




广州环球雅思英语怎么样?环球雅思英语培训学校采用什么样的教学方法?环球雅思英语培训机构好不好?环球雅思英语学费是多少?或许这些都是大家比较关注的问题,博主为此收集了环球雅思英语口语培训一些资料和大家分享: 环球雅思是国内最大英语培训机构之一,被评为全国十大知名学校。每年培训30多万学员,每月开设雅思、托福、外教口语、小语种数千个班级,创立全国第一连锁教学品牌。 环球雅思创于1997年,2001年成立北京市海淀区环球雅思培训学校,作为国内规模最大并首家在美国上市的连锁外语培训机构之一,10年来以驰名独特的“环球实用应试教学模式”,迅速发展成为具有全国雅思、托福、SAT、GRE、中小学辅导、少儿英语、BETS、BEC商务英语、职称英语、国际预科课程、四六级、外教口语、中教听说、新概念英语、词汇语法发音、国内国际夏冬令营、日韩法德西意俄多语种、留学文书写作中心、职业网校、英语网校、政府及企业团培、英美公派奖学金申请、大学国际课程委培、英语教材开发等项的综合性学校及大型网校。 环球雅思学校老师专利性独创“平行阅读法”“无词阅读法”“双向听力法”“807词法”“装配写作法”“机经音频法”等数十种环球教学法,实用精炼,拥有“背诵”新概念英语、“大声会”外教口语俱乐部、“环球BEC”商务英语、“环球本土留洋”英语夏宁营、“凯育”多语种、“易学” “博雅”“博思”中小学同步辅导等新势力品牌。全面领先的面授和在线课程助海内外学子以优异成绩走向社会、步入外企、成功留学移民。 博主认为,环球雅思英语最引人注目的地方其在雅思、托福出国英语方面的培训,其在成人英语和实用英语口语方面并无明显优势,因此希望各位朋友选择学校的时候务必慎重; 其实,英语培训学校好不好,主要看学习者自己: 如学习需求:你是为出国、为考证、为升学还是出国工作需要; 如英语基础N程网站:广州环球雅思英语 点击





Did you ever make anything by hand when you were a child?

Do children in your country often make things by hand?

Do you think it's very useful for children to make things by hand?

Is there anything that you would like to make by hand in the future?


How do you feel about birds? (Why do you feel that way?)

How do Chinese people feel about birds?

Are there many birds near your home?

Have you seen many different kinds of birds? (near your home)?

Do any birds have any particular significance in China? For example, does China have a national bird?

Do you think birds should be protected? (Why? / Why not?)

Do Chinese people like raising (keeping) pet birds?

Have you ever raised (kept) a pet bird?

What did you feed it?


Do you like outdoor activities?

What outdoor activities do you (most) like to do?

How often do you do that?

What kinds of outdoor activities do you do in your daily life?

Do people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors?

What (types of) outdoor activities are popular in your country?

Do people in your country have enough time to spend on outdoor activities?


What do you think, "happiness" is?

What do you think makes people feel happy?

Do you do anything to keep yourself happy?

Why do people feel happy when they are at a natural place (such as in a forest)?

Do you think money plays an important part in people's happiness?



雅思口语问study subject怎么说

学习or工作是考官在雅思口语一开始就可能问到的问题。那么作为雅思考生,如何去回答这些问题呢?考官又会问哪些问题呢?环球雅思就雅思口语话题Part1 study学习参考回答的内容为雅思考生们总结一下。

1) What subject/major are you studying?

I major in finance, which is a popular subject in our country now, because it is quite helpful for students to engage in business in the future.

2) Why did you choose to study that?


3) Do you like your subject? (= your major = your subjects if a high school student)

4) Where do you study (= what school/university do you attend)?

I am studying in Shanghai University, a key university in China.

5) When did you start this course and when will you finish it? (How long have you been doing this course?)

I have been studying here for more than 3 years, I mean I am a junior, so I’ll finish my study in 1 year.

6) Do you like university life?

Yes, I love my university life. Compared with my high school life, it’s more fascinating. In the university, I can enjoy more freedom and attend more associations, such badminton association, guitar association and dancing association.

7) What do you think of your school/university?

8) How do you like your university life?


9) (Similar to above) What do you think of the place where you are studying?

10) What is the best thing about your university/school?

11) Why are you taking the IELTS test?


12) What are your future study plans?

I’ll study in the U.K. for a bachelor/master’s degree next year.

13) Do you think the things you are studying now in school/university will prepare you well for your future work?

Definitely, they’ll be useful for my future work. For example, in the marketing class, I learn how to do surveys for the market and how promote goods.

14) What are your future work plans? (after you graduate)

To be honest, I haven’t decided it yet. Most probably, I’ll work as a market analyst in an international company after I graduate form the university.


徐州环球雅思国际英语学校联系方式0516-80808055 85609316 85609317公交线路2、12、14、17、33、37、38、39、47、48、69、76路金地商都站下教学范围全外教雅思口语班、雅思词汇班、环球雅思-词汇基础班、雅思6.5高分班、等等思系列培训课程: “6分无限时”班、“4+1”预备A/B套餐班、“6段式”保5.5双承诺、四大名教精讲点题班、雅思6.5高分班、雅思精品晚/周末班、强化全日/晚/周末班、基础全日/晚/周末班、雅思半价接力复读班

雅思单项特色培训课程: 全外教雅思口语班 、雅思词汇班 、环球雅思-词汇基础班 、环球雅思-词汇拓展班

雅思语法提高班 、英式发音班 、雅思写作班 、中教妙语双周班 、全真模拟考试班









