





I treasure thefriendship of a friend inneed.^我珍视患难中的友情。

A true friendwill always be there when youneed a shoulder to lean on.^真正的朋友是在你需要肩膀依靠的时候,他总在你身边。

The only way tohave a friend is to be one.^获得朋友的唯一方法是要先成为别人的朋友。

For me,friendship is one of the mostvaluable possessions in the world.^对我来说,友情是世界上最珍贵的财富之一。

The traditionalChinese believe that agentleman should be able to die for his friends.^中国传统认为,士为知己者死。/(真正的绅士能够为朋友去死)。

To build upfriendship needs the efforts onboth sides.^建立友谊需要双方的努力。

People like tomake friends with those whohave similar interests.^人们通常和有相似兴趣的人交朋友。

Pouring outtroubles to friends is a goodway of easing off pressure.^向朋友倾诉烦恼是减轻压力的一个好方式。

A true friendwill not stand by when you arein trouble.^真正的朋友不会在你有困难的时候袖手旁观。

Infriendship,loyalty may be the mostimportant thing.^在友情里,忠诚最重要。

Friendship is acomfy situation like home.^友情就像家庭一样给人带来舒适。

Friendship is aninner relationshipcombining trust, support, communication, loyalty andunderstanding.^友谊是包含信任、支持、沟通、忠诚和理解的深层(内部)关系。





I always worehand-me-downs when I was a little girl.^当我还是个小姑娘的时候.我经常穿旧衣服。

I like baggypants because they are comfortable.^我喜欢穿宽大的裤子,因为穿起来舒服。

I do not likeskintight clothes.^我不喜欢紧身衣。

I admire thefashionable clothes on fashion magazines, but I won't wear them.^我欣赏时尚杂志上的时装.但是我不会穿它们。

Clothesdemonstrated on fashion shows are not intended for everyday use.^时装秀上演示的服装并不是为了日常使用。

Differentoccasions require you to wear different clothes.^不同的场合你应该穿着不同的衣服。

You should wearformal clothes on important occasions to be polite.^在重要的场合你应该穿正式服装以示礼貌。

Young people arekeen for fashion.^年轻人热衷于时尚。

Nowadays peoplehave more choices for clothes than ten years ago.^现在的人较10年前在服装上有了更多的选择。

China is a greatmanufacturer and exporter of clothes.^中国是一个大的服装生产国和出口国。

Clothes made ofcotton are healthier than those made of synthetic materials.^棉质的衣服比合成材料做的衣服更有益于健康。

Old people aremore conservative about what to wear.^老年人在穿衣上更保守。




and 在表达两个并列关系的分句,或者承接前后内容,“and”是广泛考生们选择使用的一个单词。通篇以and进行连接,有时候想不到什么内容,很多考生也会使用这个单词。看起来很单调不是吗?那么如何去美化呢? 雅思考官建议可以使用“Just……, also……”这样的句型。举个简单的例子,We need to exercise the body and the mind.这是普遍考生会采取的说法,利用雅思考官的句型,可以变成“Just as we need to exercise the body, we also need to exercise the mind.”于是句子看起来复杂很多,句型结构也很漂亮。又如:Just as inpiduals can learn from their mistakes, societies can (also)...所以想要表达and,不妨试试这样的结构。


说到举例子,考生们反应是for example / instance,take sth. for instance,这些词汇可以说是老生常谈了,如何有新意呢?不如试试用“From what I've read in the newspapers,...”、“From what I've heard / seen / experienced,...”这类的句型吧。一方面,增加了你语言的和表达的多样性,另一方面,也使得你的论述更有说服力,从报纸上看来的或者是自己亲身经历或者身边人发生过的。考官有时候也更喜欢听考生们自己的故事,这也就是为什么现在雅思口语考试出现越来越多的描述故事的口语题。


由于雅思口语中,有些问题是很有争议性的没有标准答案的题目,有些题目甚至涉及的域是考生们所不熟悉的,那么针对这类情况,难道考生一直说I’m not sure.或者I don’t know.吗?学学以下的表达吧:“If I had to guess what might happen in the future, I'd like to think that...”或者“If I had to give my opinion, I'd say...”又用了口语中的句型,虚拟语气,同时也显得十分的客观。


1.Are there many people living near you?

Yes, and they will say hello when they bump into each other anyway. But it can be annoying because gossip gets out everywhere here and everyone will know about it so it kinda sucks sometimes.

2.Do you know (all) your neighbours?

