

乐器雅思口语-(音乐 雅思口语2023更新)





年年岁岁题不同, 但其实有规律可循

目前,雅思考试已得到全球超过7000家相关机构的认可,随着雅思考试国际认可度的不断提高 ,参加雅思考试的中国学生越来越多。雅思的 笔试题 是提前一年将第二年的题全部准备好的,每次题肯定都不一样,试题都是唯一的。但还是有些规律可循的。比如前一次 作文 出了饼状图的小作文、科技类大作文,下一次一般就不会出了,变换题型。但是几次考试过后可能又循环出现了。阅读和听力大体相对如此。题型就那么几种,但话题涉及的范围较广,三立在线 教育 建议考生这两部分还是以多练习多做题为主。

雅思口语每年换三次题库 更新三至四成旧题

雅思口语考试作为雅思考试中最重要的一部分,往往最令中国考生担心,每年一月、五月和九月被称为是口语考试的换题库月,将淘汰30%到40% 旧题并补充相应数量的新题。每一次在换题完成之后,题库就会相对的比较的稳定直到下一次的换题时间。


留学 要过的第一关首先是语言,作为雅思考试中最关键的部分——口语,一直备受考生们关注。口语题目前为止在一般情况下是一月、五月和九月出现新题,所以不太建议考生这三个月报考。这样讲并不意味着其他的月份不会出现换题,只是其他月份话题变化的幅度相对比较小。有些新话题比较难,最好能在考题出现过后提前准备一下,否则在考场上很有可能无法流利对答;而有的新话题是可以用旧话题准备好的答案的,比如以前准备过的旧题是:一个崇拜的人,准备的是描述爷爷,而新话题是一位和你一起住的老人,依然可以用准备过的答案。


1.Between 1950 and 1973, Britain’s GDP grew at an average annual rate of 3%. Growth was hampered by chronic balance of payment deficits. The term “Britain disease” is now used to characterize Britain’s economic decline.


2.By the end of 1947, the British economy had returned to its pre-war levels. The British economy in the 50s and 60s is characterized by show but steady growth, low unemployment and great material prosperity with rising standard of consumption.


3.John m Keynes suggested that the government should use fiscal and monetary policy to fine-tune aggregate demand to achieve full employment, while using prices and incomes policy to suppress inflation at source.


4.The end of 1973 witnessed the first oil shock. As a result the rate of inflation rose to 16% in 1974. In the 1970s among the developed countries Britain maintained the lowest growth rate and the highest inflation rate.


5.The new economic programmed adopted by Mrs. Thatcher was based on the new classical school of thought. Privatization deregulation and market liberalization replaced prices and incomes control and state interventionism.


6.Mrs. Thatcher’s government took numerous measures to improve the efficiency of the economy during the past decade using both macroeconomic and microeconomic.

在过去十年,撒切尔政府运用宏观经济政策和微观经济政策,采取许多 措施 提高经济效益。

7.Just as the 1940s decade is remembered in Britain as the era of nationalization. The 1980s will be remembered as the decade of privatization. During past decade almost 40% of the Britain state enterprises were privatized.


8.Compared with many other countries, Britain has considerable reserves of coal. It was the development of Britain’s coalfields which led to the Industrial Revolution. Today British coal mining is called a “sick” industry.


9.Later nature gas was discovered in 1965 and oil in 1970 under the North Sea. Today Britain is not only self-sufficient in oil but also has a surplus for export.


10.The Midlands has deposits of coal and iron located near each other. Because of these resource the Midlands became the center of steal industry. But today local supplies have became exhausted ore must be imported from Spain·Sweden and elsewhere. The original advantages of the location of many steal works in Britain have gone.


11.The main textile producing regions of Britain are the east Yorkshire and humberside, and northern Ireland. Britain’s textile industry has declined markedly especially in the cotton 、jute and linen production. But the production of high quality woolen goods has not been so severely affected.


