






What food do you like?

What food don’t you like?

Which restaurant is your favorite?


Are bicycles popular in China or in your hometown?

Has the number of bicycle riders in China changed much in the past few years?

How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle?

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of bicycles compared to cars?

Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?


Do people in your country celebrate birthdays? How?

Do u think it is important for people to celebrate them?

How did you celebrate your last birthday?

Is the birthday more important for adults or young people


Do you often write emails?

What are the advantages of writing emails?

What types of emails/letters do you write, business or personal? Which one is hard?

What’s the difference between letters and emails?


What kinds of museums are popular in China?

What can people learn from these places?

Do you think that people should pay money to go to museums?

How can a museum attract people?


Do you like parties?

Whose party do you like, friends’or parents’?

What is the difference between formal and informal party?

What do you wear to a party?

Do Chinese people often hold parties?

On what occasions do Chinese people have parties?


do you like swimming?

when did you learn to swim?

where do people swim?

what are the benefits of swimming?


What do you do with internet?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?

Do you think that life is better with the internet?

When did you begin to use the internet?

What’s the influence of the internet on you?

Living place

Do you live in a house or a flat?

What is there on the wall?

What can you see from the windows of your home?


What do people grow in park?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of parks?

What do people do in the park?


Do you like taking photos?

On what kind of situations do you take photos?

Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?


Do you like drawing?

What are the benefits of drawing?

What are the benefits of drawing for adults?


Do you think the art is important to life?

Can you give an example of arts you learn?

What kind of art do you like?

What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?

What kind of art are you good at?


When did you begin to read newspaper?

What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers?













话题后面的数字是妙语连珠那本书中的页码。全国考题都一样。请大家注意:这些考题平均的分配在2-4天口语考试中,在各地出现时间不等。例如,可能北京周日下午出historical place, 在济南有可能周六下午出现。这个是不一定的。完全由考官决定。



A change you would like to make to your life in the future

TV program/radio program 这个是任选其一

historical place=long journey=travel 历史古迹 183页


an interesting lecture or speech

family member you spend most time with妙语中有

a change in your life妙语中有

advertisement you saw妙语中有

a course you want to learn=something you would like to learn (131页)

a case that you had to wait (一次等待的情况,可以说堵车)=a time that you were caught in the trffic jam

favorite song in your childhood

an activity in childhood妙语中有

good news you heard from the phone/interesting news

a gift/present you gave to others (92页)

something that is good for your health(这个可以说原来准备过的体育运动介绍, 或者找个新奇的内容来说)

a sports event you watched (看过的体育赛事282页)

An organization (一个机构214页) 非常非常重要

An important stage in life(人生的重要阶段278,232页)

a piece of interesting news you saw on TV or read on newspaper221页(认真准备)

a game in childhood(童年玩过的游戏224页,这个话题最好与toy准备成一个,这样可以省时间)

a good friend 妙语中有

a piece of advice you got from others 286页

a good cook you know(同学们要认真准备啊)

Describe a sculpture or work of art that you have seen.80页

你羡慕的家庭a family (not your own) you admire


Describe an educational visit that you made when you were in school.

You should say:

where you went

who you went with

what you did there

and explain what you learned on this trip.

Describe your success.138,286页

You should say:

what it was

what it happened

how easy or difficult it was to achieve

























四季(favorite season)






















Describe a place that you have been to that has a lot of water.

You should say:

where this place is

what people do at this place

why ( when) you went there

and explain whether you like this place or not.

My hometown is famous for springs. In the centre of our city, there are a group of springs located together. They all flow into one lower pool. People name it Black Tiger Spring. It has become a symbol for my city and attracted crowds of local citizens and tourists.

Summer is the best time to visit the spring, especially on a hot day, because spring water makes the air cool down, plus there are trees providing shelters. All these have contributed to the popularity of this place. People living nearby like to come to fetch spring water. It’s also a paradise for fishing lovers. Old men could spend a whole morning there fishing. They seem to enjoy themselves a lot. At weekends, English learners come and get together to have English corner. Calligraphy lovers practice writing characters on the ground with a huge brush pen and spring water as ink.

A few decades ago, there were even more springs flowing. For one time, the rapid developing industries consumed a lot of water. Some springs therefore become dry. However, in recent years, the local government has been working on reconstructing the city’s underground water system to make dried springs flow again. They did a good job. Springs now come back into our life.

I was there last July. It rained slightly that day, which made the trip kind of romantic, as you could see rain needles dipping into the water surface. I walked along the pool, feeling so peaceful in mind. I like the place, and I will go there again.

Part 3

Water Usage

Do you think people use more water today than they did before (e.g., 20 or 50 years ago)?

