


雅思口语 轻松掌握出题思路轻松应对?

首先要明确一点:雅思是语言技能考试,考官在意的并不是你每道题回答了哪些具体内容,而是你怎么答的:是自然流畅条理清晰地回答,还是磕磕巴巴想到什么说什么?是正确灵活运用了不同句子结构,还是只会用简单句,好不容易用个复杂句还用错了?真实考场中Part One和Part Three部分,往往是一道题目刚答完,下一道题接踵而至,那么如何在这样一个高强度的环境下,从容应对各种问题,避免脑袋短路?

先不说预测题库中你是不是每道题目都有思路,按照预测逐个题目毫无章法地准备显然耗时耗力,也不会根本解决上述问题。其实,将Part One和Part Three所有问题进行分类,只有12种题型(见表1)。也就是说,尽管话题不同,很多题目提问方式其实是有共性的。这也就意味着,Part One和PartThree这部分,我们要攻克的是这12种题型,而不是不计其数的具体题目。笔者根据每种题型的特点和考点,总结了21种好操作的答题方法/结构,帮你轻松应对Part One和Part Three所有题型,而且有些答题方法适用于不同题型。




Do you like…?

Do you prefer A or B?

What kinds of … do you like?

Which/who/what is your favorite …?


Can you describe …?/Tell me about …


What do you usually do when …?

Do you usually …?

How often do you …?

其他 Wh-问题


Have you ever done …?

Did you ever do … when you were a child?

其他 Wh-问题


Would you like to do something in the future?

What ___ would you like to ____?


Are _____ popular in China?

Do people in your country like _____?

What kind of ____ is popular in China?


What are the advantages of ______?

What are the disadvantages of _______?

What are the benefits and drawbacks of _____?


Should …?

Do you think it’s important to do something?

What do you think of …?

Why 类

Why do people do something?


What are the differences between A and B?

How has something changed in the past and now?


How can we do something?

What advice would you give to …?

What can be done to …?


How might something change in the future?

What ______ might _______ in the future?

接下来以Part One和Part Three都会出现的“普遍流行类”题目为例,讲解三个答题方法/结构,大家体会一下。“普遍流行类”通常有以下几种提问方式:

Are _____ popular in China?

Do people in your country like _____?

What kind of ____ is popular in China?



It depends on which season/city/gender/age we are talking about. If…, then… But if …, then …


Do people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors?

Well, it depends on which season we are talking about. If it’s in summer, most of people are more likely to take part in outdoor activities to enjoy sunshine. But if it’s in winter, people from southern China would still prefer outdoor activities as it’s still relatively warm outside, whereas people from northern China tend to stay at home since it’s freezing cold outside.



Well, I must admit I don’t know too much about other cities, but in my hometown, _______. I suppose that other cities may have a similar situation, so it can be said that ______ is quite popular here.


Are science museums popular in China?

Well, I must admit that I don’t know too much about other cities, but in my hometown there is a science museum, which is quite busy, whether it’s during the weekdays or at weekends. Actually, many schools organize students to visit it regularly. I supposethat other cities may have a similar situation, so it can be said that science museums are quite popular here.

方法3:由面到点(泛泛-具体)。这个方法适合“What kinds of ____ is popular”这种问类别的题目。先泛泛的说流行哪几种类型,利用这个展示自己词汇的机会,接着主次分明,选择一个你觉得比较流行的重点给细节解释。具体结构如下:

… you can easily find many kinds of …, such as … But ____ is definitely the most well-known in China. + 然后给细节具体解释怎么比较流行的。


What are some popular handicrafts in China?

Oh, I dare to say you can easily find many kinds of handicrafts, like embroidery, Chinese knot and paper crane. But as I see it, paper-cut is definitely the most well-known here. For example, almost everyone in China has learnt to make paper-cuts from art classes in primary school. Also, some patterns of paper-cuts symbolize good luck and well-being, so we like to decorate our apartment with those paper-cuts on the walls, windows or doors, especially during Spring Festival.



