




1. 形容词比较

在口语中,也会用到形容词比较,同学们在用到这个语法时常会犯错。其实,在使用形容词比较时,只有三个音节以上(含三个音节)的形容词才需要加more或the most,其他的形容词都是直接加er或者去y变ier的规则变化,但是有的考生在作答时易忽略该形容词是否规则变化,就自然的以为在三音节以下的形容词前加more或the most。

2. 动词短语忽略成分

在英语表达时,同学们用到的动词短语有的是固定搭配,只有把短语完整的说全的情况下才可以接之后的名词,但许多考生很容易忽视这一点。如:listen to, go to,look forward to, pay attention to等等。所以我们要在练习中尽可能的回忆当时学校课堂上所交的那些口诀,尽可能的确计划用动词短语时不会遗漏任何成分。

3. there be句型与have/has混杂使用

同学们在使用的时候经常把它们混合使用,如There has been a big change in my hometown.有许多考生在记住这个句子之后在想表示"有"这个谓语动词的时候都,往往会把there be与have/has同时出现在一句话中,而句子的含义并非想表达现在完成时。如:There have many wild animals in my country. 而正确的说法为There are many wild animals in my country.或My country has many wild animals.

4. 时态应用错误



雅思口语考试语法的要求标准是什么? ?








1、 时态语态的运用




Future:一般将来时-will没有计划,be going to有计划的-口语、小作文图表)

• Part1口语三大高频话题:Hometown, accommodation, work or study

推荐回答:I’m been working as a teacher for four years.

I’ve been studying in XXX University for X years.

I’ve been living in a spacious flat for about four years.

I’ve been living in Shanghai for about four years.

▪  雅思口语中让自己的答案脱颖而出的答案:

I have done/l have been doing sth (ever) since…

I have done/l have been doing sth for…

I've already/never/just…

I've always been quite fond of…

I've been a fan of /infatuated with…ever since…

Sth has/have become…

There has/have been…


例:参与 be involved in

暴露 be exposed to

坐落 be located in

沉迷 be addicted to



例1:Fighting Californian wildfires is still not an easy task because the fires ←(the firefighters now face)________(此处应该填动词) in more unpredictable manner in addition to the raging heat and faster speed than ever.

例2:An accident(that occurred in the skies over the Grand Canyon in 1956)resulted in the establishment of the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) to regulate and oversee the operation of aircraft in the skies over the United States, (which were becoming quite congested.)The resulting structure of air traffic control has greatly increased the safety of light in the United States, and similar air traffic control procedures are also in place over much of the rest of the world.

Heading:Aviation disaster prompts action.


例1:So what you’ve learnt from it would be too little for the amount of time ← (you have to spend on it)



1、 简单句句型多样性

Fast food contains too much fat and salt. →主谓宾

Life in big cities is very stressful →主系表

It is important for parents to set good examples →It is..

There are some robots that work in factories →There be

例:很多国家很穷 Many country are poor(主系表)/ There’re many poor countries in the world.(There be)

应该增加警察局的数量 We should increase the number of police offices.(主谓宾)/ There should be more police offices. (There be)/ It’s necessary for us to increase the police offices.(It is…)

政府应该审查媒体的内容 The government should censor the media content.(主谓宾)/ It’s necessary for the government to censor the media content. (It is…)/ The government’s censorship on the media is necessary. (主系表)/ There should be censorship on media content.(There be)

2、 复杂句句型多样性

▪   从句

▪   非谓语

▪    介词短语


▪  定语从句

▪   it is.. that

▪   When/Before/After…

▪    Although/While…

▪     If…

▪     As…

▪     Because/As/Since…


▪ 父母抽烟的孩子有很大可能培养相同的习惯。Children whose parents smoke…/Children with smoking parents…

▪ 花在食物上的钱占到家度支出的最大比例。Money which is spent on food…/Money spent on food…

▪ 使用化石燃料的汽车数远远大于使用新能源的汽车数。Cars which use fossil fuel…/Cars using green energy

▪ 国家之间的文化差异导致了游客对当地人的偏见。Culture differences among different country…

▪ 65岁以上的人口占到最大比例在意大利。People over 65 years old…



1、Many scientific knowledge(不可数) can be used in teaching students.

2、Children from poor homes have few opportunity(opportunities) to receive education.

3、This policy has positive effect(effects) on companies.

4、It is not easy to find a full-time employment(不可数)(jobs).

5、Some young people can receive trainings(不可数).

6、News media(单数)(medium) have a (an)important influence on the public.





Part I问题:Why did you choose to study that subject? 针对这个问题,可能你的口语老师会教你用“the reason why I…is that…”这个句型来回答。但所有考生在第一次作答时,基本上都会忽略所提出问题的时态,而在作答时用一般现在时来回答:The reason why I choose to study this subject is that I am interested in learning it at that time。很显然,正确的回答应该把句中的choose变为chose,is变为was,am也要相应的变成was: 如:The reason why I chose to study this subject was that I was interested in learning it at that time.

错误二:there be句型与have/has混杂使用

这一问题的出现,要归罪于现在完成时的there be句型,如There has been a big change in my hometown.有许多考生在记住这个句子之后在想表示“有”这个谓语动词的时候都,往往会把there be与have/has同时出现在一句话中,而句子的含义并非想表达现在完成时。如:There have many wild animals in my country. 而正确的说法为There are many wild animals in my country.或My country has many wild animals.


在形容词变比较级与比较高级时,只有三个音节以上(含三个音节)的形容词才需要加more或the most,其他的形容词都是直接加er或者去y变ier的规则变化,但是有的考生在作答时极易忽略该形容词是否规则变化,而想当然的再三音节以下的形容词前加more或the most。如:It‘s more easy for me to find a job with this major. 而正确的说法为:It’s easier for me to find a job with this major.


你可能可以熟练的背出“ing是形容一件事或一种东西,ed是形容人”这一口诀,但是你敢肯定自己在作答中不会犯这种错误码?看以下及组形容 词:interesting与interested;exciting与excited;surprising与surprised。什么叫形容人?基本上来讲,可能出现的情况无非以下两种:a. somebody + be动词 + 以ed结尾的形容词 + 介词 + something 如:I‘m surprised about this piece of news. b. something make(s) somebody + 以ed结尾的形容词 如:This piece of news makes me surprised. 什么叫形容一件事或一种东西?也就是:a. something + be动词 + 以ing结尾的形容词 如:This piece of news is surprising. b. 以ing结尾的形容词 + 名词 如This is a surprising piece of news.


有些动词短语的搭配是固定的,只有把短语完整的说全的情况下才可以接之后的名词,但许多考生很容易忽视这一点。如:listen to, go to, look forward to, pay attention to等等。所以雅思口语语法我们要在练习中尽可能的回忆当时学校课堂上所交的那些口诀,来确保每一个说出的动词短语不会遗忘任何成分。


有的考生会因为过度重视时态问题,如一味的想着整个作答都要基于某种时态而忽略情态动词后要加动词原形这一原则。如I thought the reason why I chose to study that subject was I could got a better job after learning that。而正确的说法则是I thought the reason why I chose to study that subject was I could get a better job after learning that.

环球青藤友情提示:以上就是[ 雅思口语易错的六大基础语法? ]问题解答,希望能够帮助到大家!