根据格罗夫(Grove)音乐辞典记载,古典吉他为鲁特琴族(Lute family)中具有琴格的拨弦乐器。关于吉他起源及其形成之研究,可说是众说纷纭﹔这些理论包括了:1.从古希腊齐特琴(Kithara)及吉他之语源学说(Etymology)中研究得来。2.部分学者推论认为吉他是从美索不达米亚(Mesopotamia),及安娜多利亚(Anatolia)发现的长颈鲁特琴(Lute)所演变而来。3. 另一部分学者研究发现吉他是由阿拉伯传入欧洲,因为在埃及发现平扁琴背之哥普鲁特琴(Coptic Lute),或可认为是吉他的前身。由于以上大部分均为推论,且早期音乐文献多半失散,以至于在缺乏直接证据的状况下,目前对于吉他真正的起源尚未形成定论,只能从非古典吉他及其他音乐历史文献中寻找可靠而相关的蛛丝马迹。

在中世纪文学中出现和吉他有关的乐器名称,法国称之为Giterne,英国则是gitarer。法国诺曼底公爵(Duke of Normandy)所拥有乐师名单中,有赫特马(Jean Hautmar)弹奏Guiterre Latine及拉贝(Richard Labbe)弹奏Guiterre Moresche等古吉他琴族乐器之记载。马肃(Guillaume de Machaut)亦列出Morache et Guiternes为鲁特琴族之一。由于当时古吉他琴族中的拉丁吉他Guitarra Latina,吉他Guiterne及摩尔吉他uiterreMoresche等音量不能和鲁特琴相抗衡,因此在欧洲大陆吉他无法广为流传,直到文艺复兴时期西班牙出现了比维拉琴(Vihuela)及四弦吉他(Four-Course Guitar)之后,吉他的地位才开始奠定了雏形。

一般称古典吉他为西班牙吉他,因为从16世纪以后,比维拉琴及四弦吉他首先在伊比利半岛上萌芽发展,随后才发展成巴罗克时期五弦吉他,六弦吉他,最后六弦吉他亦在西班牙境内孕育出吉他第一黄金时期,到了现代古典吉他大师塞戈维亚(Andres Segovia)手中,更进一步将古典吉他艺术推广到欧洲之外的亚洲及美洲,形成古典吉他史上的第二黄金期。在古典吉他的演变时期中,虽然也正是音乐史上巴罗克、古典、浪漫时期,器乐己成为主流﹔然而当时吉他却因为无法和交响乐团整体音量匹敌,加上其本身之特殊风格,与乐团乐器之配置有所隔阂,因此成为一独奏乐器。

至于六弦吉他的出现,虽然大部分学者均相信是在法国以及义大利所开始,但却没有任何当代文献证明是由谁最早开始制作。反而有一位德国的小提琴与吉他制琴家雅寇﹒奥古斯特。奥图(Jacob Augustus Otto)自称是他在接受了德勒司登的乐团指挥纽曼先生(Herr Neumann)的一张六弦吉他订单之后,特别为他所设计制造的。这似乎表示六弦吉他是在德国首先出现的,但是有件事绝对不能忽略,这位制琴师奥图早年均在义大利学习制琴,很有可能当时他就已经在学习过程中见过这种吉他的雏形了。至于西班牙采用六弦吉他的起源,虽然没有书面的记载,但一般相信大约在1820年左右,因为著名的西班牙吉他作曲家兼演奏家阿瓜多(Dionisio Aguado)为六弦吉他所写的教本于1825年在马德里出版,足以证明在此之前,六弦吉他已经有部分人开始使用,所以才会需要这样的教本。 在18世纪末至19世纪初,六弦吉他的发展也逐渐产生一些较为常见的特征,例如由于琴身上下较宽部分又加宽了些,使得曲线更为明显﹔琴桥固定琴弦的方式是将弦缠在本制插梢上,再插入琴桥上预先挖好的六个小孔中加以固定,取代了这之前直接缠绕在琴桥上的设计﹔到了19世纪早期,在琴桥又加上了狭长的骨片或象牙片,作为下弦枕。此外,指板也继续延伸到音孔旁。虽然无法查证何时开始采用这种设计,但可以将其归功于一位德籍制琴家乔治﹒史道弗(George Staufer),值得注意的是,他也是后来移民至美国纽约,并成为美国制琴工业先驱的著名制琴师马汀(Christian Friedrich Martin)的老师。马汀后来在美国研究发展出本土的钢弦吉他,也就是现在流行音乐界所广为使用的民谣吉他鼻祖,有别于当时在欧洲仍采用的羊肠弦吉他。

