chineseceramics做关键词定位至倒数第二句,问结果,所以应该关注result in之后的内容,说大量的Chinese porcelain到了欧洲,影响了一系列ware,接着又说会专门为欧洲市场做一些ware,所以C正确;注意B尽管说到了change,但immediate是原文没说的;A没说;D说反了,应该是增加

8.注意 句子 中的seem和in fact,seem叫做看上去,也就是事实很可能不是这样,后面的in fact叫做事实上,也就是说前面说的很可能不是事实,两者呼应,都说明两句话之间的关系是转折,所以while正确

9.先看本句,现代人认为希腊的pots上的design只是装饰,没有实际意义,但事实上是有意义的,中国的pots也这样,所以B正确。A错,不是pots decorative,而是design;C说反,D没说方式,所以how错

10.问下面哪个是design的替代意义,倒数第二句整个都在说pots上design的意义,提到了emperor和empress,皇帝和皇后,所以A的Chinese rulers正确,统治者;其他都没说

11.问题中关键词不明显,排除法。A的ordinarycitizens和aristocrat原文没说;B的foreign influence做关键词定位至最后一句的European,说直到引入欧洲theme之后中国原有的装饰的意思才被obscure,对应B,没有foreign influence那些意思不会改变,正确;C没说;D反了,应该是ancient更熟悉

12.these往前找,找主语。注意从句子一开始到exist之前都是句子的主语,但of之前的东西是整个句子的核心,所以答案是description,对于什么什么的描述,描述才是核心,不是types of ware

13.两个过渡点,名词foreign trade和coloring。foreigntrade对应原文第四句的from Middle East Chinese acquired blabla和倒数第二句的tradingactivities,所以B/C/D都有可能;coloring证明B或者C正确。按照正常逻辑,应该先总括,说外贸也使染色技术发生变化,接着再说怎么变的,所以B正确,C错误

14.The Chinese选项对应第二段第二句,正确

The shape选项原文没说,不选







【2】在中国,每一个朝代陶瓷的功能和地位都是不同的,所以,根据它们的质量和制作年代的不同,可以是实用器物、陪葬品、贸易 收藏 品,甚至是礼器。对于容器、瓦片等建筑材料、模仿的物体或人物,陶瓷广义上被分为3大类:陶器、炻器和瓷器。另外,瓷器中还有很重要的一类就是宗教用途的雕塑,它们多数是陶质的。


【4】西方国家和繁荣稳定的历代中国朝代之间的贸易促使双方互相引入了新的形式和不同的技术。有一个意义最为深远的例子,公元9世纪精美中国瓷器出口到阿拉伯世界,带来巨大的影响。阿拉伯人对这些瓷器赞不绝口,于是他们鼓励制陶来仿制瓷器,并激励人们研究制作方法。中国人从中东获得了一种蓝色颜料——一种纯化的氧化钴,当时在中国并未出现,其中只含有少量的锰。中国境内发现的钴矿石含有大量的会产生暗蓝灰色的锰元素。17世纪,大量中国装饰类瓷器通过荷兰东印度公司的交易活动流入欧洲,这刺激和影响了广泛多样的瓷器的生产,特别是代尔夫特 。中国人自己改良了很多种来自西方的特殊器皿,比如长嘴的瓶子,并专门为欧洲市场设计了一系列装饰性图案。



托福阅读TPO10(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:Chinese Pottery相关 文章 :


TPO是托福试卷我们常用的托福模考工具,对托福试卷我们的备考很有价值,下面我给大家带来托福阅读TPO16(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:Trade and the Ancient Middle East。


Trade was the mainstay of the urban economy in the Middle East, as caravans negotiated the surrounding desert, restricted only by access to water and by mountain ranges. This has been so since ancient times, partly due to the geology of the area, which is mostly limestone and sandstone, with few deposits of metallic ore and other useful materials Ancient demands for obsidian (a black volcanic rock useful for making mirrors and tools) led to trade with Armenia to the north, while jade for cutting tools was brought from Turkistan, and the precious stone lapis lazuli was imported from Afghanistan. One can trace such expeditions back to ancient Sumeria, the earliest known Middle Eastern civilization. Records show merchant caravans and trading posts set up by the Sumerians in the surrounding mountains and deserts of Persia and Arabia, where they traded grain for raw materials, such as timber and stones, as well as for metals and gems.

