





60. Traditionally, pollination by wind has

Traditionally, pollination by wind has been viewed as a reproductive

process marked by random events in which the vagaries of the wind are

compensated for by the generation of vast quantities of pollen, so that the

ultimate production of new seeds is assured at the expense of producing much

more pollen than is actually used. Because the potential hazards pollen grains

are subject to as they are transported over long distances are enormous,

wind-pollinated plants have, in the view above, compensated for the ensuing loss

of pollen through happenstance by virtue of producing an amount of pollen that

is one to three orders of magnitude greater than the amount produced by species

pollinated by insects.

However, a number of features that are characteristic of wind-pollinated

plants reduce pollen waste. For example, many wind-pollinated species fail to

release pollen when wind speeds are low or when humid conditions prevail. Recent

studies suggest another way in which species compensate for the inefficiency of

wind pollination. These studies suggest that species frequently take advantage

of the physics of pollen motion by generating specific aerodynamic environments

within the immediate vicinity of their female reproductive organs. It is the

morphology of these organs that dictates the pattern of airflow disturbances

through which pollen must travel. The speed and direction of the airflow

disturbances can combine with the physical properties of a species’ pollen to

produce a species-specific pattern of pollen collision on the surfaces of female

reproductive organs. Provided that these surfaces are strategically located, the

consequences of this combination can significantly increase the pollen-capture

efficiency of a female reproductive organ.

A critical question that remains to be answered is whether the

morphological attributes of the female reproductive organs of wind-pollinated

species are evolutionary adaptations to wind pollination or are merely

fortuitous. A complete resolution of the question is as yet impossible since

adaptation must be evaluated for each species within its own unique functional

context. However, it must be said that, while evidence of such evolutionary

adaptations does exist in some species, one must be careful about attributing

morphology to adaptation. For example, the spiral arrangement of scale-bract

complexes on ovule-bearing pine cones, where the female reproductive organs of

conifers are located, is important to the production of airflow patterns that

spiral over the cone’s surfaces, thereby passing airborne pollen from one scale

to the next. However, these patterns cannot be viewed as an adaptation to wind

pollination because the spiral arrangement occurs in a number of

non-wind-pollinated plant lineages and is regarded as a characteristic of

vascular plants, of which conifers are only one kind, as a whole. Therefore, the

spiral arrangement is not likely to be the result of a direct adaptation to wind


21. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with discussing

(A) the current debate on whether the morphological attributes of

wind-pollinated plants are evolutionary adaptations

(B) the kinds of airflow patterns that permit wind-pollinated plants to

capture pollen most efficiently

(C) the ways in which the reproductive processes of wind-pollinated plants

are controlled by random events

(D) a recently proposed explanation of a way in which wind-pollinated

plants reduce pollen waste

(E) a specific morphological attribute that permits one species of

wind-pollinated plant to capture pollen

22. The author suggests that explanations of wind pollination that

emphasize the production of vast quantities of pollen to compensate for the

randomness of the pollination process are

(A) debatable and misleading

(B) ingenious and convincing

(C) accurate but incomplete

(D) intriguing but controversial

(E) plausible but unverifiable

23. According to the passage, the “aerodynamic environments” mentioned in

line 23, when they are produced, are primarily determined by the

(A) presence of insects near the plant

(B) physical properties of the plant’s pollen

(C) shape of the plant’s female reproductive organs

(D) amount of pollen generated by the plant

(E) number of seeds produced by the plant

24. According to the passage, true statements about the release of pollen

by wind-pollinated plants include which of the following?

I. The release can be affected by certain environmental factors.

II. The amount of pollen released increases on a rainy day.

III. Pollen is sometimes not released by plants when there is little


(A) II only

(B) III only

(C) I and II only

(D) I and III only

(E) I, II, and III

25. The passage suggests that the recent studies cited in lines 19-21 have

not done which of the following?

(A) Made any distinctions between different species of wind-pollinated


(B) Considered the physical properties of the pollen that is produced by

wind-pollinated plants.

(C) Indicated the general range within which plant-generated airflow

disturbances are apt to occur.

(D) Included investigations of the physics of pollen motion and its

relationship to the efficient capture of pollen by the female reproductive

organs of wind-pollinated plants.

(E) Demonstrated that the morphological attributes of the female

reproductive organs of wind-pollinated plants are usually evolutionary

adaptations to wind pollination.

26. It can be inferred from the passage that the claim that the spiral

arrangement of scale-bract complexes on an ovule-bearing pine cone is an

adaptation to wind pollination would be more convincing if which of the

following were true?

(A) Such an arrangement occurred only in wind-pollinated plants.

(B) Such an arrangement occurred in vascular plants as a whole.

(C) Such an arrangement could be shown to be beneficial to pollen


(D) The number of bracts could be shown to have increased over time.

(E) The airflow patterns over the cone’s surfaces could be shown to be

produced by such arrangements.

27. Which of the following, if known, is likely to have been the kind of

evidence used to support the view described in the first paragraph?

(A) Wind speeds need not be very low for wind-pollinated plants to fail to

release pollen.

(B) The female reproductive organs of plants often have a sticky surface

that allows them to trap airborne pollen systematically.

(C) Grasses, as well as conifers, generate specific aerodynamic

environments within the immediate vicinity of their reproductive organs.