19世纪早期,吉他形状渐渐改变发展成接近现代吉他的外观:金属弦纽取代木制纽头﹔挖空的音孔取代玫瑰纹饰的音孔﹔琴桥提高了﹔扁平的背板变成标准形式﹔第十二琴格对准琴颈和音箱联结处,此外,华丽的装饰也几乎完全消失了。在这名家辈出的时代,必须提到这位被称为近代吉他制作之父的著名人物,西班牙制琴师安东尼奥﹒托雷斯(Antonio de Torres Jurado, 1817~1892)。他所设计出的吉他新形式,可说是凌驾于在这之前所有形态的吉他。他将弦长定为65公分,琴身内部构造以响孔为起点,在音箱内部配置有七根扇形力木,并将原本较为窄小的琴身扩大,这种设计大大地提高吉他的音响效果,引起各著名制琴师的仿效,成为现代古典吉他的制作典范。



大小 在 狮子座 流星雨中,一颗5等流星通常仅由一个0.00006克、直径0.5毫米的流星体产生。狮子座流星雨中的可见流星的大部分流星,体直径在1毫米到1厘米之间。

速度 一个微小的流星体就足以产生在几百公里之外就能看见的亮光,其原因就在于流星体的高速度。在刚进入地球大气层时狮子座流星雨中流星体的速度可达71公里/每秒。

光之来源 当流星体闯入地球大气时,它与大量的空气分子相碰撞,使颗粒的外层微粒被撞离母体。在碰撞的过程中,一些空气分子发生电离。当被离解的电子再次被原子俘获时便会产生发光现象。

流星的颜色 大部分的狮子座流星颜色,像钠灯燃烧时的色彩。一个流星的颜色是流星体的化学成分及反应温度的体现:钠原子发出橘黄色的光,铁为黄色,镁是蓝绿色,钙为紫色,硅是红色。

声音 流星通常不会发出可以听见的声音。如果你没有看到它的话,它就会悄无声息的一扫而过。对于非常亮的流星,曾经有人听到过声音。这些声响主要集中在低频波段。一个非常亮的流星,如火流星,可能会听到声音。如果流星体的直径大于大气分子的平均自由程,则在流星体的前边会产生大量的激波。偶然情况下,这些激波会深入到大气的底层从而被我们听到。听起来像远处发出的隆隆声。

持久余迹 流星有时会在它通过的轨道上留下一条持久的余迹。余迹主体颜色多为绿色,是中性的氧原子。持续时间通常为1到10秒。可见余迹亮度迅速下降,在极限星等为4到5等的情况下,一般可持续1到30分钟。这些亮光来自炽热空气和流星体中的金属原子。

雅思听力每年换题库吗相关 文章 :

★ 快速做好雅思听力选择题的技巧是什么?

★ 关于雅思英语的听力多选题解答技巧分享

★ 关于雅思听力,你一定要知道的答题技巧!

★ 雅思听力老师提高不了?可能是因为这些问题

★ 雅思听力考试中常见问题大汇总

★ 雅思听力关于地图题究竟要怎么听?

★ 雅思这些听力选择题高分技巧你知道吗

★ 雅思听力审题技巧

★ 解锁雅思听力地图题解题新姿势

★ 雅思听力对形容词的出题点的汇总和解析


I think children should learn to play an instrument because music, in the end, is another language. Being able to play something and appreciate the music of others is a fine form of expression and allows you to understand the human condition just a little more deeply, which ii perhaps more useful to a child than learning the exact date a particular king died or somesuch.


音乐逐渐成为许多人生活中经常相伴的朋友,音乐对你来说重要吗?你有什么看法呢?下面我给大家带来关于音乐的雅思 作文 。


1 Do you like music?

No, I don'treally like music, and I don't listen to it. It's not something that I've ever been interested in.


2 What kind of music did you listen to when you wereyoung?

I can't remember listening to much music asa child either. I suppose I must have heard some traditional music at festivals or parties, but I didn't take much notice of it.


3 When was the last time you went to a concert?

I've never been to a music concert. Maybe Ishould try going to one; perhaps it would be interesting to see an orchestra playing classical music.