Reliance on trade had several important consequences. Production was generally in the hands of skilled individual artisans doing piecework under the tutelage of a master who was also the shop owner. In these shops differences of rank were blurred as artisans and masters labored side by side in the same modest establishment, were usually members of the same guild and religious sect, lived in the same neighborhoods, and often had assumed (or real) kinship relationships. The worker was bound to the master by a mutual contract that either one could repudiate, and the relationship was conceptualized as one of partnership.

This mode of craft production favored the growth of self-governing and ideologically egalitarian craft guilds everywhere in the Middle Eastern city. These were essentially professional associations that provided for the mutual aid and protection of their members, and allowed for the maintenance of professional standards. The growth of independent guilds was furthered by the fact that surplus was not a result of domestic craft production but resulted primarily from international trading; the government left working people to govern themselves, much as shepherds of tribal confederacies were left alone by their leaders. In the multiplicity of small-scale local egalitarian or quasi-egalitarian organizations for fellowship, worship, and production that flourished in this laissez-faire environment, individuals could interact with one another within a community of harmony and ideological equality, following their own popularly elected leaders and governing themselves by shared consensus while minimizing distinctions of wealth and power.

The mercantile economy was also characterized by a peculiar moral stance that is typical of people who live by trade—an attitude that is individualistic, calculating, risk taking, and adaptive to circumstances. As among tribespeople, personal relationships and a careful weighing of character have always been crucial in a mercantile economy with little regulation, where one's word is one's bond and where informal ties of trust cement together an international trade network. Nor have merchants and artisans ever had much tolerance for aristocratic professions of moral superiority, favoring instead an egalitarian ethic of the open market, where steady hard work, the loyalty of one's fellows, and ntrepreneurial skill make all the difference. And, like the pastoralists, Middle Eastern merchants and artisans unhappy with their environment could simply pack up and leave for greener pastures—an act of self-assertion wholly impossible in most other civilizations throughout history.

Dependence on long-distance trade also meant that the great empires of the Middle East were built both literally and figuratively on shifting sand. The central state, though often very rich and very populous, was intrinsically fragile, since the development of new international trade routes could undermine the monetary base and erode state power, as occurred when European seafarers circumvented Middle Eastern merchants after Vasco da Gama's voyage around Africa in the late fifteenth century opened up a southern route. The ecology of the region also permitted armed predators to prowl the surrounding barrens, which were almost impossible for a state to control. Peripheral peoples therefore had a great advantage in their dealings with the center, making government authority insecure and anxious.


1.According to paragraph 1, why has trade been so important throughout the history of the Middle East

A.The rare and valuable metals and stones found in Middle Eastern deserts have always been in high demand in surrounding areas.

B.Growing conditions throughout the Middle East are generally poor, forcing Middle Eastern people to depend on imported grain.

C.Many useful and decorative raw materials cannot be found naturally in the Middle East but are available from neighboring regions.

D.Frequent travel, due to limited water supplies in the Middle East, created many opportunities for trade with neighboring societies.

2.The word “repudiate” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to





3.According to paragraph 2, how did Middle Eastern shop owners treat their workers?

A.Workers were ranked according to their skill level, with the most-experienced artisans becoming partial owners of the shop.

B.Shop owners treated different workers differently depending on how much the workers had in common with their masters.

C.Workers were bound to their masters by unbreakable contracts that strictly defined the terms of their partnership.

D.The shop owner worked alongside the workers and often considered them partner and members of the family.

4.The author includes the information that surplus was not a result of domestic craft production but resulted primarily from international trading (in passage 3) in order to

A.support the claim that the mode of production made possible by the craft guilds w very good for trade

B.contrast the economic base of the city government with that of the tribal confederacies

C.provide a reason why the government allowed the guilds to be self-controlled

D.suggest that the government was missing out on a valuable opportunity to tax the guilds

5.According to paragraph 3, all of the following are true of the Middle Eastern craft guilds EXCEPT:

A.The guilds were created to support workers and to uphold principles of high-quality craft production.

B.Each guild was very large and included members from a broad geographic area.

C.The leaders of the guilds were chosen by popular vote.

D.All guild members were treated as equals.

6.The word “consensus” in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to





7.According to paragraph 4, which of the following was NOT necessary for success in themercantile economy?

A.Good business sense

B.Reliable associates

C.Family wealth

D.Constant effort

8.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 4? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A.Tribes people were comfortable forming personal relationships with merchants, who, like them, were bound by their promises to one another.