环球青藤友情提示:以上就是[ 雅思口语 轻松掌握出题思路轻松应对? ]问题解答,希望能够帮助到大家!













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1. Major/work

Are you studying or working?

Do you love your major or job?

Why did you choose your major?

How was your first day of university work?

How do you feel about training?

2. Hometown

Where are you from?

Tell me what the most attractive part about your hometown is?

Are there any changes happened in your hometown these rs?

Is it a good place to live in?

3. Flats Houses Cooking Fruits

Where are you living, in a flat or a house?

What can you see from your flat window?

Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat?

How long have you been living in your place? Do you want to move?

Do you love eating fruit and vegetables? why?

Do you love cooking? explain why.

Do you want to learn it? who cooks in your family?

4. seasons weather natural sound noise flowers

which season do you love most?

what is the weather like in your hometown?

what kind of weather do you love?

what kind of natural sound do you love to listen to?

how do you feel about noise?

do you love flowers?

5. News/phones/ TV advertisements/ Letters/Cell phones

Cell phones, E-mails and letters, which ones do you love most? how often do you usually use E-mails?

Do you love writing letters?

Do kids in China love reading? explain why.

Do you love reading magazines?

what kind of TV programs do you love watching?

Do you love watching foreign TV programs? why?

How do you feel about those ads on TV?

6. Time neighborhood relationships collections

Do you think time is very important?

What is the importance of time?

Do you wear watch?

when do you think time flies and goes slow?

How do you get along with your neighbors?

Do you love collecting things?

What do you love collecting?

What did you collect when you were little?

7. music films painting

How do you feel about the phenomenon that parents in china are forcing their kids to learn How to play instruments/learn how to paint?

Do you love drawing?

why do you think a lot of people love to hang paintings on the walls of their flat?

do you love watching films/listening to music?

what kind of films/music do you love?

where do you love to watch films, at home or in the cinema?

8. Sports Swimming Transportations Bicycles driving

Do you love swimming?

Do you want to learn how to swim?

What is the most popular sport in China?

What is your favorite sport?

What are the advantages of riding bicycles in China?

What is your favorite transportation?

Do you know how to drive? what is the minimum age for people to get a driving license in China?

9. Shopping Travelling Parties languages

Do you love shopping?

How do you feel about fashion?

What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

Do you love traveling?

What is the meaning of travel?

When you hang out, you prefer to hang out alone or with your friends?

What did you do last weekends?

How many languages do you speak?

What is the importance of language? is it hard to learn language?

Are there any good ways to learn language?


Do you prefer to have old people or young people as your neighbors?

Do you like traveling? Where did you travel to in your latest trip?

How long was the longest trip you took?

How many hours do you spend on watching TV every day? What’re your favorite shows?

What do you collect? Why do you collect them?

What did you do on your first day at this school?

What’s your favorite kind of weather? Do you like places with four seasons or has the same weather all r round?


Describe your favorite wild animal.

Describe a place that has been polluted./ an environmental problem.

Describe your favorite season.

Describe your favorite animal.

Describe a tourist spot.(natural or man-made scenic spots)


Describe an old/antique thing in your family.

Describe something you bought but you didn’t use often.

Describe a piece of jewellery. ☆Describe a toy.

Describe something that was made by yourself.


Tell me about a piece of architecture from your country

You should say:

1) where it is and what it looks like

2) what it is used for

3) whether or not you have been to see it and explain why you choose to talk about this piece of architecture you can talk about :ocation, size, material, style, use, stories related to it, how you like it.


