


雅思口语题里temple算算不算unusual building


unusual building 是指那些 incredible buildings with their far-out shapes, aspiring designs, modern building materials and unique styles that it would be difficult to keep track of them all.

只要雅思口语building你在雅思考试时侧重在庙宇独特雅思口语building的建筑设计,出彩的艺术理念或者外形古怪这方面就没问题雅思口语building了。可以参考一下世界比较著名的奇特建筑如Fuji TV Building,Twisting Torso,Atomium,National Centre for the Performing Arts,Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House)






这种题你就说几个难一点的词,像什么中国是民富与国的国家,而且随着中国人口的增长,房子已经明显的短缺了.房屋土地的价格也随之增高,再说说中国的污染情况,然后总结高层楼房是现在中国很受欢迎的建筑.其实是不是这样我也不懂对不对,但是因为是外国人来考你,所以对不对也没什么的,主要是你说的真,然后别用i think之类的词语,口语老师就会觉得你说的是对的.


雅思口语tall building

本文给大家带来的是part2新题Describe a tall building you like or dislike的范文,有什么特别的高层建筑让你欢喜,比如浪漫的帝国大厦?亦或是让你眼瞎,比如土渣的央视大裤衩?一起看看一篇满分范文吧!

Task:Describe atall building you like or dislike.


you should say:

what the building is

where the building is located

how you got to know the building

explain why you like or dislike this tallbuilding.


I'm going to describe a modern tallbuilding in Manchester. It's called the Beetham Tower, and it's the tallestbuilding in the city, with about 50 floors.

Although it's called the Beetham Tower,most people know this building as the Hilton Hotel. In fact, the bottom half ofthe tower is the hotel and the top half is apartments. The apartments areexpensive because the location and views make them very desirable.

I'm not sure if I like the design of thebuilding, it's just a huge glass tower, but it definitely stands out. It hasbecome a famous landmark in the city. You can see it as you approachManchester, and it's an easy place to meet people because it's so distinctiveand easy to find. The most interesting thing about the Beetham Tower is thatthere is a bar/restaurant on the 23rd floor which has spectacular views of thecity; it's definitely the best vantage point in Manchester because there are nowalls, only huge windows, so you can look out over the city in any direction.I'd recommend anyone who visits Manchester to go there and experience the view.


part 1 ; name hometown birthday when you were a kid,you play with who? why?

part 2 : a job you want to do(我的);其他人的 leader leadership; a family event ;an outdoor activity space;histoty building; a song ;movie;

part3 :你认为学什么专业的人报酬最高。为什么? 为什么有的行业报酬高有的低?职业会影响对某个人的印象吗?为什么?

如地点的TOPIC city hometown temple a place learn about the past, historical place,changchen ideal home ,modern building.我把这些都合并下来,就背以下内容。

l metropolis

l The cityscape is gorgeous which accommodates tons of towering skyscrapers

l dynamic and vibrant nightlife.

l the city is absolutely densely-populated.

l Hustle and bustle

l Monument=cultural heritage= cultural relics

l holy place

l inscription

l enormous=tremendous

l which dates back to

l a visual feast that dates back to thousands years ago.

l appreciate the historical artifacts

l awe-inspiring

l It is a series of stone and earthen fortification of northern China.

l protecting the state from the northern invasion

l monitoring the security of the northern border of ancient China.

l My ideal house would be one that incorporates an intelligent design system.

l I would equip the house with tons of electronic appliances that are connected by the Internet, making the so-called smart house.

l And wi-fi is available everywhere in the house, you can surf the internet whenever and wherever you want as long as you are in the house.

l Since it combines the modern intelligence with the classic nature.

l However,my current financial ability unfortunately stretches only as far as to buy a small toliet

l The room is very tranquility and helps to boost your concentration, as a result of which you can focus on study without being distracted from the outside environment.

l The room inspires me particularly referring to the window because through this window I can see the outside world

l provides me with an ideal place to store the book and retrieve it.

l which is absolutely a functional room without any other unnecessary decorations.

l magnificent skyscrapers

l there is large glass curtain wall, covering the whole building. The building is symmetrical in design, following the western style.

l This building has been the recipient of many prestigious design awards.

l out of my reach(MONEY)= out of my league(NOT MONEY,BECAUSE THE CLASS)

l utter intelligence

l downtown/heart of the city城镇中心区

l fast pace of life 快捷的生活节奏tempo

l jammed with people 人满为患densely populated overpopulation overpopulated

l concrete jungle 钢筋水泥的丛林

l Infrastructure

l you can experience an awe-inspiring scenery with one champagne in one hand and a girl in the other hand

PS:PART1 不能太过火,说一大推,考官一下就觉得你在背答案。我7分那次PART1只说了1~2句,个人认为最理想的是在3句以内。

PART2 得回答问题,别以为拿到准备过的话题就很开心,就愉快地背答案,恭喜你获得了6分。


PART3 能说多少说多少,答案要经典,能用谚语的话最好。


l You are what you eat.

l The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 布丁的美味吃时方知;空谈不照现实。实践出真知

l The early bird cacthes the worms.

l When in Rome, do as the Romans do

l nothing ventured nothing gained

l standing on the shoulders of giants.站在巨人的肩膀上

l All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 只学习不玩,搞到JACK成了个傻瓜。

最后口语,同一个词千万不要经常重复,如BECAUSE,你可以用on account of=due to =by reason of =owing to= since= considering


雅思口语Describe a historical building的答案?