(D) Rain showers often wash airborne pollen out of the air before it ever

reaches an appropriate plant.

(E) The density and size of an airborne pollen grain are of equal

importance in determining whether that grain will be captured by a plant.



TPO是我们常用的托福模考工具,对我们的备考很有价值,下面我给大家带来托福阅读TPO16(试题+答案+译文)第2篇:Development of the Periodic Table。


The periodic table is a chart that reflects the periodic recurrence of chemical and physical properties of the elements when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus). It is a monumental scientific achievement, and its development illustrates the essential interplay between observation, prediction, and testing required for scientific progress. In the 1800's scientists were searching for new elements. By the late 1860's more than 60 chemical elements had been identified, and much was known about their descriptive chemistry. Various proposals were put forth to arrange the elements into groups based on similarities in chemical and physical properties. The next step was to recognize a connection between group properties (physical or chemical similarities) and atomic mass (the measured mass of an individual atom of an element). When the elements known at the time were ordered by increasing atomic mass, it was found that successive elements belonged to different chemical groups and that the order of the groups in this sequence was fixed and repeated itself at regular intervals. Thus when the series of elements was written so as to begin a new horizontal row with each alkali metal, elements of the same groups were automatically assembled in vertical columns in a periodic table of the elements. This table was the forerunner of the modern table.

When the German chemist Lothar Meyer and (independently) the Russian Dmitry Mendeleyev first introduced the periodic table in 1869-70, one-third of the naturally occurring chemical elements had not yet been discovered. Yet both chemists were sufficiently farsighted to leave gaps where their analyses of periodic physical and chemical properties indicated that new elements should be located. Mendeleyev was bolder than Meyer and even assumed that if a measured atomic mass put an element in the wrong place in the table, the atomic mass was wrong. In some cases this was true. Indium, for example, had previously been assigned an atomic mass between those of arsenic and selenium. Because there is no space in the periodic table between these two elements, Mendeleyev suggested that the atomic mass of indium be changed to a completely different value, where it would fill an empty space between cadmium and tin. In fact, subsequent work has shown that in a periodic table, elements should not be ordered strictly by atomic mass. For example, tellurium comes before iodine in the periodic table, even though its atomic mass is slightly greater. Such anomalies are due to the relative abundance of the "isotopes" or varieties of each element. All the isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons, but differ in their number of neutrons, and hence in their atomic mass. The isotopes of a given element have the same chemical properties but slightly different physical properties. We now know that atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus), not atomic mass number (the number of protons and neutrons), determines chemical behavior.

Mendeleyev went further than Meyer in another respect: he predicted the properties of six elements yet to be discovered. For example, a gap just below aluminum suggested a new element would be found with properties analogous to those of aluminum. Mendeleyev designated this element "eka-aluminum" (eka is the Sanskrit word for "next") and predicted its properties. Just five years later an element with the proper atomic mass was isolated and named gallium by its discoverer. The close correspondence between the observed properties of gallium and Mendeleyev’s predictions for eka-aluminum lent strong support to the periodic law. Additional support came in 1885 when eka-silicon, which had also been described in advance by Mendeleyev, was discovered and named germanium.

The structure of the periodic table appeared to limit the number of possible elements. It was therefore quite surprising when John William Strut (Lord Rayleigh, discovered a gaseous element in 1894 that did not fit into the previous classification scheme. A century earlier, Henry Cavendish had noted the existence of a residual gas when oxygen and nitrogen are removed from air, but its importance had not been realized. Together with William Ramsay, Rayleigh isolated the gas (separating it from other substances into its pure state) and named it argon. Ramsay then studied a gas that was present in natural gas deposits and discovered that it was helium, an element whose presence in the Sun had been noted earlier in the spectrum of sunlight but that had not previously been known on Earth. Rayleigh and Ramsay postulated the existence of a new group of elements, and in 1898 other members of the series (neon, krypton, and xenon) were isolated.


1.The phrase interplay in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to





2.According to paragraph 1, what pattern did scientists notice when the known elements were written in order of increasing atomic mass?

A.The elements of the group of alkali metals were the first elements in the order of increasing atomic mass.

B.Repetition of the same atomic masses for elements in different groups appeared.

C.Elements with similar chemical properties appeared in the listing at regular intervals.

D.Elements were chemically most similar to those just before and after them in the order.

3.In paragraph 2, what is the author's purpose in presenting the information about the decision by Meyer and Mendeleyev to leave gaps in the periodic table?

A.To illustrate their confidence that the organizing principles of the periodic table would govern the occurrence of all chemical elements

B.To indicate that some of their analyses of periodic physical and chemical properties were later found to be wrong

C.To support the idea that they were unwilling to place new elements in the periodic table

D.To indicate how they handled their disagreement about where to place new elements

4.What reason does the author provide for the claim that Mendeleyev was bolder than Meyer?(in paragraph 2)

A.Mendeleyev corrected incorrect information Meyer had proposed.

B.Mendeleyev assumed that some information believed to be true about the elements was incorrect.

C.Mendeleyev argued that Meyer had not left enough gaps in the periodic table.

D.Mendeleyev realized that elements were not ordered by atomic mass in the periodic table.

5.According to paragraph 2, why did Mendeleyev suggest changing the atomic mass of indium?

A.Because indium did not fit into the periodic table in the place predicted by its atomic mass.