B.Because trade was not formally regulated, merchants were careful about whom they trusted and often conducted business with people they knew personally.

C.While trade among merchants relied somewhat on regulation, among tribes people trade was based on personal relationships and careful character evaluation.

D.Because tribes people were bound only by their promises to one another, personal relationships were formed only after careful weighing of character.

9.The word “ethic” in the passage (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to

A.set of moral principles

B.division of labor

C.economic system

D.test of character

10.According to paragraph 4, what choice did Middle Eastern merchants and artisans have that many other people have not had?

A.If they were unhappy in the mercantile environment, they could draw on personal connections to find a different kind of work.

B.They were allowed to assert their opinions without having to listen to aristocratic professions of moral superiority.

C.Following the example of the pastoralists, they could demand, and receive, better working conditions.

D.If they didn't like their environment, they could move somewhere else.

11.The word “intrinsically” in the passage (paragraph 5) is closest in meaning to





12.In paragraph 5, why does the author mention the new trade route opened up by Vasco da Gama's fifteenth century voyage around Africa?

A.To provide evidence that European seafarers took every opportunity to bypass Middle Eastern merchants

B.To present an instance in which Middle Eastern states lost money and power because of their reliance on long-distance trade

C.To argue this new route became necessary when European seafarers wanted to avoid Middle Eastern states whose central power had begun to erode

D.To explain how da Gama helped European traders avoid the dangerous predators prowling the areas surrounding Middle Eastern cities

13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? For one thing, it created a demand for finished goods to be sold both locally and abroad.

Paragraph2: Reliance on trade had several important consequences. ■【A】Production was generally in the hands of skilled individual artisans doing piecework under the tutelage of a master who was also the shop owner. ■【B】In these shops differences of rank were blurred as artisans and masters labored side by side in the same modest establishment, were usually members of the same guild and religious sect, lived in the same neighborhoods, and often had assumed (or real) kinship relationships. ■【C】The worker was bound to the master by a mutual contract that either one could repudiate, and the relationship was conceptualized as one of partnership. ■【D】

14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Since ancient times. reliance on trade has shaped the culture and organizational structure of Middle Eastern societies.

A.Persian and Arabian merchants traveled great distances to sell their finished goods at the marketplaces of ancient Sumeria.

B.Revenue from trade was unevenly distributed, causing Middle Eastern societies to be characterized by growing distinctions in wealth and power.

C.Qualities that were valued in the mercantile economy included individualism, hard work, loyalty, and the willingness to take risks.

D.As production increased, centralized control over production also increased, leading in turn to more-centralized control over fellowship and worship.

E.Crafts were produced by skilled artisans working in close, egalitarian relationships with their masters and other fellow guild members.

F.The stability of Middle Eastern governments was threatened by their lack of control over international trade patterns and over their own peripheral territories.

托福 阅读答案

1.问trade为什么主要,这段第一句就说是mainstay,第二句就给出了原因,说他们没有这个没有那个,所以答案是C。A说中东有material,明显与原文说反;B的中东很穷和D的frequent travel原文都没说。


3.以shop owners做关键词定位至第二句,但第二句没有回答问题,所以往后看,后一句说老板和工人之间的界限被blur模糊了,而且他们同吃同住一起工作,所以答案是D。A的workers rank原文没说;B说对不同工人态度不同,与原文相反;C的unbreakable contract与最后一句相反。

4.修辞目的题,先看修辞点所在 句子 ,只是一个例子,放弃;往前看,说有行业协会互助互惠,但这明显也还是一个例子,所以看本段中心句,说这种生产方式倾向于促进自律平等的同业协会的发展,所以答案是C。

5.EXCEPT题,排除法。A的support workers和uphold principles做关键词定位至第二句,原文的mutual aid and protection等于support workers,maintaneance of professional standards等于uphold principles,A正确,不选;B的geographic area原文没有对应点,错,选;C的vote做关键词定位至最后一句,正确,不选;D的equals做关键词定位至最后一句,正确,不选。


7.EXCEPT题,排除法。A与倒数第二句的entrepreneurial skill同义替换,正确,不选;B与倒数第二句的loyalty of one’s fellow同义替换,正确,不选;C在原文中无对应点,错,选;D与倒数第二句的steady hard work同义替换,正确,不选。


