


雅思口语part2部分有哪些常用句型? ?







雅思口语part2万能模板了帮助大家备考雅思口语,提高口语水平,下面我给大家带来雅思口语  范文  雅思口语part2万能模板:有趣雅思口语part2万能模板的歌曲,希望大家会喜欢!


Topic:Describe an interesting song

You should say:

where does the song come from

how do you know that

what does the song tell

and explain why do you think it is interesting.

Sample answer:

The legendary song Annie's Song'by John Denver is a piece of music that I really like. I like this song so much that every time I listen to it,I get a fresh and inspiring feeling. This is probably the piece of song that I have listened several thousand times.

This is a song that always inspires me and I like the lyrics and the music of this song. John Denver and his band Beatles and their songs are in my favorite lists. The 'Annie's Song'is a piece of work that the world will revere for a long. This is one of the most rated songs of the world history and I like it for the magical tone it has.

I listen to music almost every day and this song is in my music player. So I would say I listen to this music one in every two days on an average.

This particular song was sung by a gifted singer and the lyric is pretty impressive. The music and vocal was just perfect to make it a legendary song. I love it because of its appeal and magical power to me.


有趣的歌 Describe an interesting song you like

You should say:

What it is

Which country the song comes from

What story the song tells

And explain why you think it is interesting.

雅思口语Part 2范文:Both Of Us

主题:Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift


I really love music and over the years there are lot many songs that have come up to inspire me and help me to get out of the rut that I am living in. But, the one song that I really fell in love and have enjoyed over the years is, “Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift”.

The song is about the people who are trying to fulfill their dreams. It talks off their struggle, their emotions and how they feel when the world rejects them. The singer says that he is there for all of the people who are trying to fulfill their dreams. It is about how it is not about just lifting yourself from rut but also the people near you.

I love this song because in some ways it helps me to stay focused and move on towards my dreams. It is very motivating and the background music is amazing. I remember hearing this song on a loop when the days are tough and I am not able to do anything. Because it is on these days that I can fully relate with this song.

Most of the people hear to it, most probably the ones who are bothered about something or are trying hard to achieve something in their lives. It is that powerful, that strong, that you can actually feel powered hearing it.

雅思口语|Part1: Music 音乐

1 stay highly focus 高度集中

When the workload is too heavy that requires me to stay highly focus, music is a huge distractor. 工作任务重的时候我需要告诉集中。音乐会让我很分心。

2 instrumental music 纯音乐

Unlike many people who likes listening to instrumental music because it highly benefits for their concentration and study, in my case the music makes me feel instantly sleepy. 不像其他人一样,他们喜欢听纯音乐,因为他们能够集中注意力。而对我来说纯音乐只会让我犯困。

3 cheerful music 欢快的音乐

I usually listen to cheerful music when I need motivation while sad music is my go-to choice during emotional days. 我通常在需要激励的时候,喜欢听欢快的音乐;在情绪化的时候,悲伤的音乐是我的首选。

4 music taste 音乐品味

My music taste varied widely from West to East and

from the 1990s to modern time. 我喜欢的音乐种类比较多,从西方到东方,从上世纪九十年代到现在。

5 passionate 热情的,激昂的

The more I know about Korean pop, the more passionate I've become. 韩国的流行歌我听得越多,就会变得越有热情。

6 fluctuate 波动

As the music changes, my mood also fluctuates. 当音乐改变的时候,我的心情也在波动。

雅思口语Part 2范文模板:一首怀旧老歌

Describe a song that reminds you of a particular stage in life

You should say:

what is it about

who is the singer of this song

when you first heard it

and explain why this song has a special meaning to you.



3.  故事  线:我妈妈经常给我唱一首催眠曲,我小时候听过这么多次,至今记忆犹新。这首歌通常在我国农村地区很有名,母亲经常用它来安抚婴儿并让他们入睡。


My mother often sang me a lullaby titled "Oh my sweet angel look the Moon has come to play with you…” in my bedtime and I have heard it so many times in my childhood that I can still remember it very vividly. This was a song usually famous in the rural area of our country that mothers often use to soothe the baby and to send them to sleep. It was an 8-10 lines song with great harmony and the way my mother sand it was extraordinary. It still echoes in my head and I miss those days.

I can remember my mother often sand this song till I got admitted in the school and I heard it from my father as well in my bedtime. I was pretty touched by the lyrics and in my childhood, I often imagined that the verses used in this song were true and would happen to me as well.

