





Part 2描述需要特别的注意移花接木,相当于是使用一个准备好的核心段落去演绎许多不同的话题。还要特别注意归类总结,有哪些问题能用到相同核心段落,哪些要单独准备。

其实Part 2的框架是相当好构建的,由于我们有一个topic 本子,每一个话题下面都有一些小问题,你只需要按照这些小问题进行回答,同时再加上连接过渡性的词汇即可。



Describe an old person you respect

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you know this person

What kinds of things you like to do together

and explain how you feel about this person

Ø When it comes to the one I respect the most, I’d like to talk about my dear grandfather, a seventy - year - old man.

Ø To be honest, I don’t remember when I knew him, probably the moment when I was born. But I know a lot about him indeed. My grandpa has a very kind smile which always gives me great comfort and encouragement especially when I am depressed. my grandfather teaches me a lot. He often tells me to be brave and dare to bear the responsibility.

Ø In terms of what we’d like to do together, I think it is to turn “waste” into wealth. My grandpa can always find a suitable place for the “junk”. He often teaches me how to give in and put the "junk" in its suitable place. My grandpa has helped me to develop a habit of preserving everything,everything he thinks is useful, everything goes where it should go. Surprisingly,all these "junk" can always find their position and function fairly well(相当好地),holding small things or optimizing my bicycle so that it can operate better……

Ø And another thing is that my grandpa always sits next to me and tells a lot of interesting stories. It seems he always has many stories attracting me. So we are more like a pair of good friends. This is my grandfather, the one I respect the most. I love him.


雅思考官对于有的被中国考生overuse的表达,比如kind,sweet, hardworking,friendly, warm-hearted对描述人的表达,同时还加上很多考生从开始到结尾都差不多的表情,考官对于这些差不多的描述,他同样是会给你个差不多的分啦。


1. Good-natured:adj. 和蔼的;性情温和的;温厚的;脾气好的

2. approachable:英 [?'pr??t??b(?)l] 美 [?'prot??bl]

adj. 亲切的;可接近的

Eg: I must say frankly that, although I found him most approachable, good-natured, and full of wit and humor, I could not take a real personal liking to the man.




Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet.

Describe a family member that you have spent most time with.

Describe a person who can do well in work.

Describe a person you know who dresses well.

Describe a person who likes to travel by plane.

Describe a person whose job is important to the society.

Describe a person who can use/speak a second language.


第一段: 总体介绍

第二段: 人物的外貌描述

第三段: 具体特点的描述(结合题)

第四个: 人物的个性

第五段: 对人物的评价




雅思 口语人物类高频话题雅思口语描述人

Describe an old person you know and you respect

Describe a person you enjoy talking with

Describe a good neighbor

Describe an interesting person/a friend you first met

Describe a person has important job

Describe a polite person

Describe a child/teenager 雅思口语 范文答题思路

第一段雅思口语描述人: 总体介绍general introduction

第二段雅思口语描述人: 人物的外貌描述the description of appearance

第三段: 具体特点的描述:

第四个: 人物的个性 personality

第五段: 对人物的评价 your comments to this person.


Ambitious 野心勃勃

Considerate =thoughtful 体贴的,周到的

Devoted =dedicated 奉献的,

Generous慷慨的 ----stingy 吝啬的=economical节俭的,会过日子的。

Hospitable 热情好客的

Humorous 有幽默感的 a sense of humor

Loyal to=faithful to 对。。。忠诚的

Open-minded 思想开放的--- traditional 传统的=conservative 保守的

Pessimistic 悲观的---- optimistic 乐观的

Responsible 负责任的----Irresponsible


Unselfish 无私的

Confident 自信的

Courageous =brave 勇敢的

Dependable =reliable 可靠地

Gentle ----rude

Humble =modest 谦虚的

Reserved 不爱说话的=quiet Talkative 爱说话的=outspoken

Approachable 平易近人的=easygoing

Hard-working=diligent 勤奋的

Outgoing=extroverted 外向的, introverted 内向的.

Strict 严格的

Lenient 慈祥的



Patient passionate

Charismatic 有人格魅力的

Visionary 有远见的

Decisive 果断的

Upright 正直的


Smart =intelligent

Adorable=lovely =cute

Versatile 多才多艺的=all-around

Stunning boy 帅哥,


Fashionable, stylish 时髦的

Elegant =graceful 优雅的.

Curious 好奇心强的


 雅思口语Part2人物类万能模板:A foreign celebrity供大家参考,雅思口语part2人物类话题是经常考到的话题,这里介绍一下此类话题的一些答题思路,我们来说一下“一个外国名人”这个具体的话题:

首先,我们应该说清楚这个人是谁,做简单概括,中国考生了解的外国名人,对于学习英语的考生这是一些常识性且需要去了解的话题,只有这样才不至 于没有无话可说。想很多考生可能会说比尔盖茨等等,下面我们以沃伦•巴菲特为例来说一下,首先就是对他的简单概括性的介绍“众所周知的美国投资家、商人和 慈善家。他是世界上最大的投资财团之一的Berkshire Hathaway的总裁。他的公司有着非常具有 创意的投资理念、多样化的投机方案和专业的投资服务。”可以根据他的职业特点和成就来简单概括。以上的中文翻译成地道的汉语即是一个完美的开始。

其次,也是这个话题最重要的部分,这个人做了什么事让你印象深刻,并解释原因。看似简单的问题实则包含了很多的内容。大家需要做的就是把这件吸 引你的事介绍清楚,影响你最深的是什么可以是这件事本身也可以是他的一些言行,具体的某些话,例如:作为在这个行业的一个传奇人物,沃伦*巴菲特经常被不 同的电视节目、杂志、在线 访谈节目邀请作为嘉宾进行访谈。他曾经在一个叫“杨澜一xt—”的电视访谈节目中 说:“在人生的旅途中,很有可能花了多年的心血和努力拼到梦想的一半,但在不到一秒的时间跌倒起点,要从零开始。所以说人生路上每个人都要坚守两大原则。 一: 不要放弃。二:不要忘了第一原则。一旦你这样做了,你的梦想就一定能成真。那么 你也能拥有你自己的雪球了。而且它会越滚越大! ” 除了在商业方面的成就,巴菲特在慈善方面也做出了杰出的贡献。在2006年,这位世界上最富有的人决定把他的财产捐给慈善组织。所捐金额打破了美国捐款史 的纪录。 2007年他被时代周刊评为全球100位最有影响力的人物之一,2008年被福布斯评为世 界上最富有的人。




此外,笔者想带给大家的福利是“多米诺” 口语法的骨牌效应:

A foreign celebrity=A famous person=A successful person=A foreigner you want to meet one day=A person you want to become one day=A TV programme=A host=A book you read before「e=A newspaper o「a magazine=An article=A website=A company or an organization=Your ideal job=An unusual job=A person who has an important job=You「future plan

我们以“Your ideal job”你只需要说你理想的工作是什么,简单介绍过后,陈述这个工作的特点及你想从事这份工作的原因,最吸引你的地方等,这就是重点内容了,那么我们就可 以引用上面话题思路中的,例如:Speaking of my ideal job, I want to work for Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway.

I want to work at this company because Berkshire Hathaway is one of the largest investment companies in the world……

Another reason why I want to work for him at this company is that I admire……

Besides his achievements in business, he has also made great contributions to charity.……

最后,做简单陈述即可。I really hope that I will be able to work for Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway. I hope my dream will come true one day.