9.ethic道德规范,伦理,所以A正确。原文说商人和工匠们不能忍受moral superiority,更喜欢open market的什么,既然不喜欢moral superiority,那么他们喜欢的东西也应该跟道德有关,所以答案是A,而B劳力分工C经济体系和D性格测试完全不靠谱。

10.以many other people做关键词定位至最后一句,说如果不满意当地的商业环境,中东商人会像游牧民族一样迁移到其他地方,这是其他人做不到的,所以答案是D。



13.两个过渡点,连词for one thing和名词finished goods,既然是for one thing,就应该放在比较靠前的位置上,所以A或者B有可能,而放在A正好对应之前的several important consequences;而且finished goods与原文当中的production对应,所以A正确。

14.Persian选项是原文第一段中的一个细节,不选;Revenue选项与原文第三段最后一句说反,是贫富差距缩小,不是扩大,不选;Qualities选项对应第四段,正确;As选项与原文第三段第一句相反,不选;Crafts选项对应原文第二段和第三段的最后一句,正确;The stability选项对应原文第五段第一句,正确。


自从中东地区的商旅们成功跨越周围的戈壁,只有水路和山峦还是障碍时,贸易就成为了中东地区城市经济的主要支柱。这种情况(贸易是主要支柱)从古至今都是如此,一部分原因是中东地区的地质环境——多为沙石和石灰岩,金属矿藏和 其它 有用材料很少。古代对黑曜石(一种火山岩,可以用来制作镜子和工具)的需求引发了(中东地区)与北方的亚美尼亚之间的贸易;用作切削工具的玉石从土耳其斯坦购买;而稀有贵重的琉璃青金石是从阿富汗地区进口。探险活动最早可以追溯至古苏美尔——已知最早的中东文明。记录显示商队和贸易站由古苏美尔人在周围山区及古波斯和阿拉伯的沙漠地区建立。






托福阅读TPO16(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:Trade and the Ancient Middle East相关 文章 托福试卷


为了帮助大家备考托福阅读,提高成绩,下面托福试卷我给大家带来托福阅读TPO13(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:Types of Social Groups,希望大家喜欢!


Life places us in a complex web of relationships with other people. Our humanness arises out of these relationships in the course of social interaction. Moreover, our humanness must be sustained through social interaction—and fairly constantly so. When an association continues long enough for two people to become linked together by a relatively stable set of expectations, it is called a relationship.

People are bound within relationships by two types of bonds: expressive ties and instrumental ties. Expressive ties are social links formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other people. Through association with people who are meaningful to us, we achieve a sense of security, love, acceptance, companionship, and personal worth. Instrumental ties are social links formed when we cooperate with other people to achieve some goal. Occasionally, this may mean working with instead of against competitors. More often, we simply cooperate with others to reach some end without endowing the relationship with any larger significance.

Sociologists have built on the distinction between expressive and instrumental ties to distinguish between two types of groups: primary and secondary. A primary group involves two or more people who enjoy a direct, intimate, cohesive relationship with one another. Expressive ties predominate in primary groups; we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right. A secondary group entails two or more people who are involved in an impersonal relationship and have come together for a specific, practical purpose. Instrumental ties predominate in secondary groups; we perceive people as means to ends rather than as ends in their own right. Sometimes primary group relationships evolve out of secondary group relationships. This happens in many work settings. People on the job often develop close relationships with coworkers as they come to share gripes, jokes, gossip, and satisfactions.

A number of conditions enhance the likelihood that primary groups will arise. First, group size is important. We find it difficult to get to know people personally when they are milling about and dispersed in large groups. In small groups we have a better chance to initiate contact and establish rapport with them. Second, face-to-face contact allows us to size up others. Seeing and talking with one another in close physical proximity makes possible a subtle exchange of ideas and feelings. And third, the probability that we will develop primary group bonds increases as we have frequent and continuous contact. Our ties with people often deepen as we interact with them across time and gradually evolve interlocking habits and interests.

Primary groups are fundamental to us and to society. First, primary groups are critical to the socialization process. Within them, infants and children are introduced to the ways of their society. Such groups are the breeding grounds in which we acquire the norms and values that equip us for social life. Sociologists view primary groups as bridges between individuals and the larger society because they transmit, mediate, and interpret a society's cultural patterns and provide the sense of oneness so critical for social solidarity.

Second, primary groups are fundamental because they provide the settings in which we meet most of our personal needs. Within them, we experience companionship, love, security, and an overall sense of well-being. Not surprisingly, sociologists find that the strength of a group's primary ties has implications for the group's functioning. For example, the stronger the primary group ties of a sports team playing together, the better their record is.

