




雅思考试,全称为国际英语测试系统(International English Language Testing System)简称雅思(IELTS),是著名的国际性英语标准化水平测试之一。雅思考试于1989年设立,由英国文化教育协会、剑桥大学考试委员会和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP)共同管理。

雅思考试坚持 “沟通为本”的理念,在全球首创从听、说、读、写四方面进行英语能力全面考核的国际考试,能够立体综合地精准测评考生的英语语言运用能力。作为全球认可度较高的国际英语测试,雅思考试获得全球超过140多个国家和地区的10,000所院校机构的认可,每年有超过300万人次参加雅思考试。







武汉:Part1Are you studying or working? Did you enjoy your first day in your university? Weather Does the weather affect you? Street market Have you ever been to the street market? What’s the differences between street market and super market? Which you prefer and why? Party2 Describe a beautiful place you would like to have a home there.Part3 Where do Chinese people build their home? 其他的记不清了。


济南山东大学考试:Party1 House or apartment You hometown or countryside You room Advertisement Part2 Waiting for someone Part3 Waiting time save money for sth


山东大学 room5Part1职业,为什么选这个学校,学校的第一天,天气。Street market Part2 Good law Part3政府官员应该具备什么素质,警察应该把什么作为重点准则,有没有很多人违法,警察的工资高不高,why,你觉得工资多少合适。


华中科技大学Part1专业,老师 Part2 朋友的好习惯Part3培养孩子的好习惯,坏习惯是怎么形成的,怎么解决


北京考试中心 room9 Part1为什么选择这个学校,一周里最喜欢的是哪天,喜欢用相机还是手机照相,Part2描述学校教室老师Part3教育小孩很重要吗,哪个角色重要Part4班级人数,学校大还是小好


电科 R3 P1: work or study / major / shoes / good friend ; P2: radio/TV program ; P3: radio/TV program how to learn/how often/ government control


太原理工room7 超级nice帅小伙,一直都有眼神交流,整个过程像是聊天。p1flat or house,shopping,teacher;p2,long journey,p3,旅行前要准备什么,旅行地点怎么选择,等等


北京教育指导中心r5 感觉听不清考官的发音有点…P1就是学校,生日 P2是重要的邮件或者信件P3就是各种关于信的问题…真心听不太懂他的发音…求人品啊!


北语101 白人光头,语速快,开始很严肃后面笑起来。P1holiday,P2singer or band,P3每个人都可以成为歌手么,good voice对唱歌有助么,人们喜欢什么样的歌手why,人们唱歌为了什么,当我说回家路上唱歌自嗨考官笑说他经常自嗨。求口语6.5保


武汉湖北大学rm12, part1,house or apartment,national public holiday. part2,one thing you cannot do now, but want to learn to do part3,difference between teaching at home and teaching at school, will parents be too busy to cook for children ?啊啊啊,只能想起这些了


山大rm15 p1问的学校 专业 交通方式p2童年游戏 p3现在孩子们经常玩什么游戏,电子游戏好还是不好,对 competitive game的看法。


武外英中rm13 趴1你来自哪里,你住的地方,适不适合小孩子住,认不认识邻居 趴2我想有栋房子的一个地方 趴3房型,然后各种混乱的房子问题


湖大,rm10,part1flat or house ,housework part2 singers part3各种跟音乐有关的问题,中西方歌手的差距,日韩歌手和中国歌手的差距,白人女考官超级美!!超级好!!但是语速过快哦。


武汉外国语room2 遇到打断狂魔浮夸胡子叔。part1 your home.part2 something made by yourself.part3 大多数人喜欢送什么礼物 为什么人们喜欢送手礼物 孩子喜欢手作礼物还是商店买的礼物


太原理工room3,p1 teacher, handwriting p2 保持健康 p3此类问题日志,帅考官问了很多问题,发音标准,人nice。


湖大 RM17 啪1 name housework friends啪2 good shop/company service when and who 啪3 jobs which deal with public what quality they need考官大叔一枚 严肃得让人觉得他是来考试的


湖北大学Room16 因为最后一个考官很着急[泪][泪][泪]不等我说完就下一个了part1 museum,photography,part2language,part3与part2有关的,大概是中文会不会成为国际语言.