B.Because there was experimental evidence that the atomic mass that had been assigned to indium was incorrect.

C.Because there was an empty space between cadmium and tin in the periodic table.

D.Because the chemical properties of indium were similar to those of arsenic and selenium.

6.It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that tellurium comes before iodine in the periodic table even though tellurium's atomic mass is slightly greater because

A.iodine is less common than tellurium

B.both iodine and tellurium have no isotopes

C.the chemical behavior of tellurium is highly variable

D.the atomic number of tellurium is smaller than that of iodine

7.The phrase “abundance” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to





8.The phrase “analogous to” in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to

A.predicted by

B.expected of

C.similar to

D.superior to

9.Paragraph 3 suggests that Mendeleyev predicted the properties of eka-aluminum on the basis of

A.the atomic mass of aluminum

B.the position of the gap in the periodic table that eka-aluminum was predicted to fill

C.the similarity of eka-aluminum to the other five missing elements

D.observation of the properties of gallium

10.It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that the significance of the discovery of gallium was that it supported which of the following?

A.The idea that aluminum was correctly placed in the periodic table.

B.Mendeleyev's prediction that eka-silicon would be discovered next.

C.The organizing principle of the periodic table.

D.The idea that unknown elements existed.

11.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage (paragraph 4)? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A.Ramsay found evidence of helium in the spectrum of sunlight before he discovered that the element was also contained in natural gas deposits on Earth.

B.Ramsay thought he had discovered a new element present in natural gas deposits, but he was wrong since that element had been previously observed elsewhere on Earth.

C.After Ramsay had discovered a new element, called helium, in natural gas deposits on Earth, he also found evidence of its presence in the Sun.

D.Ramsay later discovered that helium, an element that was already known to be present in the Sun, was also present in natural gas deposits on Earth.

12.The word “postulated” in the passage (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to





13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? It was a natural Idea to break up the series of elements at the points where the sequence of chemical groups to which the elements belonged began to repeat itself.

Paragraph1: The periodic table is a chart that reflects the periodic recurrence of chemical and physical properties of the elements when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus). It is a monumental scientific achievement, and its development illustrates the essential interplay between observation, prediction, and testing required for scientific progress. In the 1800's scientists were searching for new elements. By the late 1860's more than 60 chemical elements had been identified, and much was known about their descriptive chemistry. Various proposals were put forth to arrange the elements into groups based on similarities in chemical and physical properties. ■【A】The next step was to recognize a connection between group properties (physical or chemical similarities) and atomic mass (the measured mass of an individual atom of an element). ■【B】When the elements known at the time were ordered by increasing atomic mass, it was found that successive elements belonged to different chemical groups and that the order of the groups in this sequence was fixed and repeated itself at regular intervals. ■【C】Thus when the series of elements was written so as to begin a new horizontal row with each alkali metal, elements of the same groups were automatically assembled in vertical columns in a periodic table of the elements. ■【D】This table was the forerunner of the modern table.

14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

The periodic table introduced by Meyer and Mendeleyev was the forerunner of the modern table of elements.

A.Lord Rayleigh provided evidence that the structure of the I—Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh challenged the importance of the periodic table limited the potential number of elements.

B.Chemical research that Henry Cavendish had done a century earlier.

C.Isotopes of a given element have exactly the same physical properties, but their chemical properties are slightly different.

D. Mendeleyev and Meyer organized the known elements into a F chart that revealed periodic recurrences of chemical and physical properties.

E.Mendeleyev's successful prediction of the properties of then- r unknown elements lent support to the acceptance of the periodic law.

F.In the 1890's, Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh isolated argon and proposed the existence of a new series of elements.

托福 阅读答案


2.以increasing atomic mass做关键词定位至倒数第三句,说把元素按照原子量增加的顺序排布,发现相邻元素属于不同的族,族的顺序是固定的,每隔固定数量的元素会重现。所以正确答案是C。A的alkali metals,B的same atomic mass原文都没说;D说相邻元素性质相近与原文相反。



5.以changing the atomic mass of indium做关键词定位至第六句,说由于元素周期表中砷和硒之间没有空位,所以铟的原子量是错的。因为前面说如果原子量把元素放错了位置,就说明原子量是错的,后一句是为了证明这个观点的,所以答案是A。B的experimental evidence和D的化学性质相似原文都没说;C有space与原文相反。

6.以tellerium coms before iodine做关键词定位至倒数第五句for example处,但这句话只是一个例子,所以往前看,说元素不应该严格按照原子量排列,而且最后一句又说决定元素化学性质的是原子序数,不是原子量,也就是应该按照原序数量排列,所以答案D正确。A谁common谁不common,B有没有同位素还有C的化学性质多变没有信息能推出。


8.analogous to可类比的,相似的,所以答案similar to正确。原句说铝元素之下的空格表明一个性质与铝怎么样的元素的存在,前文都说了相邻的元素属于不同的族,而且族会相隔固定数目的元素出现,而且根据常识也知道元素周期表中上下两元素性质相似,所以答案是similar。A实现预测的是人,不是铝元素的性质;B期待不靠谱;D谁比谁好原文没说。





13.三个过渡点,分别是名词chemical groups,名词sequence和动词词组repeat itself,这几个点都可以确定B或者C是答案,但B前后的atomic mass说明两句话的过渡是非常紧密的,所以B被排除,答案是C。