We often remember things from childhood especially the stories or songs we hear with great enthusiasm. This song was no exceptions. I heard it hundreds of times and as a child I fanaticized those things to be true. Thais is the main reason I still remember it. Maybe, someday when I will become a father/ mother, I will sing thins song to my children as well. This has in fact become a permanent memory and I still love the great and calming piece of music.

雅思口语Part2范文:有趣的歌曲相关  文章  :

★  雅思口语Part2答案范文:最喜欢的歌手

★  雅思口语part23事物类话题范文汇总

★  雅思口语part2范文:第一次吃的东西

★  人物类雅思口语话题part2高分范文

★  雅思口语part2范文:谈一部你喜欢的电影

★  雅思口语Part2新题范文:去过的大城市

★  雅思口语part2范文:Describeaproductadvertisement

★  雅思口语part2话题之故事

★  雅思口语Part2话题范文:喜欢的电视剧

★  雅思口语part2范文:电视节目


衣服是大家生活中比较常见的用品,那么大家知道雅思口语喜欢的衣服怎么描述吗?下面我给大家带来雅思口语新题part2配  范文  之:喜欢穿的衣服,来参考学习吧!


雅思口语part2 Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing

You should say:

Where you bought it

How often you wear it

What it is like

And explain why you enjoy wearing it

Part 3

What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?

Do the people living in south China (warmer) wear different clothes from the people living in the north (colder)?

Do you think students like to wear uniforms?

When do people wear formal clothes?


Well, I would like to tell you about a pair of ripped jeans that are my favorite item among all the things I have in my wardrobe.

You know, I bought them for an unbelievably cheap price a long time ago in a second-hand clothing store. At that point, ripped jeans were really popular and everybody in my school was keen on them. So, whenever I put these jeans on, I felt really stylish and thought I really stood out from the crowd. After a while though, trends started to change, but I refused to abandon my jeans. I wore them almost everywhere, from home to school and only changed them for formal events such as a ceremony or a wedding. Sometimes I even slept in my jeans because they were so comfortable.

Actually, it is quite easy to understand why I fancy these jeans so much. Firstly, they instantly create a stylish and fashionable look for the wearer. Secondly, jeans are easy to mix and match and I can wear them with heaps of different shirts without worrying about looking ridiculous in other people’s eyes. And lastly, denim is so tough that it can’t be torn, so I can have them for a long time and save a great deal of money.

All in all, I love my jeans and cannot get through a day without them. I think such an item should be made trendy again so that the youngsters nowadays can really get to know their awesomeness.


What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?

Older people are often uninterested in fashion and more interested in what looks good on them or what is comfortable. They want you to say “you look very nice” rather than “that is a nice outfit”. They often find the idea of “fashion” a manipulaton to make people buy more stuff.

Fashion is for the young. Older people already have a full closet of things they like.

Do the people living in south China (warmer) wear different clothes from the people living in the north (colder)?

Do you think students like to wear uniforms?

The vast majority of kids don't want to wear school uniforms. The reasons why kids don't want to wear school uniforms are diverse, from School Uniforms Are Ugly,Uniforms Aren't Flattering to School Uniforms Restrict Individuality.

When do people wear formal clothes?

雅思口语话题part 2思路拓展:喜欢穿的衣服

Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing

You should say:

Where you bought it

How often you wear it

What it is like

And explain why you enjoy wearing it






女人的衣柜里永远少一件衣服,这句话是我的一个朋友的  名言  。好吧,我觉得衣服还是少而精比较好,我很看中材质,我几乎都是纯棉的衣服。我喜欢那种简洁的风格,素色的基本款,所以我经常去逛无印良品。








4、听到一个问题练习迅速用一些泛泛的  句子  去回答,以赢得时间思考答案,比如开头可以回答:

Different people have different opinions. Some believe... while others hold...


“通常情况下我晚上需要工作,有时周末也工作,所以我没办法按时参加雅思的备考课程。这样的话,我自己如何能在家提高口语水平呢?我在哪里可以找到一些实用的考试题呢? 该如何提高我的发音和流畅水平呢?”


