


求雅思口语Part3 People –a happy person话题:What do you think gives people happiness that lasts a

1. 结构提示

Well, that’s hard to say, everyone has his or her own definition of long lasting happiness. In my opinion, a … would be the unexhausted resource of happiness.

Not to mention, happiness can’t be achieved only by yourself.

From my perspective, I’m afraid that I couldn’t agree with this statement.

After all, money could help us to lay a solid foundation for our life. However, it is not the only ingredient of happiness.

2. 要点提示

satisfaction, self-esteem

greedy, rapacious

receive gifts/compliment, achieve something in a certain field

material / spiritual, money-related / spiritually enjoyed

求雅思口语Part3 People –leader话题:What are the qualities of a good leader? 的答题思路

1. 结构提示

There are of course certain qualities a good leader should maintain no matter what happens.

There is also something else about…

2. 要点提示

calmness, rationality

passion, enthusiasm, optimism

accommodating, warm-hearted, easygoing




1. 充分利用一分钟的准备时间。考生在一分钟的准备时间里要尽量多地写下关键词。因为大多数考生在口语考二部分经常会由于紧张而突然没有思路,在60秒之内写下8~10个关键词有助于考生在答题过程中理清思路。

2. 完全回答答题卡上的四个问题,说满两分钟的答题时间。考官看一个考生的思路主要是看这个考生能否遵照考指令完成问题,并且有条理、有逻辑地回答完这些问题。 雅思口语考二部分的高分与否是取决于考生回答的内容的! 3. 跟Part 1一样,Part 2也是有固定的话题题库的,但是二部分的话题总量达到180个之多!考生不可能把这些话题都一一准备,所以我把雅思口语Part2考的话题归为以下五类: Describing People (描述人物) Describing Places (描述地点) Describing Objects (描述具体物件) Describing Events Moments (描述事件) Describing Activities (描述活动) 每个类别分别准备三到四个相关主题足以应付雅思口语考Part 2的所有话题了。


甚至可以说同一个人! A Person Who Has Visited Your Home

一个来过雅思口语people你做客的人 A Person Who Is Good at His/Her Job

一个工作得心应手的人 A Person Who Likes to Help Others

一个喜欢帮助雅思口语people他人的人 A Person Who Took Care of You in Your Childhood

一个在你儿时照顾过你的人 A Person You Enjoy Talking With

一个你乐于和他聊天的人 A Person You Live with

一个和你一起住的人 A Person You Visited

一个你看望过的人 A Person You Would Like to Be Similar to

雅思口语考的二部分的话题可归类的特点可以为考生备考雅思口语考Part 2节省大量时间。

求雅思口语Part3 People –People-teacher话题:What impressed you most when you were at university?

1. 结构提示

There are so many things that left me a deep impression at university.

Among them, an inspiring teacher, … , impressed me the most…

2. 要点提示

teachers, classmates, activities...

name, gender, age, generation, appearance, personality

雅思口语考试part1 how do people(in your country) meet o

同学,以下为大家整理的雅思口语题目相关的句型 well, we have various ways to meet others and make friends, including eating out together,joining parties. friends are very important for me , simply because friends can stand my mistakes and I can do whatever I want to in front of my friends. I will be with my friends when i am upset, i enjoy spending time with friends due to their understanding.

1. 结构提示

You can find fans of various types of music in China now because …

Everyone in China knows Beijing Opera because it is the quintessence of Chinese culture.

Interestingly, the number of fans of Beijing Opera is not that large.

It seems that Beijing Opera is only enjoyed by a fraction of people.

2. 要点提示

various types of music: pop/rock/RB/piano/Latin/jazz/traditional Chinese/opera…

Who are the fans of Beijing Opera? Why do they like it?

How about other non-fans?

