





Describe your favorite movie

You should say :

when and where you saw it

what type of film it was

what the film was about

and explain why it is your favorite film

参考 范文 :

My favorite movie is Zootopia(疯狂动物城) ,which is a 3D animated cartoon produced by Walt Disney pictures. I watched it with my best friend in thecinema in March this year when it was on show in China. It is a story about that in a city where all animals live in harmony ,the rabbit Judy became a policewoman through her own efforts , realizing her dream in childhood.

The reason that I like this movie is that the Bonnie Judy tried her best to become a cop even if everyone thought it was ridiculous and impossible. Miss Judy ,however, finally made it brilliantly and perfectly. The way that she became a cop went through ups and downs(经历人生起起伏伏),she also almost gave up in the duration. But her friend Mr. Fox pulled her through (渡过难关) I feel that when someone is suffering his or her tough time , it is really important he or she could be supported by their friends or families who just like life savers at that time. Moreover ,I was deeply moved by the theme song named Try Everything ,which is really positive and awesome and it can cheer me up when I come to a standstill ( 停滞不前 ) or in a trouble. "I won't give up no I won't give in. Till I reach the end and then I'll start again. NO I won't leave I wanna try everything I wanna try even though I could fail " The lyrics encourage me to be more brave and confident when facing difficulties. So that is my favorite movie, which is determined to fulfill my aspirations ,extremely impressive and touching.


1.Do you like to watch movies?

Yes, I do like watching movies. It is a past time for me. During my leisure hours, I watch movies.

2.What sort of movies you mostly like?

Well, I watch movies of almost all genres. But I prefer to watch the Science Fiction genre than the other movies as those sorts of movies attract me most.

3.Do you have a particular favourite?

Umm! My taste is not confined with the Science fiction movies only. I like watching classic movies with nice plot and directions. If I have to pick the movie that I enjoyed most, I would go for Casablanca which was a romantic movie and probably one of the best movies of all time.

4.Who is your favourite actor?

This is a significant question for me. There are several actors whom I admire most but I’d prefer Al Pacino. To me, he is a perfectly perfect hero who can suit himself in every character he deals with. Some of the characters he played in are unforgettable and have significant impact on the viewers.


Ok, a popular movie I have watched is called Raise the Red Lanterns. Basically, it's a tragedy, and I first saw the movie in 1989, about two years after it was released. I saw it on video, and I watched it with a group of my friends.

I first saw this movie because a friend of mine said it was very artistic and even kind of eerie. Since I like those kinds of films, I decided to see it. I remember how fascinated I was with the film.

Well, basically it was about a young bride who becomes a concubine and finds out that there are a lot of inner politics going on among the concubines, and she gets caught up in it and even accidentally causes the death of one of the wives. She tries to fight against it all, and as she does, things just seem to get worse and worse. She finds out that there is one concubine in particular who is behind most of her problems.

The story deals with the whole theme of repression and its effect on people. Mainly it's about how repression can drive some people to cruelty and madness.

I think the impact this story had on me was it taught me that there are situations that are so bad for people that the best thing to do is either get out or be swallowed up by it. After seeing this movie, I decided to quit my job and do what I really wanted because I realized that my job would only drive me crazy if I continued with it.


















还有一类同学,由于经受”各类考试的训练“,养成了”易紧张,但 记忆力 好“的体质。于是,会选择熟背雅思口语答案,尤其是Part2的答案。他们认为背了口语段子,在考场上总不至于哑口无言了吧。殊不知,雅思考官们也是”身经百战“的,你的”演技“好也罢,如果你背答案时露出各种背答案的表情和神态,如不自觉看天花板,不自觉重复上一句话等,甚至很不幸你的内容和用词与上一位考生的相似度达99%,你觉得考官还会给你高分吗?


