



雅思口语第一部分高频雅思口语话题,经常围绕考生的personal information 展开,包括雅思口语major

家乡背景类介绍,如can you say something different about your hometown。

学习工作类,如what is your opinion about your job/major 。

兴趣爱好类,如what do you usually do in your free time 。

经常针对这一类考题所涉及到的话题,最常见的围绕于music, reading, tv, film, sport, internet…



食-话题,如中国传统食物与西方食物的对比介绍,吃饭地点的选择问题,时下受欢迎的饭店的类型,也会更加关注与健康类话题,如:how to lead a healthy life ?




人物类侧重于对几类人的提及,famous person, old person, children








1. What's your name?

2. Does your name have any special meaning?

3. Where were you come from?

4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

5. What is the main crop in your hometown?

6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?

7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?

8. What is the climate like in your hometown?

9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?

10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?

11. What is people's favorite food in your region?

12. How do you make dumplings?

13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?

14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?

15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?

16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.

17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.

18. Tell me something about the customs of your country.

19. How long have you lived in Beijing?

20. What is the weather like in Beijing?

21. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?

22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why?

23. Which is the worst place you've been to China?

24. Which is the best place you've been to China?

25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?

26. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?

27. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.

28. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?

29. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?

30. Do you enjoy shopping?







1. important - significant, essential, vital, crucial 重要的

2. necessary - indispensable, compulsory 必要的

3. main - major 主要的

4. big - large, huge, giant 大的

5. basic - elementary, fundamental 基础的

6. enough - sufficient, abundant 足够的

7. correct - accurate 准确的

8. expensive - costly, pricey 贵的

9.cheap - cost effective, economical, inexpensive 便宜的

10. useful - beneficial, advantageous, rewarding 有益的

11. obvious - clear, evident, apparent 明显的

12. attractive - appealing 有吸引力的

13. fashionable - trendy, stylish 时尚的

14. special - particular, unusual, extraordinary 特别的

15. complex - complicated 复杂的

16. historic - time-honored 历史悠久的

17. traditional - conventional 传统的

18. interesting - funny, amusing, entertaining 有趣的

19. boring - dull, tedious 无聊的

20. hard - difficult, challenging 困难的


21. close - intimate 亲密的

22. beautiful - gorgeous 漂亮的

23. smart - clever, intelligent, wise, brainy 聪明的

24. hardworking - industrious, diligent 勤奋的

25. creative - innovative 有创造力的

26. humorous - hilarious 滑稽的

27. reliable - trustworthy 可靠的

28. famous - renowned, well-known 著名的

29. delicious - tasty, appetizing, mouthwatering 美味的

30. memorable - unforgettable 难忘的

31. happy - joyful, cheerful, pleasant, enjoyable 使人高兴的

32. happy - delighted, glad, pleased 高兴的

33. satisfied - contented 满足的

34. upset - gloomy, frustrated 沮丧的

35. angry - irritated 生气的

36. scared - frightened 被吓到的

37. surprised - shocked, astonished 吃惊的

38. tired - exhausted 疲惫的

39. on time - punctual 准时的

40. want - expect, intend 想


41. think - suppose, hold the opinion that 认为

42. like - enjoy, love, adore 喜欢

43. take much interest in - be fond of, be keen on 感兴趣

44. dislike - hate, loathe 不喜欢

45. increase - rise, go up, ascend 上升

46. decline - drop, fall, descend 下降

47. relax - loosen up, unwind 放松

48. happen - occur, take place 发生

49. wonder - feel curious about 想知道

50. research - investigate, look into 调查

51. start - begin 开始

52. choose - select 选择

53. decide - determine 决定

54. join - take part in, participate in 参与

55. cause - lead to, contribute to, result in, bring about 导致