14.Lord选项错,原文没说他的研究提供了元素周期表限制元素数量的证据,不选。Ramsay and Lord选项错,原文没说他们俩挑战了卡文迪许,不选。Isotopes选项是原文第二段中的一个细节,不选。Mendeleyev and Meyer选项对应原文第一段后半部分,正确。Mendeleyev’s选项对应原文第三段最后两句,正确。In the 1890’s选项对应全文最后一句话,正确。



当德国化学家迈耶(Lother Meyer)和(彼此独立的)俄国化学家门捷列夫在1869年到1870年间首次发布元素周期表时,有三分之一的天然化学元素还没被发现。然而这两位化学家都极富远见,他们在周期表上留白,对元素物理性和化学性的分析空白处还有新的元素有待发现。门捷列夫比迈耶更为大胆,他甚至做出假设,如果周期表按原子质量排列,但元素位置不对的话,那么原子质量也是错的。在某些情况下,这个设想是正确的。以铟为例,先前测量出铟的原子质量在砷和硒之间。但是因为在周期表中这两个元素之间没有缝隙,由此门捷列夫提出铟的原子质量变为截然不同的一个值,这样就可以将其置于镉和锡之间的空位。事实上,接下来的研究表明,元素周期表中元素不能严格按照原子质量排列。例如,尽管碲的原子质量比碘略大,但在元素周期表中,它却排在碘前面。出现这种反常现象,主要是因为相对丰富的“同位素 ”或者各种元素的多样性。同一元素的所有同位素具有相同的质子数,但中子数不同,因此它们的原子质量也不一样。一个特定元素的同位素具有相同的化学特征,但在物理性质上有一些细微差异。现在我们知道,是原子数目(原子核中质子的数量)而非原子质量(质子和中子的数量)决定着元素的化学性质。

门捷列夫在另一个研究上也比迈耶更为深入:他预测还有六种元素的性质待被发现。例如,就在铝下面有一个空位,这表明还有一个性质和铝类似的新元素存在。门捷列夫将该元素定义为“铝下元素 ”(eka是梵语词,意思是 “下一个”)并且还预测了其性质。仅仅5年之后,原子质量相吻合的元素就被分离出来,发现者将其命名为“镓”。镓所表现出的特性和门捷列夫对“铝下元素”的预测一一对应,这为元素法则提供了一个强有力的依据。还有一个例证,1885年发现“硅下元素”,同样为门捷列夫所预测,后来命名为锗。

元素周期表的框架似乎限制了可能存在的元素数量。因此,当约翰?威廉姆?斯特拉特(瑞利男爵),在1894年发现一种气态元素不能适应之前的元素表时会非常惊讶。一个世纪以前,亨利?卡文迪许就注意到,当氧气和氮气从空气中被移除后仍然有残余气体存在,但当时没人意识到其中的重要性。瑞利和威廉?拉姆齐一道,共同分离出一种气体(将之与其他物质隔离并存于一个真空环境)并将其命名为氩。拉姆齐经过研究又发现了另一种存在于自然界中的气体元素——氦,该元素在太阳中存在,并且很早就被发现存在于太阳光谱中,但是之前并没有在地球上找到过。瑞利和拉姆齐做出假设,认为存在一组新元素, 1898年,这一系列元素中的其他元素(氖,氪,氙)也被成功分离出来。



托福阅读TPO16(试题+答案+译文)第2篇相关 文章 :




Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

In order to understand ancient Egyptian art, it is vital to know as much as possible of the elite Egyptians' view of the world and the functions and contexts of the art produced for them. Without this knowledge we can appreciate only the formal content of Egyptian art, and we will fail to understand why it was produced or the concepts that shaped it and caused it to adopt its distinctive forms. In fact, a lack of understanding concerning the purposes of Egyptian art has often led it to be compared unfavorably with the art of other cultures: Why did the Egyptians not develop sculpture in which the body turned and twisted through space like classical Greek statuary? Why do the artists seem to get left and right confused? And why did they not discover the geometric perspective as European artists did in the Renaissance? The answer to such questions has nothing to do with a lack of skill or imagination on the part of Egyptian artists and everything to do with the purposes for which they were producing their art.

The majority of three-dimensional representations, whether standing, seated, or kneeling, exhibit what is called frontality: they face straight ahead, neither twisting nor turning. When such statues are viewed in isolation, out of their original context and without knowledge of their function, it is easy to criticize them for their rigid attitudes that remained unchanged for three thousand years. Frontality is, however, directly related to the functions of Egyptian statuary and the contexts in which the statues were set up. Statues were created not for their decorative effect but to play a primary role in the cults of the gods, the king, and the dead. They were designed to be put in places where these beings could manifest themselves in order to be the recipients of ritual actions. Thus it made sense to show the statue looking ahead at what was happening in front of it, so that the living performer of the ritual could interact with the divine or deceased recipient. Very often such statues were enclosed in rectangular shrines or wall niches whose only opening was at the front, making it natural for the statue to display frontality. Other statues were designed to be placed within an architectural setting, for instance, in front of the monumental entrance gateways to temples known as pylons, or in pillared courts, where they would be placed against or between pillars: their frontality worked perfectly within the architectural context.

