




1. What's your name?

2. Does your name have any special meaning?

3. Where were you come from?

4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

5. What is the main crop in your hometown?

6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?

7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?

8. What is the climate like in your hometown?

9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?

10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?

11. What is people's favorite food in your region?

12. How do you make dumplings?

13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?

14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?

15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?

16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.

17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.

18. Tell me something about the customs of your country.

19. How long have you lived in Beijing?

20. What is the weather like in Beijing?

21. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?

22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why?

23. Which is the worst place you've been to China?

24. Which is the best place you've been to China?

25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?

26. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?

27. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.

28. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?

29. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?

30. Do you enjoy shopping?



雅思口语 PART2 describe a photo of you 给全回答 在加分

Speaking of a photo, I would like to talk about a photograph of my whole family.

It was taken in a summer in 2003. The background of the photo is a radiological ward.My parents and I was sitting on the bed and wearing a happy smile. The photo was taken by a ward nurse. You may be curious about why we choose to take a photo in a hospital. I know, hospital is not supposed to be an ideal location for people to take photos. But this photo means a lot to our family. At that time, my father was diagnosed with a severe disease nasopharyngeal darcinoma. It was a kind of cancer. What made me even fear was that the doctor said that was a terminal cancer. You can imagine how helpless and despairing I felt at that time. My mum and I was so desperate that we can not help weeping. But my father always had a positive attitudes and fight off the disease with strong determination. He believed that as long as a person has a positive faith, he or she will survive. 3 months later,my father restored to health and created a miracle. On the date he left the hospital, he thought out of an idea that we should take a photo of the whole family in the ward.

It is definitely a special photo for me. Every time I picked up this photo, I will remember what my father said to me. He told that we should never give up no matter what difficulties or challenges we encounter. As long as we become strong, persistent and perseverant, we can conquer any problems and end up succeeding.




Part One:

1. Time management

2. Trains and travel

3. Rains and the changes of weather

4. Pets and wild animanls

5. Language

6. Music

7. Shopping

8. Dictionary

Still a must:

9. Studiesor work



Part Two

1. Describea friend you haven’t been in contact with for a long time.

2. Describethe most intelligent person you have ever met.

3. Describean interesting actor you like.

4. Describea building in your city or town.

5. Describe someone who took a photo of you.

6. Describe a place where you learned another culture.

7. Describe a time when you traveled to a place far from home.

8. Describesomething you would like to save money for/you saved money for.

9. Describe a popular product from the region which you come from.

10.Describea gift you received when you were a child.

11.Descirbea class/session you have taken in your school, a night school or a trainingschool.

12.Describea situation when you forgot to do an important thing.

13.Describesomething interesting that you did with an old person of your family.

14.Describea positive experience of yours when you were a teenager.

15.Describean event that changed your life./Describe a time when you made an importantchange to your life.

16.Describea successful advertisement you are familiar with.









Part 1重点考题:Birthday, home, sport, music, Internet, newspaper, bike, swimmingPart one:(考试大!)Birthday考试大论坛How do Chinese people celebrate the birthday?Do you think birthday is important to your life?Do people like going to the parties?Why some people hate parties?Bike(考试大!)Do you like using bike for work or school?Which kind of transportation do people like to take?What are the benefits of riding bicycle?Swimming:Is it good to teach children to swim?Do you like swimming or your friends?Why are some people afraid of swimming?MusicWhat music do you like? WhyCan you play any musical instrument?What musical instrument do you like?Are there any friends around you playing some instruments, like piano or guitar?Have you ever listened to someone playing a musical instrument?What musical instrument do you enjoy most and why?Sport来源:考试大网What sports are popular among Chinese people?Should we teach sports to children? Why?What is the role of sports?Do you think sports can help you relieve your mood?Computer/InternetWhat do you do with computers?Do you think that children should learn to use computers?Do you think that life is better with computers?When did you begin to use computers?What’s the influence of computers on you?Living place考试大(www.Examda。com)Where are you living now?Do you like your living environment?(考试大!)Is it good or bad for children?Is there anything for improvement?What can you see from your windows?What is hanging on the wall in your house?PhotographyDo you like taking photos?On what kind of situations do you take photos?Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?Relax来源:考试大网What do you do in your leisure time?What relaxation do people around you like?What kind of activities do people of your country do for relaxation?Why do people need leisure?What will you do if you have extra spare time?NewspaperWhen did you begin to read newspaper?What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers?WeekendIs weekend important to people?来源:考试大What do people do on weekend?Do you think people should be asked to work on weekends?Do you think people should get more money if they work on weekends?Which day do you like more on weekend?What do you often do on that day?(考试大!) Part 2:第二部分考试总的原则就是“人,物,事件,地点,媒体”,只要同学们按照我的课堂讲过的TSE方法以及公式去准备5篇范文,任何话题都可以套,答案在公共邮箱里,详细请看我的公共邮箱和博客。下面的题,是10月份全国最重点的考题以及背形,无论是在哪个地方考试,基本上会按照以下的考题出,前面的是重点考题,括号里的是题目的变形,就是可以换来用的,同学们多发挥想像力。比如我要同学们描述一本书,我在课堂讲过,这类题形是媒体题,从“读者,欢迎度,内容,读后感等等入手”,这本书的内容可不可以与电影,杂志,表演和网站一样呢,当然可以。Part 2:People:Old peopleActorA neighborObject:FoodphotoPlace:A place that worked or studied beforeExperience:Long journeyA happy experience来源: you are succeeded in doingMedia:TV programLawBookPerformanceNews重点考题变形以及互换 book you have read recently (performance, magazine, TV program, a news website, a film)3.A photo (a good experience in your life)4.A good law in China tourist attraction (a place with a lot of water, a place that is polluted, a city you have visited, a journey you have taken)8.An old person (a person who is good at his/her job, school friend, teacher, teenager)9.A place you have worked or studied before(An organization, A recent change in your life )11.Something you would like to learn(the foreign language you would like to learn besides English )(考试大!)




1、describe a piece of electronic equipment you have (except computers).

2、describe a vehicle you’d like to own.

3、describe an old piece of furniture.

4、describe a handicraft/something that you was made by yourself.

5、describe a letter you got.

6、describe a thing you lost.

7、describe a gift you have received.

8、describe a photo that attracts you.

9、describe a toy in your childhood.

10、describe a piece of work of art.


1、转述题目the thing which I would like to describe is …