Third, primary groups are fundamental because they serve as powerful instruments for social control. Their members command and dispense many of the rewards that are so vital to us and that make our lives seem worthwhile. Should the use of rewards fail, members can frequently win by rejecting or threatening to ostracize those who deviate from the primary group's norms. For instance, some social groups employ shunning (a person can remain in the community, but others are forbidden to interact with the person) as a device to bring into line individuals whose behavior goes beyond that allowed by the particular group. Even more important, primary groups define social reality for us by structuring our experiences. By providing us with definitions of situations, they elicit from our behavior that conforms to group-devised meanings. Primary groups, then, serve both as carriers of social norms and as enforcers of them.


1.The word “complex”(Paragraph 1)in the passage is closest in meaning to





2.According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of a relationship?

A. It is a structure of associations with many people.

B. It should be studied in the course of a social interaction.

C. It places great demands on people.

D. It develops gradually overtime.

3.The word endowing in the passage(Paragraph 2)is closest in meaning to



C. providing

D. understanding

4.Which of the following can be inferred about instrumental ties from the author's mention of working with competitors in paragraph 2?

A. Instrumental ties can develop even in situations in which people would normally not cooperate.

B.Instrumental ties require as much emotional investment as expressive ties.

C. Instrumental ties involve security, love, and acceptance.

D.Instrumental ties should be expected to be significant.

5.According to paragraph 3, what do sociologists see as the main difference between primary and secondary groups?

A.Primary groups consist of people working together, while secondary groups exist outside of work settings.

B. In primary groups people are seen as means, while in secondary groups people are seen as ends.

C. Primary groups involve personal relationships, while secondary groups are mainly practical in purpose.

D.Primary groups are generally small, while secondary groups often contain more than two people.

6.Which of the following can be inferred from the author's claim in paragraph 3 that primary group relationships sometimes evolve out of secondary group relationships?

A.Secondary group relationships begin by being primary group relationships.

B.A secondary group relationship that is highly visible quickly becomes a primary group relationship.

C.Sociologists believe that only primary group relationships are important to society.

D. Even in secondary groups, frequent communication serves to bring people into close relationships.

7.The phrase “size up” in the passage(Paragraph 4)is closest in meaning to



C. impress

D. accept

8.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence(Paragraph 5)in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A.Sociologists think that cultural patterns establish connections between the individual and the larger society.

B.Sociologists believe that individuals with a sense of oneness bridge the gap between society and primary groups.

C.Sociologists think primary groups contribute to social solidarity because they help maintain a society's cultural patterns.

D.Sociologists believe that the cultural patterns that provide social solidarity arise as bridges from primary groups.

9.This passage is developed primarily by

A.drawing comparisons between theory and practice

B.presenting two opposing theories

C.defining important concepts and providing examples of them

D.discussing causes and their effects

10.The word “deviate” in the passage(Paragraph 7)is closest in meaning to





11.According to paragraph 7, why would a social group use shunning?

A.To enforce practice of the kinds of behavior acceptable to the group

B.To discourage offending individuals from remaining in the group

C.To commend and reward the behavior of the other members of the group

D.To decide which behavioral norms should be passed on to the next generation

12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. People who do not live alone, for example, tend to make healthier life choices and develop fewer pathologies than people who live by themselves. Where would the sentence best fit?

Second, primary groups are fundamental because they provide the settings in which we meet most of our personal needs. ■【A】Within them, we experience companionship, love, security, and an overall sense of well-being. ■【B】Not surprisingly, sociologists find that the strength of a group's primary ties has implications for the group's functioning. ■【C】For example, the stronger the primary group ties of a sports team playing together, the better their record is. ■【D】

13.Directions: Complete the table below by selecting three answer choices that are characteristics of primary groups and two answer choices that are characteristics of secondary groups. This question is worth 3 points.