Statues were normally made of stone, wood, or metal. Stone statues were worked from single rectangular blocks of material and retained the compactness of the original shape. The stone between the arms and the body and between the legs in standing figures or the legs and the seat in seated ones was not normally cut away. From a practical aspect this protected the figures against breakage and psychologically gives the images a sense of strength and power, usually enhanced by a supporting back pillar. By contrast, wooden statues were carved from several pieces of wood that were pegged together to form the finished work, and metal statues were either made by wrapping sheet metal around a wooden core or cast by the lost wax process. The arms could be held away from the body and carry separate items in their hands; there is no back pillar. The effect is altogether lighter and freer than that achieved in stone, but because both perform the same function, formal wooden and metal statues still display frontality.

Apart from statues representing deities, kings, and named members of the elite that can be called formal, there is another group of three-dimensional representations that depicts generic figures, frequently servants, from the nonelite population. The function of these is quite different. Many are made to be put in the tombs of the elite in order to serve the tomb owners in the afterlife. Unlike formal statues that are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling, these figures depict a wide range of actions, such as grinding grain, baking bread, producing pots, and making music, and they are shown in appropriate poses, bending and squatting as they carry out their tasks.

Paragraph 1: In order to understand ancient Egyptian art, it is vital to know as much as possible of the elite Egyptians' view of the world and the functions and contexts of the art produced for them. Without this knowledge we can appreciate only the formal content of Egyptian art, and we will fail to understand why it was produced or the concepts that shaped it and caused it to adopt its distinctive forms. In fact, a lack of understanding concerning the purposes of Egyptian art has often led it to be compared unfavorably with the art of other cultures: Why did the Egyptians not develop sculpture in which the body turned and twisted through space like classical Greek statuary? Why do the artists seem to get left and right confused? And why did they not discover the geometric perspective as European artists did in the Renaissance? The answer to such questions has nothing to do with a lack of skill or imagination on the part of Egyptian artists and everything to do with the purposes for which they were producing their art.


1. The word “vital” in the passage is closest in meaning to





2. Paragraph 1 suggests that one reason Egyptian art is viewed less favorably than other art is that Egyptian art lacks

a realistic sense of human body proportion

a focus on distinctive forms of varying sizes

the originality of European art

the capacity to show the human body in motion

3. In paragraph 1, the author mentions all of the following as necessary in appreciating Egyptian art EXCEPT an understanding of

the reasons why the art was made

the nature of aristocratic Egyptian beliefs

the influences of Egyptian art on later art such as classical Greek art

how the art was used

Paragraph 2: The majority of three-dimensional representations, whether standing, seated, or kneeling, exhibit what is called frontality: they face straight ahead, neither twisting nor turning. When such statues are viewed in isolation, out of their original context and without knowledge of their function, it is easy to criticize them for their rigid attitudes that remained unchanged for three thousand years. Frontality is, however, directly related to the functions of Egyptian statuary and the contexts in which the statues were set up. Statues were created not for their decorative effect but to play a primary role in the cults of the gods, the king, and the dead. They were designed to be put in places where these beings could manifest themselves in order to be the recipients of ritual actions. Thus it made sense to show the statue looking ahead at what was happening in front of it, so that the living performer of the ritual could interact with the divine or deceased recipient. Very often such statues were enclosed in rectangular shrines or wall niches whose only opening was at the front, making it natural for the statue to display frontality. Other statues were designed to be placed within an architectural setting, for instance, in front of the monumental entrance gateways to temples known as pylons, or in pillared courts, where they would be placed against or between pillars: their frontality worked perfectly within the architectural context.

4. According to paragraph 2, why are Egyptian statues portrayed frontality?

To create a psychological effect of distance and isolation

To allow them to fulfill their important role in ceremonies of Egyptian life

To provide a contrast to statues with a decorative function

To suggest the rigid, unchanging Egyptian philosophical attitudes

5. The word “context” in the passage is closest in meaning to





6. The author mentions “an architectural setting” in the passage in order to

suggest that architecture was as important as sculpture to Egyptian artists

offer a further explanation for the frontal pose of Egyptian statues

explain how the display of statues replaced other forms of architectural decoration

illustrate the religious function of Egyptian statues

7. The word “they” in the passage refers to




pillared courts

Paragraph 3: Statues were normally made of stone, wood, or metal. Stone statues were worked from single rectangular blocks of material and retained the compactness of the original shape. The stone between the arms and the body and between the legs in standing figures or the legs and the seat in seated ones was not normally cut away. From a practical aspect this protected the figures against breakage and psychologically gives the images a sense of strength and power, usually enhanced by a supporting back pillar. By contrast, wooden statues were carved from several pieces of wood that were pegged together to form the finished work, and metal statues were either made by wrapping sheet metal around a wooden core or cast by the lost wax process. The arms could be held away from the body and carry separate items in their hands; there is no back pillar. The effect is altogether lighter and freer than that achieved in stone, but because both perform the same function, formal wooden and metal statues still display frontality.

8. According to paragraph 3, why were certain areas of a stone statue left uncarved?

To prevent damage by providing physical stability

To emphasize that the material was as important as the figure itself

To emphasize that the figure was not meant to be a real human being

To provide another artist with the chance to finish the carving

9. The word “core” in the passage is closest in meaning to





10. According to paragraph 3, which of the following statements about wooden statues is true?

Wooden statues were usually larger than stone statues.

Wooden statues were made from a single piece of wood.

Wooden statues contained pieces of metal or stone attached to the front.