象形文字 Childcare in Britain 折射定律的发现 物种多元化 Tickling and laughter Tortoise and turtles 动物的条件反射 冰川期再现 苏联劳动时间的变化 声音在水中的传播 英国village住宿形式 教育 非洲国家的农业 照相技术和艺术 Conformity Novice and experts 金星凌日 印象派 新教育方式的影响 桥的共振 self-esteem 研究 海湾污染 主题公园的变化与发展 音乐对智力的影响 facial reconstruction 语言的流失 香水制造 E-learning 澳洲甘蔗制糖业 加拿大西部拓荒 美国地质学家 交通发展 嗅觉和记忆 Plain English Castle Building Roller Coaster Wining in Minds Mungo People 合成纤维 Memory champion 玻璃制造 海底古城发掘 梦的解析 欧洲交通系统 澳洲鹦鹉 恐龙研究 树冠研究 广告 二氧化碳与能源 两种蚂蚁 读心术 计时的历史 珊瑚礁 性格与长相 工业革命 学发展 汽车发展 蚂蚁自然队列 珍珠分类研究 记忆与年龄 大象交流方式


task1 柱状图 流程图 表格


1.News media have become influential to our lives, and some people think that is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2.In some big cities, high crime rate is a controversial issue for the governments as well as the citizens. The best way to coping with the problem is to confine those criminals into prison for a long period of time. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

3.Caring for children is an important thing of the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4.The government is responsible for preserving the cultural heritage of cities. Some people think we should build all the new buildings in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

5.The newspaper is increasingly influential today. To what extent do you think this is a positive development?

6.Money for postgraduate research is limited. Therefore some people think financial support from governments should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?

7.Some people think that media should not report detail of crimes to the public. To what extent do yo uagree or disagree?

8.Nowadays,people can get almost any information from films,books or the internet,but some information can have negative influences on young people and even our society. The following essay discusses whether there should be censorship of information in society or not.

9.Many languages die out every r in the world. What are the causes of this phenomenon? What are your solutions?

10.Advertisements have no meaning to be exist in the society because people only buy something fulfill their needs and requirement. So advertisements are nothing but a simple form of entertainment. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

10.Many people wear fashionable clothing today. What are the causes of this trend and what are its effects on our lives?



longturn,考官随机抽取一张题目卡(topic card),考生准备一分钟,然后就该题目进行1-2分钟的个人陈述;第3阶段为two-way









discus? 因此措辞上尽量正式点,在词汇和句型的选择上可以借鉴写作的做法。就话题而言,由于该阶段涵盖的多为issue,如 social




Part 1 Topics and Questions


Do you work or are you a student

Your Studies

What subject are you studying(= What's your

major? inAmerican English)

Why did you choose to study that

Where do you study

Do you like your university/school(Why?/ Why


Does your university specialize in any


Is there anyone who helps (helped) you (with

yourstudies) at university/school(Who In what way?) (Who give you the most


Do you often get together with ( = go out

with = dothings in your free time with ) your classmates after classes(What do

you do?)

2. Your Hometown

Whereabouts (=where) did you grow up (Or,

Where were youborn?)

Is that a city or is it in the


Do you still live there

Does (do) your family still live there

What kind of place is your hometown(=

Describe yourhometown) *

How has your hometown changed in recent

years(e.g., thepast 20 years or since you were a child)

What part of your hometown do you like

best(Why?) (=What's the best thing about your hometown= What do you find most

attractiveabout your hometown?)

What's the most famous (= well-known) place

in yourhometown

Note: One of the two topics above is a

compulsory topic.

3. Secondary


Note 1: It seems that you could be asked

about your secondaryschool studies even if you are working now or a university

student now.However, if you are a university student (and especially if you are

a secondarystudent now) and if you answered 1b, above, you probably will not get

thesequestions. Everyone should prepare for this topic because if you get

'Hometown'as your first topic, 'Secondary School' is possible as one of your


Note 2: 'Secondary school' means the same as

'highschool'. Unlike China and the U.S.A., most students in Britain and

Australia goto one school from the age of about 12 to 18, called 'secondary

school' (= highschool). However, there are also a small number of 'Junior High

Schools' and'Senior High Schools' in Britain and Australia.

What subjects did you study in secondary

school (= highschool)*

What was your favourite subject ( = class) in

secondaryschool(= high school)

And which class (= subject) did you like the


Which secondary school subject do you think

is mostuseful for people in adult life

What part of your secondary school education

did youenjoy most?

4. Leisure Time

When do you have free time

How do you like to relax(What’s your

favourite way torelax?)