4 Would you like to participate in a live music show?

No, definitely not. I don't play a musical instrumentand I don't sing,so I can't imagine that I'd ever find myself performing to an audience.



traditionalmusic 传统音乐

atfestivals /at parties 在节日/派对上

a music concert 一个音乐会

orchestra play classical music 管弦乐队演奏古典乐曲

play a musical instrument 演奏乐器

perform to an audience 给观众表演

participatein a live music show 参加现场的音乐表演

雅思口语音乐话题 范文

Describe a kind of music. You should say:

Whether you like music or not.

What kind of music you like most.

What role music plays in people’s lives.

1.a) If I had to describe a kind of music that I like, I would say that it is pop music.

b) I am sure you are familiar with that kind of music

2.a) I like music very much.

b) That is to say, I cannot imagine what my life would be like without music.

3.a) I believe music plays an important part in people’s lives.

b) For example, we can use it to sooth our minds after a hard day at work, or it can provide us with the rhythm to dance to.

There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about pop music. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.

4.a) First of all, pop music is lively, and suits me at my age.

b) What I mean to say is that us youngsters like to listen to music that fits in with the way we feel

5.a) Secondly, usually has a good rhythm.

b) For instance, it is suitable for us to dance to in the nightclubs.

6.a) Lastly, pop music is simple to understand.

b) That is to say, I like it because it does not have complicated lyrics, and it helps me to relax after I have been studying hard for some time.

7. So, those were some thoughts on my favorite type of music.


Describe a place where people listen to music

Where is it?

How do you know this place?

How does it look like?

And explain how do you feel about this place?


2.主题:Ha Noi大街

3. 故事 线:当你来到这条街的时候,你可以有机会听各种类型的音乐,从流行音乐到摇滚音乐,再到免费的民歌。许多业余音乐家和歌手都有自己的音乐表演,而不关心别人会给他们多少钱。他们 唱歌 和演奏乐器主要是因为他们想唤起他们的激情,成为人们关注的焦点。

One of the most interesting and well-known places where people can go to listen to the music in Ha Noi is definitely the Walking street, which is near Ho Guom lake on Hai Ba Trung district.

When coming to this street, you can have chances to listen to various genres of music, ranging from pop and rock music to folk songs free of charge. A lot of amateur musicians and singers have their music performances there without caring about how much money other people will voluntarily give them. They sing and play musical instruments mainly because they want to arouse their passion and be the centre of attention.

My friends and I usually wander around the Walking street on the weekend and we all blow my mind by how talented and skillful the artists are. Another thing that I love about this place is it can help me to get closer to the nature around Ho Guom lake and get a sense of transquility. Especially in the spring, when the weather is breezy and all flowers are in bloom, I prefer going for a walk around the lake, watch live music shows and inhale the pleasant scents of flowers, which allows me to put my feet up and recharge my battery after working my fingers to the bone.

If anyone asks me about places of interests in Ha Noi, I would definitely recommend them to visit the Walking street and enjoy a variety of music genres as well as fresh environment.



There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?


当今世界上有许多不同类型的音乐。 为什么我们需要音乐? 一个国家的传统音乐比现在听到的国际音乐更重要吗?


It is true that a rich variety of musical styles can be found around the world. Music is a vital part of all human cultures for a range of reasons, and I would argue that traditional music is more important than modern, international music.

Music is something that accompanies all of us throughout our lives. As children, we are taught songs by our parents and teachers as a means of learning language, or simply as a form of enjoyment. Children delight in singing with others, and it would appear that the act of singing in a group creates a connection between participants, regardless of their age. Later in life, people’s musical preferences develop, and we come to see our favourite songs as part of our life stories. Music both expresses and arouses emotions in a way that words alone cannot. In short, it is difficult to imagine life without it.

In my opinion, traditional music should be valued over the international music that has become so popular. International pop music is often catchy and fun, but it is essentially a commercial product that is marketed and sold by business people. Traditional music, by contrast, expresses the culture, customs and history of a country. Traditional styles, such as ...(example)..., connect us to the past and form part of our cultural identity. It would be a real pity if pop music became so predominant that these national styles disappeared.

In conclusion, music is a necessary part of human existence, and I believe that traditional music should be given more importance than international music.