湖北大学rm7 p1住flat还是apartment 喜不喜欢nature 家乡p2 do something good for your healthp3关于健康的一些问题考官是个胖胖的男纸问题很多 p1估计问了十个问题,还打断我的p2了


北语r207.白人瘦老头,语速快 严肃P1居住地,适合家庭住吗,爱street store吗,为啥有人喜欢去street store不去超市,爱啥天气,特殊天气,会选择极寒或者极冷的地方吗 P2分享东西 P3小孩不爱分享啥,咋教他们分享,分享有啥好处,咋享transport(这没听懂他解释说一起乘坐公交不开私家车啥的)


石家庄信息工程学院Room7,黑人,有口音,但人超nice,会给提示会冲你笑,不会打断,但对时间控制很严 P1Full name ,your hometown,museum and gallery

P2city you visited P3big city and countryside,the reasons about young people choose it


电子科大RM05 PART1问了很多,问了关于鞋子的。PART2一个重要的工作。PART3围绕JOB。~一个帅哥 人很好很好很好~


电子科大rm17 戴眼镜中年男的,眉毛很销魂,人很好一直在跟我有表情交流虽然我想他应该听得很辛苦! part1.公寓 旅游 怎么放松自己 part2.描述一个有趣的动物 part3.为啥要保护熊猫 社会动物保护问题 以及杀生吃动物的问题


湖大rm08,p1. 来自哪里,周围有很多人吗,和他们熟悉吗;最近的生日怎么过的,人们怎么过生日,老人小孩过生日哪个重要;会开车出行吗 p2. 一个学校的朋友 p3. 儿时朋友和长大找朋友有什么区别,以前找朋友和现在找朋友有什么区别


济南山大。Part 1 weather ! part two was the time you stayed in a place where far away from your home .and part 3 was about hotel .For example .why people live in a hotel .What are they looking for .just sleep or good service


杭州考试中心206,p1学习还是工作,为什么选那城市,第一天怎么样,喜欢手机拍照还是相机,喜欢拍什么,以后想提高拍照水平吗,放松容易吗 p2家庭成员 p3人变老后家庭关系重要吗,小孩和老人在一起好吗,为什么人老了朋友就少,小孩的问题老人能解决吗。


电子科大room10 Part1Study or work;Part2 App;Part3 General对technology的看法


Part1工作还是学习,喜欢的食物;Part2一门想学的外语;Part3关于international language的一些讨论


山大room2Part1喜欢的房间、颜色,鞋子舒服,时尚;Part2 App;Part3现代科技,追求新科技的原因


北京语言大学 Part1为什么选择这个专业,喜欢电视上还是网上的广告,觉得post的广告怎么样;Part2 Long journey;Part3出发前要做什么准备,需不需要检查身体,人们喜欢去什么国家旅游,中国青少年倾向于去哪些国家


电子科大room3 Part1在哪儿住适不适合小孩,交通,天气;Part2电子邮件重要吗;Part3信的好处,面对面交流重要吗


武汉外国语room4 p1.住的是house还是apartment 喜欢的鞋子还一系列有关于鞋子的话题 ;p2.一个喜欢的电视节目或者radio program ;p3.电视节目和radio那个比较好。中国的电视节目的类别


财大303 Part1 Nature,company,countryside;Part2 A singer/band you likePart3各种音乐产生的目的,甚至问到怎么发展音乐产业


教育考试指导中心 rm05 20 30岁英国男,语速略快,一直皱眉头爱打断,特别爱问why,刨根问底地问。趴一 住哪 周围环境;有多少人;适不适合小孩;怎么放松 为什么能放松;博物馆好处。趴二 school friend。趴三 close friend;怎么交朋友;交朋友容易吗;小时候认识 现在一直联系的朋友。


武汉外国语学校 Part1 Hometown ,house or apartment ,shoes, Part2 Interesting conversation ;Part3Face to face or mobile


东南大学426考场,考官白人,很严肃。part:work or study,会根据你的回答问问题。part2:group work。part3:young children(指4岁以下) 和adults 在一起会玩什么。是否建议young boys和young girls在一起玩。。只记得这么多了


太原理工room5 Part1未来想做什么,好看的人,鞋子;Part2人们穿衣,好看的模特;Part3自然风光,照照片能表现美吗


石家庄 P1 House ,apartment;P2 Job;P3工作环境怎么样,跟过去相比好不好找工作,多少岁可以从事全职工作


武汉外国room8 P1你第一次遇见她是在什么地方,你平时喜欢做什么,你的专业是什么,你喜欢你的专业吗;P2一项你想要赢却没有赢的项目,你觉得你以后会赢吗 P3你觉得小孩子一般在比赛中会得到什么奖励,你觉得给孩子奖励好吗,你觉得是给成绩好的孩子奖励好,还是给其他孩子奖励好?