可以借鉴参考书或口语课堂上老师们 总结 的口语段子,但需要稍加修改,灵活变通成适合自己的词汇水平、认知水平或生活经历的段落。只记忆段落中关键的语言点,考场上使用时,大可不必照搬原句,能把关键得分的语言点和大意讲出即可。重点是要讲得自然,流利。



考官:”where is your hometown?“


考官:”Do you like your hometown?“






请以 句子 为单位回答问题。虽然Part1的考题有的很简单,但是也不要只回答一句话或一个词。Part1中每个小问题的句数可控制在3-5句话。














雅思口语考试中,审题非常关键。尤其在Part3中,很多问题题干都较长,加上有些考官会有口音,所以你需要在前半段考试的简单问题对答的环节,快速适应考官的发音和语速特点,保证自己在Part3遇到长问题时,能一次性听懂考官的问题。如若没听懂,不要慌,可以礼貌地请求:”Sorry, could you please repeat that question?”但请切记,不要根据自己听到的似懂非懂的题干中的只言片语,揣测意思后,就开始自己回答,因为这时你的回答可能是偏题的。而偏题的答案回答的再好,也是无效的。扣题是基础。



Sorry, could you please repeat that question?

Sorry,could you rephrase your quesiton?

雅思口语之有趣的电影相关 文章 :

★ 雅思口语话题最喜欢的电影

★ 雅思口语part2范文:谈一部你喜欢的电影

★ 雅思口语话题素材:讨厌的电影

★ 雅思口语描述一种植物

★ 雅思口语题库新题之Part2美丽城市

有关于雅思口语 电影和书的话题


Do you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema?

Definitely, watching movies is my cup of tea. You know, I’m always busy in studying. But I will go to the cinema as often as possible, maybe once every other week because it is one of my favourite ways to relax. I believe films are a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we always go to Wanda International Cinema on weekends together, which I think is the best cinema in Beijing.

Why do you like to watch films?

Firstly, I think watching films is a good way to relax. You know, when watching a film, I will throw all of my emotion to the story so that I can forget nearly everything about myself, especially the troubles. Also, I can learn many things from the roles in films, for example, I learned how to join forces to fight again devil from my favourite movie .

Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?

I prefer watching films in the cinema, absolutely. You know, the atmosphere and the sound effect are prefect in the cinema, which you cannot feel at home, facing a small screen, especially for scientific and horror. So you can understand the story and the roles’ emotion better, also you are able to learn more from the films.

What kind of films do you like?

I love fancy film the most. They are full of magic, imagination and creativity. I believe only imagination can make our real life more colorful. My favorite movie is , which is typical of this kind of movies. I admire J.K.Rowling, the producer of it; I really wonder how those wonderful ideas came from her head!

Who is your favorite movie star?

My favorite movie star is Yang Ziqiong, who is very famous not only in China but also in Hollywood. She is one of the earliest actresses accepted by Hollywood and became popular in the world. She’s good at martial arts. She’s not very beautiful but her kongfu is really amazing, quick, clear-cut and powerful. I think she’s the proud of China, not only for her position in Hollywood, but also because she spread Chinese traditional kongfu in the world.

What’s the difference between American films and Chinese films?

I think the biggest difference lies in the purpose of the film, result from the level of freedom. You know, most of Chinese films just describe an ordinary story and focus on teaching the audience some principles, because the government controls the contents of films stringently. But because of freedom, the purpose of most American films is to give audience an impressive shock, and then earn enormous profits.






Our team lost. It was a good game, though。

Middle-aged people like to cook at home, young adults are a bit different, though。


例如exactly, basically, really这些副词可以加强或者缓和语气,更准确的表达雅思口语讨厌的电影我们的真实想法。例如:

That's exactly what I want!

Where are you going exactly?

So basically, there's not a lot I can do about it。

The more expensive articles are not necessarily better。’



People are now aware of the fact that many restaurants are not that hygienic。

Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward。



It doesn't matter how expensive the gift is, it's the thought that matters。

雅思口语技巧5:用tend to替换most of

当你想说most of… 的时候,不妨改口成tend to,词汇量有没有显得多一些!例如:

Most Chinese people cook at home instead of dining out.可以说成Chinese people tend to cook at home.



That performance was pretty impressive。

I'm pretty sure about that。

还有instead of saying “very angry”, you can use the word “furious”。

那同理,如果我们想表达a little + adj.,也可以找到相应的更传神的形容词,例如:tipsy = a little drunk



She's shockingly beautiful。

It's an outrageously expensive meal。



-Does your school have ping classes?

-Not that I'm aware of, no。


-Have you ever had the experience when you watched the sky for a long time?

-Not that I can think of, no。


-Do you love nature?

-Well, not really. I'm more of an indoor person。

注意,每一个yes or no之后,一定要加原因哦!


