







介绍段内容几乎完全不用创新,就是对题目文字部分的第二段做改写,paraphrase therubric。所谓改写,要么换词,要么换句式。


The charts below give information about travel to and from theUK and most

(1) (2)

popular countries for UK residents to visit.


(1)图 The charts

图:chart, graph, diagram(雅思写作中完全等价,无差别)

线:line / curve chart

柱图:bar / column graph

饼:pie diagram

表:table / statistics / figures

(2)动词“表明”give information about

介绍段是客观描述,用一般现在时态,give informationabout虽然在这篇作文中最好不再用,但是informallearning,随手学到的东东,留作其它文章再用。替换的词语和结构很多,比如我常用的reveal / indicate /demonstrate,大家也可以选几个自己喜欢并且拼写准确的形成风格,年轻时多尝试,年纪大了就要形成风格啦,三个就够,多了白搭,还是那句话,博大不如精深。

第二段其余部分的替换因题而异,比如travel换成visit,theUK换成Britain(注意不是England,英格兰只是Britain的一部分),popular换成fashionable,country换成nation,UKresidents to visit换成UKtourists。不过随着练习作文数量的增加,你会惊喜的发现,雅思图表作文,连描述的对象都是类似的。




The line chart reveals that … and the bar graph indicates that…(分别描述两幅图,形成风格哦,第一幅图用chart,第二副图用graph,第一幅图reveal,第二副图indicate,也许你写的所有文章都类似,但考官只有机会欣赏一篇啊。)


… is revealed in the line chart and … is indicated in the bargraph.

One possible answer:

The line chart reveals visits to and from Britain and the bargraph indicates most fashionable nations for UK tourists in1999.





According to the line chart,

As is shown in the line chart,

The line chart shows that …


On the other hand等等


顺承:also, besides, in addition

转折:however, on the other hand, conversely

其它:meanwhile / in the same time, similarly, in particular


你好, 雅思写作考试中的图表作文语言很大程度要依赖于图表的形式,然而,掌握了图表题的特定语言并不能保证写作任务的完成,更不能等同于高分作文。想要取得雅思小作文的高分就取决于图标描述的逻辑结构上,今天为大家整理了雅思高分图标写作范文,供同学们参考。

The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.


The bar chart shows how much money was spent on fast foods per week in the UK over a span of 20 years from 1970 to 1990 while the graph reveals the trend of fast food consumption over the same period of time.


As we can see from the chart, the weekly expenses of people of different income levels on hamburgers and fish and chips were relatively higher than that on pizza. The graph indicates that while hamburger and pizza consumption both revealed a general trend of increase, fish and chips showed a trend of fluctuation.


First, the weekly average expenses of high-income people and middle-income people were 42 pence and 33 pence respectively, a lot higher than that of low-income people which was 14 pence. As for fish and chips, high-income people spent relatively less, only 17 pence, but the expenses of middle-income and low-income groups reached 25 pence and 18 pence, much higher than their expenses on pizza which stood at 12 pence and 8 pence respectively. What is worth mentioning is the amount of money spent on pizza by high-income people which showed only 20 pence, 2 pence more than their expense on fish and chips.


Second, starting from averagely 85 grams per week in 1970, people’s consumption of hamburgers gradually grew to 100 grams in 1975 and was then followed by a faster growth, reaching more than 200 grams in around 1983. From then on, the growth gained a stronger momentum, hitting the peak across the board at 550 grams in 1990.


Third, the consumption of pizza revealed a similar trend of growth as that of hamburgers and could also be clearly cut into three periods, though the growth rate was not that fast. It rose slowly from 40 grams per week in 1970 to 80 grams in 1980 and then grew faster from 80 grams in 1980 to 130 grams in 1985. From 1985, the growth rate was even faster and we see a big increase from 130 grams to 280 grams.


Fourth, the consumption of fish and chips showed three changes in the general trend of fluctuation. From 1970 to 1975, it dropped slowly from the original 300 grams per week in 1970 to 280 grams in 1975. Later on, from 1975 to 1985, it dropped a little bit faster when it fell from 280 grams to 200 grams. From then on, it began to rise gradually and till 1990, it had climbed back to 240 grams.


To sum up, the consumption of the three above mentioned fast foods in Britain showed certain rises and falls as illustrated in the chart and graph over the designated 20 years.



求一篇雅思小作文 图表作文150字




The graph shows us the amount of water used by three different sectors and the change of them between 1900 and 2000. As far as we can see in the graph, water used for agriculture use made up the largest proportion, which increased substantially from about 500 km3 to 3000 km3. The same increase was also happened to water used by industrial and domestic use, although the change of these two sectors was far less than agriculture’s. Water used for these two sectors began to increase in 1950, before when the quantity of them was growing steadily. Up to the year of 2000, water used for industrial use raised to almost 1000 km3 and approximate 500 km3 water was used for domestic use, the quantity of which also grew slower than industrial use.