不管有无错误,如果你不进行大量口语练习,你就不会在口语水平上取得真正的进步。你练习得越多,口语就会变得越容易。 如果你尽可能多地练习口语,你的口语水平很快就会得到迅速提高。


如果你不能与母语为英语的人的谈话也不必担心。 你也可以自己独自练习口语。 虽然独自练习口语的时候没有人回应你的谈话,但是只要开口练习,你就能有机会去尝试用不同的方式来说话,而这也将增强你的信心。同时这也会弥补你在词汇量和语法上的缺点,让你以这种集中的方式学习新的单词和语法结构。





阅读一篇关于任何话题报纸  文章  ,并给出简短的摘要。



改进发音最重要的  方法  就是练习听力。通常,语言学习者在领会到各个发音的区别之前,都想尝试发出正确的读音。

如何能够听出这些发音的区别呢?一种方法就是对广播或电视节目(如:新闻)录音30秒。 然后自己重述,以此来对比自己的发音与广播电视节目里发音的不同。


当你练习发音时,学习如何连读尤其困难。当一个单词是以辅音结束而下一个单词是以元音开始的时候,这时两个单词可以连读。 在“jumps over”中,第一个单词的结尾辅音应与下一个单词的元音连读。 例如,“She works in an old office”听起来的发音应该是“She work-si-na-nol-doffice.”


幸运的是,随着你发音的改进,你的听力理解能力也会大有进步。一旦你能够区分相似发音或学会连读,理解  英语口语  就只是小菜一碟了!



与是否可以正确发音比起来,流利程度与心理因素有更多关系。 要做到流利,你需要对自己的词汇量以及将每个单词以合乎语法的顺序组合起来有足够的信心。

换句话说, 流利就是非常自信地用英语表达自己。 为有效增加自信和提高流利程度,你需要通过大量工作来提高你的词汇量和语法知识。以下是适用于提高口语测试第2部分(二分钟谈话)的一种方法:


录音完毕后再听录音。 你的英文听起来流利吗? 你能否找出单词或语法错误?应该如何改正?

接下来,重复同一话题2分钟的谈话。 这一次,尽量试着不要停顿,更改或者重复。




我的一个学生利用这个方法,口语能力有了很大提高。 他还扮演考官来问自己第1、3部分的问题,然后自己再作为考生来回答问题。他对第1、3部分的问题和答案进行了录音,然后又找出了语法和措辞的不当之处。

当对第3部分进行练习时,他还针对回答提出了后续问题。在第3部分的练习中提出后续问题,是模拟考官思维的一种很好的方式。 因为在对考官的问题进行预测时,你会得到更大的提高,你会开始对第三部分没有被提及的问题给出更多的信息。




很多考生会在备考时背诵很多口语模板,但是一旦考试时遇到原题你完全按照背诵的模板来回答,反而不一定能得到比较好的分数。一方面,考官一听就知道你是不是背的,有些考官会不喜欢背诵的模板;另一方面,背出来的  文章  明显带有书面的感觉,跟口头表达是比较不一样的。因此,雅思口语的模板大家可以背诵,比如有一些  句子  确是很好的套句,既能帮你赢得思考时间,又不显得很刻板;但是考试时一定要灵活,巧妙地利用才能帮助你取得高分,这里给大家推荐一些雅思口语part2万能开头。


一、 提到考官,使之与话题联系在一起

在谈到“Describe a hobby you have”这一话题时,一位考生是这样开场的:

Today I am going to talk about collecting postcards—a hobby that is both fascinating and financially rewarding. I would like to explain the basic kinds of collectible postcards, why they are so valuable, and how collectors buy and sell their cards.


It’s Saturday morning,and you are helping clean out your grandmother’s house.After working a while,you stumble upon a trunk,open it,and discover hundreds of old postcards.Thinking about getting to your driving lesson on time, you start tossing the cards into the trash can.Congratulations!You have just thrown away a year’s tuition.


二、 强调话题的重要性

在谈到“Describe a traffic jam you had experienced before”这一话题时,一位考生的开场白值得大家借鉴:

Traffic jams are more than a nuisance.They are a worldwide economic problem.In Guangzhou alone,they cost 12 million yuan each year.In major U.S.cities,they are responsible for more than 21 billion liters of wasted fuel and 68 billion dollars in lost productivity.Traffic jams will soon cost the British economy more than 20 billion pounds sterling a year.


三、 让考官惊讶

有时,令人惊讶的事实能够马上提高我们的兴趣。如以下一位考生的开场白,他在描述“an outdoor activity”前,先介绍了疾病的可怕:

As I speak today, there is a silent killer hiding near here.Who is this silent killer?Not a robber.Not a thief.Not a criminal. It is high blood pressure.


雅思口语优秀  范文  之  教育  变化


What changes took place in education in your country over the past decade?



Well, everything is changing, so is education.

The most important change that took place over the past decade is this.

1. increased admission

It seems to me that more and more people are now able to go to college while in the past the competition was much stronger.