56. have enough of - be fed up with, be tired / sick of 受够雅思口语major

57. change - alter, convert 改变

58. replace - substitute 替代

59. appear - show up 出现

60. disappear - vanish 消失


61. deal with - cope with, tackle, handle 处理

62. contact - keep in touch with 联系

63. encourage - inspire, motivate, stimulate, cheer up 鼓励

64. evaluate - estimate, assess 评估

65. ensure - guarantee 保证

66. finish - complete, accomplish 完成

67. put off - postpone 推迟

68. admire - respect, worship, look up to 崇拜

69. envy - feel jealous of 羡慕

70. praise - speak highly of 赞赏

71. criticize - blame 批评

72. punish - penalize 惩罚

73. limit - restrict 限制

74. forbid - ban, prohibit 禁止

75. allow – permit 允许

76. buy - purchase 购买

77. have - own, possess 拥有

78. look after - take care of 照顾

79. represent - symbolize 代表

80. express - convey 表达


81. claim - declare 宣称

82. show - indicate, reveal, demonstrate, illustrate 表现

83. review - revise, go over 复习

84. build - construct 修建

85. tear down - demolish 拆除

86. protect - preserve, conserve 保护

87. remove - clear up, eliminate 消除

88. focus - concentrate 全神贯注

89. ignore - neglect 忽略

90. men - males 男性

91. women - females 女性

92. city - urban area 城市

93. countryside - village, rural area 农村

94. city center - downtown 市中心

95. suburb - outskirt 郊区

96. neighborhood - community 小区

97. view - scenery 风景

98. company – corporation, enterprise 公司

99. product - commodity, merchandise 产品

100. equipment - facility, device 设备


101. job - vocation, profession, occupation, career 职业

102. advantage - benefit, merit, pro, strength 优势

103. disadvantage - drawback, demerit, con, weakness 缺点

104. choice - option 选择

105. goal - aim, target 目标

106. task - assignment, mission 任务

107. chance - opportunity 机会

108. problem - obstacle, barrier 问题

109. effect - influence, impact 影响

110. stress - pressure 压力

111. mistake - error, flaw 错误

112. way - method, approach 方法

113. advice - suggestion 建议

114. success - achievement, accomplishment 成功

115. competition - contest 比赛

116. rival - component 对手

117. prize - award 奖品

118. holiday - vacation 假期

119. car - automobile 汽车

120. article - essay 文章


121. novel - fiction 小说

122. advertisement - commercial 商业广告

123. character - personality 性格

124. talent - gift 天赋

125. feeling - emotion 情绪

126. tradition - convention, custom 传统

127. really - quite, pretty, extremely 非常

128. sharply - dramatically, considerably 急剧地

129. steadily - smoothly, slightly 平稳地

130. completely - entirely, utterly 完全地

131. on purpose - deliberately 故意地

132. by chance - accidentally 偶然地

133. in advance - ahead of time, ahead of schedule 提前

134. often - frequently, on a regular basis 经常

135. usually - generally, mostly, normally 通常

136. hardly - barely, seldom 几乎不

137. at present - currently, in modern society 目前

138. at the same time - simultaneously 同时

139. at first - in the beginning, initially 起初

140. finally - eventually, at last, in the end 最终


141. first of all - to start with 首先

142. besides - in addition, furthermore, apart from that 除此之外

143. oppositely - on the contrary, by contrast 与之相反

144. so - therefore, consequently, as a result 因此

145. more and more - increasing, a growing number of 更多的

146. most - majority of 大多数

147. many - a great number of, plenty of, enormous 很多

148. much - a large sum of, a great deal of 很多



问题涉及范围很广。有很多关于日常生活的的问题。例如(1)Do you have a pet? (do you like them?)(2) Where is your hometown?(3) Do you have a job now?(4) What is your dream?(5) What’s your major? Why?(6) How do you think about the e-book?(7)Where do you prefer to live? City or country side?(8)Can you tell me about your school?


考生将会拿到一个topic,有一分钟的准备时间,然后根据topic发表自己的看法,时间为一到两分钟。Describe an interesting public place. / Describe an interesting place in your hometownDescribe an interesting public place. / Describe an interesting place in your hometownDescribe an experience with bad weather.Describe something you succeeded in doing. / Describe something you hope you can be successful in。

