电子科大room4 P1名字,最喜欢家乡的部分,最喜欢的季节;P2 APP;P3一堆电子设备的问题,老人用好不好,孩子用好不好,家长应不应该让孩子使用



Colors颜色一直是雅思口语高频口语题。下面是雅思口语描述你喜欢雅思口语14月题库的颜色的 方法 雅思口语14月题库,跟雅思口语14月题库我一起来了解下吧:

   雅思口语 范文 :描述你喜欢的颜色

1. What is your favorite color?


I love vibrant colors, especially bright red. You know, clearly, red symbolizes good fortune and wealth in our culture, so Chinese normally dress in red during Lunar New Year. Moreover, the jacket in red really makes me look energetic

我喜欢有活力的颜色雅思口语14月题库,尤其是亮红色。很明显,红色在我们的 文化 中象征着好运和财富,所以中国人一般在 春节 的时候都会穿红色。而且,红色外套让我看上去充满活力!


vibrant adj.充满活力的 energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的;

2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?


Yes, my favorite colors are black and white and I love wearing clothes in neutral colors because it can reflect my personality. Actually, I’ve seen some of the fashion magazines telling that monochronic shirt is the future fashion trend.



neutral adj.中立的; (化学中)中性的 reflect v.反映,反射 monochronic adj.出现一次的

3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?


Sure, Chinese people actually are quite superstitious. They put different meaning on colors, for example, red, yellow and green are occasionally used for festivals in order to express their joyfulness and happiness. So, they normally combine these colors together to decorate their home and courtyard.



superstitious adj.迷信的; 有迷信观念的 occasionally adv.偶尔; 偶然; 有时候 decorate vt. 装饰; 点缀;

4. Do you think different types of people like different colors?


Sure, well, I think people in different personality will certainly affect their favorite color, what I mean is, if they are sportive, outgoing with positive thinking, they’ll choose something like warm colors, you know like, red, orange and yellow, which tend to make you think of sunlight and warmth.



certainly 当然 outgoing v.外向 positive thinking 思维活跃 tend to 倾向于

5. How important do you think colors are?


Well, I’d say, color is a crucial ingredient in our daily life, especially when related to culture and religion. For instance, in Chinese culture, yellow signifies freedom from worldly cares and that’s why all monks’ garments are in yellow.



crucial adj.关键的,十分重要的 ingredient n.因素 signifie 所指 garment 服装


纵观当前的考查范围,可以说“色彩”几乎贯穿了整个口语考题的三个部分。在part 1中,有个topic关于颜色,着眼于考察考生们“最喜爱的颜色”,“偏爱深色还是浅色”以及“一些颜色在中国是否有着特殊的意义”等。而在part 2中,有个地点类话题“Describe a place you went to that was full of color”,要求考生描述一个多彩的地方,是一个典型的色彩与地点结合的考题。



What is your favorite color?

Possible answer from students:

Well, as for my favorite color, I think it is blue. Because I like blue sky, and the color of blue always reminds of the blue ocean and sky. You know, I really enjoy walking in the long and soft beaches and feeling the sea breeze.



其实,不同的文化中,相同的颜色往往意味着不同的含义。例如上述答案中提到的“蓝色”。中国人面对蓝色肯定感觉是心驰神往般的舒畅。实际上,蓝色在英语国家有忧郁的含义,如美国有“蓝色星期一”(blue Monday),指心情不好的星期一。blue sky在英语中意思是“没有价值”,所以,把“蓝天”牌台灯翻译成Blue Sky Lamp, 意思便是“没用的台灯”,这样的台灯怎能销得出去呢?另外,埃及人和比利时人视蓝色为倒霉的颜色。所以,上述考生的答案虽然客观陈述了天空和大海的颜色,但是因为考官对“蓝色”的西式理解是截然不同的,非常有可能引起不认同感和偏差感。



Describe a place you went to that was full of color

You should say:

Where it was

Why you went there

What you did there

And explain why you think this place was made so colorful.