关于音乐的雅思作文相关 文章 :

1. 雅思写作|关于35个雅思基础作文题目

2. 快来收藏学习!关于雅思作文的十大类话题大汇总

3. 雅思写作:高能十大话题题库

4. 雅思大作文范文3篇政府类作文

5. 雅思考试大作文范文3篇抽象类

6. 2023 年雅思写作大作文预测及参考范文

7. 雅思作文:2023 1111雅思大作文题目解析和范文

8. 雅思写作素材:2023 0921雅思大作文题目解析与范文

9. 雅思写作考试:2023 1209雅思大作文

10. 雅思英语高分作文赏析


1. Birds 鸟类

Do you like birds?

What birds popular in China?

核心词汇:magpie喜鹊 , swan天鹅, pigeon鸽子 and peacock孔雀

主要说喜鹊 因为喜鹊是好运的象征,他在我们中国有文化背景.

2. Birds and pets 比较

Is it popular to keep birds as pets in your country?

可以再补充几个核心的鸟类词汇parrot鹦鹉, thrushes画眉。

3. Flower: 花

Do you like flowers?

核心词汇:Rose, Jasmine茉莉花, Peony牡丹, Carnation康乃馨

Do Chinese people like send flowers to people on some festivals?

Do Chinese people use flowers as a gift?

Have you received flowers?

Is there any special meaning for flowers?


4. Noise and neighbor噪音和邻居

what kind of sound do you like?

音乐的声音,light music,

乐器的声音 flute长笛,drum鼓,pinao 钢琴

why is there noise?


各种建筑工地的机器噪音Noise made by engines in building sites


Do you know your neighbors?

Do you think it is important to have good relationship with neighbors?


Do you prefer young people to be your neighbor or old people?



5. Cooking做饭

Who does the cooking in your family?

What does he or she often cook?


6. Fruit水果

Do you like fruit?

水果的种类:strawberry, melon, kiwi猕猴桃, cherry樱桃, blueberry蓝莓, raspberry红莓.

How often do you eat fruit?

What kind of fruit do you like best?

Why? 水果含有丰富的维他命,不含脂肪 卡路里也很低等等

What are the benefits of eating more fruit?

7. Vegetables蔬菜

Do you like vegetables?

How often do you eat vegetables?

What kind of vegetables do you like best?

What are the benefits of eating vegetables?

8. Driving开车

Do you often drive?

Is it necessary to learn driving?

Is it important to drive well?

When would you allow your children to drive?

9 English 英语学习

Why do you study English?

How does your teacher teach English?

What teaching style do you like?

现在最流行的英语教育就是communicative language teaching.

Do you prefer group learning or individual learning?

Group learning: 可以小组讨论可以交换学习计较可方法还可以想起她人学, 培养学生独立思考的能力和习惯这是一种很重要的技能。

How do you study English?

Where do you usually study English? With whom?

Do the young and the elderly learn English in different ways? What are the differences?

how many languages can you speak?

what languages do you like?

what are the difficulties in learning a language?

what did you collect when you were young?

10 collect收集


do you still collect it now?

what do you like to collect?

if you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?

do you like to wear watches?

提醒自己要有时间观念 时间安排合理

do you think that time flies?

11 Sports:运动

Do you do sports?

Does you community have any sports equipment?

. What sport do you do? Do you think swimming is good?

Shape one’s body, good for lose weight, practice your lung volume, strengthen your muscle

Where do people go for swimming?

What sport are you going to learn in the future?

Are there any good sports facilities in your community?

What sport do you want to do in the future?

11. Friends朋友

Do you want to go out alone or in a group?

How often do you meet your friends?

What do you do when you are with friends?

12. Food食物

What food do you like?

What food don't you like?

Which restaurant is your favorite?

do you like cooking?

who does the cooking in your family?

what does he or she like to cook?

13. Internet网络

What do you do with internet?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?

网络把整个世界带到你的身边,可以有效快速的找到你所需要的信息,但是缺点是网络犯罪和诈骗很多 总的来说网络带给我们的益处大于坏处

Do you think that life is better with the internet?

When did you begin to use the internet?

What’s the influence of the internet on you?

14. Living place你的详细居住地址

Do you live in a house or a flat?