How do Chinese people like to relax

Do you think it's important to have leisure


How does that (the way Chinese people like to

relax)compare with western countries

Do your friends ever come to your home in

their free timeWhat do you usually do together?

How do you think people will relax in the


Compare the way people in China relax today

and the waythey used to relax years ago.

In your leisure time, what do you usually do

with friendsor family(= Do you do things in your leisure time with friends or


Do you have any hobbies or interests(= What

are yourhobbies or interests?)

What do you do in your holidays (=

vacations)(= How doyou spend your holidays?) Or: How do people in China spend

their holidays?

Do you like to travel (in your holidays or

free time)(Why?)

5. Rain

Does it rain much in


Is there any part of China where it doesn't

rainmuch(Where?) (or: Is there an even distribution of rain throughout


When (in what month/season) does it rain most

in yourhometown

What about the other parts of China(In which

season doesit rain most in other parts of China?)

Can you remember any time when it rained

particularlyheavily in your hometown(When?)

Does rain ever affect transportation in


How does rain affect different people’s moods

(Or: Howdoes rain effect people's lives?)

Do you like rainy days(= How do you feel on

rainy days=Do you feel sad on rainy days?)

What do you do on rainy day

Do you think rain is good(Why?)

Do you think the seasons have changed in

recent years,compared to the past

6. Restaurants

Do you usually go out to eat or do you

usually eat athome

How often do you go to a restaurant (to

eat)(Do you oftengo to restaurants (to eat)How often?)

Why do you (or, why do people) go to


What kind of restaurants do you like(prefer)

(Why?) (Or,How do you choose which restaurant to go to?)

What kind of restaurants do young people in


What do you usually do there

What kind of foods do you (or Chinese people)

like to eatin restaurants

How (do you think) restaurants have changed,

over thepast few years(=How are restaurants today different to those of


How do you think they will (might) change in

the future*

What skills do people need to work in a



Do you often write letters(How often do you


Who do you usually write to and what do you

write about

What (do you think) is the most difficult

kind of letter(or email) to write(Why?)

Do you prefer to write letters or


What role do emails (or letters) play in your

life( = Whydo you write these emails or letters?)

How often do you write emails

What kinds of emails (or letters) do you most

like receiving(Why?)(= What kinds of emails/letters make you happy?)

What are the differences between handwritten

letters andemails

Do you think it is a good thing that some

companies sendout letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising*

8. Television and


What kind of entertainment do you prefer, TV


How are radio programs and television

programs different

What programs do you like to watch/listen to

When do you watch TV/listen to the radio

In China, has television/radio changed much

in recentyears

How do you think TV/radio broadcasts in China

could beimproved

Do you prefer TV news or news on the

radio(Why?) *

9. Daily Routine

Tell me something about your daily routine.

(If you do not work) For you, what's the best

time of dayfor studying

(If you work) For you, what's the best time

of day (or,day of the week) for working?

What part of the (= your) day do you like


If you could make one change to your daily

routine, whatwould it be?

If you had more free time, what would you


Do you get together with your fellow

students/workcolleagues (=classmates/workmates) after classes/work(What do you

do?) [Thisquestions possibly in Work/Studies topic.]


Do you like to travel (in your holidays or


Do you think it's important to travel during

yourholidays(Why?/Why not?)

Do you think it's necessary to travel in

order to enjoyyour holidays(Why?/Why not?)

Where do you like to go(If you say you like

to travel ordo, in fact travel in your holidays.)

Are holidays important (to people/to

you)(Why?) Or: Do you think holidaysare necessary(Why?) Or: Why do we need to

have holidays?


新航道和新东方预测的雅思题准么? 有多大概率

我又一次就相信雅思口语预测大姨妈了新东方雅思口语预测大姨妈的口语预测 结果就呵呵雅思口语预测大姨妈了…现在我一般都看微信公众号的一个口语预测 (要的话追问)还是挺准的(至少我上次考的时候就全中了)新航道的不太清楚 但我觉得雅思预测这种东西只看看口语就好了其雅思口语预测大姨妈他的可能性真不大