College admission is opening up, and this is a direct result of the state policy.

The consequence is that many students who have not reached the level of university education are also allowed to sit in the college classroom, therefore the quality of education has been declining.

2. master’s degree/overseas education

It is because this problem that an increasing number of people are pursuing more education after college graduation. These options include master’s program and possibly overseas education, just like what I’m doing right now. We’re fed up with the boring routine life in college, and we’re fighting for a better future for ourselves.

3. increased tuition

Unfortunately, not every child would have the opportunity to continue their education after college. Why? Simply because going to school is so costly.

The tuition has been almost tripled over the past decade and this presented serious financial pressure that some families cannot handle. So some of my classmates have to drop out just because their families ran short of money. Human tragedy! I’m lucky. My mom and dad are making enough money, so I can even go to college in Canada. But I’m not taking this for granted, I’ll be eternally grateful to them.

4. Private training institution

Wherever there’s need, there’s a solution. As more families realized the importance of making education investment in their kids, training demands has been soaring over the past 10 years. Private training institutions such as New Oriental flourished. So as long as you want you will always find a place to study and a class schedule that fits you. Opportunities for personal improvement are many.


A Success You Would Like to Achieve

Describe something that you would like to succeed in doing.

You should say:

- what it is

- how difficult you think it would be

- what you should do to prepare for this

and explain why you want to succeed in doing this.

Part 3

What's your understanding of the word, "success"?

Do you think having lots of money equals success?

At what age do you think people are most eager to be successful? (Why?)

Who do you think works harder (at trying to be successful), old people or young people?

Do you think it's important for everyone to feel that they have had some successes in life?

Do you think it's a good idea to reward children after they achieve a significant success (such as high grades in a test)?

What do Chinese parents mean when they say their son or daughter is "successful"?

What are the benefits of success?

Are there any negative results of success? (Hint: The envy of others.)

Has the great financial success of some famous people ever made you feel envious? (Who? Why?)

How should parents reward their children for success, for example, for doing very well in exams at school?

Do you think this kind of reward is very effective?

Do you think rewards such as that are important (= necessary)?

How do teachers in China reward students for doing well? (What do you think is the best way for teachers to reward students?)

Do you think teachers should praise children when the children do well in school?

How would you (= how do you) define a successful teacher?

Who has the greater influence on children, teachers or parents?

How do bosses in China reward employees for a job well done?

Do you think financial rewards at work are the only or the best way for companies to reward employees?


I want to learn how to drive recently. I bet it would be a hard time of learning how to drive since you have to prepare a bunch of things. First, you have to remember all the traffic rules and take a test before you touch the car. And then, taking driving lessons in a driving training school is a must. Only in this way can you take a final test and get a driving license. But the hardest part is when you drive in daily life because it is hard to get used to the real situation compared with practicing in the driving school.

People always equate driving with freedom and opportunities, and I agree. Knowing how to drive can bring people a lot of convince. For example, without a car you can't take a job that is not on a bus line. Without a car, you can't hang out with friends late at night, since there is no bus after 10:30 in Beijing. But when I succeed in driving I can ignore those issues.


Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.

You should say:

- what animal it was

- where you saw it

- what happened when you saw it

and explain why you thought it was interesting.

Part 3


Do you think zoos are good or bad?

Do you think it's cruel to keep wild animals in zoos?

Why do you think so many cities have zoos?

In your opinion, what features should a good zoo have?

Do you think zoos might disappear in the future?

What future developments do you think we will see concerning zoos?

The Protection of Wild Animals

Why do you think wild animals should be protected?

In what ways does human activity result in the extinction (or near extinction) of some animal species?

At present, many animals are already facing extinction. How do you think average citizens could (help) protect wild animals?

Why do you think films or books for children so often include animals?


I found there was a bat nest in my balcony recently, and one night I happened to see they flew across the patio under our apartment and hover in the sky. I was shocked, because it was dark outside but they knew exactly where to go without mistakes. Moreover, they went out only at night.

I thought bats are interesting not because they can fly in the dark since I know they are nocturnal animals. I always think the ability which aids bats fly and prey capture is their unusual eye-sight, like another nocturnal animal, owls. But the truth is because of their echolocation. Bat echolocation is a perceptual system where ultrasonic sounds are emitted specifically to produce echoes. By comparing the outgoing pulse with the returning echoes the brain and auditory nervous system can produce detailed images of the bat's surroundings. This allows bats to detect, localize and even classify their prey in complete darkness.


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