Wooden statues had a different effect on the viewer than stone statues.

Paragraph 4: Apart from statues representing deities, kings, and named members of the elite that can be called formal, there is another group of three-dimensional representations that depicts generic figures, frequently servants, from the nonelite population. The function of these is quite different. Many are made to be put in the tombs of the elite in order to serve the tomb owners in the afterlife. Unlike formal statues that are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling, these figures depict a wide range of actions, such as grinding grain, baking bread, producing pots, and making music, and they are shown in appropriate poses, bending and squatting as they carry out their tasks.

11. The word depicts in the passage is closest in meaning to





12. According to paragraph 4, what is the difference between statues that represent the Egyptian elite and statues that represent the nonelite classes?

Statues of the elite are included in tombs, but statues of the nonelite are not.

Statues of the elite are in motionless poses, while statues of the nonelite are in active poses.

Statues of the elite are shown standing, while statues of the nonelite are shown sitting or kneeling.

Statues of the elite serve an important function, while statues of the nonelite are decorative.

Paragraph 4: Apart from statues representing deities, kings, and named members of the elite that can be called formal, there is another group of three-dimensional representations that depicts generic figures, frequently servants, from the nonelite population. The function of these is quite different. Many are made to be put in the tombs of the elite in order to serve the tomb owners in the afterlife. Unlike formal statues that are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling, these figures depict a wide range of actions, such as grinding grain, baking bread, producing pots, and making music, and they are shown in appropriate poses, bending and squatting as they carry out their tasks.

13. Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

In fact, it is the action and not the figure itself that is important.

Where would the sentence best fit?

14.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

The distinctive look of ancient Egyptian sculpture was determined largely by its function.

Answer Choices

The twisted forms of Egyptian statues indicate their importance in ritual actions.

The reason Egyptian statues are motionless is linked to their central role in cultural rituals.

Stone, wood, and metal statues all display the feature of frontality.

Statues were more often designed to be viewed in isolation rather than placed within buildings.

The contrasting poses used in statues of elite and nonelite Egyptians reveal their difference in social status.

Although the appearances of formal and generic statues differ, they share the same function.


1. 2

2. 4

3. 3

4. 2

5. 3

6. 2

7. 1


9. 3

10. 4

11. 4

12. 2

13. 4

14. The reason Egyptian

Stone, wood, and

The contrasting poses

托福阅读真题:TPO11原文及答案相关 文章 :

★ 11.26托福考试解析之一:独立口语和写作

求:托福 黄金口语80题答案答案答案( Topic13 Question1) Question:Describe the characteristics


(1)specifically point out the very characteristic of a good friend.

(2)ideally include two characteristics.

(3)use examples and details to explain.



1)A good friend should be trustworthy so that we can exchange ideas and share happiness and sorrows freely.

2)An honest friend can point out my shortcomings so that I can always improve myself.


1)Friends are a source of comfort when I'm going through a hard time.

2)Friends should encourage each other in front of a challenging task.


(1) I think what makes a good friend is ...

(2) There are a couple of reasons for this.

(3) First, ...

(4) Second, ...




Extinction Episodes of the Past

【1】It was not until the Cambrian period, beginning about 600 million years ago, that a great proliferation of macroscopic species occurred on Earth and produced a fossil record that allows us to track the rise and fall of biodiversity. Since the Cambrian period, biodiversity has generally risen, but there have been some notable exceptions. Biodiversity collapsed dramatically during at least five periods because of mass extinctions around the globe. The five major mass extinctions receive most of the attention, but they are only one end of a spectrum of extinction events. Collectively, more species went extinct during smaller events that were less dramatic but more frequent. The best known of the five major extinction events, the one that saw the demise of the dinosaurs, is the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction.

【2】Starting about 280 million years ago, reptiles were the dominant large animals in terrestrial environments. In popular language this was the era “when dinosaurs ruled Earth,” when a wide variety of reptile species occupying many ecological niches. However, no group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and when, after over 200 million years, the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end about 65 million years ago, mammals began to flourish, evolving from relatively few types of small terrestrial animals into the myriad of diverse species, including bats and whales, that we know today. Paleontologists label this point in Earth’s history as the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Tertiary period, often abbreviated as the K-T boundary. This time was also marked by changes in many other types of organisms. Overall, about 38 percent of the families of marine animals were lost, with percentages much higher in some groups Ammonoid mollusks went from being very diverse and abundant to being extinct. An extremely abundant set of planktonic marine animals called foraminifera largely disappeared, although they rebounded later. Among plants, the K-T boundary saw a sharp but brief rise in the abundance of primitive vascular plants such as ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and conifers and other gymnosperms. The number of flowering plants (angiosperms) was reduced at this time, but they then began to increase dramatically.

【3】What caused these changes? For many years scientists assumed that a cooling of the climate was responsible, with dinosaurs being particularly vulnerable because, like modern reptiles, they were ectothermic (dependent on environmental heat, or cold-blooded). It is now widely believed that at least some species of dinosaurs had a metabolic rate high enough for them to be endotherms (animals that maintain a relatively consistent body temperature by generating heat internally). Nevertheless, climatic explanations for the K-T extinction are not really challenged by the ideas that dinosaurs may have been endothermic, because even endotherms can be affected by a significant change in the climate.