“I mean”可以用来解释刚刚自己抛出去的话,比如,在解释自己不喜欢的电影的时候可以说:

That movie was so boring, I mean, nothing happened for the first hour!

这个也可以有很灵活的变体:and by… I mean…,比如:

He has a gorgeous wife, and by wife I mean mistress. (此例子完全为了解释用法…)

“You mean…?”该句式是为了跟考官check information,如果你不想用“I'm sorry?”来让考官重复问题,你完全可以用它来确定一下自己的理解是否跟考官的问题吻合。


Sorry, I didn't quite catch it. 不好意思没听清,能在重复一下子不?

Sorry, could you slow down, please? 不好意思您能把语速放慢点儿不?

Sorry, can you rephrase the question, please? 不好意思您能解释一下刚才的问题不?(是问题里面有生词,此时无论考官repeat几遍问题,你也不可能懂,所以需要麻烦他rephrase改述一下问题)




Describe an intelligent person you know. 一个有智慧的人

Describe a person you enjoy talking with. 喜欢跟他说话的人

Describe a comic actor/cartoon characterwho is popular in your country.一个喜剧演员或卡通人物

Describe a famous person from yourcountry.名人

Describe an interesting person yourecently met.有趣的人

Describe a person who taught you auseful skill (for example, cooking, riding a bike).教你你能的人

Describe a groupyou are a part of.参加的团队


Describe a film that you disliked. 不喜欢的电影

Describe a book that you enjoyed reading. 喜欢的书

Describe a magazineyou like. 喜欢的杂志

Describe something special that you savedmoney to buy. 攒钱买的东西

Describe a present (a gift) you receivedwhen you were a child. 小时候收到的礼物

Describe an antique or some other oldthing that your family has kept for a long time. 古董或老物件

Describe an interesting wild animal fromyour country (you like best). 野生动物

Describe an unforgettable advertisement(that you saw or heard or liked). 难忘的广告

Describe a course you learned at school,university or evening class. 大学课程

Describe a subject that you want to giveinformation to others. 介绍科目

Describe a popular product (food,handcraft or car)made in your country(that you would like to buy).国产商品,如食物,手工艺品,或汽车

Describe a useful website that youhave visited.有用的网站

Describe a work of art you haveseen (e.g., a painting or statue/sculpture).艺术作品

Describe something (except phoneand computer)that you can’t live without.生活必需品

Describe a piece of clothes thatyou wore at a special occasion.特别场合的衣服

Describe a rule in school you agreeor disagree.校规

Describe a photo someone took of you.照片

Describe a law in your country.有用的法律

Describe a subject you didn’t enjoyin high school.不喜欢的科目

Describe a job you would do in thefuture.今后想做的工作

Describe something( a TV program ora film ) that made you laugh a lot.有趣的电视节目或电影


Describe a place you visited to learnanother culture. 学到其他文化的地方

Describe a park/garden you visitedand liked/that impressed you. 公园或花园

Describe a restaurant you like (to goto)/that impresses you. 餐厅

Describe a historic building thatyou visited. 历史建筑

Describe a place(not in yourcountry) that you would like to visit. 你想去的国外的地方

Describe a time when you moved intoa new house or new school.乔迁新居或去新的学校

Describe a street where you like togo shopping.购物街

Describe a café you often you go to.咖啡厅

Describe a library.图书馆

Describe a place where you haveworked or studied.曾经工作或学习的地方

Describe a seaside place you wantto visit.想访问的海边


Describe a type of sport you like to do. 喜欢的运动

Describe a time when you forgot something.忘掉的事情

Describe a situation (or a time) when youhelped someone. 帮助他人

Describe an occasion you met a friend whoyou hadn't seen for a long time. 见到久未谋面的朋友

Describe an event that changed your lifein a good/positive way. 积极的改变

Describe a special meal that youwould like to have.特殊的用餐

Describe a successful familybusiness you know.成功的家庭生意

Describe an interestingconversation you had with a stranger.与陌生人的有趣的对话

Describe an important decision youtook a long time to make.重要的决定

Describe a recent event that made you feel happy.最近开心的事

Describe a trip you took by publictransport.乘坐公共交通旅行

Describe a sport event you have watched on TV or enjoy doing.体育赛事

Describe a holiday.假期

Describe a time when you want to share withanother person.想要分享的是事情

Describe a time when some equipment break down.坏掉的设备

Describe your busiest time.忙碌的时间