My neighbors are weird and get into lots of complicated situations that usually involve some one get hurt. Their family is complicated as their dad died and their mom is scatterbrained and remarried a guy who has kids of his own so now they have 5 or 6 kids. One of them is in college and only one of the remaining people are normal. So we don't talk to them much. They also throw big parties that keep me up all night.

3.How often do you see (or talk to) your neighbours?

I live in north east Scotland and i have good neighbours. we all chat over the wall and sometimes stand there for ages talking. Some we nip in and out of for coffee now and then. We are never in each other's faces all the time but we look out for one anothers houses if we're on holiday or such like.

Of course the smaller the town the better. In my town you can't go down the street without meeing a few people you know.

4.Do you think it's important to know your neighbours?

Yes. I would prefer to stay at a place where even if people know each other but still respect each other's privacy and do not gossip or snitch about each other.

5.How well do you know your neighbours?

I don't like my neighbours at all, they are very noisy, nosy, rude people, i can hear them screaming at their kids calling them bad names (although we live in a good neighbourhood), they run very loud music as well. If i run into any of my neighbours in the elevator, i don't open any talk, just "Hi" that's it. Only the people in the 2nd floor are nice respectful people. I wish i had more good neighbours to be friend with.

6.Do you think it's important for a person to have a good relationship with their neighbours?

My neighbours are all grown up and are very kind. The benefits of having a good relationship with my neighbors is that we can make a new friend, share stories about our lives to improve them, to learn from them, etc. Not everyone can enjoy their neighbors, some people have strange, loud, neighbors. I would rather have older people as my neighbours because I like the peacefulness in a neighbour hood. I don't like all the ruckus.

7.What do you think of your neighbours?

My neighbours are great, we all get on very well and often socialise together, if one of us has a barbecue we invite one another around but we don't live in each other's pockets. This is a fantastic place to live, I got lucky when I moved in here.

8.What kind of people are your neighbours?

Nosey, Annoying, Has to know everything, sits on the porch and watches us do yardwork, has to know everyone's business. Well, just that kind of neighbor.

9.Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbours in your neighbours' homes?

Almost never. We have terrific neighbors and we want to keep it that way. We chat in the yard and gather outside. We help one another with the shoveling in the winter. We loan out our garden tools to one another. We even bring each other cookies at the holidays. But we don't visit in one another's homes often.

10.How (well) do you get along with your neighbours?

My neighbor spies on me, I wonder why. When I step outside I always see my neighbor behind the curtain watching me. I went last week to ask why and he denied it. I just laughed and walked away. He is over 65. I think he's bored but still bad behavior.

11.What are the benefits of having good relationships with one's neighbours?

You have to co-exist with them so why not be friendly. They can be a natural support to you and yours when and if needed, and vise versa. You have a community that shares life with you.

12.What sorts of problems (conflicts) can people have with their neighbours?

There are many: rave music full-blast till 6am, gangs fighting in the streets, throwing glass bottles at neighbours, throwing furniture through the windows...

13.In what ways can neighbours help each other?

By keeping an eye on each others properties for signs of trouble (break-ins).

Taking in the mail for a neighbor when they're away on vacation.

Helping with odd jobs around the yard.

Sharing things with each other (tools,garden equipment,household stuff...etc.).

Starting up a neighborhood watch program.

14.Have you ever asked a neighbour for help?

Never. I am too shy to go and ask my neighbors, because I don't like when people say no to me in front of my face.

15.Would you prefer to have young people as your neighbours, or old people?

Older people normally don't give too much trouble for neighbors because they don't listen to loud music, they don't throw big parties, they use to bring us a piece of cake when they bake it (it's really nice!) and when neighbors are younger or just have kids you're vulnerable to all sort of unexpected things, such as their music, parties, fights, but to compensate that they bring a lot of joy to the block. In fact, I think the problem is not really if the neighbors are younger or older, but if they are respectful and have consideration for the others living around. I have three neighbors, three young men who start party on Thursday and it goes until Sunday. The problem is not their party, but their bad taste for music and the fact that they have only one CD that they play a thousand times in a row. Nobody deserves it!



1. Describe your favorite transport. 2. Describe an old person who has influenced you most. 3. Describe the favorite gift you have ever received. 4. Describe something made by yourself. 5. Describe a famous person you know. 6. Describe a room in your home which you like most. 7. Describe a river / lake / sea you like. 8. Describe your favorite clothes / jewelry. 9. Describe a school you used to study in. 10. Describe a town / vi123ge you have visited.