【4】Explanations for the K-T extinction were revolutionized in 1980 when a group of physical scientists led by Luis Alvarez proposed that 65 million years ago Earth was stuck by a 10-kilometer-wide meteorite traveling at 90,000 kilometers per hour. They believed that this impact generated a thick cloud of dust that enveloped Earth, shutting out much of the incoming solar radiation and reducing plant photosynthesis to very low levels. Short-term effects might have included huge tidal waves and extensive fires. In other words, a series of events arising from a single cataclysmic event caused the massive extinctions. Initially, the meteorite theory was based on a single line of evidence. At locations around the globe, geologists had found an unusually high concentration of iridium in the layer of sedimentary rocks that was formed about 65 million years ago. Iridium is an element that is usually uncommon near Earth’s surface, but it is abundant in some meteorites. Therefore, Alvarez and his colleagues concludedthat it was likely that the iridium in sedimentary rocks deposited at the K-T boundary had originated in a giant meteorite or asteroid. Most scientist came to accept the meteorite theory after evidence came to light that a circular formation, 180 kilometers in diameter in diameter and centered on the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, was created by a meteorite impact about 65 million years ago.


1.The word "proliferation" in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to





2.Paragraph 1 supports which of the following statements about life on Earth before the Cambrian period?

A.Biodiversity levels were steady, as indicated by the fossil record.

B.Levels of biodiversity could not be tracked.

C.The most dramatic extinction episode occurred.

D.Few microscopic species existed.

3.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A.The dominance of dinosaurs came to an end 65 million years ago, at which time mammals began to flourish and diversify.

B.Because no group of species can remain dominant forever, mammals became the dominant group when dinosaurs became extinct.

C.After being the dominant group for more than 200 million years, the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end 65 million years ago.

D.The diverse group of mammals that we know today, including bats and whales, evolved from small terrestrial forms that had been dominated by dinosaurs.

4.According to paragraph 2, why are dinosaurs popularly said to have "ruled Earth" during the Cretaceous period?

A.Dinosaurs were the only species of reptile that existed during the whole of the Cretaceous period.

B.Dinosaurs won the battle for food resources over mammals during the Cretaceous period.

C.Dinosaurs survived extinction during the Cretaceous period, whereas many other animal species did not.

D.Dinosaurs were the physically and ecologically dominant animals during the Cretaceous period.

5.According to paragraph 2, which of the following species initially increased in number at the K-T boundary?




D.Ammonoid mollusks.

6.Why does the author note that "even endotherms can be affected by a significant change in the climate"(paragraph 3)?

A.To argue that there was a significant climate at the time that endothermic dinosaurs became extinct.

B.To argue that climate change caused some dinosaurs to evolve as endotherms.

C.To support the view that at least some of the dinosaurs that became extinct were endotherms.

D.To defend climate change as possible explanation for the extinction of dinosaurs.

7.The word "generated"(paragraph 4) in the passage is closest in meaning to





8.The word "extensive"(paragraph 4) in the passage is closest in meaning to





9.According to paragraph 4, all of the following contributed to the massive extinctions of the K-T period EXCEPT:

A.tidal waves.


C.insufficient solar radiation.


10.According to paragraph 4, which of the following statements explains the importance of the discovery of high levels of iridium rocks?

A.It provided evidence that overexposure to solar radiation led to the K-T extinction.

B.It showed that more than one cataclysmic event was responsible for the K-T extinction.

C.It suggested that the cause of the K-T extinction may have been a meteorite striking Earth.

D.It provided evidence that the K-T extinction occurred 65 million years ago.

11.According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true about the Yucatan Peninsula?

A.The circular formation there was caused by a meteorite impact 65 million years ago.

B.Sedimentary rocks from that area have the lowest iridium concentration of any rocks on Earth.

C.There is evidence that a huge tidal wave occurred there 65 million years ago.

D.Evidence found there challenged the meteorite impact theory.

12.Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about the meteorite theory?

A.The data originally presented as evidence for the theory were eventually rejected.

B.Many scientists did not accept it when it was first proposed.

C.It has not been widely accepted as an explanation for the K-T extinction.

D.Alvarez subsequently revised it after a circular formation was found in the Yucatan Peninsula.

13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? This focused on the chemical composition of ancient rocks.

Explanations for the K-T extinction were revolutionized in 1980 when a group of physical scientists led by Luis Alvarez proposed that 65 million years ago Earth was stuck by a 10-kilometer-wide meteorite traveling at 90,000 kilometers per hour. They believed that this impact generated a thick cloud of dust that enveloped Earth, shutting out much of the incoming solar radiation and reducing plant photosynthesis to very low levels. Short-term effects might have included huge tidal waves and extensive fires. In other words, a series of events arising from a single cataclysmic event caused the massive extinctions. ■【A】Initially, the meteorite theory was based on a single line of evidence. ■【B】At locations around the globe, geologists had found an unusually high concentration of iridium in the layer of sedimentary rocks that was formed about 65 million years ago. ■【C】Iridium is an element that is usually uncommon near Earth's surface, but it is abundant in some meteorites. ■【D】Therefore, Alvarez and his colleagues concluded that it was likely that the iridium in sedimentary rocks deposited at the K-T boundary had originated in a giant meteorite or asteroid. Most scientist came to accept the meteorite theory after evidence came to light that a circular formation, 180 kilometers in diameter in diameter and centered on the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, was created by a meteorite impact about 65 million years ago.