A.Developing socially acceptable behavior

B. Working together against competitors

C.Experiencing pressure from outside forces

D.Viewing people as a means to an end

E.Existing for practical purposes

F.Providing meaning for life situations

G.Involving close relationships

1 )

Primary Groups


2 )

Secondary Groups


托福 阅读答案


2.以relationship做关键词定位至最后一句,注意relationships不能做关键词,因为多次重复出现。原句说当这种association持续的时间足够长以至于两个人之间已经形成了稳定的expectation,就叫relationship,所以D说随时间develop正确。A的many people,B的study,C的demand都没说


4.以competitor做关键词定位至倒数第二句,说偶尔这意味着与竞争对手合作而非竞争,而这个this意味着这句话跟前一句有联系。前一句说instrumental ties是我们在与别人合作达到某种目的的时候形成的,这与A说的通常不合作的人也有形成instrumental完全一样。B没说,C与原文的第三句说反,D与原文最后一句说反

5.分别以primary group和secondary group做关键词定位至第二句和第四句,分别说了两个group,primary的是比较亲密的,secondary是因为事先某种共同的目的才形成的,所以答案是C。A错,不是用work来区分这两个group的;两者同样不是以人数区分的,所以D错;C的end不end是原文在后面才说的,也不能区分这两个group

6.以evolve out of做关键词定位至倒数第三句,但这句话跟问题几乎是完全一样的,所以不是答案。往后看,this标示着上下句之间有联系。下句说这种evolve发生在工作背景下,接着说同事之间可以通过share各种东西变成非常亲密的朋友,也就是secondary变primary 的一个例子,所以正确答案是D。A说反;B和C均没说而且C有违常识

7.size up估量,估计,所以正确答案是B的evaluate。原句说面对面交流使得我们能够怎么样别人,评价别人是正确的。A的扩大别人明显是不对的。原文没说接受别人,也没说给别人留下印象,所以都不对

8.原文的结构是sociologist把primary group看成blabla,因为blabla。只有C表达了原因,A缺了原文的很多信息,错;B和D都缺失了原文很重要的because部分,所以都是错的

9.问本文的组织结构,问全文的题应该多关注各段的开头。原文首先提出了两个关系,然后又说expressive tie和instrumental tie,最后又说了primary group产生的条件。叙述两类关系用的笔墨明显不等,所以不是对比,所以B不对,A的理论和实践原文完全没说,而且也说到了对比,也不对;D的因果是原文完全没说的。作者定义了两个group和两个tie,所以C说定义概念是对的,而且作者在定义概念之后都有解释,所以C正确


11.以shunning做关键词定位至第四句,说人们会用shunning吧离经叛道的人弄回来,但没给出原因。这句中的for example说明是上句的例子,前面一句说如果奖励不行,我们就排斥那些不守规矩的人,所以一切都是为了强化规则,答案是A。B说不鼓励冒犯group当中的人,原文没说冒犯人;C的reward和D的next generation都没说

12.两个过渡点,分别是连词for example和名词healthier life choices,根据for example排除C和D,因为原文也有for example,而正常说话的时候两个for example是不连续使用的;而且根据healthier life choices跟原文中sense of well-being的同义替换也可以确定是A或者B,但A点后的them与前文衔接紧密,所以答案是B

13.此题不典型,因为作者用了 文章 的第四到七段较大篇幅讲primary,却只用了第二和第三段的部分讲到secondary,而且本文对于两个group的叙述存在交叉,交叉的部分主要在第二三两段,但这两段的叙述也是先primary后secondary,所以顺序性还是有的。第三段的四五两句分别对应existing和viewing两个答案,所以这两个答案属于secondary;第二段和第三段的第三句对应providing答案,第三段第二句对应involving答案,最后一段的第三句和第四句对应developing选项,结合11题的答案很容易选出这项






主要群体是人与人之间乃至整个社会的基础。首先,主要群体在社会化进程中至关重要。在主要群体里,婴儿与孩童可以学习处世方式。这种群体是我们社会生活必备规范和价值的培养地。社会学家将主要群体比作独立个体与整个社会之间的桥梁,因为它能传达,调解并解读一个社会的 文化 模式,提供一种归属感有助于社会团结。


第三,主要群体之所以是基础还因为他们充当了强有力的社会调控工具。群体中的成员掌控并分配能够维持我们生存的极其重要的资源。如果奖励方式不当,群体内成员就会通过拒绝或威胁来摒弃那些背离群体规范的人,例如,一些社会群体采取规避 措施 (人可以留在群体中,但禁止其他成员与其交流),从而将特定群体中逾矩的个体慢慢同化与他人一致。更重要的是,主要群体通过构筑我们的 经验 来定义社会现实。他们根据我们的行为来定义我们的处境,以遵循群体分配的意义。因此,主要群体既是社会规范的载体同时也是社会规范的实施者。