The Potala Palace, located in Lhasa, Tibet is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This ancient building is the most famous monumental landmark in Tibet. This immense building of 130,000 square meters served as the residence of the Dalai Lama and top Tibetan government staff. Potala Palace means, "the Sacred Palace of Buddhism" in Sanskrit. This sacred place is is memorable for its grand buildings, complicated constructions, cultural significance, devotional atmosphere and splendid artworks.



The Terracotta Army was discovered in eastern outer suburbs of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province by local farmers drilling a water well 1.5 miles east of Lishan (a mountain).This discovery prompted archaeologists to proceed to Shaanxi Province, China to investigate. The Terracotta Army is a form of funerary art buried with the First Emperor of Qin (Qin Shi Huang, Shi Huang means the first emperor) in 210-209 BC (he declared himself the first emperor of China in 221 BC to the end of his life in 210 BC). Their purpose was to help rule another empire with Shi Huang Di in the afterlife. Consequently, they are also sometimes referred to as "Qin's Armies." Mount Lishan is also where the material to make the terracotta warriors originated. In addition to the warriors, an entire man-made necropolis for the emperor has been excavated.

According to the historian Sima Qian (145 BC-90 BC) construction of this mausoleum began in 246 BC and involved 700,000 workers. Qin Shi Huang was thirteen when construction began. Sima Qian, in his most famous history of China, Shiji, completed a century after the mausoleum completion, wrote that the First Emperor was buried with palaces, scenic towers, officials, valuable utensils and 'wonderful objects,' with 100 rivers fashioned in mercury and above this heavenly bodies below which he wrote were 'the features of the earth.' Some translations of this passage refer to 'models' or 'imitations' but in fact he does not use those words. Recent scientific work at the site has shown high levels of mercury in the soil of Mount Lishan, appearing to add credence to the writing of ancient historian Sima Qian. The tomb of Shi Huang Di is near an earthen pyramid 76 meters tall and nearly 350 square meters. The tomb remains unopened, in the hope that it will remain intact. Only a portion of the site is presently excavated.

Qin Shi Huang’s necropolis complex was constructed to serve as an imperial compound or palace. It comprises several offices, halls and other structures and is surrounded by a wall with gateway entrances. The remains of the craftsmen working in the tomb have also been found within its confines, and it is believed they were sealed inside alive to prevent them from divulging information about the tombs.

It was also said as a legend that the Terracotta Warriors were real soldiers, buried with Emperor Qin so that they can guard him in the next life.



Describe an (an important) historic site in your country.

You should say:

where it is

what can be seen at this site now (or, what it looks like)

how you know about this place

and explain why it is important in the history of your country.


1.Historical Vs Historic

两个都是history的形容词形式。前者指任何和古代沾边的东西比如 This barrow is an historical invention. 这个手推车车是个古代发明。而Historic是指有历史意义的比如 Emperor QinShiHuang is an historic figure.秦始皇是个历史性的人物。

2.Historic site 可以是你家乡的某个历史景点Major tourist attraction,建筑building,陵墓Mausoleum,遗址Ruins,寺庙temple等等。

谈论历史古迹前需要的词汇和文化点储备: 公元前 BC(Before Christ), AD(Anno Domini)

谈论朝代: 夏朝 Xia Dynasty 2145 BC

商朝 Shang Dynasty 1675 BC

西周 Western Zhou Dynasty 1029 BC

东周 Eastern Zhou Dynasty 770BC

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period 770BC

战国 Warring States Period 475BC

秦朝 Qin Dynasty 221BC

西汉 Western Han Dynasty 206BC

唐朝 Tang Dynasty 618AD

北宋 Northern Song Dynasty 960AD

元朝 Yuan Dynasty 1206AD

明朝 Ming Dynasty 1368AD

清朝 Qing Dynasty 1616AD


Buddhist Pagoda 佛教宝塔 namely the Big Wild Goose Pagoda which was built in Tang Dynasty about 64 metres in height.

Buddhist Temple 佛教寺庙 namely the Daxing Shan Temple with beautifully decorated eaves房檐 and ridges房顶.

Bell Tower and the Drum Tower 钟鼓楼

The Terra-Cotta Army 兵马俑 near the Mausouleum of the First Qin Emperor were buried underground as funerary arts. and the purpose was to help The Emperor to rule another empire in his afterlife.

Preservation , pressure for urban development, Pavalion, Two-storey Pavalion,



1.emphasis much on the width of the building with large roofs. This gives people a sense of grandness. In contrast, western buildings emphasis very much on the height and depth.

2.Chinese ancient buliding also was characterized by its bilateral symmetry which signifys balance. this feature can be particularly detected when looking at a Tang Dynasty Building. Watch the ShaanXi History Museum closely some day and you'll find out.

3.While Western buildings like Churches have squares in front of them so that the building can go with other buildings,Acient temples and palaces in China all have walls to form an enclosed courtyard or a patio to seperate it from other constructions. This is anther characteristic of chinese traditional buildings.


This place really calms me down!

I found peace and tranquility in this place!

The architecture is so magnificent that i can't help screaming when i saw it!

I've always wanted to see the legendary Terra-cotta Amry and my dream came true that day!

The trip to the Great Mosque was amazing!

The name of the temple was said to be given by the Emperess CiXi.

The techniques of the ancient people really left me with a great impression!

The paintings on the side walls were fascinating.

I was surprised to know how ancient people build that grotto.