Simple Answer:

If I have to say a few words on a place I went to that was full of color, what comes to my mind first is a place called Manama, the capital city of a middle-east country named the kingdom of Bahrain.

As far as I can recall, about 3 years ago, I joined a volunteer group and went there to do some volunteer job. Definitely, besides the job, I visited a lot of fantastic places and took thousands of pictures. A place, which impressed me most, is a fort. You know, forts can be commonly found in Arabic cities, but the forts in Manama are so unique. Because they are built in various colors, like dark yellow, white, light blue and even purple. That was so amazing that attracts millions of people from all over the word every year. One of my local friends told me that why should these fort been built in different colors is closely connected to local cultures. You know, different religions are mixed up in this mid east land.

I think I was deeply attracted by the amazing colorful forts there and even curious about its mysterious culture there.


My favourite colour is green and I have loved this colour from my early childhood. Green is the colour of nature, liveliness, fertility and freshness. The first reason I like this colour is that the nature bears this colour everywhere. There is nothing more beautiful than the vast green trees, green vista and fields. Green is the symbol of life and it represents the safety. The colour green also represents good luck, health, tranquility. This colour has long been a symbol for fertility and that's why once been used in the wedding gowns mostly in 15th century. This colour is often used in decorating to show the calmness.

If we judge the colour green from the colour psychology perspective, we learn that green balances the heart and emotions and thus create the equilibrium in heart and brain. From the meaning of colour perspective, green is the symbol of growth, colour of spring and symbolizes renewal and rebirth. It is the sanctuary away from the complexity and stresses of the modern lives and the tranquility of the calm, fresh and greener area.

I have my wall painted in green colour and it is generally believed that green is an eye friendly colour unlike red. The mild green colour is a popular colour which does not look too violent or too dull. I liked this colour even in my childhood and that I can be sure from the dominant green usages in my childhood paints. My teachers sometimes laughed at my weakness on green colour when I painted a green sun and green moon. I still remember I pained a green alien and that painting became very famous among our friends.

I am not quite sure how my fascination started growing on green colour but I guess I started liking this colour as I had spent my childhood in an area where green was the most dominating colour. This was the colour of nature and I was surrounded by the beauty of nature. I noticed in my childhood that green is the colour for living and yellow and red means dying, specifically for the trees and plants I had. May be this idea influenced my preference of colour. May be this choice is not directly related to any of my experience and reflected in a later stage as part of my individuality and personal preference. Whatever is the reason, I guess Green is a colour of profound importance and is my favourite colour.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

1. Describe a colour you really like

2. Describe a colour that you always prefer

3. Describe the most beautiful colour


What’s your favorite color?


I love the color white because it’s so clean and pure. When I wear white, I feel very peaceful at heart. But I have to pay attention because it gets dirty so easily. I think a white Tee Shirt and blue jeans are the best combination.


I think black is very mysterious and sophisticated. For a girl, it looks very sexy. And when you wear black you look thinner, because the color is very slimming.


It’s the color of the sea and the sky. It’s also the color of jeans.

So I guess in a sense, it’s a young and free color.


Red is the hottest and most enthusiastic color you can ever imagine.

And it’s the color of China.


The color green reminds me of the nature and the environment.

It’s the color of Spring when all lives come back around us.

So wearing this color, I feel very close to nature.

Do you like the same color now as you did when you were younger?


Well, yeah.

I’m a kind of person that likes something and doesn’t change.

And I think the colors of black and white are the most classic.

I’m a simple guy, so I like simple colors.


I guess it changed. When I was young, I was childish, so I like bright colors, such as light yellow and shiny red. But now, I’m a 20 years old young man, I’m more mature, and so I like more understated colors, such as dark blue or deep green.

What can you learn about a person from the color they like?

I think you can tell about a person’s personality by his or her favorite colors.

For example, if a person loves the color red, he’s very out-going and not afraid to show his feelings and emotions. But if a person loves black, for instance, she maybe very reserved and mysterious. She may not want to share too much with others.

Do any colors have special meanings in your culture?

I think the colors of red and yellow represent our home country, China,

because they’re the main colors of the national flag.

The color red also means happy occasions, such as wedding.

I know that the color white means wedding in the west.

Yet, the it means death in China.

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