I live in four-bedroom flat, which is on the 4th floor. It is in Zhongyuan district of Zhengzhou, not far from city center.

What can you see from the windows of your home?


15. Work: 工作

Do you think your job is easy to do? Why?

What’s your job responsibility?

16 Vacation:度假旅游

这个问题的思路嫁接到带水的地方也就是旅游景点 大连或者是青岛或者是英国

Do you like traveling?

What’s the most interesting journey?

Which country do you want to visit?

When did you have your vacation last time?

17。Society Culture:社会和文化

Have you received any gift?可以说flowers

When do people give gifts in your country?过节日的时候,生日的时候,你可以举个例子五月的第二个周日是母亲节大家都送康乃馨来一次表达自己对母亲的感谢和爱

When will you give gifts?

Do you think it's difficult to choose a gift?

Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody?

18. bicyle 自行车

Do most people ride bicycles?

Did you learn to ride a bike when you were young?

Are there any benefits of bicycle riding?

益处是锻炼身体,休闲娱乐,缓解交通压力 reduce traffic pressure,

Why so many people ride bicycles in your country?

中国过去是自行车王国used to kingdom of Bicycles

在过去自行车是主要的出行工具main means of transportation

随着交通的快速发展rapid development of public transportation, 私家车的普及widespread of private cars

Do you think bike riding is safe?

What are the differences between being a child and being an adult?

19.休闲活动Leisure activities:

When did you go shopping last time?

Do you like going to a party?

What do you dislike most about a party?

Do you like shopping?

What do you dislike most about shopping?

When do you usually go shopping?

Do you prefer small shops or shopping malls? Why?

part 2 (高频考试题目)优先准备一下话题,然后有时间的同学可以把后面人事物地媒体的剩余东西准备一下

a foreign artist you admire (movie star, singer, painter, etc)


a walk you took



a family that you like (not your own)


a wild animal endangered animal 说说那些濒临灭绝的动物,他们的驻地被人共占用,他们被人们猎捕,社会工业的发展污染了他们的水源和食物

a happy event (in your childhood) ===a family event ===go for a picnic 这三个题目都可以互相串起来,

a school you went to when you were young (小时候的学校)

your favorite subject (不要说大学的pe )

a science lesson you learned说数学,物理说你很擅长的话或者说你学不懂

something you bought but has not been used frequently (买过的不怎么用的东西,与equipment买过了学英语的那个器材)

a trip you planned but didn't go for说大连和青岛,英国

A party you enjoyed 一次晚会国际学生晚会===a party you would like to hold (注意将来时)

手工制品 something you made by yourself 旗袍风筝剪纸中山装

a letter or email you received 通知你去参加party

a special meal 和上面这个话题连接,有中国饭菜举几个例子有外国饭菜

last weekend运动,看电影,听音乐

Old thing in your family旗袍风筝剪纸中山装

A person who visited you 最好的朋友

A public event 跟踢足球,篮球的比赛连接

An exciting sport也可以准备一下极限运动,

A change you would like to make 你通过看电影听音乐和用iphone手机下载动词,来提高自己的英语具体看我发的讲义

A course you want to learn 英语 体育运动 饮食做饭 做衣服

Good news from phone 参加聚会

Something that is good for health 水果和蔬菜

sports event you watched that you want to do 嫁接到足球比赛

a trip not as good as you planned 实际就是要描述旅游中的突发事件,丢东西啦。交通啦。堵车啦。天气啦。。。。。

a picnic or a meal in a park 嫁接到国际留学生自己带食物去参加的话题(这个场景我在国外留学的时候经常会这样特别是到了夏天的时候大家一般都会park在举行)

an important conversation 父母跟你谈打算送你出国的事情

where when with whom what it was about

雅思口语中What kind of art did you do when you were a child?怎么回答呀?急

1) art 此处不可简单翻译为 艺术

提问人意在问你你小时候学了什么才艺(就是咱们这边报的什么兴趣班啊什么的 多是声乐 美术方面的)

可以回答:I do some painting(绘画).I used to singing when I was yong(唱歌).……

2)How to raise the money-saving awareness of education ?


可以回答:To convince people of the disadvantage of wasting money by some cases(案例).……