I think so. First of all, industry is the largest user of water. We are now having more industries. Industry requires a great amount of water. So, more water is being used. The second largest user of water is domestic use. People use more, drink more, and most sadly, waste more.

Do you think it's important to try to save (conserve) water? (Why?)

It is of vital importance for human beings to save water. We need water ? our lives depend on it. We all know that the world’s population is getting larger day by day. More water is being consumed. At the same time, there are many places on this world where people are suffering from lack of drinking water. Water is a precious resource. It is urgent to save water from being wasted.

How can people save water?

Water conservation has two aspects: one, use water efficiently so that there is enough for the needs of all living things; two, keep freshwater clean, so that it can continue to support life on Earth. As an ordinary citizen, I appreciate what my family does in saving water. We reuse used water. It’s simple. I’ve always believed that if every family devotes its own effort, water saving will no longer be a mission impossible.




1.Where is your hometown?

My hometown is on the south-east coast of Northern Ireland. It’s called Dundrum and it’s about 1 hour south of the capital city.

2.What do you like about it?

It’s an area of outstanding natural beauty and for me, one of the most beautiful places of earth. It has everything; fantastic beaches, rolling mountains, dense forests and picturesque countryside.

3.What do you not like about it?

It can be a little bit boring because it’s really tiny. There are only a few small shops and a couple of pubs and that’s it! In the summer, it’s OK because you can enjoy the outdoors but it would be nice to have a few more indoor facilities for the winter.

4.How often do you visit your hometown?

Not as much as I should. I only get to visit about once a year now to see my family because I’m really busy with work and it’s quite far away, but I hope to visit more in the future.

5.What’s the oldest part of your hometown?

There is an old Norman castle that sits on top of the highest hill of the town. It’s a ruin now, but there are some breathtaking views from it and it’s easy to see why they chose that site for a castle, because you can see for miles around.

6.Do many people visit your town?

Thousands of tourists visit every summer. They come from the capital city mostly to get away from the hustle and bustle and enjoy the peace and quiet. There are more and more international tourists visiting because lots of scenes from the TV show ‘Game of Thrones’ were shot just outside the village.

7.Is there any way your hometown could be made better?

As I said before, the best thing about the town is its rural beauty and you can’t really improve that. If I had to say something, it would be to improve the roads, they are in a terrible state and cause a few car accidents every year.


1. Where do you come from?

Well, I’m from HanDan, an inland city that is in the middle of China. It’s well known for its historical architecture. Also, many travellers like the traditional spicy food, which is a “must-eat” for visitors once they come to town.


2. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown?

Actually, there’re several must-see spots here, like the national museums, international shopping malls and other historical heritages. Well, I’d like to mention a place called Sai Kung, which is a famous fishing village. What’s more, there’re many roadside vendors selling different kinds of trinkets along the sea front.


3. What do you think needs to change in your hometown?

Um…traffic! Driving here can be a nightmare. I get stuck in the middle of the bumper-to-bumper traffic every day when I’m on my way to work. It drives me crazy and sometimes I’ve even thought of jumping out of the car and run! Well, fortunately, the newly built subway will be in service this year and I hope it really can help release the pressure on the road.

交通!在这开车简直就是噩梦。每天上班的路上我都被堵在 保险 杆相互碰撞的交通中。太让人抓狂了,有时候我甚至想跳出去跑着算了。幸运的是,新修的地铁明年就投入使用了,希望它能够缓解道路压力。

4. What do you like about your hometown?

I think you’ve probably heard of the vibrant nightlife in Beijing. In fact, I love enjoying my time with my friends here. And I think you should jump in the rush and experience the dynamic charm of this city too.


5. For you, what benefits are there to living in a big city?

Well, obviously, living in a large city brings me lots of convenience, well I mean, there’s a well-developed public transport network, like the subway, bus or even taxi. What’s more, I’m a shopaholic, I like shopping in fancy boutiques at shopping arcades and I’m quite sure that small grocery stores in a village can’t satisfy me.



1.Where is your hometown?/ Where do you come from?

I come from Guangzhou. My parents have been living here for the past thirty years or so. I grew up here and attended a well-known high school called Zhixin High School. We live in a nice area with many shops, restaurants, and other businesses.


2.What are the things you dislike about your hometown?

I guess the answer would be the economy. My hometown is not near the centre of the city,its economy is bad.Some areas are pretty run-down.Pepole in my hometown are not rich and the living condition is not very good.Even worsely its economy is shrinking instead of growing cas the peaches sell not very well in recent years.I think maybe the quality of the peaches drops is the reason,you know,its taste is not as good as before,so less and less people buy peaches.


3.Do you like your hometown?