14. Prose Summary

The K-T extinction 65 million years ago is the best known of the five major extinction episodes since the Cambrian period.

A.Collectively, the five major extinction episodes resulted in the elimination of a larger number of species than did all the minor extinction events.

B.The K-T extinction eliminated the dinosaurs and ammonoid mollusks but was followed by the diversification of mammals and gymnospermous plants.

C.An extreme cooling of the climate could not have caused the K-T extinction of dinosaurs, because, while most dinosaurs depended on environmental heat, some did not.

D.The K-T extinction of the dinosaurs is the only mass extinction that has been explained by the impact of a meteorite.

E.In 1980 Luis Alvarez proposed that the K-T extinction was caused by ecological disasters brought about by the impact of a meteorite striking Earth.

F.A high concentration of iridium in sedimentary rocks at the K-T boundary and a large impact crater in the Yucatan Peninsula from 65 million years ago strongly support Alvarez' hypothesis.

托福阅读TPO33 阅读答案


2.推断题:定位句It was not until the Cambrian period, beginning about 600 million years ago, that a great proliferation of macroscopic species occurred on Earth and produced a fossil record that allows us to track the rise and fall of biodiversity.主要意思是直到寒武纪才能够监测生物多样性。言外之意就是在寒武纪之前就不能监测生物多样性,对应B选项。

3.解析 句子 简化题:该长句其实是2个长句的并列;主要分成2个意思:第一是没有任何一种生物能永远地统治,第二是恐龙灭亡之后,哺乳动物开始发展统治,且两层意思之间可以构成因果关系。所以只有B选项满足所有条件。

4.解析细节题:定位句Starting about 280 million years ago, reptiles were the dominant large animals in terrestrial environments. In popular language this was the era "when dinosaurs ruled Earth," when a wide variety of reptile species occupying many ecological niches.对应D选项。

5.解析细节题:定位句Paleontologists label this point in Earth's history as the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Tertiary period,often abbreviated as the K-T boundary. This time was also marked by changes in many other types of organisms. Overall, about 38 percent of the families of marine animals were lost, with percentages much higher in some groups

Ammonoid mollusks went from being very diverse and abundant to being extinct.题干中的范围限定initially,因此只可能是Ammonoid mollusk.选D。

6.解析修辞目的题:题干中的even甚至,表示程度的递进。定位句Nevertheless, climatic explanations for the L-T extinction are not really challenged by the ideas that dinosaurs may have been endothermic。即后半句的原因解释了气候理论为什么不被反驳。



9.解析否定细节题:定位句 Short-term effects might have included huge tidal waves and extensive fires. In other words, a series of events arising from a single cataclysmic event caused the massive extinctions.对应A选项,B选项。定位句 They believed that its impact generated a thick cloud of dust that enveloped Earth, shutting out much of the incoming solar radiation and reducing plant photosynthesis to very low levels.意思是这种冲击产生了大量的厚尘云,遮蔽了天空和阳光。对应C选项。而D选项,iridium是有关灭绝的证据,但并非构成灭绝的原因。

10.解析细节题:定位句Initially, the meteorite theory was based on a single line of evidence. At locations around the globe, geologists have found an unusually high concentration of iridium in the layer of sedimentary rocks that was formed about 65 million years ago.意思是说小行星撞击理论一开始主要的证据就 是在地球的岩石中发现了大量的iridium (铱)。因此其重要性就是说明该撞击理论是物种大灭绝的原因。

11.解析细节题:定位句Most scientists came to accept the meteorite theory after evidence came to light that a circular formation, 180 kilometers in diameter and centered on the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, was created by a meteorite impact about 65 million years ago.意思是说在Yucatan Peninsula背岸的大坑是陨石撞击的结果。对应A选项。

12.解析推断题:定位句 Initially, the meteorite theory was based on a single line of evidence. 一开始仅依赖于单一证据的理论,暗示了证据还不够充分。定位句 Most scientists came to accept the meteorite theory after evidence came to light that a circular formation,180 kilometers in diameter and centered on the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, was created by a meteorite impact about 65 million years ago.在环形坑证据出现之后大多数的科学家才开始接受小 行星撞击理论,就是说一开始大多数科学家对该理论是持有怀疑态度的。即答案就是B。

13.解析句子插入题:给出的句子中出现了this的指代提示,表示前面的内容可能 与石头的化学组成无关,而该句的下一句应该与化学组成有关。因此只有 第二个方框满足条件。在第二个方框之后才出现了对于iridium的讨论。

14.The K-T extinction eliminated the dinosaurs and ammonoid mollusks but was followed by the diversification of mammals and gymnospermous plants.正确。对应第二段段落大意,没有永生的统治者,恐龙之后现在是哺乳动物和植物的天下。

In 1980 Luis Alvarez proposed that the K-T extinction was caused by ecological disasters brought about by the impact of a meteorite striking Earth.正确。对应第四段主旨:小行星撞击地球假说。

A high concentration of iridium in sedimentary rocks at the K-T boundary and a large impact crater in the Yucatan Peninsula from 65 million years ago strongly support Alvarez, hypothesis.正确。对应第四段解释小行星撞击地球假说的重要证据。一个证据是Iridium在 地球岩石中的大量出现,另一个证据是巨大环形坑的发现。

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