Yep,I pretty like my hometown coz the environment there is beautiful and clean.you can hardly see any rubbish in the street.And the weather there is comfortable and extremely suit to live.moreover,the local residents are friendly and approachable.


4.What do you like about your hometown?

You know, my hometown is a famous fabulous seaside city—Zhuhai. It is famous for its beautiful beaches and delicious seafood. Besides, the cityscape is gorgeous. I really like my hometown not only because its beautiful landscape but also the laid back lifestyle.


5.Is that a big city or a small place?

It is the capital of Zhejiang province, but compared to others, it's not so big. I like it because there're many famous universities in the city, so sometimes I can go around there to enjoy the campus life with the students. Also, I can enjoy many public facilities, such as the big public libraries and many beautiful parks.


6.Please describe your hometown a little.

Well, I was born in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, which is situated in central part of China, and is divided by the nationality famous Yangtze River into three districts, namely Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang. Education is well-developed in Wuchang, as you may find most of universities and colleges.Hankou is the most prosperousand bustling of the three.And in Hanyang,IT industry and antipollution industry are developing at a fancy speed.

恩,我出生在武汉,湖北省的省会,位于中国的中心位置,并被举世闻名的长江分为三个地区,武昌,汉口和汉阳。武昌的 教育 发展很好,你可以发现大部分的大学和学院。汉口是三个区中最繁华的地区。在汉阳,IT产业和反污染产业正以飞速发展。

7.How long have you been living there?

I was born and raised here. Now, I've lived here for about twenty years. I love here because it's beautiful and clean and the people are friendly.


8.(Possibly)Do you like living there?

Absolutely yes! I love the palatable, delicate food and slow life pace there, and as I mentioned before, it’s a coastal city with many kinds of seafood, I deadly miss them since I have been working far away from my hometown now.


9.Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

No, I don’t think I will continue living here for a long time, coz I want to better myself in my career.



How has your hometown changed in recent years?


Well,my hometown was dirty before.But it is clean now and there are many tall buildings.(4分)










My hometown has experienced rapid growth in recent years.

The streets are wider and the buildings are cleaner.

In the past,the streets in my hometown were very narrow and the buildings were old and dirty.

However,because of the economic development due to tourism,the streets are now much wider and cleaner and the building are more modern.

Overall,I think this is a good development for my hometown.


1. Where do you come from?

Well, I’m from HanDan, an inland city that is in the middle of China. It’s well known for its historical architecture. Also, many travellers like the traditional spicy food, which is a “must-eat” for visitors once they come to town.


2. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown?

Actually, there’re several must-see spots here, like the national museums, international shopping malls and other historical heritages. Well, I’d like to mention a place called Sai Kung, which is a famous fishing village. What’s more, there’re many roadside vendors selling different kinds of trinkets along the sea front.


3. What do you think needs to change in your hometown?

Um…traffic! Driving here can be a nightmare. I get stuck in the middle of the bumper-to-bumper traffic every day when I’m on my way to work. It drives me crazy and sometimes I’ve even thought of jumping out of the car and run! Well, fortunately, the newly built subway will be in service this year and I hope it really can help release the pressure on the road.


4. What do you like about your hometown?

I think you’ve probably heard of the vibrant nightlife in Beijing. In fact, I love enjoying my time with my friends here. And I think you should jump in the rush and experience the dynamic charm of this city too.


5. For you, what benefits are there to living in a big city?

Well, obviously, living in a large city brings me lots of convenience, well I mean, there’s a well-developed public transport network, like the subway, bus or even taxi. What’s more, I’m a shopaholic, I like shopping in fancy boutiques at shopping arcades and I’m quite sure that small grocery stores in a village can’t satisfy me.



一、Hometown 家乡

East or west, home is the best.


The pace of life in my hometown is not very fast.


There’s some nice, Russian-style architecture there.


One drawback of my hometown is the crowded public transportation.


Without these traditional buildings, a city will lose its identity because all modern cities look so much alike.


My hometown is a medium-sized city located in the south-east part of China.


How could anyone ever resist falling love with such a beautiful city?


It is such a strong feeling that connects me to my hometown.


The West Lake is among the greatest attractions in my hometown.


My hometown is famous for its beautiful scenery.



big/medium/small-sized city 大 / 中 / 小城市

ancient city 古老的城市

international metropolitan 国际大都市

township 小镇

coastal city 海滨城市

prosperous 繁荣的

pace of life 生活节奏

sparsely-populated 人口稀疏的

densely-populated 人口密集的

capital city 省会城市

main attraction 主要景点

average income 平均收入

live a quite life 过着平静的生活

residential area 住宅区

municipal 市的,市立的

popular pastime 流行的消遣方式

outskirt 郊区

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